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19279555 No.19279555 [Reply] [Original]

>Dad wants me to apply to a Facebook WFH position
How do I tell him he’s a boomer retard with no foresight or understanding of how major corporations operate without coming across as ungrateful

>> No.19279618

>thats not how it works, boomer.

Then you gosht him 3 days straight

>> No.19279647

Without him knowing, get his personal Facebook account banned. He'll change his mind then.

>> No.19279669

Apply anyway

>> No.19279673

apply and let the results do the talking, quit being a little bitch

>> No.19279683

send dickpics to ur mom

>> No.19279768

Whats wrong with applying for a Facebook wfh position?

>> No.19279895

Just apply to shut him up

>> No.19279913

you sound like a faggot. Facebook doesn't want you anyways, don't bother applying.

>> No.19279973

Your dad is unironically based and knows that normie pussy will throw itself at you bc you "work at facebook" and they'll assume you're some high paid programmer instead of a WFH child porn monitoring droid.

Stop giving your old man a hard time and bring the man a beer you ungrateful faggot.

>> No.19280109

just apply OP. its a good habit to recklessly apply to things. every once in awhile they pay off. recruiters are fickle and incompetent people. if you have even a 0.1% chance of success, and you apply to 1000 jobs you're unqualified for, you might slip through the cracks. then if you can cling to that job for a solid 18 months (through trickery and weaseling), you're now suddenly qualified for a whole range of jobs. then you can bounce between them, "networking" until you land at some comfy white collar position that requires no work. its the American dream

>> No.19280140

to add onto to what im saying, one problem is that algos look over resumes, and only the "best" are forwarded to actual humans. but algos are stupid and you can cheat it. most of these algos are just hunting for keywords. most of these keywords are in the job description. your coverletter/resume should be a mess of jargon meant to trick the robots.
then, once you get to the human gatekeepers, you just have to hope they fuck up and give you an interview.
then you lay on the charm. you wink and smile and dance and maybe, just maybe, they forget how unqualified you are

>> No.19280220

Only helpful reply itt. I’ll apply on the off chance I land an interview, thanks anon

>> No.19280237

Actually good advice on /biz/? Amazing. Do this OP.