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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 66 KB, 498x415, _20170404_093819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1927718 No.1927718 [Reply] [Original]

I'm coming into a very large sum of money in 6-8months time. Im going to put it all into BTC so I don't spend it. Howmuch money would I need in order to be a whale?

Just a thought.

>> No.1927727

You would need literally millions to be even a small whale. Possibly tens of millions.

That is a terrible, terrible fucking idea. I hope you're kidding.

>> No.1927755

OP's pic is also a stupid idea. You waste more time getting it all down the drain than taking a proper dump.

>> No.1927764

>shitting in nugget form

/biz/ as fuck

>> No.1927776

OP If you get a lot of money my advice is to watch "The Gambler" and do exactly what John Goodman tells you to do with your money in that video, because it will lead you to a very happy life (hint: it isn't to gamble.).

>> No.1927794

If you have enough money to be a bitcoin whale:you should literally just buy a bunch of VOO or SPY and live off the dividends and maybe some of the return for the rest of your life.

>> No.1927837
File: 63 KB, 962x642, IMG_0465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. That movie is a master course in not getting killed by violent mobsters due to massive gambling debts.

>> No.1927846

Give me the BTC to hold. I'll make sure you'll NEVER spend it :^)

>> No.1927867

Put a quarter in mutual funds, half in robo investors, and a quarter as fun money for stocks.

>> No.1927876

All the world's bitcoins are currently worth about $18 billion so to be a whale you'd want to have about 2-3% of that share. You sure you're going to have enough money?

>> No.1927902

I will watch this. Also howlong does a BTC wallet address stay active for? There's one anon I like in one of the threads. I'd like to send him a nice amount of BTC but not sure if it will expire or if it will work in over half a years time.

>> No.1927909

Addresses last forever. As long as the user has access to their private keys, they can get the funds out of the wallet forever.

This one (that I just created) will now last forever: 15GDq8oMfeVRk1Wk6MbcVEoUmpEBZ5R8Au

That's part of the beauty of cryptos.

>> No.1928056

aslong as he has not forgotten/lost the private key he'll be able to acess the funds.

>> No.1928653

laxatives my dude