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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.19270073

First for Jesus.

>> No.19270093

First for OP is a faggot

>> No.19270096

Third for Jesus and anime.

>> No.19270098

Second for the crab market.

>> No.19270099
File: 115 KB, 327x333, screams and autisms externally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write MSFT right when it jumps to +.2 for a second
>Goes down a bit
>Jumps right back to +1$ as of right now

>> No.19270106
File: 172 KB, 800x1244, 1589568041187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and animepilled

>> No.19270107

you first have to look at the volatility, anything below 20 is good, anything above 20--30 is shit
then you look at the volume, which is zero, only retailers and robots are on the market, then you have to look at the direction, which is none because big players are still waiting, then you look at the price and everything is too high, especially considering financial reports will get worse.

then there is still US election, which increases volatility. So 2020 is probably fucked.

>> No.19270113

gay and filtered

>> No.19270114

Which one of you bought HUYA?

>> No.19270117

When are we putting the nhentai link back in the OP? I need it for research

>> No.19270119
File: 82 KB, 300x250, christian gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tbqh

>> No.19270120

Absolutely based. Stay in the Light of Our Lord bros.

>> No.19270123

I only buy pure american tech companies.

>> No.19270129

QQQ is objectively superior to SPY, I don’t know why you retards still pay attention to that boomer “total market” bullshit. Tech is the future.

>> No.19270132

>everything related to oil is going to shit again including the price of oil

>> No.19270135

I thought volatility was good? Ir is it that prices are high as well as volatility

>> No.19270136
File: 128 KB, 1280x853, cloth-napkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your second favourite board /biz/onauts?

>> No.19270140


>> No.19270141

>falling for the oil meme
no wait I did too!

>> No.19270142
File: 34 KB, 434x341, 1530118769837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long sports and real women

short anime and future trannies

>> No.19270144
File: 29 KB, 588x119, fyi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone may need this reminder.

>> No.19270149
File: 557 KB, 400x400, AAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plug the server back in TD AHHHHHH

>> No.19270152

I bet >>19270113 is a faggot permabull because he got burned shorting on the way up.

>> No.19270154

/sp/ here

>> No.19270155

Any reccomendations to find to god?

>> No.19270156


>> No.19270162

No, I'm a trader. I don't marry stocks or indices.

>> No.19270163
File: 1.66 MB, 868x1236, god and anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get in on thinkorswim.

>> No.19270168


is losing all your money a sport

>> No.19270170

Everytime it happens a faggot replaces it with the suicide prevention shit and posts a new thread about 30 posts before the bump limit is reached.

>> No.19270177

is the money a athlete?

>> No.19270182

Yes actually but /biz/ hasn't had poker generals in ages and /asp/ is practically dead.

>> No.19270185
File: 68 KB, 516x417, 1574327883803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought INO at $13.50 and it's already bouncing back

>> No.19270188
File: 557 KB, 1536x2048, 81606033_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks qt
time to get my first cuppa

>> No.19270193

tfw bought ino at 3 dollars

>> No.19270196

how do I short god?

>> No.19270201

I used to hate 3 day weekends because of market closure, I think i'll actually appreciate the break from staring at charts all day

>> No.19270204

I go to /ck/ when I'm hungry, otherwise /pol/ /vr/ and /v/

>> No.19270205


>> No.19270206


>> No.19270207

this desu. im getting gray hairs.

>> No.19270212

I think I buy some $LK with my awkward leftover bucks.

>> No.19270213

/tv/, they’re the only choice for the true cunnisseur

>> No.19270219

I wish I was the guy in groundhog day so I could just go around and

>> No.19270221

> /v/
How the fuck do you stand that place?

>> No.19270227
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posting for anime and bullrun

>> No.19270229
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>> No.19270233


>> No.19270237

What you negroes don't understand is that it needs to dip today so we can pump properly next monday.

>> No.19270241

No 2nd favorite board. 4chin is pretty lame desu. /biz/'s only redeeming quality is that you get to watch brainlet cringelords literally lose money, its oddly satisfying

>> No.19270244

just give it to me straight bros
will this shit crash or not

>> No.19270246

When volatility is low, prices climb up slowly and dips are shallow. It's like +-1.5% change a day at most and usually less. When volatility is high, daily ranges can be 5-10% or circuit breakers on indexes and dips can be devastating and go on for days or weeks.

>> No.19270249


We just need to cool off for the next rally.

>> No.19270250

Post the worst financial decision you've ever made

For me it was NRZ at 16

>> No.19270251

no one tell him

>> No.19270254

market is closed monday

>> No.19270260
File: 132 KB, 600x825, sun glasses shotgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm? I was one of the cringey atheists in school then started going around and found talking to religious people more and more interesting. I think the first time I really started praying again was when I was in a monastery in the Balkan mountains and the monks just let me stay and eat and work there without any questions. It was so nice and I enjoyed their company. Then started visiting more churches and talked to more people. Muslims, Buddhists, etc. and I really started liking christianity again.

Not really /smg/ but here you go fella. Just interact with the people you want to know more about.
This desu.

>> No.19270264


>> No.19270266

>literally lose money,
Can you figuratively lose money?

>> No.19270270
File: 13 KB, 450x395, Screenshot_80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye caramba!

>> No.19270272

demo account

>> No.19270276
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>> No.19270277
File: 132 KB, 554x439, shrug 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trying harder to concince my father to buy 200 BTC with the credit card at age 15 in the year 2010.

Probably the same for 30% of posters here

>> No.19270282

I rarely go there anymore, just time to time to check out game news and laugh at drooling retards

>> No.19270293

I don't know...doesn't sound like a satisfying answer. Fiat is monopoly money at this point anyway.

>> No.19270294

why did wti dump -6%

>> No.19270300
File: 1.20 MB, 1242x2688, FB70D470-F380-4CC8-B742-B8DF55AD3E62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance Disney might dip below 110 or lower ever again? I need some cheapies

>> No.19270308
File: 185 KB, 1125x2097, 1589920753920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he said gay and filtered
>still replied
where are the indexes swinging? I'm thinking today will end up being crabby. we're definitely not falling out of the band set up from last month, although looking at the averages on the S&P, we might see a big 2% sell off today

>> No.19270310

Oh wow, burgers are respecting a moslem holiday.

Getting a family.

>> No.19270318

Got a gf whose mom and sister were bipolar but believed she wasn't. Glad I dumped her but she ran up my credit card like 3.8k beforehand

>> No.19270324

I bought TVIX at around 100 back in February because I was expecting market to crash. After a few days I felt like market was going to rebound so I sold for a small gain.

>> No.19270326

110 eod. everyone is going to sell off.

>> No.19270327


>> No.19270329

>that image

kek was he really doing some nignog stuff? I ignored that story the second it started getting stupid

>> No.19270332

Oil people priced in nothing happening in Asia.

>> No.19270334

That bitch doesn't know how to poor the steamed milk into the espresso. Fucking japniggers. Always so incompetent.

>> No.19270335

Yes. We’re going down. But by Thursday the prices will be about the same. Trust me.

>> No.19270342

How do I buy fieif/otso in the US? What broker has it?

>> No.19270343

I want to but something irks me about how pacifistic it's become. I mean there was shit even Jesus didn't tolerate and would flip out on but the church just glosses over that.

>> No.19270345
File: 197 KB, 1920x1282, 39253402_1905065789561098_9081413214419288064_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHEESH I thought this was supposed to be a rug-pull? When the clacks stop, aren't we supposed to go down fast?

This UVXY... I may have to sell it for more PEPs


>> No.19270346

was it college or was it choosing a meme degree

>> No.19270348

Not trading in the US markets sooner.

>> No.19270356

Yes, he was stealing construction site equipments among other things.

>> No.19270367

>bought SNSS at .95

>> No.19270380

Why is oil crashing

>> No.19270384

Im not in a church desu.
Im just trying to do what I think its best. I help people when I see they need help and try to be nice to those around me.

I also beat up a woman in a bar when she started a fight. The modern church is an abomination that made itself obsolete.

>> No.19270389

I wanted to give you a last chance to redeem yourself but you blew it.
I was all long the last few weeks but I don't know at this point. I will just not touch sp500 for a while and just swing pennies and midcaps.

>> No.19270395

Start reading the Bible.

>> No.19270401

i told you motherfucker >>19269093

>> No.19270402

damn why can't black people just have a normal innocent black guy get killed

like they literally can't stop committing crimes it's fucking hilarious

>> No.19270405

This >>19270327 but only for the first piece of paper. The second piece of paper is the reason I hav a comfy web dev job.

>> No.19270406

Mostly the latter, and being too much of a sperg to make connections

>> No.19270408
File: 72 KB, 750x301, Kashoggi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually made a lot of money going to college. Then, I lost it going to a professional school.

>> No.19270409


buy the dip, faggot. I have about 7k shares sitting at a 7.03 cost basis.

>> No.19270412

June's superContango is no longer manipulated to look like it doesn't exist. Expect negative oil and positive tankers very soon.

>> No.19270417

Buying several OTM SPY puts back in Feb
But the expiry was only 1 week out.

>> No.19270429

I bought TVIX on the way down at 268 and forgot to set a stop. Still have it, feels retarded.

>> No.19270430

Crab for most of the day, big selloff during power hour. Tuesday swings big in either direction depending on headlines over the long weekend. If it's bad news and a down swing, it marks the next leg down for the bear market. Otherwise, crab until second wave headlines reignite the panic.

>> No.19270436

I thought this is your day bobos? -0.3%...is this all you got? lol

>> No.19270441

Lazy for a long time to trade, I guess that everything fits now to enhance a full reload of Royal Jewery

>> No.19270443


>> No.19270472


Bout 3 grand worth of TBLT @5.50 a share bagheld all the way down to 14 cents a share finally sold and cut losses days before the reverse split

>> No.19270482


>> No.19270494

>AMZN literally the only green thing on my watchlist


>> No.19270501
File: 17 KB, 308x269, 1325034420812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, and now Spy Magazine is defunct while Trump is President

guess who was the loser there

>> No.19270502
File: 17 KB, 201x277, bags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on anons, show your bags.

>> No.19270508
File: 119 KB, 938x603, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk. Just looks enough like the last times it's been in this 2900+ zone. Same thing, just less violent.

It'll probably be up. Since we're dealing with a credit bubble, there shouldn't be any news that's really negative about the credit market. I'd be fucking shocked, desu. It's going to take so long that I think I'm just going to sidestep into bonds and bond funds.

>> No.19270525

I don't understand that article at all. What is it even trying to convey? Is it illegal to cash a $0.13 cheque now? Is that why they think trump will be behind bars? I don't get it.

>> No.19270550

Higher highs, higher lows.

>> No.19270556

Zoom in

>> No.19270564
File: 66 KB, 783x783, 1560544755723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold everything at open
>had a good week trading
>went way green thanks to the jerome's poomp
>matched with a cute girl on tinder
>she's coming over tonight for some netflix and dong
is this what making it is bros? Am I finally doing it?

>> No.19270572

Poor people think that a rich guy should just throw away a check for 13 cents. The polite thing to do is cash it so that the other parties checkbook balances

>> No.19270590

Enjoy your genital warts

>> No.19270598

Probably. Is the girl for just for a pnd or are you actually trying to find someone?

>> No.19270603

she gonna give you rona

>> No.19270604
File: 38 KB, 405x402, digital-art-bioshock-infinite-songbird-bioshock-video-games-wallpaper-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>COVID will last for TWO years

>> No.19270608
File: 84 KB, 518x741, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i agree. but we have been oscillating over that 200 1hr MA for a month plus. earnings are coming too, but it's not like those seem to matter. The anti-anime fag is right to be hands off right now imo.

>> No.19270616

How far? 1minute candles?

>> No.19270621

She'll steal all your gains. Don't fall for the gains goblin anon. No anon. Bad anon. No gains goblin for you. It's not healthy. Think about the market.

>> No.19270622

His mail is probably handled by a secretary

>> No.19270631

It's polite but also a waste of time and money.

>> No.19270632

Yet again the entire market moves off of FAANG

>> No.19270644

1 second candleja

>> No.19270645

What should I buy?

>> No.19270650
File: 43 KB, 605x558, 1589257250627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but we have INFINITE LIQUIDITY, GOY.

>> No.19270654
File: 201 KB, 1000x666, rainy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy strangle for earnings
>IV crush makes both legs deep red

>> No.19270656

wtf is going on with NVDA?

>> No.19270660

Im not trump but I do own a business. I havent cashed a check myself in 5-7 years and I doubt he cashed that check either. It was likely deposited at the same time as 50 other checks by someone making 18 dollars an hour

>> No.19270661
File: 681 KB, 1000x600, Luckin-Coffee-1000x600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allready lost half of my money, will they ever recover?

>> No.19270667


>> No.19270670

this meme again? is this board just on a loop?

>> No.19270671

>FED and GOV will support the market for two years

>> No.19270681

100 shares of T and sell covered calls. literally free money

>> No.19270684

that stock is a monster

>> No.19270693

Buy my bags right this instant, faggot.

>> No.19270700

what's the extra A?

>> No.19270703

Good earnings yesterday.


>> No.19270716

double down my dude

>> No.19270719


I want to get in cheap

I don't know why bulls aren't in favor of huge drops

Give me a nice -15% day so that I can sweep in and get them cheapies.

>> No.19270722

Wait, let me correct it for you FAGMAN.

Smooth, eh?

>> No.19270723

Please tell me you're joking. Even I'm not dumb enough to still be holding that.

>> No.19270724

Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Aretardisyou, Netflix.

>> No.19270726

I can picture the CEO with a cartoonishly large bag of loot laughing at investors

>> No.19270728

we're just taking profits and going to remember those who died with honor, and valor... those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our way of life.

>> No.19270732
File: 11 KB, 336x437, C7646E2F-6E92-4D73-BF29-7415050A4FB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever I do today since my trades keep getting progressively worse with each passing day.

>> No.19270743

>waiting for big dips
Anon, pls just fucking DCA every micro dip.

>> No.19270747

Where would you rather stick your money for 10 years, T-bills, NVDA, money market funds, junk bonds, or a company that might not even exist in 10 years?

>> No.19270752

this post didnt age well

>> No.19270754

Wirecard at 135 Euro

>> No.19270761

im financially ruined, I bought for 10k because everyone was shilling for it here and then it dumped... I cant affort loosing 5k

>> No.19270765


Index funds

>t. checkmate

>> No.19270771
File: 113 KB, 800x1220, 1585092509562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow neat

>> No.19270774

That's what I'm doing now
Too bad I was asleep at the trough of the dip but I bought in as soon as I woke up

>> No.19270778

don't invest what you cant afford to lose. I know this is a larp but its a good reminder

>> No.19270779

Are you me?

>> No.19270785

AMZN. They’ll be defacto the government in smaller countries in 10 years

>> No.19270788

i should have sold when i finally broke even on this shitty airline (air canada)
what the fuck was I thinking buying into this meme at CAD$17

>> No.19270792
File: 7 KB, 270x187, Cringe Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CHINESE coffee
>grown in CHINA

>> No.19270795

LK is unironically going to 0

>> No.19270799

You're going to lose more if you don't sell. Not only is it being delisted, you don't even have real shares. They will be worthless soon.

>> No.19270803

But then you’re holding many of the companies that are going to fail, and it looks like many of them won’t survive the year.

>> No.19270805

Or should i say what do you expect to make at least 25% for the upcoming 2-3 days?

>> No.19270807

At a rate of $18/hr you better hope that the secretary processing this check didn't spend more than 30 seconds reviewing, signing, and logging the check, otherwise it's technically a loss.

>> No.19270808

Stop chasing money and stop adjusting your plays everytime you lose a trade. Being profitable isn't about being always right, but managing how much you lose.

>> No.19270811
File: 30 KB, 311x362, Apu is tired of this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19270813

>claims portfolio down 50%
>NVDA at ATH literally today

>> No.19270815

Stick it in haliburton. It will be at 10k the same time your coffee stock becomes a penny stock. Dont listen to me, I'm losing my ass off today though

>> No.19270817

when did you buy in ?
at $3 ?

>> No.19270823

Why would it take more than 30 seconds, endorse it, do a journal entry and add it to the deposit slip. Maybe 15 seconds

>> No.19270828

What did u sell at

>> No.19270834
File: 171 KB, 1951x795, my biggest mistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever selling this apple

>> No.19270839

I heard a guy on the radio a few years ago say that as a general rule just don't buy airlines or automakers. Historically you get btfo holding these stocks long term versus so many other safe investments. It makes sense when we see time after time the need for bailouts and stock offerings to save these companies. That said, if you go short term anything could happen.

>> No.19270841
File: 17 KB, 212x200, 1530063857053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over the long term they always go up and better yet they always outperform

nothing personal kid

>> No.19270842


>> No.19270849
File: 535 KB, 620x755, 59B6C8DE-6C99-4CF0-A3C7-EEE6DF6F9FC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19270852

Don’t tell me what to do. I treat the stock market like a casino but with way less blacks shitting it up.

>> No.19270855

yeah at around 3$..

>> No.19270859

>not buying F

>> No.19270861

Come on dude it's nine years and it's only like $40k. There were better things to do than hold that shit.

>> No.19270865
File: 419 KB, 600x580, Dying pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that could mean rehearsals and stunt training via Zoom
>stunt training via Zoom

>> No.19270872

going long on auto makers or airlines right now is a 100 percent great investment. Anyone arguing that is retarded

>> No.19270874
File: 1.16 MB, 1459x2000, 1588844046206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and squidpilled

>> No.19270877

>dropped 5 figures on a stock because some strangers on the internet said to
>doesn't know the difference between lose and loose
Nice LARP, kiddo. Have another (you)

>> No.19270896
File: 480 KB, 800x1129, 15E4CD95-EEFE-4CEA-94A3-FF1532388D45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sara is looking cute as HECK today
Fuck yeah garter straps

True, and I’ve got a ton of VTSAX, but I’m not adding to indexes until we have better visibility through this crisis.

>> No.19270898

i did the same thing lmao sold at 35, i'm still seething to this day

>> No.19270901

$40k? The value has quadrupled since then, that $23k would have been $100k now

>> No.19270916

That's a cost average of 47.78 dollars after the splits apple has gone though, that would be over $100K now

>> No.19270918

I don't even know because my broker's history doesn't go that far, but 35 or something would be a good bet. I remember I had 25~% gain.

>> No.19270920

>get excited for Bioshock movie
>click the link
>not a Bioshock movie

fucking trash the bull market continues outside of Hollywood

>> No.19270922
File: 76 KB, 1200x1200, d7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oil at -4%

>> No.19270946

might I recommend VTMGX? it's a great international index that doesn't include China (because FUCK CHINA) and it's got a fat divvie yield and tons of room to the upside from after the crash

>> No.19270964

Ah you are me

>> No.19270966

copper -2%

Very bad sign.

>> No.19270976

anyone here uses an iron condor? how effective is it vs a simple vertical spread?

>> No.19270989

No matter what happens just hold guys, we have time on our side. Not trying to boomerpost but buying even now in damaged sectors is not a bad idea. Just hold through this craziness and you will make it.

>> No.19271000

>two years of coughing sometimes, and 90+ year olders being removed as social security leeches
oh no what will we do

>> No.19271009

it is the worst idea, but line always goes up.

>> No.19271030

>wanting vidya movies
>wanting HOLLYWOOD to produce vidya movies

>> No.19271038

this is short sighted zoomer thought. If you're buying correctly you can get blue chip stocks for 20-100 dollars less than they are usually at. Sorry doomer faggot, its not always going to be like this. Sorry about your attention span

>> No.19271052
File: 189 KB, 1000x1300, 1525792574436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon you didnt scoop NNDM under $3 agAIN??

>> No.19271051

I am unironically planning to blow my 2nd stimulus on 100 shares of PLAY.

>> No.19271059

I sold GOOG in October 2011. Relatively it was worth $250 at that time. I only had 15 shares but that would be like $20k instead of $3.5k if I held

>> No.19271065

I'm just saying our best chance for a good Bioshock movie is where the funding is there

90% chance it's awful but a man can dream

>> No.19271101

Thoughts on $PD?

>> No.19271108


How is buying during this dip a bad idea anon? You can make a ton of money if you have self-discipline and don't wimp out and sell.

>> No.19271138

I told you retards to buy bsx yesterday
You're still in time to ride a 20% appreciation train though!

Most of their business is in elective surgeries but don't get fooled by the word elective, this surgeries need to be done sooner rather than later! It's not the same as plastic surgery.
The stock is too battered because of this and because of some capital restructure but there's only one way to go now and it's up!

>> No.19271140

>company is so shitty that the crash in March had almost zero effect on the trend
lmao go for it

>> No.19271143

That's almost a decade though, how much profit has the 3.5k made since then through other investments? Inb4 "-100%"

>> No.19271157

Yeah, sure, if you just randomly compare numbers on a graph it looks like they are 20-100 dollars cheaper, which isn't even correct right now for most stocks.

They have their valuation for a reason and this doesn't take into account the amazing hopium train the stock market is on right now.

Check out what happens, when you have bought the top of any historical recession. Do you really wanna tell me FAANGs deserve their current valuation? NASDAQ is touching its previous ATH.

But I see, you have bought and now you cannot be objective anymore. Looks like you got too much skin in the game. Good luck anon.

>> No.19271175


did you remember to factor in the split around ~2015 when each of your shares would become one GOOG and one GOOGL

>> No.19271182

You are probably a guy who is buying cruises, airlines and finacial companies right now, because their numbers are so low, right? dear god...classical biz

>> No.19271183

Theta decay is better and It's plenty easy to adjust your position if the market moves against you. That said, Iron condors are only good positions if implied volatility is higher than what realized volatility ends up being. At the moment, I believe it'll be the reverse so I'd rather be gamma scalping.

>> No.19271184

I’m pretty sure I cashed out and bought beer with it. I was like 22 and in the Army at the time, not my best years for decision making

>> No.19271196

reddit spacing and bear cope

>> No.19271207

No, I was only looking at GOOG. So does that mean it would be double?

>> No.19271212


that is what it means

>> No.19271227

I did the same.

Selling on green is always good.

I actually got on MRNA like 3 times. All green.
Never regret selling on green!

If you always sell on green, you never lose!

>> No.19271234
File: 506 KB, 860x888, 8BE1F231-5F9B-4618-B371-AB67AF89BB41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s unfortunate

>> No.19271253

Epic response.

>> No.19271302

need to glaze morgans footpusy

>> No.19271303 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 1920x1040, MSCI momentum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just fucking buying MSCI momentum


>> No.19271307

>tfw sold BJ calls yesterday at open for 40% profit
>tfw same contracts up 10x now

>> No.19271317
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>> No.19271318
File: 241 KB, 1066x798, big oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post the worst financial decision you've ever made
How to bet on the right one and still lose money.

>> No.19271324

Lads, here to give you some more obvious money makers.

DKNG will be jumping a lot in the next few weeks.

PHUN cheap as shit and will be going up a lot the next few months.

>> No.19271346

For anyone interested, there are commodity indices that track the overall commodity markets. Kind of like the S&P for stocks. I would say it's difficult to make trades on specific commodities based off these, but it helps give an overall picture whether they are being bought or sold. I personally like:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refinitiv_Equal_Weight_Commodity_Index, but you should look into how the different indices weight the different commodities and decide which is most relevant to you.

>> No.19271352

bros I just hate bobo and anime so goddamn much

>> No.19271353
File: 253 KB, 1920x1040, momentum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just buying msci momentum

>> No.19271358

why on earth are you using degiro ? hurts my eyes

>> No.19271368

What about bulls and anime?

>> No.19271381
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, BBCC0D27-E81C-4CA5-AA6F-CC0C0F6BD9FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mess with the crabb-O you get stabb-O!

>> No.19271386
File: 140 KB, 220x118, 9D080682-F502-4664-985E-BBB4B9003432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPY fighting for its fucking life, I need it to hit 291.5

>> No.19271389
File: 330 KB, 1536x2048, ellie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else /SPY puts/???

>> No.19271392

What do you suggest?
Trading212? IB?

>> No.19271399

>Do you really wanna tell me FAANGs deserve their current valuation
Of course. Why wouldn't they?
Internet based business models. Not affected in the slightest. If anything they are worth more than before.

>> No.19271419

here, and spotify

>> No.19271424


You’re out of luck today. It’s crab mode all day

>> No.19271426

That picture is 10/10. Jesus christ kek.

>> No.19271431

ib or saxobank

>> No.19271441

50% good

always bullish but always ready to beat the shit out of my son if he starts watching anime

>> No.19271443
File: 21 KB, 423x245, dividends are your fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19271447

I bought TQQQ calls today

>> No.19271469

i'm just uhh... really depressed because so many people made the ultimate sacrifice to protect my freedom and give me the opportunity to have a market. I'm probably not going to even buy anything just take some cash and i dunno... probably booze it up and enjoy my freedom and gf.

>> No.19271490



Pick one

>> No.19271494

And SPXL now too. I'm going full retard

>> No.19271505

I don't feel so good, bros.

>> No.19271509

bruh you missed the boat by a week

>> No.19271519

side bitch is freedom you faggot

>> No.19271521

i expected a sell-off before the long weekend but this still hurts to watch
i dont understand why i subject myself to the torture of watching this shit day-by-day when I was fully aware my discounted divvy stocks won't be seeing recovery until 2-3 years. I should know full well by now it's useless to try timing the bottom, even RSI is kinda useless in this market

>> No.19271527

Up 6% yesterday down 5% today. The crabbing never ends

>> No.19271541

>even baggie has a gf and i don't

>> No.19271550

baggie has a bf

>> No.19271553

She's an ugly gook so don't feel bad.

>> No.19271554

can you tell me more about gamma scalping?

>> No.19271559

I am buying Airlines because it is a vital industry and WILL recover although it may take years.

Cruiselines I believe are a dying industry

Banks I am buying but not nearly as much as airlines

>> No.19271567


>> No.19271574

If you lower your standards like he did, you to can have one.

>> No.19271582


>> No.19271586

This. Anyone can have a gf if you lower your standards enough

>> No.19271597
File: 122 KB, 590x916, 2020-05-22_8-17-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The East can't meme

>> No.19271599
File: 482 KB, 1125x2001, A0060AC3-86ED-4FD9-8E74-FF8DD1737EF4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It won’t let me short the chinkscam bros

>> No.19271625

So you are going to baghodl fir years in the hope you break even? Haha God you are dumb

>> No.19271636

>Cruiselines I believe are a dying industry
As a frequent cruiser, you couldn't be more wrong. People are still booking for this year even, and plenty get hooked after taking their first cruise. The industry will take longer than airlines to recover, but the big players aren't going anywhere. RCL only needs 30% occupancy to break even.

>> No.19271646

uhh... screw you guys... i'm closing this window.

>> No.19271647
File: 21 KB, 630x411, PTON up on low vol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PTON up on low vol
make of that what you will
pee pee poo poo

>> No.19271654

Cruises are how poor people travel, they aren't going anywhere. If cruiseliners put their ships into action tomorrow they would be at 40 percent capacity on their first trip

>> No.19271667
File: 6 KB, 153x117, usa flag eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freedom isn't free baggie
i'm buyin SPY
i'm buyin MURRICAN!

>> No.19271668
File: 41 KB, 341x512, 2B42507F-AB2E-4324-9AE3-E20A10F07344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just YOLOd a bunch of HPE calls, wish me luck

>> No.19271672

anon, I am already positive with my airlines stocks.... it can literally only go up from here. They are priced 70-80% off. Use your brain.

>> No.19271682
File: 119 KB, 739x880, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am buying Airlines because it is a vital industry and WILL recover although it may take years.
like are people just ignoring the facts of how horrible it actually is? Are people just plain forgetting that an airline can still file for bankruptcy or be bailed out (both at the expense of shareholders) before things ever pick back up?
tell me which airliner will even break even at half-capacity flights. They are all at very high risk of bankruptcy before a vaccine is developed (in 2 years minimum, and that's hoping we don't get multiple mutated strains by then)

>> No.19271684
File: 39 KB, 584x566, 1589294854970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>files chapter 11

>> No.19271694

cruises are a great way to meet milfs, i would assume. i'm going to cash out and go on a carnival princess cruise this summer to bang milfs after a few mai-tais and sweaty game of shuffle board. it's a lot better than getting JEROMED every day

>> No.19271700

Well... No, cause stocks can go to zero, or pennies. And just because you're up now doesn't mean you won't get washed out after they kitchen sink Q2 or 3.

>> No.19271706

when will this crab market end plz

>> No.19271707

cruiselines are definitely not dying. cruises up until covid were more popular than ever.

t. been on like 12 cruises

>> No.19271708

Yeah, it's a bf.

>> No.19271714

In a nutshell gamma scalping is where you do long straddles + a long or short underlying position in roughly equal quantity but opposite value to the delta value of the straddle. So if your straddle has a delta of 50, you'd short 50 shares because 1 share=1 delta and a short share=-1 delta. Because of gamma, your delta on your overall position will change and you'll either buy or sell the shares of your underlying to get it back to delta-neutral, but you don't want to do it too often or you won't make hardly any money. It's really meant to take advantage of market swings and the objective is to make more off of the market swings than you lose in theta (time decay).

Alternatively you can also do a put/call ratio backspread instead of the straddle.

>> No.19271715

I don't know how many single people go on cruises, but I have heard of cruise liners doing singles only cruises which Im sure would be packed full of single women in their 40s-60s

>> No.19271717
File: 114 KB, 1000x663, 739AC09A-D4A8-421B-A2E6-11BCAD1E6FA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it man, cruises are so fucking cheap to book right now

>> No.19271719

also it's hilarious how the DAL fuckers just turned silent the moment it's a red day

>> No.19271720

How to get them?
Do they pay daily? Monthy? Over weekend too?

t. total n00b

>> No.19271729


True but the majority of the damage to the airlines is already done. The airlines are already receiving federal aid and numbers of individuals flying is already starting to climb back up.

No airline will file chpt 11 fool.

>> No.19271733
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>gets bailout

>> No.19271735


>> No.19271744

Nigger posting til bump limit reached

>> No.19271753
File: 102 KB, 1200x768, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either I wake up on the moon on tuesday or not wake up at all

>> No.19271755

uWu cute lil bat-muncher in the background
i like the distance between her eyes

>> No.19271762


>> No.19271766
File: 161 KB, 758x772, DEW 2020 v1.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually pay quarterly, sometimes pay monthly, sometimes pay semi-annually or annually

you have to own the stock before the ex dividend date


here's my calendar i've been fine tuning for getting paid dividends every week (DEW)

>> No.19271772

I'm 30 and I met my wife on a cruise. They all skew older, but the nightlife is young.

>> No.19271773
File: 36 KB, 457x617, 1588728702844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you're in deep, bro. It'd be a shame if the invisible hand decided to stick it's thumb up your ass. It'll only take one to make the others take a big shit.

>> No.19271787

I'll pay you one hamburgers today for two hamburger tomorrow

>> No.19271790


>> No.19271808

A little derp can be kind of cute.

>> No.19271813

Yo I’m tired of this sideways shit!!

>> No.19271814

Yea and if that happens it will be a temporary deal. I have 11K in UAL and 8k in DAL. I am not sweating it what so ever.

>> No.19271816

>No airline will file chpt 11 fool
Does no one remember Pan Am?

>> No.19271827


Hamburger jew

>> No.19271833

now im hungry for burgers

>> No.19271838

some might call me the hamburlger

>> No.19271850


The iShares MSCI Hong Kong ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of Hong Kong equities

is anyburger buying puts

>> No.19271853

all im asking is for 292 you faggot bulls

>> No.19271854

I bet American is the airline that doesn't make it.

>> No.19271856
File: 162 KB, 1080x720, FDD7CB5C-FB25-4C9E-99E1-F6DDC1EA4A51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19271860
File: 281 KB, 1920x1152, gutentag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, for now. WFH is becoming a sweeping new modality, there's a good chance that will have far-reaching impacts on travel. High-risk folks are also among the biggest spenders and frequent fliers, so that's something to consider. There's also tons of secondary and tertiary effects of these downturns. I'd bet they're still being billed full-cost for insurance (employee and business liability) and so on, while they're operating in the red. Parking fees, maintenance, seasonality. And given the trajectory it's not looking good for them, honestly.

>> No.19271870
File: 148 KB, 1440x1800, 1587603274559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'm guessing it's a mixed crowd with 40-60% couples and then the rest are "girlfriend getaway" types age 35+. i doubt there's many women going alone. women don't do shit alone these days. unless they're slags going out to get drunk and raped, that's a different story. i'm looking to lockdown a career milf and have her pay for everything and use me for sex and i'll just daytrade whilst she's at work for shekelstein.

>> No.19271871


Nice body but that hair and face aren’t doin it for me.

>> No.19271873

>it can literally only go up from here. They are priced 70-80% off. Use your brain.

At least you are not biased at all and don't understand that fucking airlines keep burning cash every day. fucking millions and wont even be profitable when they hit 70% of their usual operating grade. But you sound very smart and did a lot of research.

>> No.19271892

Anyone take the QYLD pill. Pretty low volitility and pays about 11% divy which is paid monthly.

>> No.19271893

>put almost a grand into COTY
>they announce a new makeup with Kylie Jenner for Yurop
>green line go up
I figured investing in e-girls would pay off. A great productoof the thot process.

>> No.19271899

Basically you are the female equivalent of some retarded college whore looking for a hedge fund manager so she can paint and work on her shitty music all day

>> No.19271900

You guys got your stop orders in yesterday right?

>> No.19271916

i like them looking a bit "daft" as the british say. bigger distance between eyes usually is cute on women and closer distance means they are bitchier and think they're smart. make of that what you will. in general all women are stoopid. you just have to pick and choose the ones who know they are stupid and just want to wear outfits before getting pumped.

>> No.19271917

no, fuck stops

>> No.19271921
File: 316 KB, 1080x1311, 0AC99F6C-B540-4FD6-B5D9-85424DE1D608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that’s the whole point of black women

>> No.19271923
File: 971 KB, 638x360, 1553186041130.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold at open

>> No.19271924


I don’t stop and I don’t sell

>> No.19271933

what did he see?

>> No.19271934

So that's where all the projector screens went.

>> No.19271936

You know you're supposed to stop the bleeding right...

>> No.19271941
File: 114 KB, 911x450, 911 soyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn that's a nice curve up might pick some up, thanks anon

yes. i'm the inverse cuck. i want to fuck a ton of women regardless of their relationship status and extract money/gifts from women. it's the only thing that will motivate me to work out.

>> No.19271944

Give me a cheapie to purchase

>> No.19271947


>> No.19271948


>> No.19271965

fuck this retarded market, went to bed with european markets dumping and now they’re green with american markets crabbing

>> No.19271979

Just buy more. All I do unless it's a non divvy swing trading stock.

>> No.19271984
File: 2.22 MB, 640x360, powell free money.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jerome and the PPT never sleep, anon.
prepare for mid-day pump into green, we need pozitive vibes for the memorial day.

>> No.19271993

Make New thread you nigger

>> No.19271997

We're going to close solidly green too

>> No.19272004
File: 273 KB, 220x233, anime girl honkler.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PTON now up 2%
i'm financially ruined

>> No.19272013

prepare for lunch dump

>> No.19272020

How about you make a solidly nigger thread you black fucking bastard

>> No.19272025

with no fucking anime please

>> No.19272033


Fuck this. Make the most cunny anime thread ever

>> No.19272035
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 1563802798052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm financially ruined
There is a god...

>> No.19272051
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, 1446585844605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its gonna be a lunch pump to stop the bears and then continue down in the afternoon followed by a 10% rally at 3:30 by the fed to close green

>> No.19272056
File: 11 KB, 294x171, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19272062

What the fuck I thiught all these chink stocks were supposed to crash

>> No.19272064

Anime is fine. Pedophilia isn't. Hang yourself faggot

>> No.19272071

enjoying anime is a mental illness

>> No.19272076


What if they’re actually 1000 years old faggot

>> No.19272087

sounds right

>> No.19272092


>> No.19272095

real talk /biz/ is harvesting a 30% gain good?

>> No.19272101

Why is diversifying bad other than Warren Buffet saying so?

>> No.19272109

no one ever went broke taking profits or something

>> No.19272129

Maybe AAL or UAL but DAL and LUV are nowhere near that point.

>> No.19272134

You know they aren't.

>> No.19272138


>> No.19272142


>> No.19272149



>> No.19272251
File: 258 KB, 1600x1067, xtr028_s05_014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

up 31% yoy and not trading like a complete spastic

>> No.19272420

Nice level of OCD autism. Respect. Actually not a bunch of dogshit stonks either. I like your style.

>> No.19272623

Business trips will never be the same. If people can Skype, they will

>> No.19272636

And I hope you're buying c and jpm
Rcl and ccl aren't going anywhere. They just need momentum from good news

>> No.19272902

any oils?

>> No.19272966
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, 0070D655-6285-4D90-AF4B-EE2759C250F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying F