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19256413 No.19256413 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19256421
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>> No.19256551
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>> No.19256572
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I feel good anons.

Anyone selling half of their ESH bags and keeping the other half for Ghosties? What are your strategies, ghoas

>> No.19256738
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>> No.19256804
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It is going to make new ATH before airdrop

>> No.19256807

i'll wait until it drops under my buy in price and i will sell all my esh, then i'll wait for my ghosties on the 25th

>> No.19256830

If we hit 5$ before the 25th im gonna pull 50% out, that amount would pretty much clear my current debts.

If i can't make that much then im going full suicide and hodling 100% for max ghosties

Either way im getting a nice stack of ghosties to keep me company on the way to DA MOOOOON

>> No.19256850
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Yeah, I think we made it

>> No.19257241


So i need a bitcoin account now?

ffs i can't do KYC

>> No.19257297

no you fucking nigger it's just a popular exchange which for us means more value when it goes online. We profit even if you don't use it - use it if you will. Now they're about to announce 2 MAJOR exchnages - i feel this one is going to be big if true

>> No.19257314

Nah man if you already have ESH in your wallet (YOUR WALLET THAT YOU HAVE THE KEYS TOO NOT EXANGE WALLET) then you get the ghost boyyyyy

Let’s just hope it makes it back to 2.60 at least so I can be back in profit :)

>> No.19257327

do I keep my esh in main account or trading account on bitcoin.com to get the airdrop?

>> No.19257338


Good job because bitcoin exchange uses moonpay that charge

4.5 % per transaction for debit/credit cards


>> No.19257375

either one, bitcoin.com is supporting the airdrop so you will get your ghosties if you hold there.
Fuck normally I would give bad advice intentionally but I am trying to make it with this one.

>> No.19257412


Good I've only got 7 ESH from weeks ago and it took me 7 hour to get then ran out of ETH (no gas) so can't even sell if i wanted to

>> No.19257421

thank you! I will keep it in my main account and race to sell after the airdrop

>> No.19257488
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>> No.19257491

Lol retard. Miss the moon, ngmi.

>> No.19257538

why the fuck will you wait for a loss?

>> No.19257578

Where did this valuation come from?

>> No.19257786

what do you mean? I got in at 30cents. was the other guy lying to me?

>> No.19257842

ill let them both ride
retards gonna sell to buy the top later

>> No.19257851

buy the top of ESH? Who will buy ESH?

>> No.19257863

Bought it back at $0.70.... feels good man

>> No.19257913
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>> No.19258021

from an ass deep in a communist board

>> No.19258096

lol that’s for normies. No one actually does that. We just buy Eth or Btc from Gemini or Coinbase and transfer it to idex or mercatox. And most of us probably have so much money in crypto already that we don’t really need to keep pumping fiat into it.

>> No.19258123

obviously don’t transfer btc to idex

>> No.19258172

here is the ESH price from now to Monday
Fri 6am $1.30
Fri 12pm $1.10
Fri 6pm $0.80
Fri 12am $0.30
Sat 6am $0.80
Sat 12pm $1.30
Sat 6pm $2.80
Sat 12am $3.10
Sun 6am $2.30
Sun 12pm $3.40
<- brief ATH peak at Sun 5:10 pm of $5.45 (this rise and drop of $1.00 happens in the matter of 3 minutes)
Sun 6pm $4.80
Sun 12am $0.30
Mon 6am $0.30
Mon 12pm $0.20
Mon 6pm $0.20
Mon 12am $0.20

>> No.19258179
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Keep in mind you also get to collect money from Switch that you hold, in fees.

Every month they pay out.

>> No.19258212


nigga what? where did you get that from?

>> No.19258213
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Lame and bluepilled.

>> No.19258293


Everyone is planning to exit before airdrop due to uncertianty of GHOST price. As ESH drops people will sell thinking they will just buy GHOST later. After air drop ESH will hold at $0.20 for the forseeable future.

>> No.19258305

why are you trying to be Nostradamus?

>> No.19258332

how long has this been going on?

>> No.19258342
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>> No.19258450

that appears to be the sentiment, I mean, the price isnt doing anything but volume is almost double now than when it was at ATH.

Shits super manipulated, and this whole thing feels like being snared. You got to hold out till such and such a date, but wait, then you dont get GHOST cos we didnt even finish making it yet, you get ERC20 tokens so you can reclaim at a later date the GHOST.

Also the whole 'we outsourced the team, like they are totally like doing good work, I mean there reviews on fiverr, granted were mostly from mumbai, but , you will see! great things lie ahead'.

Like , I dont buy it, im contemplating just selling what I have and take the measly x3 off it.

>> No.19258546

this hasnt been confirmed and I asked about some kind of proofs via DM on twitter and never got a response from them, so who knows? more smoke and mirrors.

>> No.19258614

please god pump this to 1.30 so i can cash out with my investment intact and regain my peace of mind

>> No.19258615
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Yes! Lets buy the coin where the owner was too lazy to even create whitepaper so he copy/pastes it, hmmmmm mhhhhh uhhhhh.... NNNNOOO.

>> No.19258638

no worries fren just give it another day, big exchange going live tomorrow morning, 2 big exchanges being announced tomorrow night

>> No.19258694

anon, seriously thank you so much. you have made my night. i am calm, cool and collected now. see you on the other side!

>> No.19258724

it's confirmed all over the place

>> No.19258733

If I hold ESH in my Coinbase Wallet (not the exchange, the ERC20 Coinbase Wallet), will I get this airdrop? Sorry for being late, but this is literally the first I have heard of this since I’ve been away from following crypto the past couple weeks.

>> No.19258747



both use KYC ...........................fuck

>> No.19258754

Glad I can help, hope you wake up tomorrow and get back your initial and a little more.

>> No.19258762

just make a metamask wallet bro

>> No.19258776

based retard

>> No.19258799
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You mean to tell me that this guy worked for the government at one point with high level clearance then saw all the nonsense that the government does , so he quit and ran his own cyberse curity software where he sold his company for 70M then dived into bath salts and hookers shitting in his mouth and living with 10 prostitutes where one of them pointed a gun at him while he was asleep and tried to rob him but was unsuccessful then he told the world about the government and the powers that be of the corruption and then allegedly murdered a guy in Belize , Ran as a Libertarian Candidate in the fucking US then got arrested and then broke out of prison and almost got assassinated a couple of times and has since been on the fucking run , and will become a martyr because everyone will want to use GHOST as his memory will live on as his political opponents try to kill him because he exposed the Epstein shit to the fucking world is going to make his own fucking cryptocurrency with its own blockchain and for its DEXes and who has 1M followers on Twitter which he shilled XVG and PIVX which both returned 1000x+ ROI on Investment isn’t going to push this fucking coin to the fucking sky
Then you are absolutely fucking retarded and deserve to be poor. Personally I’m all In.

>> No.19258906

Yes, Coinbase Wallet’s just an interface to your wallet. All that matters is that your wallet address holds ESH.

>> No.19258946

Will I get the 1:1 if its in metamask or do i gotta do some other shit

>> No.19258955


At what price?

>> No.19258965

newfags are a fucking broken record

>> No.19258983

What about Trust Wallet?

>> No.19258985
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They are the foundation of this launchpad we are building to the moon.

>> No.19258999

How many times does this need to be answered

>> No.19259003

Been in crypto since 2017 just don’t normally buy shitcoins good guess tho retard

>> No.19259026

One more time my bad im not a fucking virg who stares at this message board beating my meat all day

>> No.19259043

Im using metamask for trading with this. When I want to cash out should I trade it for ETH or USDC?

>> No.19259054

There’s been dozens of ghost generals posted for 2 weeks

>> No.19259064


>> No.19259215


Cant remember it was before the fud, plus the ETH fee made it all more expensive, i'm just keeping them for a novelty

>> No.19259309

yes I know they 'say' they're going to do it but I have yet to see a single ESH holder of 1month+ say they get monies as ether every month.

>> No.19259362

Buy high sell low retard. Learn the rules before playing the game.

>> No.19260447

so you b-bought 7 ESH at its ATH

>> No.19260477

sniff sniff, what's that smell is that? ......