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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19249843 No.19249843 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto is dumping
Stonks are dumping
Oil and gas are dumping
Even gold and silver are dumping

Never seen anything like this before. What the fuck is happening?

>> No.19249859

Sminem died this morning, the bogs took over the entire market

>> No.19249861

fears of second wave. also concerted judaism at play. also craptocurrencies are worthless as they track real world instruments and currencies.

>> No.19249864

(((they))) thought linkies were getting too much power

>> No.19249873

Satashi is alive so btc dumps. Airlines and cruise not back to normal and oil keeps being pumped so oil is down. 3 day weekend and things are still closed so stocks are down.

>> No.19249889
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calm down fren it ok

gold and silver barely moved


>> No.19249891
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dump et

>> No.19249902

>fears of second wave
Then PMs and crypto must moon. Gold went 19% during the lockdown. Yet it's dumping. This doesn't make any sense.

>> No.19249995

when it really dumps which is not this summer or end of year u f pm fags then we'll see the fastest and most brutal dump ever. But first we chilling and take SP to 4k and ride that free money baby

>> No.19250016

btw gold and silver will dump as well. everything will dump. Literally every asset out there

>> No.19250034

>Then PMs and crypto must moon. Gold went 19% during the lockdown. Yet it's dumping. This doesn't make any sense.

Normal people use PM as hedge or safety net. And don't prepare for the race war, collapse or civilisation or the zombie apocalypse like the autists on this thai noodle aprreciation website.
If financial institutions, investors, and banks need money(liquity) because their normie clients panic after the stock market crashes. The first thing they will do is sell their precious metal(PM dont produce dividends or interest and are expensive to store). If this turns out to be a recession or depression PM's like gold,silver and platin metals will moon. You just need to be patient.

>> No.19250038
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>> No.19250057

>Never seen anything like this before.
Youve only been alive less than 2 months?

>> No.19250065

OMG it's down 5%. Better jump out the window!

>> No.19250071

Deflationary impulse and standard May selling. Don’t worry, there’ll be plenty of face ripping bear market rallies over the next months to years for you to gamble on

>> No.19250103

Recession. It's finally here.

>> No.19250161


>> No.19250205

>satoshi/finney wife transfer 50 btc
>market dump a little while whales verify stuff(blockstream,check Finney family,..)
>next day large btc transfer and dump
something is wrong here

>Cz in full cope mode on twitter, making various claim, linking article why it can't be satoshi etc...
>this happening like Graig said it will happen

>> No.19250419

It's coming together.

>> No.19251156

There’s nothing wrong: people in the know are getting out while the getting is good

>> No.19251169

>4% down
Pick one

>> No.19251224

Technical correction.
You think stocks will gain every single day the entire year?

>> No.19251281

>stocks go up and down
Profound insight

>> No.19251374


i don't want to download the app. post the comments so i can see them

>> No.19251404


>> No.19251535

go away in may...

>> No.19251552

It dumped because i bought

>> No.19251594

>5300 btc transferred to binance in the last 3 hour

>> No.19251624

Or you could die you fucking phone-poster.

>> No.19251689

>never seen anything like it
do you remember the entire month of march?

>> No.19251696

Is that a grown man or a boy?

>> No.19251972

cool bro sounds cool

>> No.19252007

Solid time to buy some more.

>> No.19252083

Crypto doesn't have to do shit and you should have realized it's a fake safety when it crashed in tandem with the market in March.

>> No.19252118

...yet I'm still up 200% on my AAVE bags in Q2. Hmm!

>> No.19252136
File: 400 KB, 1554x856, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy BTC at 4k.

>> No.19252188

Stock are not dumping