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File: 45 KB, 450x321, man-sue-wife-ugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19246826 No.19246826 [Reply] [Original]

I made a throwaway Facebook last weekend and creeped on all my old high school girlfriends just to see how they turned out. They're all fat now with gross bags under their eyes, sagging tits, pronounced love handles, and they don't even look happy. Just tired, irritated and a hint of disappointment. They're also only 33 years old. WTF.

I get it, you think I'm a virgin, but really you're just too stupid to think with your brain and not your dick. None of you actually want to be fucking the same girl every day for the rest of your lives but by the time you realize your mistake it's too late, and you begin to make excuses about being a man, being responsible and taking care of your family. And it's all a delusional excuse.

Invest in your own well-being, invest in your social circle of family and friends, but don't let your dick lead you to misery. Have multiple gf's and don't tie yourself down, ever. If they actually love you for who you are and not your money or social image then they wouldn't need a stupid ceremony to make it official.

>> No.19246885

I unironically feel bad for that chick. Imagine having your face on the news for being ugly

>> No.19246904
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>t. bottom square

>> No.19246906

Ive been saying this since forever

Marriage and children are a mistake.

>> No.19246908

Obvious propaganda thread is obvious. You're not even trying to be subtle. Kek.

>> No.19246915

> Have multiple gf's and don't tie yourself down, ever
Polygamy is degenerate. Date one woman at a time.
>If they actually love you for who you are and not your money or social image then they wouldn't need a stupid ceremony to make it official.
People who do marriages are in it for the attention. Egotism is a disease.
>None of you actually want to be fucking the same girl every day for the rest of your lives but by the time you realize your mistake it's too late, and you begin to make excuses about being a man, being responsible and taking care of your family. And it's all a delusional excuse.
I don't understand what this means. I believe in sexual intercourse after marriage. I don't know about that 'getting tired of fucking the same woman' excuse. I'm not going to marry a woman to have sex with her everyday. I will marry or be with this partner to continue to bloodline.

By the way, Asians are plentiful in number on Earth. If you race mix black or Asian, you are essentially fucking over your people. But hey, you can do whatever you want. The value of my race increases. I certainly don't need to change my nose or pencil in my eyebrows. And that's an amazing feeling knowing that I don't have to fake my appearance.

>> No.19246929

you dont marry a girl for an investment money wise, they'll spend all your $

you do it for an investment family-wise. Taking care of a wife and kids is so much money, but there is another payoff

>> No.19246930

Imagine spending $100k in plastic surgeries and pretending to be someone you're not in order to deceive, manipulate and control the people around you for your benefit only.

>> No.19246938

She literally looks like an alien.
These are regretful people that need to nut in order to feel normal. Remember, nutting is as addicting as sugar or cocaine.
That's because you're a muttoid. You have no heritage to preserve and no fight worth having.
Everything is propaganda you dumb cunt. people have interests they want to spread in order to validate their beliefs.

>> No.19246964

Some people will call it capitalism, but shapeshifting isn't capitalism. It's fraud, corruption, and deceit.

Jewish people used usury on the goys for centuries, and some good goys figured out their shit and booted them out. Imagine only giving your own family charity and not helping the white countries you are leeching from.

History is full of this behavior, of nepotism.

>> No.19247012


Why are you idiots thinking of marriage as an investment? What ever happened to faith and love? Or has the porn industry completely killed that?

>> No.19247025

>Polygamy is degenerate. Date one woman at a time.

That's some fag shit anon. Your fantasy world of morals and ideals is getting in the way of having a good time. Monogamy isn't natural.

>I will marry or be with this partner to continue to bloodline.
This is egotism and primitive caveman thinking. You don't need to reproduce and nobody said your genetics are worth passing on.

>The value of my race increases
Kinda retarded to talk about egotism and then out yourself as a racist

>> No.19247093

Listen, I'm not a fan of women wearing makeup even. I think it's basically lying. That said, women are social creatures. They'll do whatever society tells them to do. I still feel bad for her having to see her face on the news for being ugly.

>> No.19247150

Yeah the "other payoff", whatever you want to definite that as, is always directly related to the man's insecurity and misguided idea of happiness.

>> No.19247199

This is biz, I had to make it related to finances, idiot. But you're obviously a typical "nice guy", probably overweight, writing poems to girls to win them over instead of acting like a real man, dude..."love and faith", these are subjective feelings and you have no way to know if a woman is actually feeling these things for you or if they're just looking for a security blanket in life. Hint, it's almost always the latter.

>> No.19247201

It's a great investment, there's literally no better way to raise a child
If you want to have a hand in the future you need to at least show up

>> No.19247207

Humans were never meant to stay married. It was the old religions that made marriage something that everyone "had" to do. Early humans societies had one alpha male breeding for every 17 women who were breeding. Most males fought and died young.

>> No.19247210

ugly guy = don't touch me, but we still can be friends. respect me as a human being for my personality qualities
hot guy = yeah daddy, take me, harder, i want a child from you, i don't give a fuck about personality, i want him to love me for my body

>> No.19247235

which one is the ughbly one and which one is the pretty one?

i cant tell.

>> No.19247351

Don't you have enough issues to work on? and don't you have enough to give back to the world right NOW, instead of creating another mouth to feed that won't be productive for another 16-18 years from now?

You don't get it. It's an endless cycle of "I need to create a better world", but really you just have sex, get fat, contribute nothing to the world except another mouth to feed who won't have at chance at helping the world for another 16-18 years. Who and when will anything actually get done besides reproducing?

>> No.19247418

>he fell for the nice guy meme
Imagine acting civilized and reserved. Actually, nevermind. You think you're a jerk off like the rest of society.

>> No.19247460

I hate to break it to you, but if you have ever said the words “nice guys finish last” and meant it, you are probably not a nice guy. If you have ever used that excuse to cover for the fact that you didn’t get to hook up with the person you intended to, because that’s what you consider to be “finishing last,” you are definitely not a nice guy. Like my friends, roommates and everyone else I’ve asked about it so far, I really take issue with the concept of nice guys — or any nice person — finishing last because it’s just plain not true, and those who genuinely employ it in their lives point to a fundamental problem in the way we see romantic partners.

On a base level, the assumption is that “finishing last” means not getting with the chosen partner in a romantic, namely sexual, capacity. That should be highly disturbing to anyone who believes in the right to say no to unwanted sex, because it means the person of interest is only good for one thing and becomes pointless if they can’t be scored. Objectification of that caliber is exactly why toxic masculinity — used here to represent the pressure placed especially on men to solidify their masculinity by accumulating seuxal prowess — exists, and can be forced upon anyone, not just women. The only positive thing about hearing the words “nice guys finish last” as justification for some dude not getting laid is that somewhere out there, a girl or guy didn’t get forced into non-consensual sex, even if it means listening to that self-proclaimed “nice guy” bitch and moan about it for a whole week.

>> No.19247481


Letting go of the ego long enough to realize there’s a plethora of reasons for someone to turn down a hookup or romantic relationship besides objective “niceness” can be really difficult for some poor souls. Built upon the foundation that sex is the only positive outcome for being attracted to someone now stands this horrid notion of obligation.

>> No.19247521

Maybe in your surrounding.
It's often a problem, that people from the bottom, surrounded by other useless fat bottomscratcher.

You are probably 10 to 15 IQ points away from them and you can see this problems, but all your life was dull.

I come from a family full of academics. My Parents are not fat, my sister, friends and the rest of them is not fat. Everybody earns enough money to got at least a house, everyone is producing more and more kids. Yeah I got a chubby Aunt and my grandparents aren't that fit anymore le, but far away from your expierence

Don't reflect your shit on the good people (us for example) with your lousy life and garbage surrounding. Thanks.

>> No.19247610


>You think you're a jerk off like the rest of society.
>I hate to break it to you, but if you have ever said the words “nice guys finish last” and meant it, you are probably not a nice guy.
>I really take issue with the concept of nice guys — or any nice person — finishing last because it’s just plain not true

You're clearly projecting your own issues here. I never claimed to be a nice guy and never said anything about nice guys finishing last. You should think about what prompted you to say these things.

>> No.19247663

News flash self important cucklord faggot you’re a fucking virgin and no one cares about you KYS

>> No.19247674

My thread was clearly speaking in generalities and I've never been married, and never had to deal with fat ugly gold-diggers trying to control and manipulate every aspect of my life. For someone who came from a family of academics you're kind of retarded.

>> No.19247716
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>They're also only 33 years old
Did the same thing recently but I'm 30 even so the girls I went to high school are 29/30 right now.The wall is very, very real anon. Few of them from my class managed to age gracefully and It's only gonna get worse from here.

>> No.19247888

>Don't you have enough issues to work on?
No I'm not a neurotic Jew.

>> No.19247926

>marriage is a mistake
Yeah probably
>children are a mistake
Absolutely not

>> No.19247987
File: 30 KB, 654x438, 1562605013759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you think I'm a virgin, but really you're just too stupid to think with your brain and not your dick.
>None of you actually want to be fucking the
same girl every day for the rest of your lives
>you're just too stupid to think with your brain and not your dick.
>They're all fat now with gross bags under their eyes, sagging tits, pronounced love handles, and they don't even look happy. Just tired, irritated and a hint of disappointment. They're also only 33 years old. WTF.
>you're just too stupid to think with your brain and not your dick.
>but don't let your dick lead you to misery. Have multiple gf's and don't tie yourself down, ever.

t. sex-let; borderline virgin. Should have had more sex before you hit your mid 30s, grandpa,

>> No.19248040

your social circle looks like that because you're trailer park trash

>> No.19248055

Elaborate. If you have children to carry on your bloodline you’re just being a selfish egotistical animal following your base urges. If you have children for the companionship in life then you’re just being insecure and need to learn how to be happy while you’re alone.

>> No.19248097
File: 388 KB, 360x360, 1568327164209.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the >damn im so lonely i need a gf bros
phase only happens if you don't have a bunch of girls on rotation. If you have a solid friendship group, are decent looking, lift and can talk to women you won't be lonely lol
Regardless I will probably get married when I'm around 40

>> No.19248103

>And that's an amazing feeling knowing that I don't have to fake my appearance.
You and your kin do it all the time with make-up and botox you filthy retarded white ugly roastie piece of shit

>> No.19248128
File: 155 KB, 480x240, ekpwrwv9puu21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>borderline virgin

>> No.19248241

>If you have children to carry on your bloodline you’re just being a selfish egotistical animal following your base urges.
Wrong and pathetic. The fact that you can make such an argument at all is because your ancestors were "selfish animals." Your immature worldview dishonors them.

>> No.19248468

LMAO again with the fantasy world of morals and ideals. I'm not "dishonoring my ancestors" oh wise Bodhisattva.

Where are your facts about children being a good investment?

>> No.19248567

Yeah, your ancestors and your life are totally a fantasy. Weren't you just saying having children is selfish a second ago? Now you're saying you only care about what benefits you. Wake up you weak bitch

>> No.19248609

Did you make this? You're a man of intellect and, dare I say, incredibly based.

>> No.19248767

>Yeah, your ancestors and your life are totally a fantasy
Yes, I actually believe they are. And the egotistical idea of "my" life and "my" ancestors is an illusion. I don't take pride in every little thing about myself like you do.

>Now you're saying you only care about what benefits you.
No, the point of the thread is that marriage is a bad investment. It's an ancient societal control system with unnecessary negative impacts to the man. Again, if someone loves you for who you are then they shouldn't need a ceremony, they shouldn't need to touch your money, and they shouldn't deserve to take anything from you if the relationship doesn't work out.

>> No.19248909

>Yes, I actually believe they are.
That in itself is a moral or an ideal, something you mocked a moment ago. It's just an anti-life, negative ideal. You must believe this is nothing more than a dream and seek naught but your own pleasure. You're likely under 30.

>No, the point of the thread is that marriage is a bad investment.
I agreed with you. It's not marriage that matters, but children. The future generation is everything.

>> No.19249005

You need to go deeper OP.

In following this path, you are throwing away real wealth, which is your genes and your nation and your people.

Yes, take precaution in life not to get taken advantage of. But in the end if you lived a life of indulgence and leave no kida behind you've failed.

Unless you're brown OP then fuck you die out.

>> No.19249139
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The first girl who gave me her number in middle school became a hot fitness instructor. I wish I could say my first gf, but when I called the number over the summer her dad picked up and got pissed, told me she was grounded.

>> No.19249157

>That in itself is a moral or an ideal, something you mocked a moment ago. It's just an anti-life, negative ideal.
Nope, you're just trying to put a negative spin on my refusal to go along with your silly ideas about honor and dishonor of dead people. Your statements imply that you believe in some kind of spiritual afterlife where dead people are judging your actions. It's just a nonsensical mindset that I don't agree with. I'm not going to live my life assuming that my ancestors are watching my every action and thought, and no, I won't feel guilt because some anon told me my ancestors would be upset with me for not reproducing.

>I agreed with you. It's not marriage that matters, but children. The future generation is everything.
You still haven't explained this idea. WHY are future generations "everything"? You're arguing from emotion, not facts.

>> No.19249248

>you are throwing away real wealth, which is your genes and your nation and your people.

It's hard to argue with racists. You do you bro. I'm not egotistical and I don't believe I need to live forever in any way shape or form, which is what most of you are doing when you desperately start cooming in anything that walks. You're afraid to die, afraid to be forgotten, afraid to go into the night without leaving some trace behind. That isn't my problem, it's yours.

>> No.19249430

everyone i know started drinking heavily not long after getting married. sometimes correlation does equal causality.

>> No.19249592

married people never open threads talking about how awesome marriage is and how everyone should get married

but also this

and there we have it. utterly unsurprising OP would turn out to be "muh racism"
basically: losers proselytize hoping for everyone else to become like them so they feel validated, because they feel no validation. and why would that be surprising? they lead empty and unfulfilling lives
jews, gays, feminists, transgenders, ethnics... same shit with a different coat of paint
you all screech at reason as if denying reality could change it, when putting 1/10th of the effort into being a decent person would set your mind at ease

>> No.19250247

>basically: losers proselytize hoping for everyone else to become like them so they feel validated
This is you and every other idiot who takes pride in the color of their skin, hoping other races will recognize you as superior so you feel validated.

>> No.19250848

Have sex.

>> No.19251039


>> No.19251326


>> No.19251690

Copulate with a woman (female)

>> No.19251928

I don't want to get married but I don't want to disappoint my Nigerian parents. I prefer to work, live alone, and fuck around with girls every now and then.