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19245021 No.19245021 [Reply] [Original]

*chart isn't up to date, will describe current rates below

>holding Celsius tokens your immediately entitled to 5.12% compounding interest weekly.
>Up to 35% bonus interest if Celsius tokens are at least 30% of your portfolio wallet.
>Even more Celsius tokens for holding Bitcoin and altcoins
4% Bitcoin interest weekly plus 6.2% of your bitcoin's value in Celsius, which is also the same % you get for holding eth, which gives you 3.8% of eth interest
Dash: 6.18% in dash + 8.43% in Celsius
BCH: 3.82% + 5.19% in CEL
LTC: 4.13% + 5.62% in CEL
XRP: 3.61% + 4.91% in CEL
XLM: 2.53% + 3.43% in CEL
ZRX: 2.89% + 3.92% in CEL
OMG: 1.51% + 2.05% in CEL
EOS: 4.45% + 6.06% in CEL

>If you live outside the u.s., your CEL rates are even greater with interest for holding Tether, USDC, TUSD, GUSD, DAI, and more.

>ALGO, PAXG, BNB, BUSD, IOTA, and TRX coming soon

>> No.19245059

Works until it doesn't. Literally same model as a Ponzi scheme. Can't wait for Sergei to get fucked

>> No.19245098

just remember
>not your wallet not your coins

>> No.19245125

Pyramid scheme garbage. One day the company will go bankrupt and you will lose everything.
Also their "Head of Institutional Lending" was literally in a Girls Do Porn scene.
Do you trust a whore with your money?

>> No.19245156


>> No.19245174

There's better alternatives for every coin out there except BCH.
The rates you've posted are outdated, they're much lower now.
Go away, shill. Nexo is still better for stablecoins, and real DeFi is better for ETH and tokens.

>> No.19245190

Nexo are partnered with Lloyd's which is a century-old institution with much to lose if it works with a ponzi. There's good actors in this game.
Celsius on the other hand just got booted by their insurer, BitGo. BitGo continues to insure Nexo's coins but they're now considering Celsius a scam. DYOR.

>> No.19245196


>> No.19245203

P.S. I withdrew my coins from Nexo yesterday because I found an arbitrage opportunity, but I usually use them.
My favs are Compound and Aave tho

>> No.19245223

I trust Celsius more than I trust the pajeets shilling shitcoins with shit purpose like MachiX

>inb4 "b-but your shilling Celsius"
I don't care if you buy Celsius or not. I can afford to lose the $120 I put in it if it's a scam, I can ride it out with Daddy Trump's stimmy check next week.

>> No.19245249

basically a bank bussiness model, how is it a pyramid scheme?

>> No.19245250

Butgo is the reason i withdrew everything, also the whore.

>> No.19245259

After a year, you'll have made $5 dollars.
That will barely cover transaction fees, you nigger shill.

>> No.19245262
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>> No.19245301

>he puts his hardearned money into a ponzi scheme marketing itself as "defi" run by incompetent retards who don't even search their prospective hires on google, and a woman who was too stupid use a pseudonym when doing a porn shoot.

>> No.19245367

A bank actually has a business model.
No one is using these loans and the company behind Celsius is burning cash.
They're offering large, unsustainable sign up bonuses to get people to deposit in order to keep their charade running.

>> No.19245372

Crazy! What about mco? I also felt nexo was the safest with cel being scammy. Also the ceo lies about inventing voip. I know all centralized finance is risky but some must be safer than others.

>> No.19245405
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>> No.19245423

MCO is banned in my country and their domain is blocked, seriously.
Their ICO is a total scam but they look legit now. Can't spoonfeed you simply because I don't know.
I made a google translate of their whitepaper at ICO time and they gave me ~1500 MCO tokens for it, worth $50,000 a month later, so I've been unable to trust their actual service, but I love them kek.

>> No.19245438

P.S. When I did the translation I still read the fucking whitepaper. I said it was a scam because the WP itself was a marketing brochure proclaiming "lambo moon" with very few details about an actual business plan, also their Polish CEO was a convict from what I remember.
But if they happen to be transparent with their finances, it's not impossible that they've evolved in those 3 years since then.

>> No.19245440
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this guy gets it. Nexo is great. I use crypto.com though because it has tons more features. Being American is suffering though, can't use the exchange and can't get flash loans, but otherwise it's pretty great.

>> No.19245448


>> No.19245463

Also BTW I'm the guy who first posted about being in GDP 349 after the chainlink announcement.
I knew because I actually used their service before that.
Actually a lot of anons knew back in late 2019.

>> No.19245519

And just to kind of drive it home a bit on why crypto.com is my poison of choice, still the biggest name in the game for crypto to fiat debit. I just press a button and can spend my crypto on a coke. There's a lot of power there, and the bsvjeets fear this because muh crypto to crypto transactions

>> No.19245528

Ya, I have done a lot of research on all of the options including cel and nexo. Nexo seems the most professional as they never make outlandish claims and never did scammy things. Crypto.com literally did an ico with CRO, a completely useless coin, to get more money to support their business but as they own 60 percent of the supply they are constantly pumping it.

>> No.19245569

Didn't even know about CRO, but Monaco was one of the first 2017 moon missions and I remember them dearly.
I also happen to live 600m away from Nexo's office, so if shit hits the fan I can just give them a visit:


>> No.19245573
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Yeah, cro is a scam. But I do admire the fact that they have done an okay job giving it a separate utility from MCO. I think it would be too hard for them to give the same functionality to MCO without a dramatic restructuring of card tiers, price would just pump way too high and they are still in a heavy customer acquisition phase. But I think that's why I don't compare it to nexo, myself. Maybe if nexo ever ships their credit cards, I'll switch, since I think that would be more tax efficient. Nexo has a better loan system and I think is a lot cleaner, but is hindered by the lack of an exchange.

>> No.19245586

*porno video .webm*

Stick to ARPA, fren. Thank me later.

>> No.19245634

That's the reason I like mco. Actual financial reason for people to hold. Get 12 percent interest if you hold enough. Then give free cards to everyone and you have people using the platform. At one point mco supply will be less than demand and price will sky rocket. That is if the team can stop themselves from doing anything stupid or exit scamming first. Luckily they ripping off a lot of idiots with CRO so that will give them funds for a while.

>> No.19245659

Nexo is the best team by far. Also professional, also on big financial shows, actually release financial statements of profits. But you made valid points. If I had a million dollars I would feel better having them on nexo then crypto.com and I would not even consider cel.

>> No.19245769

Yep. Mco was the easiest buy ever when it dumped with the market. Because it isn't as prone to dumping itself. There is a real incentive to holding it. So when it does dump, it isn't made worse by panic sellers. I got to 500 with the last dump and couldn't be happier. Wish I bought more. If it dumps again, better believe I'm buying more.

Yeah I have almost nothing bad to say about nexo. I think my problems are all more about the regulations that hold things up. I do think the way they've handled the card situation though has been poor. But their loan model is good, and I think there is something to be said about a loan that isn't defi. More security. Nexo has more of a clear insurance vs CDC. I think CDC has good security as well but it's a little vague in if funds are safu

>> No.19246447

Has any of you tried Cred?
They had buggy KYC which got me stuck and I was never able to complete it. But they're fully regulated in California afaik and they seem pretty legit.

>> No.19246716

>locks your wallet
> KYC required
> you are not eligible to use celcius for tax reasons..sorry..
b-but muh coins
>you are not eligible to use celcius for tax reasons..sorry..
true story

>> No.19246836


>> No.19247298
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>> No.19247361
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Where can i find thw best rate for monero and eth bros?

>> No.19247737

this threads always end up parroting that celsius is a scam yet there's zero evidence, except for the chick that did porn and so fucking what? I asked for a loan on stable coins and it went through immediately while also making a comfy passive on the side

just my 2 cents, fuck niggers tho

>> No.19248514

The ceo lies constantly. Not a good look.

>> No.19248554

I am not putting any of my money into the hands of that literal whore

>> No.19248587

Literal pyramid scheme.


>> No.19248637


can you post some examples, genuinely curious

>> No.19249176

I've made my own ponzi before so I know how they work. I can always withdraw from Celsisu unlike any ponzi I ever tried.
Nexo took weeks to withdraw from. I will never touch them again.
Bitgo is now in competition with Celsius and Nexo.
I made over $10k from my 8 months of holding $100k of btc on Celsius by selling the CEL I made at a good price. The price of CEL is the only ponzi like element and that's true of every token.
Large players can handle more trades with access to large scale lending. You don't care about 20% annual interest on a trade that you close in a week. Most of the profit does not come from lending to other app users.

>> No.19249741

He has lied on Twitter numerous times about nexo. Bad lies that take 5 minutes to prove false. His biggest lie is still that he invented voip, again easy to just Google. Also he goes on about being a billionaire.. Something I think is also a lie. Why does he need to constantly shill his 50 mil Mc shitcoin then?

>> No.19250003

Thanks for clarifying that you're simply retarded.
This is his only mention of nexo I found on google.
Why can't you give actual examples? Where does he say he invented VOIP and what data counters what he said?
>I think
No you don't.

>> No.19250217

Can't even use Google but calls others retarded. Lol

>> No.19250424

See you can't back up anything you're talking about because you're a retard who just says random nonsense.

>> No.19250847

How do I short Celsius

Why do these retards fall for ponzi after ponzi?

>> No.19251201

>needs instructions on how to short
Borrow CEL from celsius and sell it.
They don't even have enough growth to pay out with deposits like a ponzi does. Is this whole thread just sour grapes by burgers that can't buy CEL because of their corrupt government?