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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19244746 No.19244746 [Reply] [Original]

I turn 20 in a few days.
It doesn’t get better, does it?

>> No.19244765

if you manage to breed, the 30s will be your best time

>> No.19244775

Nope. In fact, it stays much the same but time moves faster.

>> No.19244864

Yeah it was kind of a let down for me, it didn't really get marginally better or worse but just stayed the same except now I look olders

>> No.19245071

It's all up hill if you genuinely want it to be
But what you genuinely want is determined by what you genuinely understand
And what you genuinely understand is determined by your fate

>> No.19245093

My life has only bettered since I'm in my 20's (24 now), but since you're a whining anime poster you're only going to get more miserable over time.

>> No.19245096


It only gets better when you stop giving a fuck

>> No.19245124
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>> No.19245134
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Once you turn 21 you can legally drink a six-pack after work everyday. That's pretty based if you ask me.

>> No.19245141

I just turned 30 and my best life was when i turned 20. Don't be retarded about your finance, if you don't need it, invest it.

>> No.19245488

It only gets worse after the age of 6 when the mentally retarded parents sell you to the commie Jewish government starting with kindergarten, preschool, elementary school. And then get this... they expect you to live and make money by yourself after they didn't teach you anything.
In olden times we'd kill our grandfathers and maintain our wealth through generations.

I'm jealous of the few tombstones I read which have children ages 1-18 who died. I even saw someone who died at the age of 8. Lucky/smart kid, he refused school and all the bullshit.

>> No.19245523

wait till your dick stops working. oh boy...

>> No.19245533

I'm 21 and nothing happens. It doesn't get better nor worse

>> No.19245536

As an alcoholic with hepatic steatosis, don’t do this.

>> No.19245544

37 and feeling quite good. I'm unironically throwing years of salary into meme-coins and stuff i think will be huge like Suterusu. You only live once they say.

>> No.19245556

>37 and hasn’t made it

>> No.19245690

no one who made it is surfing biz. lul

>> No.19245724

Honestly I’m married and have kids and a 2.5milli net worth but I’ve browsed 4chin since 2007 and will probably never stop

>> No.19245728

>20 years old and still on 4chan

>> No.19245765

Pro tip: Vast majority of people don't ever make it. Its only because you are a dumb zoom zoom that you think its just a matter of time.

>> No.19245770

34 here and same thoughts word for word
if you have the will for it, giving up on anime might be the best life decision you could ever make

>> No.19245786

I love cunny and anime btw. I fucked a 19yo faux egirl yesterday, was great

>> No.19245810

depends on you anon. be positive

>> No.19245830

I just turned 30, it never did get better.

>> No.19245835

I turn 21 in a few months, it does get better only if you start your own business.

>> No.19246399

lol it gets way better

>> No.19246486

Absolutely fucking based
SUTER is gonna make us some serious dough boomer fren

>> No.19246514

it does if you invest. don't start drinking. don't become a coomer

>> No.19246585

It all depends on your own perception.

>> No.19246605

20's are the best years
everything else is downhill
t. 30

>> No.19246636

why the fuck you post a anime picture and say it doesn't go better

>> No.19246750

>You only live once they say.
Indeed. But your genes live on to enjoy your spoils.

>> No.19247324

I'm 30 and life is great. You just have to follow the rules.

Get a full time job with benefits. Invest as much as possible as early as possible. Find a smart and loyal wife. Have kids. Don't cheat.

>> No.19247590

>Find a smart and loyal wife.
Yeah if she's 10.

>> No.19247965
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I am 30 and never had a stable relationship. If we have a big bullrun I am totally moving out of NYC. The people here are not my type.

I suggest job hopping till you find something good, workout to stay fit, and find peace with God.

>> No.19248138

color me surprised, a millenial man-baby posting on a cartoon forum doesnt want to grow up


>> No.19248404

shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.19248454
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>> No.19248471

it's literally true though

>> No.19248850
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No, especially not if you continue being such a faggot weeb

>> No.19248868

>in terms of mental state i think 20 was my high point
32 now

>> No.19248882

Not Nico! >.<

>> No.19248901

20 yo is zoomer ya retard

>> No.19249014

oh please, vidya is 100x more detrimental to functioning adult life

>> No.19249056

dont cheat on your wife nigger

>> No.19249095

>anime poster
Yeah it's over for you.

>> No.19249276

but anime always leads to porn. and porn is worse than all of them combined.

>> No.19249335

I guess that's true. I've never sat and watched anime for 8 hours but with video games that is extremely easy to do.

>> No.19249370

It only gets worse if you do the same stupid shit that everyone else is doing. Which is basically everyone posting here. Don't stress about getting married, having kids or taking on a $300k mortgage. Do what YOU feel like doing in life, anon.

>> No.19249498


Hahaha no it gets so much worse

>> No.19249579

At 20 I was suicidal, self harmed regularly
24-27 was a high point for me I got a good job, amazing girlfriend

Now my life's going to shit again, suicidal thoughts are back, I've started headbutting walls and doorframes again

So then it gets worse

Tbh if I could sleep forever I would. life's just one long shit test. And even the people you think love and respect you end up shit testing you and showing you zero respect after you let your guard down
Lifes a scam

>> No.19249612


If you believe that, it will come true. Cuck.

>> No.19249719

OP, allow me to tell you the words my father told me on his 50th birthday. He looked at me and said - I dot not lie - he said, "Son, life only gets worse the older you get."

>> No.19249745

dropping video games is also not a bad idea. video games can siphon the sense of achievement you'd feel on more productive things
anime is bad on a fundamental level especially for men because at its core anime culture encourages you to be a sissy
when you take a step back and think about it it's ridiculous to see a grown man not only save a picture of a crying anime girl on his hdd but post it in public, in this context clearly as an avatar/emotion image reflecting his mood
of course you can always argue both in moderation aren't so bad yadda yadda, but in the case of op he's clearly one step too far

>> No.19249872

>Not understanding post pseudo irony of anime pics like OP's and the intelligence to comprehend them

Plebe gtfo

>> No.19250027

it definitely does

>> No.19250029
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I never make assumptions about anons based on anime related stuff, its way too culturally entwined in the site. I'll take /a/ autistics over /gif/ coomers(seriously that board is disgusting) or /pol/ cocksucking boomers any day.

Me? Personally I post cats.

>> No.19250207

Not everyone lives in “freedom land” where you have to wait that long

>> No.19250345
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>Me? Personally I post cats.

>> No.19250705

where in NYC do you live?

>> No.19250748

24-26 should be your prime

>> No.19250908

I’m 26
Age 20-24 were the best times of my life. The world gets much more interesting once you have money and can do whatever you want. Life is what you make of it, so if you choose to sit in tote parents basement y out r entire 20’s you’re going to be disappointed. If you go out and challenge yourself and accomplish cool things you will be happy.

>be me, 22
>save up $25k
>say fuck it, my life is boring and mundane
>quit my job, sell all my shit
>go to Southeast Asia with no plan except to buy a motorcycle and go on a grand adventure for a year
>rode through 5 countries, had the time of my life
Traveling isn’t a meme. Sitting on some lame beach taking selfies is. Go out and do something awesome

>> No.19250967
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>but anime always leads to porn
Pure cope. Just because this is the case with you doesn't mean everyone else is equally as weak, loser

>> No.19251038

>n no u
brainlet weeb

>> No.19251046

only if you’re a loser. the current year you’re living should be the year of your life. never settle. strive for more.

>> No.19251053
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21 here. Kinda, you will notice the years going faster.

>> No.19251081
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It depends on how bad your life currently is, but seeing as you are currently on 4chan and /biz/, your life should get better after a few years of self improvement/meditation.
As you get older you will get more freedom to do things you like and change things you ignored which made your life difficult.
You should stop watching too many news and focus on yourself and what you can do to reach your goals and dreams.
You don't have the ability to save the world, but you have full control over your own choices and ability to reach happiness.

You should also try to apply the rule 10 of the 48 laws of power to your life:
> There are people who attract happiness to themselves by their
>good cheer, natural buoyancy, and intelligence. They are a source of plea
>sure, and you must associate with them to share in the prosperity they draw
>upon themselves.
>This applies to more than good cheer and success: All positive qualities can infect us
>Use the positive side of this emotional osmosis to advantage. If, for ex
>ample, you are miserly by nature, you will never go beyond a certain limit;
>only generous souls attain greatness. Associate with the generous, then,
>and they will infect you, opening up everything that is tight and restricted
>in you. If you are gloomy, gravitate to the cheerful. If you are prone to iso
>lation, force yourself to befriend the gregarious. Never associate with those
>who share your defects-they will reinforce everything that holds you
>back. Only create associations with positive affinities. Make this a rule of
>life and you will benefit more than from all the therapy in the world.

>> No.19251092

i am 20 in uni - should i start a youtube? i have the looks but i dont want to do any clickbait or trash content. should i bother? i have a educational concept for a channel

>> No.19251121

My life definitely peaked at age 19, but that's just me.

>> No.19251269

It does if you're not a moron and learn the rules of the game. I learned, now mid 30s, and retired

>> No.19251652

You got various choices
> gather up diplomas/certificates and live your dream wagie live.
>Try to achieve something
>Party up and continue to not care
Each one have it's downfalls and traps. Just do whatever makes you happy to wake up and have somewhere that you are glad to return and sleep. The form and moments are irrelevant and you won't have the luxury of chosing

>> No.19251684


Life has been like... categorically better past 21.

Maybe because I was a nervous kid in school, family poor, didn't go for what I wanted, etc. Not much good shit came around back then.

Three things I'd say heavily contributed to what my life is today, can't say it will have any affect what so ever on your well being, but:

>Taught myself mathematics.
Didn't pay attention while school passed; peak retard. Got myself up to scratch and am still skull dragging my ass through a math degree via distance. What a world of shit, but man do I have a good job now, which I unironically enjoy. Words or law or whateverthefuck might be your thing but the pursuit of knowledge keeps life interesting. You keep learning how infinitely deep the well is. Which can be frustrating as fuck yes, but come on you like dark souls right?

>Taught myself how to be more charismatic.
Probably could have done it more often, but I'm quite a happy talker now. I can not emphasise enough how much of a stupid advantage it is to be able to just get people to like you. 90% got my job through this and 10% through my learning. Talking is the game, don't be fooled for a second. If you walk into the interview room and it's you vs Chad; CVs don't count for shit once you're in that room, I hope to fuck you can out talk Chad.

>Kept in pretty good shape.
I'd probably tout that this really helped with the dopamine to get me through the other two things but super objectively, scored me some pretty good sex. Having healthy amounts of sex should keep you fairly happy from a technical standpoint.

>> No.19251741


Seeing as it's now a few years down the way and you are now smart, charismatic and sexy 20 something year old, I would advise you not fall for the "yeah nah but humans aren't pair bonding apes" meme. Saw a few blokes descend into that one and dissatisfaction levels are getting pretty wild in those heads. 100% not saying you shouldn't be having casual sex or whatever. You should, it let's you see if you are sexually compatible for more AND whether you like it or not people are going to subconsciously use that metric to dipstick your inherent value on some level. Use your 20's strategically, don't waste them with no endgame in mind. A very real void is going to consume you and assuming you aren't somehow super dysfunctional, that void will only be filled long term by having children. Then the next thing that's gonna keep you grinning will be a stable home for that kid so you'd better hope mum isn't just some bottom of the barrel cunt you settled for because suddenly you're mid 30's and OH FUCK I NEED TO BREED (see, divorce rates since the sexual revolution). Jordan Peterson is a wild xanny party animal and sometimes says some shit that makes me think he's in the middle of having a profound psychedelic experience (probably do that as well) but his points on marriage and family are pretty spot on. Be picky, within reason.

tl;dr, Just play the ape game my dude it definitely has some pretty fucking good days.

>> No.19251768

twenties is basically hell
than you will hit 30 one day and realize your are a boomer and things arent so bad anymore

>> No.19251832

>i have a educational concept for a channel
what are you thinking of doing brah ?

>> No.19251938

Honestly the older I get the more pussy I attract, so, it can

>> No.19251984


>> No.19252151

think you need to go back, fren

>> No.19252233

Nice comeback.
How original and thoughtful.