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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 225 KB, 885x402, sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19237608 No.19237608 [Reply] [Original]

Im trying to redpill my friend on this. /biz/ dug up all the info for the past 3 years, but I lost all the images in a HD failure. Anyone have them still?

>> No.19237657

I bought LINK and it paid off the Coinbase fee in less than an hour... Imagine if I had $10,000 worth of it or even $1,000... :( Oh well. My little $100 of LINK will go to the moon regardless. I'll only be able to afford 2 yachts not a big deal.

>> No.19237669

thanks based pajeet bot

>> No.19237683
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You're in luck fren. I have been doing an investigation into it. I'm not 100% sure he is Satoshi, or is involved with Satoshi in development. Either way Sergey is a curious case.

>> No.19237696
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>> No.19237699

sergey isn't satoshi. pls stop. it makes us all look collectively more retarded

>> No.19237709
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>> No.19237721

dubs of truth. Sergey has been on the right track for many years and has been involved since early on, but it is unlikely he is satoshi. I'd say it's more likely nick szabo is than sergey, but I don't even think it's Nick

>> No.19237737

you have to go back. who the fuck cares what we look like.

>> No.19237759

thnaks fren, there was a whole lot more that everyone uncovered and I wish I still had all the images....

>> No.19237821
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I believe it is Nick as well. Sergey has worked with him or just knows him.

If you look at block chain development and it's natural progression it's clear that the order goes:

Double Spend --- Smart Contracts --- Oracles

NXT was the smart contracts platform that Sergey was most likely involved with despite him denying it. If you look how close him and CFB are it's pretty clear Sergey was the architect of it. Sergey did abandon NXT because all developers had adopted ETH as the smart contracts platform of choice. With that behind him he started taking on the third and final step of blockchain... oracles.

>> No.19237867
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There is a lot of info, however I feel that I have scratched the surface. Sergey, Thomas, and Nick are very involved in the crypto community, and have been since the beginning.

>> No.19237878

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.19237982

wasnt there one where like the building address was the same for sergey and satoshi?

>> No.19238044

what is the evidence tying the 2008-10-25 domain name registration date to sergey?

>> No.19238177

The search for satoshi began while digging a bit deeper in Come-from-Beyond's history. For a overview look at https://np.reddit.com/r/IOTAmarkets/comments/btyn90/could_comefrombeyond_be_satoshi_nakamoto_part_4/..

Sergey Ivanchgelo (Come-From-Beyond) and Sergey Nazarov were both part of the cypherpunks. Their ages match, they both speak Russian, so they found the perfect partner to get Bitcoin up and running.

Sergey Nazarov wrote Bitcoin v0.1. He's probably the person who's behind the 'satoshi' account on Bitcointalk. And also the one who's talking in the mailing list: https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/.. His coding skills and language use are a 100% match. Further proofs such as the domain name smartcontract.com can be found on the internet.

Sergey Ivancheglo is probably also part of satoshi, he's at least one of the first to get his hands on Bitcoin (proven from the vanity address https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/1CFBdvaiZgZPTZERqnezAtDQJuGHKoHSzg, a manually generated Bitcoin address), even before Hal Finney. Records show that he was already busy with distributed systems in 2002.

When asking about it, Ivancheglo several times admitted that Nazarov is, or is part of satoshi (for example https://twitter.com/c___f___b/status/1011676626684465152?lang=en).).

They both continued their journey and did some work together for Nxt. IOTA's Qubic is inspired by Chainlink and vice versa.

TLDR: Sergey Nazarov was part of satoshi. Sergey Ivancheglo was part of satoshi, or at least heavily involved in start-up phase of Bitcoin.

>> No.19238682

Is it true bros? He certainly has the personality that I'd expect from Satoshi, and there are all these coincidences. Who the fuck is Sergey really?

>> No.19238920

please move this thread to /x/ with all the other schizo bullshit.

we /biz/ here.

>> No.19239052

russian scammer

>> No.19239081
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checked for epic connectivity

>> No.19239117

i agree, and buy mobius sirs

>> No.19239233

>we /biz/ here
/biz/ is /link/
Get over it

>> No.19239432

whats Sergeys Birthday?
Whats Ari Juels brithday?

>> No.19239460

Why do you need to know? I remember someone a while ago trying to make connections from his birth date.

>> No.19239464

Chainlink ho!ders on 4chan deserve financial ruin

>> No.19239478
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Chainlink holders on 4chan deserve financial ruin

>> No.19239534
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To know if someone is doing a ritual... always see the distance from their birthday to events in their life. Gematria rituals are kabbalistic creation rituals. These rituals come first and foremost for people you see on TV.

>> No.19239587

Thanks anon. We need Lauren to ask Sergey at her next livestream.

>> No.19239634
File: 226 KB, 1280x707, Screen Shot 2020-05-19 at 2.20.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ari knows all about Gematria and has that 32 and 58
Greek Isopsephy
Roman Numerals
Hebrew Gematria
and what people will not admit to being real is the fact that English was created by kabbalists and Gematria applies
check out gematriaeffect,news

>> No.19239879

is /biz/ really this far gone? Its clear all these summerfags and moonbois weren't around for all the breadcrumbs over the past 3 years

>> No.19240180
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>> No.19240196
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>> No.19240216
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>> No.19240235
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>> No.19240239

>the Waco massacre was actually a ritual child sacrifice to Moloch.
Because CNN broadcasted the fire live?

>> No.19240251

I care. That's why I do well in business and have an active social life. I come to 4chan to release the pressures of my pseudo-normie life.

>> No.19240256
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>> No.19240270
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>> No.19240283
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>> No.19240295
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>> No.19240308
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What did he mean by this guys, you think larp?

>> No.19240319
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Based Sergey maximalism

>> No.19240320
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>> No.19240336

Wtf i love chinese communism now

>> No.19240337
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>> No.19240339

so in conclusion... Sergey is well connected.

This is bullish as fuck for Link

>> No.19240349
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>> No.19240365

I’ve never seen this one, but it gets the old noggin joggin.

>> No.19240395

hold on a minute. this is the first i've seen of this one, can someone redpill me on this plebbit shit?

>> No.19240397

Thomas started out as one of us. He impressed the team with his technical tutorials and was hired.

>> No.19240427

But chainlink is an erc20 token. Satoshi couldn't of predicted ethereum

>> No.19240433

Oh shit, Satoshi's birthday listed on his Bitcointalk profile was April 5.

>> No.19240464
File: 138 KB, 535x314, new-protocol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There IS a mas exodus and a mass influx into another protocol, its already happening Its a baseline protocol that all these platforms (ETH, ADA, EOS..etc..) will use. They must use it or ETH, EOS and any other platform goes to zero. The protocol brings non-deterministic events to the definitive deterministic blockchain, all of the them. There is no POW as this protocol is earth friendly and was called the "new mining" of the future. It is the web to the website. It is equivalent to the HTTPS protocol but with a token. Stay sharp and good luck everyone.

>> No.19240508
File: 364 KB, 1200x794, link earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warosu is so cool

>> No.19240510


>> No.19240536
File: 10 KB, 676x138, omfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my fucking god!

>> No.19240619

Didn't a super duper ancient wallet just move bitcoin for the first time since 2008?

>> No.19240644

Its true, all of it.

>> No.19240655

checked and holy shit

>> No.19240661
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>> No.19240672
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>> No.19240679

it actually makes sense satoshi would move on as the technology improved. does anyone really think satoshi would still be shilling btc? that he still derpthroats his own whitepaper like creg does?

he would have 100% been backing ethereum or monero by now at least

>> No.19240710

>eth or monero
get the fuck out of here

>> No.19240718

Szabo had it most of the way there with bitgold, it took someone to see the bigger picture to add nakamoto consensus. Vitalik had it most of the way there with Ethereum, it took someone to see the bigger picture and solve the oracle problem. Someone that studied philosophy and focuses on nuance.

>> No.19240727

you realize the creation date tells you nothing right? sergey could have just purchased the domain from the original owner, or bought it up when if it expired.

>> No.19240747

lol. he made up his name but he most def put his real birthday

>> No.19240766

I have to laugh when I see the fudsters make fun on Sergey's philosophy degree. I had a couple good friends in college who studied philosophy and listening to them debate Hegel made my brain fucking overload.

>> No.19240829
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Philosophy underlies literally everything frens. Here we stand at the cusp of infinity watching the world twist and turn anew. Value is never created only transferred. If Sergey was responsible for the selloff we're in for a wild ride and there are no brakes on this rollercoaster

>> No.19240869

whats the problem reject

>> No.19240874

Link niggers are truly desperate

>> No.19240921


>> No.19240925


>> No.19240966

sergey was a finalist in a google code competition in 2006


>> No.19240984

dont talk to me or my biological son ever again or ill put your teeth thru the back of your skull you DOUBLE CUNT

>> No.19240999

sergey was in america in 2006

>> No.19241024

still would of had his country of origin retard.

>> No.19241033
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>> No.19241041

thomas hobbes birthday is april 5, 1588

>> No.19241052

this is actually the first hard evidence i've seen that sergey even knows how to code so thanks for that.

>> No.19241064

Source for this text?

>> No.19241067

also what evidence is there that ari grew up with hal. that's extremely significant information.

>> No.19241107
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Czeched. Kek is with us boys

>> No.19241111

Ari and Hal childhood frens lol how is that to be proven ?

>> No.19241120

Imagine falling for this fud. High level coding is more about problem solving in a logical manner rather than typing it. You wanna conceptualize the problem then solve it using a series of logical functions.

>> No.19241129
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Quads checked
Jew ID checked

>> No.19241135

listen there's no fucking way you could build something like bitcoin without being very comfortable with all the bullshit you need to learn to be able to do this "high level coding". it takes years and years to get there.

>> No.19241141

Someone autistic needs to look up each and every single one of these people and try to get details about SERGEY or see if they are related with ChainLink pronto

>> No.19241145

based and same
fuck jannies joggers and jews

>> No.19241157

What is team work and delegation for 1K is fud faggot. I'm not saying he did it himself although that would be remarkable but like all good authors there's a strong community behind every name

>> No.19241166
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>Source for this text?
Advanced Crypto Asset Trading group on Facebook. It's where a crypto OG named Sean ironstag in 2018 said BTC was going to be abandoned for a new protocol. The group is invite only but it's easy enough to join. There are multiple discussions about BTC and ETH dying, just search.

>> No.19241170
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>listen there's no fucking way you could build something like Ethereum without being very comfortable with all the bullshit
Blocks your path

>> No.19241179

go read the bitcoin and chainlink whitepapers and see how much code there is

>> No.19241187
File: 28 KB, 800x800, juan-joya-58158d0ee5ed6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generic law firm sounding domain which later got sold to Sergey that was registered at the same month and year as Satoshi's first post when Sergey was probably 22 years old and studying Philosophy
>this means he is Satoshi

There is no class of shitcoiners dumber than linkoids.

>> No.19241198


So if all the developers adopt another Oracle decentralized network, is Sergey going to abandon Chainlink?

>> No.19241210

vitalik has been coding since he was 2 i assume
it is possible (god, is it even possible?) that a person could simply be extremely talented at coming up with robust, comprehensive, well planned technical solutions but not be able to code. it sounds so unlikely to me.

>> No.19241219

he was studying philosophy while participating in online discussion with cypherpunks because he was already a master developer

>> No.19241220

100% CIA psy op, “satoshi” would never do that, it would ruin crypto’s credibility for decades and slow the progress of adoption. Unless BTC was an intelligence agency honeypot because they knee the technology was coming so they made it themselves to control it.

>> No.19241222

jew quads

>> No.19241235
File: 9 KB, 326x326, +_92b8abdd417cf3b8c909801362444539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was already a master developer
Give the laptop back to your mother.

>> No.19241239

Go and watch the old BTC docos of them mining out of basements too anon. It just sounds sophisticated until it's put into practice and becomes normal. Also vitalik is camping with one of the early libertine groups and buying coffee with BTC
They literally gave a presentation about btc to the glowies

>> No.19241248
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Uncle oldfuck please go.
Remember when Sergey posted pic related and said I am sergey?

>> No.19241257
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>> No.19241260
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Lmao checked wtf praise kek we have our signs now boys looks like moon is back on the table

>> No.19241275

>“satoshi” would never do that
Imagine how pissed off satoshi would be seeing what they've done to Bitcoin and all the shitforks that have come out of it. The whole space needs a reset.

>> No.19241289

>smile to the rotating cube

>> No.19241329

Well if this is indeed the truth, are my LINKies safe?

>> No.19241336

>100% CIA psy op, “satoshi” would never do that
覚中本 literally means central intelligence. BTC is a glowcoin

>> No.19241349
File: 277 KB, 511x614, mclink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol did OP ditch his thread right before shit got good?

>> No.19241360

I mean I wouldn’t be suprised, the U.S. glowies developed internet and cell phones before they were released to the public.

>> No.19241368

If the conspiracy is true, then there are two possibilities:

Satoshis BTC will be sold on the market crashing everything, then the USD will be used to buy LINK.

Satoshis BTC will be used to buy LINK on the LINK/BTC pair.

>> No.19241374
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Know that feel bro

>> No.19241379

Still here, getting nostalgic seeing all the breadcrumbs resurface. Thanks for posting them everyone.

>> No.19241392

Hes probably a cia spook but also literally the second coming of jesus

>> No.19241401
File: 79 KB, 383x383, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Flood LINK/BTC with BTC
Can't wait for this timeline

>> No.19241428

LINK is an erc-20 token, it’s built on ETH, why would he buy LINK but not ETH? And if the glowies are going to implode the crypto space, can they give us a verifiable heads up? I thought they were buying off us autists with crypto? Do they really want us to be broke and bittet so that we release the full power of our autism and chaos?

>> No.19241443

>LINK is an erc-20 token
It isn't

>> No.19241472

Sergey is very careful with his public image. We only know he used to let people stay over for cash, he's a gamer, but he doesn't want to talk about favorite movies and music...

>> No.19241498
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are they related?

>> No.19241501
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>> No.19241511

couchsurfing is free

>> No.19241541
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Great thanks for that.

>> No.19241546

All memes aside the reason why LINK is such a safe bet is because of him. He seems to genuinely care instead of just being another hack. I mean shit it took 2 fucking years to get to $4...

>> No.19241554

It is you gaslighting glowing baboon negro.


Read for yourself.

>> No.19241564


I've asked before just because I'm curious. I think we are both about the same age and I guess I'm a little school girl for hoping it was close to mine. lol

>> No.19241583
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>> No.19241585

LINK is an erc-677 and is blockchain agnostic (it can be hosted on any smart contract platform)

>> No.19241611

pretty sure he doesn't share movies and music because he doesn't connect to them the same way other people do so he just sounds insane if he talks about it

>> No.19241635

Can barely write an article in 2013 and you want me to believe he’s satoshi ?


>> No.19241789

also there was a larp AMA by sergey that I think may have actually been him. it was a day or two before the reddit AMA. someone asked him something rude about adelyn and then a question later he said thanks for the support or something and something like "clearly this was a mistake".

>> No.19241790
File: 19 KB, 723x231, IMG_20200521_085132_550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sean Ironstag, now that is a name I haven't heard in a while. Does faythe ring any bells anyone?

>> No.19241847

Oh I forgot about that Mike Patel guy, he's friends with ironstag.
The scam designed to attract linkies with hexagons? I member

>> No.19241863

Yeah I remember that thread too. Still what did he expect if real

>> No.19241921

my guess was that it was just part of their outreach playbook, and sergey being the kind of guy he is gave us the benefit of the doubt that if he approached us like worthwhile human beings we would respond in kind, but of course he was wrong and the AMA didn't go for long. i thought it was a good larp if it was a larp, because the language/approach he used was dead on.

>> No.19242052

Well I hope he's not naive like that. Rules are rules regardless if we worship the man. If he wants to namefag here he'd better shoe on head for respect and even then there won't be Rory in the chat to delete shit like this is fucking China.

>> No.19242080

What about this world makes you think people get what they deserve, cuck?

>> No.19242116
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Memetic vibrations are capable of distorting this world. Just as the creator distorts things to bring experience into being we can make our journey here more comfortable if we collectively will something into being.

>> No.19242136

You could literally find out craig is satoshi in 5 minutes if you did some research, but whatever, continue these little childish games if you like.

>> No.19242214

Craig Wright is a Chinese asset.

>> No.19242245

He could literally prove it himself in five minutes by signing, but he can't

>> No.19242265

inb4 he worked at the shell manning the register

>> No.19242385

This thread is fucking hilarious. So do I buy LINK now?

>> No.19242793

>So do I buy LINK now?
Do you WANT to lose all your money?!