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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19235018 No.19235018[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone on here actually quarantined still? I haven't spent an entire day inside in weeks and I'm just wondering if anyone here is willingly still doing this? Just to clarify, I'd still wear a mask at the stores but I'm excercising outside daily, hanging out with friends, visiting family and everything else basically. Also, how is this affecting everyone's jobs/profits/whatever else?

>> No.19235261

Well, I can do all my work from home, I have a wife who I bang nightly, I zoom with friends, and I only visit family once a year.

Why the fuck should I leave the house?

>> No.19235311


I live in NYC, there's nothing to do because everything is closed. I still go outside whenever I feel like it though usually just to go for a walk or jog. Also I'm furloughed

>> No.19235323
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Yeah, 2 months of mostly being indoors or working at my dad's place.
furloughed so nothing better to do than wait for unemployment checks.

>> No.19235328

Been quarantined for about a week after testing positive. One more week of paid vacation to go.

I don't know what to do with my life at this point.

>t. nurse

>> No.19235342

Nah I never followed the quarantine orders and don’t wear a mask could give less than a fuck

>> No.19235408

Yeah the masks definitely get old quick, I just saw something on the news in my state that said 68 cashiers died of covid after we reopened, after that they quickly mentioned that 10k cashiers either got covid or were tested positive, but of course the headline is 68 cashiers dead, really shows how overrated this all is when 68/10,000 of them died

>> No.19235422

>Also, how is this affecting everyone's jobs/profits/whatever else?
I’m a money machine, remote work for a great rate and a bit of trading on the side

>> No.19235502

Everything here is still closed. I lost my job in March. The unemployment money is never going to get here, the state is run by morons. Thankfully the little bit of money I was able to make trading stoncks and my savings have actually helped me through this.

>> No.19235595
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I mean,
that's still 68 people who died operating a register.

>> No.19235649

I’m also bored as fuck. Any online games we can play together as biz frens?

>> No.19235750

Mordhau, Squad, etc.
I'm kinda getting burnt out from games in general.

>> No.19235974

Work from home not trying to go back to that trash office when I can work from the comfort of my own home while having my girl bring me delicious food

>> No.19236028

I'm in NYC.
We're still not allowed to go to the dentist for non-emergency stuff.

>> No.19236055

Sucks that can't really go to gym since it's probably the worst place to be in with people breathing heavily and coughing etc. Other than that not much change around here I guess.

>> No.19236136

yes, I only leave my house once a month anyway to get groceries

>> No.19236592
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>Any online games we can play together as biz frens?
Of course.

>> No.19236614

I literally do not give a shit. I’ve been to the beach almost every fucking day since the end of April. Fuck stay at home pussies.

>> No.19236621

>mask at groceries store
>hang out with friends

You know that's retarded, right?