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19232146 No.19232146 [Reply] [Original]

get the sense that people don't really like me
i think it's because i don't like to socialize
and usually come across as a dickhead when i do socialize, even in anonymous online forums
i just can't resist the temptation to troll
will i become a more likable person when stinky linky hits $1000?
will i change? should i change? should i care?
what do?

>> No.19232179

>get the sense that people don't really like me
you shouldn't care

>> No.19232232

When linkies hit $1000 they will beg to be trolled

>> No.19232256

this makes me feel good
we're going to make it my fren

>> No.19232425


>> No.19232774
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Lmao asking biz for life advice is one step above r9k. I used to be like you, but I slowly found people skills to be a superpower. I made a conscious effort a while back to start being nice and helpful, if you are genuine it pays dividends. I have deep friendships with a few people worth talking to that I wouldn't have if I hadn't made the effort to care. You'll go on trips, participate in projects, and have more opportunities for anything and everything just because people enjoy your company. There are a lot of pieces of shit out there who you would never want to talk. The ones you'd like to talk to already learned this lesson, its like a big club of likeable and interesting people. It's all segregated. The assholes of the world don't learn, it keeps them down and they're like crabs in a bucket. Their lives suck, their relationships are terrible, they're poor, mean, and petty. The cool ones treat people well and don't tolerate anything less for themselves, you don't get to find them without being nice it'll take some time but the good thing is when you start being nice to people you spot the good ones a lot easier, the better you are the easier you'll find them. You'll start to think of their actions in terms of your decision making, "I wouldn't talk to someone like that" or "if he did that he must be a really great guy". You'll see pretty quick who is worth your time, though some flaws can be revealed later you'll by and large have gained x-ray vision for personality. You don't have to change, but your life will be awesome if you do. Good luck fren.

>> No.19233290

thanks for the sound advice

>> No.19233333

Rh-, they sense it

>> No.19233400

Do what I do and be nice to people until they prove they're shitty then lay into them with 120% dickhattery.

>> No.19233475

Why do they not like my -?

>> No.19233638

Happy to help. One practical thing you can actually use: listen. People love talking about themselves, letting them do so serves two purposes. First, it sounds wierd but they'll like you even if you didn't do much talking and they probably won't even realize it. Second, if you let them they will tell you almost everything about themselves. Don't see it as a boring story, see it as a predictor of future behaviour. You'll know if they'll make a great business partner or if they'll try to fuck your wife. People treat everyone the same, if they do it to someone else they'll probably do it to you.

>> No.19234200

Listening is a great skill. I'll add that three seconds is how long it takes between quiet and when someone feels the quiet.

If it gets quiet during a conversation, I'll count to three in my head or move my fingers in a 1-2-3 way. If the other person doesn't talk, then begin on the 4th second. Most of the time, the other person will talk.