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19231610 No.19231610 [Reply] [Original]

How do I learn to ignore the "this is the rest of my life" feeling

>> No.19231915

Just keep watching porn and make sure you swallow enough toothpaste. It'll go away eventually

>> No.19231963

Why should you?

>> No.19231975

Buy chainlink

>> No.19231976

what is it with those cheap off topic threads today? new batch of pajeets?

>> No.19231980


>> No.19232002

Are you happy? If no. You need to reevaluate and take action.

>> No.19232015

Op's probably recently entered the workforce and is dealing with a case of existential dredd

>> No.19232038




>> No.19232043
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>Hit it big time with a top 10 channel on youtube, started really early when they weren't a mainstream thing, got a really good voice actor who wasn't robotic like all the subsequent top 10 channels
>Ad-pocalypse happened, overnight channel earnings gone
>Had experience as a tech journo before that

Anything I can do with my skills? I've been out of the game for nearly a decade now. What are the sites everyone goes to these days, fiverr?

Writing is obviously the main one: I used to come up with unique titles that didn't need to be sensationalised on youtube... and spent time researching and writing the scripts for the videos. First 3 videos I uploaded got 15 million views each after promoting them to get 10,000 views each via google ads, then it went viral

Can I do anything with my experience or shall I just start learning coding? thanks...

>> No.19232078

First day on /biz/?

>> No.19232119

don't let it be the rest of your life. you are the master of your own domain. If you so choose to, you can sell everything you own except for your car, and camp in national parks across the country, go hiking every morning, trap/fish a large portion of your food, and do odd jobs for cash or even straight bum on the corner(you'll make at least $100 a day on the corner) Use your car as shelter on bad weather days. A decent laptop will let you shitpost/watch anime, you can connect to wifi basically everywhere nowadays.
Ofc that is an extreme example of what you COULD do, but the point is that you can literally live anyway you want, if you want to be wealthy lay the ground work now. You might have to be a literal nigger for a few years, and yeah that's not fair and it shouldn't have to be like that but you only get 1 shot at life, you can't sit around wishing society was different. If you play the game for a few years, you will make it. worst case scenario you can be a drifter with a car and computer, not really that bad is it?

>> No.19232151
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>how do I learn to enjoy making myself miserable?

>> No.19232188

no, certainly not, but today they are extremely cheap and unoriginal, like some new poos joined and they don't know what they are doing

>> No.19232230

Honestly drugs and alcohol help me cope. Only have a 5k stack of link and 100eth. Hope it's enough to make it