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19227221 No.19227221 [Reply] [Original]

I’m 18 year old male just graduated hs last week. I’ve lately been interested in the stock market. From what I’ve heard it’s better to start investing as early as possible. I’ve done enough research to know the very basics of investing. I want to learn how to gain more knowledge on investing in stocks. and, more importantly, how do I start? Where do I go? Is there a legit trading website, or do I have to do paperwork or something?

>> No.19227241

Teenagers dont belong on this site

>> No.19227253
File: 763 KB, 2504x1940, peter-zeihan-headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch this and then start binge watching real vision finance


Thank me later

>> No.19227265

minimum requirement age is 18. weren’t you a teenager once? have a heart man.

>> No.19227310

i’ll thank you now. this is the kind of kinda additional knowledge I was looking for.

>> No.19227347
File: 39 KB, 464x439, 1588384661507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, another "spoonfeed me" thread

>> No.19227372

found the geedy knowledge whore

>> No.19227391

>have a heart man

>> No.19227462
File: 492 KB, 2316x3084, 4z7h40izzi741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would definitely shy away from stocks at the moment if we are on the verge of another 'great depression' buying stocks would be a bad idea.

Just to give you a example if you bought the top of market in 1929 it would of taken 26 years or until 1954 to get break even again.

Make sure you get educated and challenge what you hear, always look for counter arguments even against things you believe in confidently.

You will learn your lesson somehow, but only you can decide how much you will pay to learn it. Will you make a bad choice due to ignorance and get wiped out or will you learn from the mistakes of others.

gl fren.

>> No.19227638
File: 7 KB, 450x225, 1586637886755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically a beautiful picture.
Would donate to those gentlemen.

>> No.19227828

just fuck off you fucking faggot, you've provided no substance, literally asking to be explained everything. FUCK YOU

>> No.19228082 [DELETED] 
File: 249 KB, 1242x1342, B7F769A7-509D-438E-A319-1A0B09F7DA1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more lmao

>> No.19228115
File: 263 KB, 1242x1388, 2E8F6679-2E8D-4107-8277-0206D7CCFC0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more lmao

>> No.19228172

>being this much of an autist towards potential brand new market capital

commit not alive jew

>> No.19228222

Ah so the "seethe more" people were the underage faggots all long. Now it all makes sense.

>> No.19228271

0. Do your research, learn as much as you can about stocks. Make sure you know what market cap, P/E ratio and what causes stocks to pump or dump. Also consider if right now is even the time to invest. Not just because of the economy but because you shouldnt put ANY money into the market that you will need in 5-10 years. Make sure you know what taxes do to your gains (capital gains tax), consider this before becoming a day trader. After 5 years that tax rate goes way down.
1. If youre sure youre ready, get a brokerage account. There are many sites and companies that will help you with that. Dont get margin accounts, and dont listen to what brokers tell you to invest in. you want your own individual brokerage account. You will need your license, SS# and your personal info to open one. Any company worth their salt wont charge you or at least wont charge you much, to make and use that account.
2. Once your account is made you can buy stock right from that account, you put the ticker in and how many shares you want.

Good luck.

>> No.19228303

yes everyone on the internet who says, or has said, or ever will say “seethe more” is underage. thank you for the riveting observation.

>> No.19228370

saved. thanks, I’ll look into all you said. sounds it’s gonna take a lot of research. but then again, what doesnt?

>> No.19228714

>commit not alive jew
go back to plebbit faggots

>> No.19228896

seething anime faggot. Your waifu pillow is over the keyboard again

Just know investing isn't short term. I started at 18 and it's been a year or two and I've learned a good amount - I will tell you it now - I am typing fast so my spelling will not be the best

1. Buy Low Sell High - know there are infinite opportunities to invest in any other stock. Just because you see an oppurtunity that seems like it sounds good but has already been shilled and is not overpriced, don't jump on to it. Use a limit buy to snag things at low prices. Trust me it helps NEVER market buy.

2. Investing and Trading are different. At your age it will be REALLY hard for you to JUST invest. Investing means putting a lot of money into something and forgetting about it for a good 10 years. Maybe check on your sum every month once. Your mind will want to do short term things and it will be hard for you to wait 10 years as your mind is making you think things. This is why I suggest mixing up your portfolio

Start by investing a good 200$ in a penny stock for a pharmeceutical company (Such as KTOV - which has a PR coming out on the 29th and has already tripled my money). Learn the basics by investing into a penny stock like ktov and get some good gains a long the way. This will teach you how to expect certain events and spikes (in the event of a pr)

After that I suggest branching out and doing slight options trades here and there and then once you build up a good amount of money start diversifying your portfolio and SET YOURSELF for wealth in the future. Your 25 year old self will trust you. I started at 16.

25% LONG TERM Investing - Set this and forget it. Long term I mean 8-10 years ideally.

50% Options Trades and Short Term Trades - Try to not have a single trade risk more than 1-5% of your portfolio if its over 20k

5% Penny Stocks - will ocassionally make some good money and not too expensive

20% Whatever the fuck you want to do

My email - notkudo@gmail.com

>> No.19229176

thanks a ton man you spilled a lot of useful info in this. I’m gonna dig deeper into the logistics then I’ll know if I’m gonna dive into the market. Will definitetly email if I have questions or updates. good shit.

>> No.19229220

It's very simple, but at the same time very hard. https://www.lynalden.com/build-wealth/

>> No.19229843

>thinking this market pumps based on PE

>> No.19229926

so why did you decide to ask on a racist uniswap fan-club board? what you are looking for is reddit my dude.