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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19223550 No.19223550 [Reply] [Original]

I’m trying to get fucking rich anons

>> No.19223579


>> No.19223585

The amount of it that the devs hold

>> No.19224153


>> No.19224306

Esh? 0. Ghosties? 20k for a masternode.

>> No.19224518

So long as you buy it before you hear it mentioned in the news or a conversation, you will be able to ride this wave.

Just don't flinch like a pussy when it dips. And wait for McAfee to actually start shilling.

>> No.19224527

10k ESH to Ghost.

>> No.19224557

20k = McAfee Coke & Whores Yacht Club
10k = make it
1k = suicide stack

>> No.19224580

>> No.19224604

So many haters

>> No.19224652

Probably this if you want to "make it" in any reasonable amount of time.
I'm just going to do a 3-5 month hold with it. See what shakes up. Hoping for $15 - $60 in that time frame but who knows what will happen

>> No.19224690

50k+: Ghost Train Captain
40k-49.9k: Dual Masternode First Class Ghost Rider
20k-39.9k: Masternode Business Class Chad
10k-19.9k: Window Seat Ghostie
5k-9.9k: Aisle Seat Ghostboi
1k-4.9k: Standing Carriage Ghostlet
100-999: Babby Ghostie stroller seat

>> No.19224717

A lot of people here lost money in the dump on sunday and are coming up with irrational fud to blame the project when really it happened because it went from .04 to 2.55 in two weeks. It was a house of cards.

>> No.19224880

maybe the most rational post I've seen pertaining to ESH since the pump

>> No.19224991

woah there buddy, too much IQ showing, go back to wojack posting

>> No.19224999
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>> No.19225004

10k esh.

Then you swap it for 2key on kyber

>> No.19225036

and how much of a shitshow will the 24th/25th be before the airdrop?

>> No.19225054


>> No.19226034

Hey guys, just so you know I think if you want to buy a masternode worth from IDEX .. there is a time limit if you are on 1st level verification

You can only withdraw 5k per day...

So if you don't do it early enough, you won't have the coins in your wallet in time to get the ghost air drop.

>> No.19226322

high quality post, important information

>> No.19226369

Whatever you want in USD equivalent, just divide it by 1000

>> No.19226665

i'm up and still holding, everyone knows the ghost/switch team is a fucking joke. dump before you get an erc20 token at the airdrop taht you won't be able to do shit with until 2021 when mainnet is done


>> No.19226712
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hur dur it was a correction and nothing to do with a copy paste of literal pajeet tech. they haven't even started on ghost bloackchain, you're gonna hold an erc20 token for months

>> No.19227707


>> No.19228261

Prenatal ghostie reporting in

>> No.19229322

As giants like Boeing are fine outsourcing their software development to bright pajeet minds - I see no problem having them coding a meme coin for us. What's the worst thing that could happen?

>> No.19229640


This Stack Schema Titles will be replaced with something less faggy sounding because "Babby Ghostie stroller seat" frankly does not sound appealing at all to would be newcomers.

Here are the new Stack Rankings for the Lunar Ghost Mission.

1 - 99: Ghost Recruit
100 - 199: Petty Ghost Officer 3rd Class
200 - 399: Petty Ghost Officer 2nd Class
400 - 699: Petty Ghost Officer 1st Class
700 - 999: Master Chief Petty Ghost Officer
1000 - 1399: Ghost Ensign
1400 - 1999: Ghost Lieutenant
2000 - 2999: Ghost Lieutenant Commander
3000 - 4999: Ghost Commander (Command of either Ghost Frigate, Ghost Destroyer, or Ghost Fighter squadron)
5000 - 9,999: Ghost Cruiser Captain
10,000 - 19,999: Rear Ghost Admiral
20,000 - 39,999: Vice Ghost Admiral - Node Carrier
40,000 - 79,999: Admiral of Node Operations
80K + : Ghost Node Carrier Fleet Admiral

>> No.19229830


filipino pussy bad pussy

>> No.19230128

anon... multiple boeings crashed because of software...

>> No.19230207


That's exactly why he brought it up in the first place. Go back to where /s is required because you can't grasp irony without it being explained to you.

>> No.19230264

totally bro

>> No.19230304

Thank you for your efforts. The other one was written at a time when people were getting in at .10

>> No.19230315

what if whales pump it to persuade you from giving up precious ghosties. what if that's the plan and step 1 to shake out weak hands happened and now step 2 is an even bigger pump and dump to get you to capilutlate before the airdrop

>> No.19230349

I switched to uniswap idex is fucking annoying with their vpn bullshit. I forget to use a vpn one time and I have to make a new fucking account

>> No.19230398

same bro, fuck idex

>> No.19230444

Had to do that shit like 4 time bc i kept forgetting too

>> No.19230507

Yeah, people have felt the sting from that dump and they won't forget it.

after the drop on the 25th, those looking for quick gains shake themselves out. Once the Proof of Stake benefits start to click for people, the price will chug up.

Idex is just trying to cover their ass. Your anger should be redirected at your overlords that don't think you're capable of your own financial decisions.

>> No.19230547
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>> No.19230809


>> No.19230883

what about da boipussi doe

>> No.19231060

someone give me the fucking rundown. Whats the fucking deal with this token? where are the infographics? Or the youtube video links etc etc. come one fellas if you want people to buy the bags do it.

>> No.19231117

Okay so tell me the fucking details you cunts. Send me the info on the project. I cant even find a fucking graph on this shit

>> No.19231132

Any ways to buy crypto without providing ID to the exchange? Europoor btw

>> No.19231144

>be John McAfee
>git clone https://github.com/PIVX-Project/PIVX.git
>ctrl c ctrl v whitepaper.pdf

>> No.19231367

That's because ESH is the ghost token until release on the 25th. (It's a 1:1 token-swap release.) Graphs will come when it's a thing exchanges can list instead of ESH. There are already a couple major exchanges lined up, but nothing blue-chip.

The purpose of the token is to mediate an upgrade to DDEX in which all exchanges are mixed-private. Every ghost transaction will auto-mix to create traceability. This comes with a cost in time/compute, so ghost forked a ZK-SNARK system, added mixing, and optimized for the DDEX use-case. Puts the whole stack in one place to keep fees down.

It's a POS network, so if you have a decent computer and a small stack you can run a supernode, or you can just stake a smaller stack to collect a smaller % of DDEX fees over time.

McAfee holds the majority of tokens in the dev pool, obviously, so he'll be receiving the majority of exchange fees. This incentivizes McAfee to shill the everliving shit out of the dex without needing to care about Ghost token price.

My assessment is that Ghost has a use-case in Layer-2 where Monero has a use-case in Layer-1. It's a mid-term hold that will mature in speculation when McAfee launches his dex, slowly glide to a 90% correction, then pump like mad if/when the dex takes off and staking becomes profitable.

>> No.19231532

super facts

>> No.19231552

Now this is why I come to /biz/
thank you

>> No.19231598


Following a recent article on PIVX claims of plagiarization from the Ghost project team, funded by John McAfee, Cointelegraph has followed up reporting on McAfee response tweeted today.

McAfee first admits that his team did indeed copy-pasted from PIVX whiepaper, then confuses the whitepaper with a user's manual, comparing it to "directions to a pizza shop" and dulcis-in-fundo makes some fantastical claims on the illegality of copyrighting a "manual" about open-source sofware. All nicely packed with a threat of taking PIVX to court.


>> No.19231920

Sry typo - meant *defeat* traceability. Eliminate it.

Even though I see it as a safe midterm hold, and my favorite hold because clown-world, I still doubt it'll do as well as chainlink. I'm just betting it'll do better over a short timespan.

>> No.19231947

This has been the best FUD I've ever seen. Literally dropped the price back to accumulation levels. Thank you, anon :D

(On a legal level, McAffee is right. I no longer have reason to FUD 'cuz my bags are full.)

>> No.19231960

I can't find ESH on Uniswap

Wtf am I doing wrong?

>> No.19231994

Read the white paper or fuck off faggot, no one needs retards like you.

>> No.19232185

IDEX. Non-American account.

>> No.19232201

Once in a lifetime opportunity

>> No.19232381
File: 137 KB, 667x375, TherewillbeFUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


McAfee controlled the Whitepaper contents and release = McAfee controlled the FUD from the start. The timing, specificity, and severity (he waited how long to respond?), all things under his control.

ESH dump was capital raise for hookers, Ghost marketing, heroin, and developers.

McAfee dumped on ESH holders with the FUD mask on. He is a master of deception.

How else would he pay for the project? A Bank? His own pockets? PFPPPFFFfffffttptpptttt!!!!!

He hasn't even started shilling saying how great ghost is. He just shat on Pivx. Strap in if you /ghost. Strapon if you /noghost.

>> No.19232477


>> No.19232573

This is actually a quality post. Good stuff.

>> No.19232654

Goddamn the noghosties are trying hard today:


>> No.19233069

>Strap in if you /ghost. Strapon if you /noghost.
Yeah no shit. This thing is a fucking white knuckle rollercoaster. If it were anyone else it would have go to maybe 2 cents then died when the whitepaper controversy happened.

Serious risk but if Ghost actually makes it the pay off will be huge

>> No.19233115
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Got it. Thanks lads.
I bought $1k in ETH to swap with ESH....but the availability of my ESH $ is trickling out so slowly.

I had 10.28 USD of ETH available 10 min ago and now I have 11.50 available.

Does it always take this long if you've just bought a currency on Coinbase?

>> No.19233127
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Giant Dick stack reporting! Working towards a John Dick!

>> No.19233428
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It could be all that if Mcafee and the devs shill and fund and put effort into the project with top men. God I hope that's the case. Right now it doesn't feel that way.

Their own blog admits that the WP and blockchain are currently outsourced. Look up the exact wording cuz that's a paraphrase.

Any ways im holding bags and want to believe but rn looking to exit scam Mcafee before he does it to me

If the WP is a false flag I'll eat my own dick

>> No.19233555

McAfee is much smarter than people think. He points out manipulation by banks and media all the time, which means he is capable of similar tier stuff in his own sphere of influence.

>> No.19233562
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If he really is this galaxy brained I will be amazed
The telegram chat is full of paid shills and the admins are streetshitters
Remember when the pitch was
>Ghost will be airdropped May 25

Now the pitch is
>ERC-20 placeholder and trust us bro real ghost mid june

>> No.19233563

ESH team is different from GHOST team AKA outsourced retard.

>> No.19233704
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Witnessed and I really hope so fren

The project had a great pitch and John has a chance to build another Empire if he does it right.

I'm holding DESH and SDEX in the hopes that those networks really do start generating revenue based on
>0 KYC
>Wavebets gambling

Imagine how fun it would be if you could go to a website like Newgrounds and win or lose crypto on stupid little games like that. And I was earning a little cut off all that. If they actually do that it would make ESH/DESH/SDEX such a good long term hold

>> No.19233841
File: 76 KB, 353x241, E7FAE2CD-F3AB-497D-B70F-A8D3EC4D3AF9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If GHOST team is so good then why did they copy/paste a legend for a graph only found in the PIVX whitepaper into the GHOST whitepaper?

The WP was dumb and seemingly no one from GHOST team to PIVX team to Mcafee proofread it

>> No.19234185

>Keeps hammering on the whitepaper FUD.
Go buy some token at the top and sell at the bottom while crying that /biz didn't do justice. No worries you will FOMO in again at the next top.

>> No.19234303

I don't care about plagiarism but if they're not smart enough to do that right, they're not smart enough to build a privacy coin correctly. And if this isn't an at least semi- well built and marketed privacy coin then it's just another PnD shitcoin

>> No.19234310


He's had a lot of time to plan how this unfolds.

>> No.19234351

u are late to the party. rather go CUR and reap gains from the bottom

>> No.19234416

>semi- well built with no hype blah blah boring coin
you have to understand what creates a hype around a coin. The most succesfull coins are forked form a different project. Negative marketing is the cheapest marketing, but still very important marketing among the 2k+ noname nobody heard of marketed coins. After the release, nobody remembers the PIVX copy FUD and only looks at what the coins acutally is.
Yes untill now it'd uncertain if it's a blatant scam and copy without any improvements, but it can also be a fork with a very professional team behind it creating the best privacy coin in the world, only time will tell. But that's the gamble you may take.