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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 1000x1000, bizcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19218004 No.19218004 [Reply] [Original]

Market cap of $12k

100x puts it at $1.2M

You seriously think that with our combined effort, we can't get this thing to a 1M market cap?


>> No.19218075

Bought in to add to airdrop and have staked in pool to support the project. Looking forward to see what’s next.

>> No.19218105

why does it say<<insufficent liquidity when I try to swap it?

>> No.19218210

how much are you trying to buy?

>> No.19218315

5-10 or even 100 dollars neither one of them work. it says the same thing

>> No.19218523

buy buidl instead. it's not a meme coin

>> No.19218554

fuck off faggot it cost you no money to mint it and you hold the majority of the supply. Unless you give it out for free why should people here pay to buy it?

>> No.19218591

>combined effort
Get the linkies on board & the XRP tards, its your only hope

>> No.19218609

dont encourage him

>> No.19218907

I love the logo. "Buy high sell low

>> No.19219426

he's waiting for it to go up big so he can dump millions

>> No.19220058

they have been giving it out for free. and they will give the rest out to people who are providing uniswap liquidity. try again smoothbrain

>> No.19220072

The funds are being equally distributed right now thanks to staking

Get in before it's too late, even a suicide stack is fine, we're soon going to shill it to normies

>> No.19220152

I will Chuck an ETH in this when I get home. Is the airdrop completely done?

>> No.19220390

Apparently yes

>> No.19220618
File: 86 KB, 771x693, 1589910204129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In on this
Our combined autism could create something beautiful

>> No.19220695
File: 10 KB, 276x183, dolla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd buy that for a dolla!

>> No.19220734

We aim for this, the coin is going to be shilled on reddit and insta, get at least a suicide stack while you still can

>> No.19220861

I doubled my ETH but i am out already. Was fun for a daY

>> No.19220867

/ourcoin/ actually has a solid team behind it, well versed in what they're trying to do. Theres no downside to the insane returns they're offering.

>> No.19220888
File: 3.28 MB, 635x640, 1589818420110.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could have 200x, think of all the cows your village would have
this, the price is rock bottom right now and there are guaranteed returns from staking

>> No.19220903

>Pajeets dumped their bizcoins
Time to buy lads

>> No.19220928

Go back to the discord shills.
Hope you get your free airdrop for shilling.

>> No.19220969


>> No.19220992

honestly i'm kind of down for this, as long as we all agree that it's a scam and we are going to shill this to normies, i mean desu it's not hard to pump a coin to 1mil market cap

>> No.19221015


if you stake you win /thread

>> No.19221019

That's exactly the plan, first reddit, then insta

there's already an official twitter and almost 400 members on the discord

>> No.19221033

at some point you we need to quit talking about the scam out loud tho.

>> No.19221039

whats the token code

>> No.19221042


>> No.19221046


>> No.19221055

right now it's dirt cheap, almost 1m for 1 eth

>> No.19221189

Can somebody post the discord again? I want in on this.

>> No.19221238

>exposing your wallets to /biz/

>> No.19221267

just use a freshie if you are paranoid

>> No.19221279

I just sold for $ at least it's free... I could hold some

Free 52$ OXT


>> No.19221289

you sold way to early bro

>> No.19221309

>selling 24h in before it even has a whitepaper or coingecko listing

>> No.19221321


>> No.19221374
File: 257 KB, 516x526, 1409630808061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought 43460.1 biz coines

>> No.19221399


>> No.19221489

Oh boy it's pumping hard

>> No.19221499

Everyone who buys this coin needs to unironically put a shotgun in their mouth and pull the trigger

>> No.19221560

I was the first one to reply in the thread yesterday offering to help distribute the airdrop and i never got sent anything, what gives?

>> No.19221568

why do you even browse biz if you insist on being poor?

>> No.19221574

They dont care about you.
Buy their shitcoin and get dumped on.

>> No.19221579

Stay poor and mad Raneesh
Shouldn't have dumped your airdrop, we're leaving for the moon and you're not coming with us

>> No.19221594

you need to be on discord

>> No.19221601


Whoever made that logo is a fucking genius!!

I may just buy one bizcoin for the logo

>> No.19221610

can i get a link?

>> No.19221642

I'm not poor, I made 60 ETH from selling esh at the ath, and now am in ETH and BTC.

>> No.19221759


>> No.19221774
File: 131 KB, 334x506, ELxrMfEWsAI6nia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here owns more than 100k bizcoins?

>> No.19221814

only 150k

>> No.19221895
File: 377 KB, 607x608, bizcoin_strong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19221920

just chad bought 1.8 mil

>> No.19221945

>it's there in etherscan
fucking madman, absolutely based

>> No.19221950

Am i too late for the airdrop?

>> No.19221992

They keep screwing up the airdrop, need to figure that out

>> No.19222072

Yeah it's over, can still buy though

>> No.19222088

the sheer volume on this shitcoin, holy fuck.

>> No.19222118

smart money.

>> No.19222129

hasn't it already been given away for free? what about their staking program?

>> No.19222159

price has done a 3x since this thread started, still 33x to go.

>> No.19222211

To the moon lads

>> No.19222214

holy fucking checked

>> No.19222220

Didn't airdrop to Kleros holders?
Not a biz coin then so FUCK OFF

>> No.19222249
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>> No.19222262

Should have been there earlier pajeet, don't worry, airdrops are still only worth 0.3eth, buy while you still can

>> No.19222282

use v1

>> No.19222288

liquidity is all on v2 actually

>> No.19222366

ngmi, simple as'

>> No.19222472

to anybody not retarded out there. You should choose a token which is down today and is not being shilled relentlessly by pajeets on this board. I bought some PYLNT

>> No.19222580

oof. sorry about your bags anon.

>> No.19222616

I can smell the curry on your breath

>> No.19222781

yes sir I will do the needful sirs
thank you very much

>> No.19222794

yes buy PYLNT for the village

>> No.19222977
File: 41 KB, 486x649, received_733732830499987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow such great coin epic biz memes please stake

>> No.19222995

swapped my 69chain meme free airdrop to claim few dozen of this.

couldn't be comfier.

reminds me of RDD coin or early days of DOGE.

RDD reddit coin did smooth 100x+ and we're on the edge of the bull run so even fomo could swung us to new highs.

>> No.19223043
File: 8 KB, 224x224, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, being a biz coin holder is the comfiest experienced i've had so far on /biz/, I barely slept tonight from the excitement

>> No.19223281

man it feels good to be in on a biz project
at least if i lose my money it will go to the bros and not just pajeets

>> No.19223294

is it still pumping?

>> No.19223321


>> No.19223507

I think airdrops are over for now

>> No.19223962

kek this has to be ironic

>> No.19223988

it's the same dude that fucking did buccaneer and imperial and then abandoned them.

why would you put tons of ether into transaction fees for staking something that is going to be worthless? don't be a retard. he's just hoping you idiots will shill this for him so he can get tons of ether from you by dumping his supply. he holds 99% of it.

>> No.19224027

then why do so many people have 1m+ in their wallets?

>> No.19224066

he install hacks anon

>> No.19224090
File: 24 KB, 600x800, 1589752892035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg you frightening me boy

>> No.19224122
File: 366 KB, 810x696, BIZ COIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19224250
File: 55 KB, 766x676, PicsArt_05-20-10.57.58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek this has to be ironic
It's not. They deleted some of the pure mumbai gold from their discord before I could save them. These are the quality of memes they were pumping out

>> No.19224309
File: 49 KB, 732x732, 20200520_211814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I'm all in.

>> No.19224422

Yesterday the board was full of low effort threads made by pajeets to get airdrops. Quite hilarious. I bet all of them sold already for 3 ETH.

>> No.19224463

fucking kek

>> No.19224524

fresh looking triple dubs you got there anon

>> No.19224567

there were like 10 pajeets that got sent the discord by some fucktard so they could get the airdrop and dump immediately who posted the same shit memes for the meme competition that hasn't started yet
they're not in the core but tbf it would make me more confident in this project if the admins booted them from the server