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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 225x225, SNOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19217233 No.19217233 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Chris, imagine throwing 1.5 BTC into this. What do they know. Channels looking good, though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmakN1yp5kA

Just a matter of time, as this is under a $1M cap now. 50K reporting.

>> No.19217291

What does it do really? How does it compare to Cruz?

>> No.19217292
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>> No.19217349

Cruzbit is shit. Research Channels and understand the implications under a $1M marketcap.

Again : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmakN1yp5kA

Circulating supply : 5M
Total supply : 21M

Market-cap now : $760,000 or so.

Fireduck (the dev) has been around since 2012 and created SatoshiDice (google it)

Completely ground floor with no marketing yet (see website). Main dev has been working on BTC projects and Cryptography since before 2012 Main dev for Satoshi Dice in 2012

Slack community full of Vitalik style nerds

“Someone should do the mathematics on what's the collision chance of shuffling the fields in regards to getting a higher ratio of nicer seeks.

Low fee section in blocks. UTXOs in block header, normies can run full-nodes for the next 1000 years because of this, no problem with chain size. Provably ASIC, quantum, and miner centralization resistant. Immutable P2P CASH. Snow channels data distribution network. Web3 that ETH never could be."

>> No.19217384

I've got 42k of this and it's comfy knowing all I have to do is wait. This channels shit is pure autism and I know it'll 50x if I just be patient for another year or two. Unironically getting XRB / LTC vibes. comfy knowing I can sell 21,000 when it hits like $30 and still have more than priced out normies.


>> No.19217397
File: 102 KB, 594x598, twu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off twu

>> No.19217436

Fuck that, I wish twu came back and started pumping and dumping again. This crab market is so fucking boring.

>> No.19217466

hi twu

>> No.19217477

I’m not twu. I just don’t get people crying about pnd’s in crypto.

>> No.19217485

>cruzbit is shit
why don't you like cruzbit now twu?

>> No.19217523

how's china twu?

>> No.19217563

Hahaha i forgot people are so salty about TWU's PND on this. that was a great call. IDGAF. Most who bought around $3 should be fine long term. It either passes ATH or doesn't. Fduck is still coding, so the chances are very good.

>> No.19217587

21k reporting. fell for the "1,000 people can only own 21k snow" meme. still comfy as i got in at 0.000019. can we plz send this to a dollar again tho. channel update is nice.

>> No.19217755

Good coin ruined by shitty pump and dump attempts.

>> No.19217780

as with anything, you should buy before it goes up. also known as "buy low sell high". this is a good accumulation level for snow under a 1m market cap.

>> No.19217814

It had ONE (1) speculatory q-trade entry run. UNO. You faggots are hopeless and have the weakest hands. Ask any old XRB holder how long they had to wait for the 200x. Years. Almost time for snow gang to shine. I'm up to 80,000 of this and you can buy them from me at $10.

People also seem to forget that many bought this OTC for upwards of $5. Check the wallets, newfags, this isn't going anywhere. https://explorer.snowblossom.org/?search=richlist

>> No.19217877

What is this at right now, in $? I had a stack when it was like $2 or something, wanna know if I should buy back in but I can't check right now

>> No.19217943
File: 34 KB, 680x591, greenieboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$0.15 x 5,325,000 = $798,000 cap.

>> No.19218041

thx anon. gonna snipe up to 0.00003 if its still there by the time i get home from wage slavicka.

>> No.19218290

If you're looking for bottom, this is probably it. Cycle 2 coming. I have a bunch and been itchy on these walls. Someone fucking beat me to the 125k wall today. salty.

>> No.19218433

shud i put 1 btc into this? seems like a good way to just wait and make it 5 btc at a 750k cap.

>> No.19218595

At this market cap, it's not even a risk unless Duck stops coding (which he won't because he's already made it)


>> No.19218808

looks like it's starting. top volume on qtrade. got BTC on the way.

>> No.19218939
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>> No.19219089

bitcoin is so fucking slow jesus christ it's been like 25 minutes reeeeeeeeeee

>> No.19219754

Kek, i remember this moon. We goin' for #2? Seems tragically low.

>> No.19219853

>with no marketing
thats the problem. no one cares about tech stuff, no marketing, no hype, no money, no moon. same shit as amoveo

>> No.19220043

Sometimes tech stands on its own. Like Chainlink. Besides, marketing can be bought after this reaches a certain level. Fireduck is wealthy already do when it's time, he'll do it.

It's been 2 years of accumulation / mining for this. Wallets look very healthy. Should be good for a cheeky 5x to exit initial+ and wait

>> No.19220100

Also AMOVEO is dead, a total overprice shitcoin with no normie appeal ($22? kek) but it still 15x'd. SNOW had a low volume 5x and that was it.

>> No.19220138

Link is the most hyped marketing coin of all. Lol. No marketing, kek

>> No.19220339

fuck off, twu

>> No.19220520

it didn't used to be tho.

>> No.19220615

Degen gamblers will return to Snowblossom. Onlee a matter of time. Project's unironically based.

>> No.19220901

iceleaf is pretty awesome - https://github.com/snowblossomcoin/snowblossom/commit/c634cd4b21f33588e2df08eb80c6987769b1ad04

>> No.19221067


>> No.19221299

i hope twu got hit by a car >>19217436

>> No.19221371
File: 52 KB, 755x531, twu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twu is toxic af

>> No.19221685 [DELETED] 

we pumping snow?
finally I can sell my bags to newfags

>> No.19222079 [DELETED] 

>1.5 BTC
If you meant the deal that went recently on the otc channel
it was 10M snow for 150 sats each
so it's a 15 btc deal

>imagine dumping 15btc into this dead shitcoin

>> No.19222494

long term thinkers. of course people dump when it's 400% up from a floor. miners will dump when its profitable (which right now it isnot) nobody knows what will be the next LTC esque hobby dev coin. could be this. code is good. fireduck is an old head. he's not stupid.

except buy orders aren't dried up, and someone just bought a shitload. someone also bought 60,000 250% up from here just 2 months ago. i watch it daily.

>> No.19222628

haha you dumb fucking brainlet those were joke posts. that deal didn't happen. there's only 5M SNOW in circulation.


>> No.19222740 [DELETED] 

haven't really thought of that

>> No.19222836

ignore the FUD on this. things go up. things go down. fact is it's under a $1M cap now and it's going to take two more years for another 5M supply to get mined. richlist says holders have strong hands to probably $1+, easily.

this will moon. all good things to those who wait.

>> No.19222864

Peck Peck Peck those walls. Get this back up to $2 so I can damp eet! Got 60,000 of this fuckin' shitcoin. Should I just DCA now?

>> No.19222919

How does this compare to cruzbit?

>> No.19222924 [DELETED] 

>ignore the FUD on this.
I've been holding this thing before it was listed on qtrade, and sold a fair bit on the top too
I'm not particularly bullish on SNOW but if I sell I get what, .1 btc? not even worth logging on to qtrade for.

tfw own 0.1% of the supply

>> No.19223083

Cruzbit is just a light-weight BTC clone with literally no differences. Snowblossom is ground-up code, the Channels thing could be huge (see : >>19217349 ) - all sorts of applications can be built atop this.

More info. Start digging, there's a lot to learn: https://wiki.snowblossom.org/index.php/Main_Page

>> No.19223107
File: 8 KB, 300x168, SnowGurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you own 210,000 snow? fuck man. iron hand it and see if it hits $50 some day. sell half at $10 or something and go bang hookers. kek.

snow could be huge, and it's been 2 years now. moonshot coming.

>> No.19223113

I doubt twu ever left...just stopped signing off with that gay ass name.

>> No.19223123
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>> No.19223148

fyi cruzbit is also ground up code

>> No.19223154 [DELETED] 

>you own 210,000 snow?
if supply is 5m, 0.1% is 5k

one of us isn't good at math
and at full supply I guess .1% would be 21k but we're not really there

>> No.19223261

i thought you mean 1%. kek.

cruzbit is a fine attempt a hobby-ism, but let's face it, nobody's going to build shit with it when there's a multitude of better tech out there. snowblossom is one of those things.

as a spec buy you could do a lot worse at this marketcap.

>> No.19223393
File: 753 KB, 1200x1200, 18983833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snow is unique enough to hit a $10M cap , which is 50-100x from here depending on inflation. 21M coins assures it will go on a spec run sooner or later. Much worse hodls and could be HUGE. Been a long wait for this but i can feel it. It's almost time.

>> No.19223425 [DELETED] 

2 1 3

>> No.19223455
File: 9 KB, 318x159, 1898383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you just bought 1,000. kek. surely you can do better than that for your future waifu.

>> No.19223558
File: 38 KB, 512x340, SnowyHaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is nao a snowy japanese waifu snowblossom spec thread.

she wants you to buy us back to $3. she needs you to do it.

>> No.19223831
File: 79 KB, 550x776, snowYuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Anon you're so amazing for buying Snowblossom under 20 cents. How did you know it would go to $500?*

>> No.19223918 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 800x1067, 1576210443432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Anon, you think you could shill your little shitcoin? It'd be a shame if I took off my clothes on this blue board and deleted your little thread*

>> No.19223963

Oh god I just came.

>> No.19223977 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 885x1107, 1582267917318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19224303

What FUD? Snow is Unfuddable. Fireduck is OG Bitcoin and this will rise. Look at the top wallets.

>insiders are accumulating


>> No.19224423
File: 293 KB, 719x404, ladysnowblossom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better quality picture

>> No.19224485
File: 802 KB, 719x946, snowhelper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm anxiously hopeful again

>> No.19224859


>> No.19225209


nice one. how many snow memes we got? load 'em up boys. we're going to the fuckin' moon.

>> No.19225308

We should make cruzbit /ourcoin/ tbqfh

>> No.19225364

I got 2100 of this shit when are we going to sell guys

>> No.19225377

How much cruzbit should I buy I am feeling a bit risky also I already got NYZO so thanks

>> No.19225543


>> No.19225568

How high can this go?

>> No.19225590

what is the appeal of SNOW?
what can it do that bitcoin can't?

>> No.19225606 [DELETED] 

nothing, it's a pnd
buy now
sell later

biz hasn't had snow threads this long in over a year

>> No.19225746

Fuck off twu.

>> No.19226116


>> No.19226551

I do like Fireducks code + take on this. Super low cap too with low supply. Could 100x in a golden bull. Pampamentals check out. Let's go boys.

>> No.19226902

word for word paste from reddit

>> No.19227492

10k cruz would be much better option than 100k snow, you need to be stupid af to understand this. When I see something like "all sorts of applications can be built atop this" LMAO

Nyzo is pretty awesome + Idena could rule the world.

See you on the track guys, good luck.

>> No.19228314

Snowblossom is a good long-term hold but right now I don't see any reason for it to pump.

>> No.19228755

You want deeper implications you'll have to use your imagination for now. That's the beauty of speculation!

>doesn't like buying bottoms

>> No.19229247

Shit I remember this. 800K cap now? How fucked am I if I throw 1 BTC at this?

>> No.19230327

If you wanna turn 1 BTC into 5, then yes.

>> No.19230356

This project is so based. Biz needs to appreciate it

>> No.19230513

not buying this from an exchange with kyc. tradeogre listing when?

>> No.19230540

I never did kyc

also you can otc on discord with escrow by fireduck

>> No.19230748

Imagine putting in correct info for KYC

>> No.19230776

you don't need otc for this shit

>> No.19230952
File: 4 KB, 408x36, Screen Shot 2020-05-19 at 1.55.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whale here. I have over 600,000 Snow. I just put up a 100K wall. Buy my bags. Seriously. You won't get this kind of liquidity later (if ever) and I might change my mind. It's a great deal and a great project. I'm selling the rest at $8-10.

Any non poor-fags here, YW. Go.


>> No.19231123

oh look the snow shills are back. What is next? FUN?