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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19216748 No.19216748 [Reply] [Original]


Surely this means there will be future deposits, right? Bullish af tbqhwyf

>> No.19216864

What the fuck is this. Just give me the money via direct deposit you retards

>> No.19216870

The US dollar is fucked. What fiat do I buy now?

>> No.19216877

You better not put your money into crypto you son of a gun or Mnuchins gonna fuCK YOUR SHIT UP

>> No.19216898
File: 275 KB, 240x135, DearDecentDormouse-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck. being american was fun while it lasted

>> No.19216916

Buy Bitcoin fucking retard

>> No.19216924

Oh my god

We're devolving into Venezuela, aren't we


>> No.19216928

Just buy gold and silver and use this money for groceries and luxuries, it's not that hard guys.

>> No.19216945
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>> No.19216946

This is probably a precursor to a parallel currency system.

>Ah, you're one of us? Of course you can be paid and transact in USD.

>Hmmm it appears your credit score is not sufficient for us to pay you in USD. We can however pay you in wagiebucks directly to your stimulus card.

They'll do this to try to socialize inflation and protect existing asset value. You just watch.

>> No.19216949

is that sam hyde

>> No.19216984

Yes nothing more bullish than socialism, the markets will love it almost as much as they adore Bernie Sanders.

>> No.19216997
File: 324 KB, 720x1010, 20200520_002105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service will now distribute payments through prepaid debit cards to individuals without banking information on file.

Debit cards are only for illegals who don't have bank accounts.

>> No.19217008


>> No.19217023

Uh, wtf is bitcoin?

>> No.19217036
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This isn't anything new, this is just them finishing sending out the original round of $1200 gibs. In the video, he says they've finished with the direct deposits, and they've done millions of paper checks, so now they're moving to debit cards.

So, what group lacks the agency to give their bank account to the IRS, is unable to deposit a check, and is used to using prepaid government cards?

That's right, niggers! Inner city rim shops and sneaker stores are looking B U L L I S H

>> No.19217038

based trump financing all illegals in hope the illegals vote in favour of him during the next election as he is losing more and more voters thanks to his stupidity.
4D Chess

>> No.19217048
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Are we ubi now?

>> No.19217061

>soft introduction to a cashless society
based and cyberpunk-pilled

>> No.19217066

This is so fucking bad guys. Do you even realize what they're testing?!?!

>> No.19217129

America is so embarrassing. Burgers can't even buy the good crypto like ARPA because they got banned from normal Binance. LEL.

>> No.19217140
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Doesn't matter. These guys are saving the day.

>> No.19217141

digital caste system

>> No.19217146

just so you all now this is all part of monetary policy. This has nothing to do with helping the average american through this tough time, this is about injecting inflation into the markets as a last hail mary attempt to keep the stock market afloat.

>> No.19217150

4D chess?
The man cant even play "what hand is the coin in"

>> No.19217160

i thought everyone should be able to read out the sarcasm...

>> No.19217178

I just wanted to say thing

>> No.19217192

imagine how many mailboxes will get looted when these are sent out

>> No.19217200

Imagine nearly the entire nation on EBT.

>> No.19217242

The us dollar has been the world reserve currency for a long ass time now

It's finally going to come to an end

>> No.19217251

The difference is Bernie didn't want to print money. He wanted to put in more regulations. He wanted higher taxes which make companies less profitable.

When you just print money, the value of things like stocks go up against dollars.

>> No.19217259

They will get true 2-3% cc processing fee back!

>> No.19217262

Leftists don't realize that the only reason the stock market is going up is because they print money and inject it into the stock market.

>> No.19217266
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That is bullish, for a while..

>> No.19217269

>can’t buy or sell without the mark

It’s like some sort of prophecy or something

>> No.19217275

calls on footlocker?

>> No.19217390
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>> No.19217420

How do i profit off this

>> No.19217439

I would not be at all surprised

>> No.19217453

That's basically how Earth works in The Expanse, it's worth a watch as a socioeconomic dystopia semi-hard scifi

>> No.19217460

Exactly. They want to track your shit. The CIA and Nsa probably figured since were giving the goy money lets might as well see what theyre buying.

>> No.19217611

I know this is a joke, but my wife made TONS selling her old designer purses when the joggers got their gibs.

>> No.19217613
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like they didn't know already

>> No.19217616

fed chairs have discussed this very plan for decades. It will allow them to track our every purchase as well, and it will go straight into the "economy" to inflate the dollar ie. artificially prop up stocks. Relative to gold however everyone is going to be poor.

>> No.19217717

I feel like this is one of the main things leftists don’t like. Do you know what a leftist is??

>> No.19218305
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>> No.19218475

W-what about gold M-m-miners?

>> No.19218504

Something about mnuchin I like this Jew. Trumps an amicable person why does he sell us out?

>> No.19218573

Peak performance

>> No.19219034

lol so is there going to be a second payment for everyone or is this shit just going to all the illegals