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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1921378 No.1921378 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is the discussion of working and finding work at McDonald's.

Helpful Links:

> Getting a job at McD's

> Interview Questions

> Why work at McDonald's?
It's a good way for people with little to no work experience to earn money and get ahead in life. Plus, getting a job there is easy as fuck.

> Working at McDonald's sucks though..
Jobs aren't meant to be fun. A lot of people that work at McDonald's tend to quit (which is why there's usually a lot of openings). But stay committed to the job until you can work your way out of it.

>> No.1921396

hey nice work

>> No.1921398


>> No.1921416

Oh and by the way, no coinfags allowed.
This is a real method of making money and not a meme.

>> No.1921426

moonman moonman cant you see the coinfags are insulting me

>> No.1922443
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>> No.1922447

Charlie Munger praises McDonalds role in society

"They [Mc Donalds] take people and give them a first job, which enables them to get a second job. They do a very good job of educating troubled young people to be good citizens and they're probably more successful than charter schools."

>> No.1922451

>being over 18
>flipping burgers for pay
Just how badly did you fuck up in life?

>> No.1922460

I'm not out of college yet.

>> No.1922462

Go get an internship in your field or take a job on campus. Hell you'd even make more waiting tables at a restaurant

>> No.1922466

Those jobs are harder to get for most people here compared to McDonald's.

>> No.1922474

First you say that we're talking about you. Now you're saying others here couldn't get a very easy entry level job. Just admit that your grades are dogshit.

>> No.1922482

My grades are okay it's just that there aren't any internships here.

>> No.1922488

Plus, why do you hate the idea of working at McDonald's so much? Why don't you go ahead and shit talk in all those memecoin generals full of NEETs? Those guys deserve far more criticism than I do desu

>> No.1922498

If you're not in high school you have no business working at McDonald's unless you're a massive fuckup. If there's really no internships in your area and no campus jobs go work at Applebee's or something, you'll make more than at McDonald's. Check with your student job center/career center first though, odds are you just don't know about them.
>memecoin generals
If you don't have a portion of your investment portfolio in crypto you're a fool or close to retirement age, if you have it all in crypto you're just as foolish.

>> No.1922502

>you have no business working at McDonald's unless you're a massive fuckup

Uhm not sure if I should listen to Charlie Munger the billionaire, or angry and arrogant cryptocoin anon for business advice. Very difficult decision.

>> No.1922510

>angry and arrogant
I'm not angry, arrogant perhaps.
>omitting the part about high schoolers
What Munger said was that McDonald's gives people a first job which allows them to then get other jobs. Its a starting point and nothing more. If you took no job in high school and your grades are too poor in college to get a job on campus or internship then you're a fuckup.

>> No.1922512


Gtfo you dumbass. The only fuck up here is you

>> No.1922515

>you're a fuckup if you invest in crypto
Tell that to Tim Draper.

>> No.1922519

You really think Milocoin will get you to the moon you fuckup?

>> No.1922526

>Do you really think pedophile coin will go to the moon?
No. Ethereum and Ripple will continue to climb in value over the longterm though. Augur is also a coin worth watching as it pays a portion of profits from gambling fees to coin holders.

>> No.1922540


This thread is ridiculous but it's still better than 94% of the rest of /biz/

>> No.1922547

Thanks. /biz/ seriously needs threads that help people get money. Instead, it's filled with NEETs that think memecoins will take them to the moon.

>> No.1922588

Go back to your general scam artist.

>> No.1922646

You are literally a nigger. Please kill yourself

>> No.1922653
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>> No.1922670

You are literally wasting your money on a meme.
Please kill yourself

>> No.1922699

I'm not scamming anyone, I'm enjoying all the idiots on here that believe they know anything about finance. You are this generation's equivalent of the people who thought the internet was just a fad that would die.

>> No.1922713

Why is this a general

>> No.1922722
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Because it helps people make actual money (unlike all the coin threads)

>> No.1922987
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>> No.1923138


>> No.1923166

How much does a typical restaurant make per year? Worth owning one?

>> No.1923181

>already have a job
>use crypto to make more money.
Good one nigger.

>> No.1923287

>unlike all the coin threads
Buy coins, make 500% gain, sell coin.

Plz tell me how it's not actual money you wagecuck

>> No.1923291

If it wasn't worth owning one nobody would own one dumbfuck

>> No.1923418

> make 500% gain
When has that happened to someone on /biz/, you coincuck?

>> No.1923435

What stupid fucking "logic"

The brain of a crypto loser

>> No.1923502

Too bad we have too many of these retards on this board. I think they're all from /r9k/

>> No.1923503

Seriously. What use is this anon >>1922526 telling you that you fucked up? Clearly McDonald's is a start to get something better. Any real advice on this board gets shot to shit as stupid or inadequate - likely by NEETS buying moon memes and shitcoins.

>> No.1923507

Wow, so easy. Like there's not some cuck on this board holding the bag not posting. You should be a millionaire if it was so easy.

>> No.1923512

cool thread op

>> No.1923649


>> No.1924120

Can't tell if this is subtle trolling. Real advice would be sucking dicks at a truckstop.

>> No.1924373

You'll need to suck 100 in two weeks if you want to get nearly the same amount. Plus you don't get free food but you get STDs

>> No.1925654

i literally work at mcdonalds ($10/hr, fry cook/bitch). AMA!

>> No.1925703


whats the most annoying thing to prepare, is it the Big Mac?

Anything on the Menu that makes you roll your eyes when the order comes out?

>> No.1925726


>> No.1925746

If you work hard and are somewhat intelligent you can make your way to store manager, supervisor, field consultant, and further. These positions pay between 45k and 100k.

>> No.1925781

mcdouble. i get it, its cheap but for the love of god dont order 10 of them and expect them to be quick. thats 20 patties and i only cooked 16 so your burgers can be "fresh."

>> No.1926279

i worked at mcdonalds for about 8 months after i left high school before i went to college. the busyness of the job, the standards and the systems they have are pretty good for setting you up to think that in a certain way.

i left because i was screwed out of a promotion because other longer term workers complained. but if i had got the promotion i was planning on working there through college.

>> No.1926283

to get a franchise isn't the most convenient thing in the world. you need to work at a mcdonald's for a year.
it is more involved than just opening a store and hiring a manager.

>> No.1926317

what country?

>> No.1926490

The Grand Mac's are worse imo

>> No.1926494

I work the same job and get paid the same. lol.

>> No.1926499

>Anything on the Menu that makes you roll your eyes when the order comes out?

The "special requests" and stupid shit like when people order cheese burgers with no cheese like wtf

>> No.1926525


Oh and I also hate when people order breakfast muffins in the middle of the day

>> No.1927381

One of the richest people in my small city is the guy that owns the three McDonald's franchises. I once saw him at a gas station with his Lamborghini.

>> No.1927579

Ikr! It's annoying as fuck. Especially when making eggs and the sausages because they aren't prepared before.

>> No.1927583

Whoops. Didn't realize I was responding to myself. :|

>> No.1927726

if they don't bring back the szechuan mcnugget sauce, they are fucking retarded and actively trying to sink their company. if they do, they will be saved.

>> No.1927778

I almost worked at McDonalds 3 times

If you have to work fast food, consider a Dunkin Donuts with no drive-thru. It's mostly composed of independent franchises. Free coffee, free food, it's easy as fuck, and you get tips.

>> No.1927818

I am 21 and work a white collar consulting job that I got fresh out of finishing my Ivy League STEM degree making a decent salary with little to no effort at all and complete freedom.

However, I hate that my office is so quiet and I'm kind of lonely.

Should I quit and work at McDonald's just so I get to talk to people? I honestly enjoyed the part time job I had in school and it was a lot of fun and I miss being able to actually see and fully understand the products of my work. With consulting I don't really get to see that.

Should I do this? I know it might sound crazy, I wanna know.

>> No.1927850

That shit they put on their burgers isn't cheese

>> No.1927860

This is considered business on this butterfly dissection site. What an absolute mess.

>> No.1927863

How about a job at the university. Teaching assistant, work at the gym, library, etc. There has to be something better.

>> No.1927874

It is. The only things that are probably fake is all the "meat"

>> No.1927877

Those jobs usually require more work experience and have a tougher interviewing process.

>> No.1927887

Fuck off cryptocuck

>> No.1928377

Why buy crypto when u can /wageslave/

>> No.1928524
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>McDonald's General



>> No.1928579

Let me remind you that I make more money every two weeks at McD's than you do from shitcoins

>> No.1928593

Worked for them during 5 Years while at school the week . Every works are jokes now .

>> No.1930072

Underrated post

>> No.1930082

Here's something McDonald's related
Do the double entrance to the line piss you guys off too?
It's always filled with middle aged women who feel entitled (you know, the ones who complain about the millennials being the entitled ones) who are in a rush and don't know how to alternate cars when the line merges

That shit pisses me off

>> No.1930585

I would much rather be a fucking neet than work at ShitDonald's. I'm not even joking.

>> No.1930591

I worked at Walmart, which I would consider the McDonald's of retail, for a few months in college and honestly you have your head in the right place.

>> No.1930724

> "I'd much rather be a societal piece of shit than a hard-working citizen"

>> No.1930734

Retail is completely different from fast food nigga

>> No.1930748

The only time a girl ever waves at me is when it's my turn to order at McDonalds.

>> No.1930792

You first McShitStain.

>> No.1930859

t. /r9gay/ shitcoiner

>> No.1930871

What the fuck even if you charged $5 a dick you would make a significant amount more than working at mcdonalds.

>> No.1930874

Why am I not surprised that you're a nocoiner

>> No.1930887

I make $10 an hour at McD's.

Because I'm not an autistic NEET from /r9gay/ that thinks some random "coin" no one has heard of will "go to the moon"

>> No.1930900

You also pay taxes on that $10/hr. You would make way more money sucking 100 dicks.

>> No.1930909

I don't care. Taxes don't take up a whole lot of my money. Plus, it helps me build up my resume and it is steady income.

>> No.1930965

>I make $10 an hour at McD's.

Boy, I sure do hope you're joking. McD's is literal nigger tier, how have you not killed yourself yet?

>> No.1931035

Meanwhile, you do nothing productive. You are literally a waste of space. How come your mother hadn't aborted you?

>> No.1931037

Even illegal immigrants in United States are better people than you.

>> No.1931041

>i do a fake job that won't exist in ten years and got a degree I paid way too much for to carry around my superior's coffee
>wow my life is shitty and I hate my job

Man, that sucks

>> No.1931060
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>> No.1931182

I went to McDonald's yesterday and got a Filet-O-Fish combo and a Jalapeño Double. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audio book when I glanced up and saw the McDonald's worker I ordered from was outside having a cigarette.

She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the McDonald's restaurant or drive through, but that is another story.

I went to McDonald's for dinner last night and got a Big Mac combo and a 10 piece Chicken McNuggets with barbecue dipping sauce. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot'.

That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.

Overall, I think it was very unprofessional to bring this up. I should have a clean slate with each drive through visit, not have to get the third degree because I committed some sort of faux pas. Which I don't think I did, because I often see people eating in fast food parking lots. How does she know I am not busy going to work or somewhere in a rush?

How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?

>> No.1931372

Go back to your shithole

>> No.1931379

it's a very stale pasta u replied to, my friend

>> No.1931495

I started working at mcdonalds when I was 15. It sucked but I'm a lot better off. I actually ate there today and it was bretty good.

>> No.1931512

I'm 33 with an engineering degree and work at a McDonald's. That's Canada for ya

>> No.1931543

Are you a filipino or a pajeet

>> No.1931589

Employee who was hired this time last year during McHiring day and is now being trained for Management here. AMA. Have done LOTS at my place. Will not disclose location.

>> No.1931592
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>A N O N
Pic related is me every day tbqh

>> No.1931605

I'm >>1931589 heres some tips
>just ask for sauce
It literally makes your job easier. Plus, depending on your location, charge for the nugget sauce and show you are working on average cheque
>use suggesting selling.
If they want a meal suggest they try a shake for their drink. If they want one cookie/pie suggest the 2nd for dirt cheap.
This is a tough one. It's all in the customer base. Our area has people that donate every day. We also have people who call and complain about people asking for donations.
Even a small smirk is fine. Think of your favorite copypasta. It's what I do.
Same as above
Mcdonalds isn't hard. It's stupid easy. The problem with it is putting effort in and the bajillion fucks around you dont. I switched to late night shifts to get recognized, and then to morning shifts to prove my worth. I will be a manager by the end of the summer.

>> No.1931611

are you that faggot from redflagdeals?

>> No.1931623

I-it's only my fifth day anon. I start getting the preliminary stage of panic attacks when the manager is standing over my shoulder as customers are ordering things and getting annoyed because I know that I'm going to get berated for my spaghetti afterwards

>> No.1932028

Leave this board faggot

>> No.1932303

>tfw 26 about to try to get a fast food job because I wasted my adult life fapping to hentai
W-wish me luck!

>> No.1933101

My mother would have aborted me if she'd known I'd be working at McDonald's past the age of 17.

>> No.1933128

Just get a job at a fucking call center. The lowliest ones will hire anyone and still make 10 bucks an hour. After a year of experience there you can move to one that makes twice that.

And no, call center =/= telemarketing. I'm talking web support.