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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 89 KB, 607x437, dxdao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19213721 No.19213721 [Reply] [Original]

If u ain't in Dxdao , u have no idea how big opportunity u are missing.

Top Ethereum Devs and OGs in team
Token designed to only go up in price.
Token holders earn revenue share
Buybacks from Markets
Vitalik praises them regularly.

>> No.19213767

Why are they allocating 2% of the premine to pay off advertisers like Trevor James?

>> No.19213794

Can u read the spelling it's Dxdao and not Hex.
Be Amazed

Show some respect to the top Scientists working on it

>> No.19213796
File: 222 KB, 917x417, fomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

threads about 6ixin9 and McAfee getting tons of replies.

Thread about the most important ICO 2020 and a vitalik endorsement = not a single soul.

Now you know why you always getting dumped on.

>> No.19213827


>> No.19213885

I honestly think this is the biggest project to come out post-ICO craze of 2017. Also I did not see this Vitalik tweet was in response to Martin, crazy. The friggin' admins of the TG group are either the founders of Kleros, Loopring, or Chainlink & Ethereum employees. I've never seen this much star power come behind one project for a long time

>> No.19213946
File: 160 KB, 657x527, 1586810647637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liquidity comes after the ICO ends
>ICO technically never ends

Not falling for this again, Raj.

>> No.19214017
File: 26 KB, 713x611, 1572259806526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Token designed to only go up in price.

>> No.19214071


like HEX?

>> No.19214073

Stay poor. Your life, ur choice. It follows a liner bonding curve and will continue to go up, with or without you.
BTW this Mesa, Vitalik is praising in the tweet, is just one of the many amazing products of Dxdao.

>> No.19214084

but here funds go to "developers" and not a priest in africa or wherever it was

>> No.19214096

check out the graph here

Spend some time in forum and learn from the best minds in Blockchain

>> No.19214143

Vitalik isn't praising dxdao specifcally, he is just praising full decentralization. Biztards mentioning vitaliks tweets and make some "connection" to a coin is pathetic

Please name me eth devs working on dxdao? you can;t

>> No.19214209

He's literally quoting something talking about mesa.link, one of the dapps powered by DXdao...

So yes he is directly praising DXdao.

Stay poor brainlet

>> No.19214262

this is sad, you pajeets are already losing steam after just 3 days. It's more and more apparent that the decision to not invest was the right one. You can't even sell 2 eth without crashing the entire market.

And fuck off with that "hurr durr liquidity will come later, it's in ico!" shit, it's going to be in ico forever, which means you will never be able to sell for more than a 10th of the current buy price.

>> No.19214303

people dumped like a 1000 eth into it the dao today
and none of it went into uniswap because literally nobody is selling

I'm sorry but you're literally retarded

>> No.19214316

BTW , exchanges are coming, but no one wants to sell this as token holders earn revenue share. with the kind of projects being built , it's going to be huge.
Can totally understand, someone with lack of education won't be able to see the opportunity, u guys are better investing in scams.

>> No.19214347

>BTW , exchanges are coming
>source: my street shitting asshole

>> No.19214357

Revenue goes into the bonded curve to give liquidity. That's the model. When you burn your tokens, you are essentially cashing out your shares. Which right now means very little, as there is very little revenue so far.

>> No.19214359

Buddy, he is not. This martin dude is shilling mesa to vitalik... how the fuck does that translate to praising dxdao LOL

Can you not read?

>> No.19214363

cute. You are thinking this is a pnd? No way in hell im selling now. I got in early(yesterday) and im happy with my stack.

>> No.19214386

Imagine trying to run a pnd on a token with a 20k circulating supply, a .5 eth price tag, no liquidity, and a bonded curve that will always offer the token for cheaper if it was to go parabolic on uniswap. Just imagine

>> No.19214390
File: 48 KB, 642x489, dxdao graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can totally understand ur frustration as token price has doubled in 3 days, but let me tell u , u haven't missed anything, as it will again double from here in next 3 days. It's Math and part of the design.

>> No.19214422

"Is Stronger than many people realize"
And some braindeads, can never realize

>> No.19214427

that is the most scammy chart I have ever seen.

>> No.19214453

Maybe learn from the best minds in blockchain space, how this works.

>> No.19214457

It's a token release chart. All it shows is that new tokens will only be minted at a linear rate with demand increase. If demand falls, then no new tokens will be minted. It's a good deflationary model and is not some hard & set chart showing the market value for dxd like some brainlets have suggested

>> No.19214481

Also this is literally what BNB does too

>> No.19214682
File: 119 KB, 929x1175, 1589869121841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free market token. I'm never selling. Bought a fuck load at 0.38. Your entry price will literally never be revisited again.

You don't need to shill DXD to /biz/ retards, p&d is all they want. They don't deserve the wealth

>> No.19214691

that's only the part of tokenomics.
fundamentals seperate.

>> No.19214712

Hmm true, first and last thread from my side.
was just trying to help, but seems mostly here don't have the mental capabilities to think beyond Hex, esh , grimm, ghost scams

>> No.19214724

>if u aint in
>u have no idea how big opportunity u are missing
Fuck off faggot. Fuck right back off to your designated shitting street.

>> No.19214752

Ha Ha, The token will continue to rise in price and so ur frustration.

>> No.19214755

they do this all the time. Vitalik has become their "in the shadow" oh look this faggot supports my shit it must mean $. Vitalik has brought forth millions of scammers through ETH

>> No.19214775

get fucked scammer. I'll always be richer than you, plebeian.

>> No.19214789

That's just an example to explain to the uneducated, brain dead faggots .
The project itself is god tier .

>> No.19214792

like the idea, but all the projects that they govern seem kinda shit.

>> No.19214812

Lol, can clearly see how frustrated and depressed u are with ur life. Dxdao is building the best Defi projects in crypto space ever. This is just beginning.
$1000/Dxd very soon.

>> No.19214815


jesus christ this one fucking pajeet all these different ID's. You can tell by the writing.

>> No.19214826

Uniswap fork coming soon.

>> No.19214829

kill yourself you fucking faggot.

>> No.19214837

>If u ain't in Dxdao , u have no idea how big opportunity u are missing.
Dear buy dxdao dear , super many moons for you lovely ,,,

>> No.19214840

Many more projects in pipeline, the only idea here is to explain, the token follows a linear curve and price continues to rise regularly. while u wait for something that u may like, token price would be already 10x from here.

>> No.19214849

and where the fuck did you come from? You are using a million different vpns to push your scam. this is fucking unbelievable. I noticed this with the other DXD threads. They somehow had like 200 posts meanwhile other ones had 10 or less. YOU FUCKING SCAMMERS ARE A PLAGUE UPON THIS EARTH

>> No.19214850

U are again wrong, like u have been with all ur investment decisions till date. U are fudding here, bcoz u can't afford to buy even 1 Dxd. Facts

>> No.19214855

You're actually fucking retarded if you think the writing looks the same.

>> No.19214856

why would i want to support a uniswap fork when uniswap is perfectly fine? Uniswap is really the only way i could see their profit sharing doing well, but why would anyone use a uniswap fork? What are they doing differently? are they implementing a solution to impermanent loss?

>> No.19214868

i'm going to the be the reason why india is banned from4chan. Watch faggot. You stupid nigger. You brown parasites.

>> No.19214876

explained nicely here

Spend some time in forums.

>> No.19214886


>> No.19214894

>Uniswap fork
Uniswap just came out with version 2, but it has extra fees to pay their venture capitalist investors.
DxDao fork (DXSwap) will not have those.
Jump to 43:46 to hear them talk about the fork.

>> No.19214941

they aren't really doing anything different beyond the potential for changing the liq fee
that's pretty much nothing, they won't attract the big liq providers from uniswap. I'm not trashing the coin, i think the model is awesome. I just don't see the point in investing in something just cause it has a lot of products if the products are all inferior versions.

>> No.19214942

Damage control? You're the poor brainlet writing in caps.

I bought this shit a couple days ago, I'm sitting comfortably here.

>> No.19214947

Kek they type lazily too, with their accent inside the writing style.

>> No.19214962

I'd help do this work of the return of Jesus Christ

>> No.19214971

that's just 1 of the many projects. <ix, omen, mesa several other too.
And new project proposals are published regularly.
If u have an idea, u would like to be funded for, go ahead with the proposal.

>> No.19215010

The first poster >>19214359 is literally fudding dxd though...?

>> No.19215020

An extra $6-7M will be paid with v2 per annum anon

>> No.19215045

i'm one of the ones you tagged. you are so wrong.

>> No.19215050

U are missing something important here. Something that is decentralized and community controlled, whose revenue is shared with the holders vs something whose revenue goes to VCs
And then , not to forget we are early here, a lot is in pipeline. The only idea here is to understand while we wait for their projects to develop and evolve , the token price would have already 10xed or more from here as depicted in the graph above.

>> No.19215053

i'm one of the ones you tagged. you are so wrong.

>> No.19215089
File: 145 KB, 549x545, dxdao-saves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaah nicely played dude. You got me.
Here take this coin. I need to milk my cow

>> No.19215109

Nice, thanks.

>> No.19215229

"Token designed to only go up in price"

You lead with bullshit like this and expect people to not call you out on being retarded?

>> No.19215240

Agreed 100% anon. It's also simply not true. All the bonded curve means is that new tokens won't be minted unless the price is going up.

>> No.19215265


yesterday I saw a big price fluctiation on their own site. I think the price *can* indeed go down if new supply surge stops.

>> No.19215304

I expect people to dig further into the tokenomics and put in some efforts on their own as well.
If u aren't able to invest some time researching in the project even after Vitalik is praising them, no one can help you.
Can't u read the comments, few have already posted how it has already doubled in 3 days.
The link of the forum is shared above but will again paste for u
I have provided the basic concept, now it's an individual's responsibility to dig further.

>> No.19215315
File: 282 KB, 1080x1080, 753D33A9-4F22-4047-9C0B-0BF9C0034045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sirs please buy coins my goat is starving. 1000x end of month guaranteed.

>> No.19215343
File: 194 KB, 736x1405, FB1F6D99-4F95-4CC0-A904-BFFB51CFB30B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join The Mighty DX


>> No.19215403

i'm one of the ones you tagged. you are so wrong.

>> No.19215416
File: 75 KB, 250x250, 7092852E-D1F4-42F2-B6A6-4F13DE15FE43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not my memes, but they’re so terrible they transcend themselves. Please sirs. #1 guaranteed coin for investment of returns.

>> No.19215441

Commenting without any research.
That's because, there is difference in sell and buy price at the moment, someone might have been stupid to sell at that price.
Currently u don't sell to buyers , but pack to the pool.
check the tabs on exchange and see the price difference.
It's sheer stupidity selling it now , until big exchanges are added.

>> No.19215529


Listen Rashed, I just want my easy x3 moinbucks and I’m nearly already there. Then I’m onto the next scam. By the time this seed the types of returns promised as it’s a longcon longhold I could easily buy back in with a bigger dick to swing around. The problem is waiting on my hands while the uniswap gap closes in.

>> No.19215557

Why are people saying 20k is max to be sold when the chart goes up to 50k?

>> No.19215588

impossible. Next time take a screenshot

>> No.19215622

infinite can be sold, but price increases for every DXD minted.

>> No.19215757

Is there a tg we can chat in. Fuck biz. If no one.makes one I will.

>> No.19215771

fuck you boomer

>> No.19216240


DxDAO is a solid project once you do a bit of research on Twitter and those who talked about it 1-2 weeks ago (before the 4chan hype)

look at the tweet for yourself. So many great teams/people in this space are involved and like what the DxDAO is doing.

>> No.19216267

Buying on Uniswap (small increments: 1 ETH at a time) gets you a wayyyy better price than DxDao site

Check for yourself



>> No.19216278

if this isn't a pajeet i don't know what is

>> No.19216459

Have fun getting rekt with slippage.

>> No.19216551

lol, try the transaction first. U will end up getting screwed

>> No.19216558

Who do you think *owns* the mesa? Hello?

>> No.19216565


>> No.19216700

>untracked listing
this coin will never make it

>> No.19216790 [DELETED] 

Someone is selling big chuncks of DXD on Uniswap and it's dropping the price so much

Cheap DXD ftw.

>> No.19216806

They must not realize they are selling at a low cost since there's not much liquidity

>> No.19216827

Cool it with the anti-semitism.

>> No.19216855

Not a single comment about Gnosis Protocol, lmao.

>> No.19216868

Some dumbass just accidentally sold a lot of DXD on Uniswap not realizing there is slippage..lol

Price is low because he sold 8 DXD tokens back to back lol

>> No.19216873

Well because it’s essentially an ico and only on uniswap now. You’ve never been able to track let alone trade ico coins before so I don’t know why everyone is so surprised by this

>> No.19216892

Is GNO actually worth investing in at this point?

>> No.19216914

this ico goes on forever, y'all never gon make it lmao. IF liquidity ever comes whales will dump on you so hard when they realize the dxd apps are fucking trash and will be for at least another decade. have fun making like 3 cents a year from your thousands invested

>> No.19216953

But is it ever going to go to any exchanges or be tracked? It seems it's going to stay in ico forever based on everything I've read about it. Also seems very ponzi-ish

>> No.19217046

GNO is the basis of DXDAO/Mesa.
I'm buying some here

>> No.19217357

Oh so it's a security then?

>> No.19218076

discord gg/HQTvZt

>> No.19218735

>great names
Like.... one autist from pnk

>> No.19219032

And loopring... and gnosis... and chainlink

>> No.19219337

How the fuck do I buy into this shitcoin?!

>> No.19219368



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