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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19213342 No.19213342 [Reply] [Original]

Pivx fork, zkSnark, privacy token . . .

All this means shit to the normies.

The only thing that matters is the tokenomics from staking. So long as the devs don't fuck that up we are good.

You know why John hasn't hit the bricks on shilling this shit yet? He doesn't want ESH money. He wants the Ghost money.

Why showcase the volatility of ESH when a week from now he can showcase the stability and returns of ghost.

If you haven't figured out that "exchanges will be assisting in the token swap" means that they will be used in the staking process, I don't know what to tell you.

The only thing he needs to explain to a normie audience is that holding Ghost generates more Ghost. That's it.

"It's safer than bitcoin. You can mine it without any fancy computer equipment. Holding X amount of Ghost for Y # of Days Yields Z amount of more Ghost."

He will be lambasting central finance showing how much the dollar is being dilluted and offering an alternative that yields more of itself just by having it.

The efficacy of the privacy aspects are NOT an issue for debate. It could be a turd in a basket, it does not matter. They could push it a year in development --- so long as the staking works and normies can see a return they will buy whether fearful or greedy. People will be unironically taking out loans to buy more Ghost because they will think "I get more of what i just paid" If they paid $100 a pop they would still get the same return rate.

All this is going to sound very very good to the normies.

Biz is not the final market for Ghost. Not by a longshot.

Just hodl. Thats it. So long as you don't sell, it doesn't go down. If you limit the supply, you will increase the demand.

Look a month or two down the road. We are very, very early to the game.

>> No.19213390

cringe and copepilled.

>> No.19213406

How heavy are those bags right now?

>> No.19213413


>> No.19213451

This. I don't buy early to sell early. That defeats the purpose of the hodl. I bought a clowncoin because the head clown is loud as fuck, so as OP said - it's just a matter of time.

If you saw the BTC pump, the ETH pump, the LINK pump, you know what this looks like. It'll be a standard chart with a standard pump, over 1-2 years instead of 4-6. Just hold on to your seats until the star clown has his moment in the spotlight, and be ready to dump on normies.

>> No.19213486

Considering I bought at $.40, .60 and 1.00 these bags of borderline feel Ghost feel pretty good. Work on your fuckin Fud. Youre a horrible investor.

>> No.19213513

>He will be lambasting central finance showing how much the dollar is being dilluted and offering an alternative that yields more of itself just by having it.
That's what savings accounts generally do.

>> No.19213531

If you're interested in a coin with legitimately new privacy features then read about ERG. Non-custodial stablecoin mixing will be available soon.


>> No.19213586

You're too late. A bunch of biz panic sold yesterday in they're bitter about it.
You're absolutely right though. This is going to be huge especially if BTC is set for another 2017 rally.
ESH can go below what I got in at I'll just buy more.

>> No.19213594

If your investment strategy is investing in something with the hopes that those who are more retarded will invest in it,

You might be the retard.

>> No.19213633


Tell me how good the interest rate is on your savings account. I'll wait here.

>> No.19213640

Gang, if I have my ESH in metamask, will I get the airdrop or is there another wallet to use?

>> No.19213729
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Metamask is good ESH and Ghosties for now. If you have a lot maybe consider a hardware wallet.

We pumped 120% in 24 hours.

Welcome to the haunt, Anon.

Things are going to get spooky.

>> No.19213733

consensus seems to be that if you have it on metamask you're good for the airdrop

>> No.19213736

Shitcoins manage what 3-4%? but you have fees out the ass getting in/out of shitcoins generally 0.05% each way in/out of FIAT.

>> No.19213766

0xMonero has a lower marketcap, is mineable, and has zk-SNARKs.

>> No.19213843

So it's better to take 2.3% on something you give to a bank who then devalues it by loaning it back and forth amongst other banks over and over and over so that 100 dollar deposit created thousands of dollars in debt?

>> No.19213854


>The only thing he needs to explain to a normie audience is that holding Ghost generates more Ghost. That's it.

PIVX generates more PIVX. WHAT NOW?!!!!!

>> No.19213905

Staking is a meme. Useful for people with loads of money in crypto but fucking useless for Joe Blow who wants to save a few shekels.

>> No.19213926

In addition I currently provide retail loans which return between 6-8% per year. C

>> No.19214048
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6-8% a year? you sound like need a job to feed yourself.

>> No.19214068
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>you sound like need a job to feed yourself.

>> No.19214153

Go plow a metaphorical field, serf.

>> No.19214331

privacy tokens make literally zero sense because all the fiat on-ramps are KYC. There is literally no way to purchase crypto with fiat anonymoosley.

>inb4 but but you can pay with cash in person
jesus christ... might as well just arrest yourself.

>> No.19214498

It wasn’t /biz/ it was (((/biz/))) that did the dumping

>> No.19214973

a btc rally would be sick right now, makes me want to put $1000 bag on 5 or 6 different decent alt coins. 2017 bitcoin rally boosted so many random altcoins 10x 20x

>> No.19215038

That's the exact problem ghost is try to solve . . .

>> No.19215077

You glow faggot

>> No.19215108

He doesn't know. He did no research.

>> No.19215131

why even waste time explaining it to neets?

>> No.19215171

Iron hands, fuck you weak feather finger cunts, I got the weight of the world on the back with these bags. Fuck fudders, my ghosties are gonna buy me so many fleshlights , cartons of doctor pepper and that sweet sweet jet fuel coke.

>> No.19215235

Amen, anon.

>> No.19215305


I too have iron hands holding bags from mid-end 2017 bullrun. the difference is I learned from my mistakes. never hold shit for too long.

>> No.19215424

Hasn't even launched yet = holding too long

What did you buy in 2017?

>> No.19215486

Nice response, I love seeing retard anons kicked in the nuts with their own logic.

>> No.19215582


my bot took a hit on APP, TNB, REQ etc. up to -98.72% while daytrading small scalp trades with $150-300 positions. these funds are 100% lost and I stell hold them.

>> No.19215607

Richard heart came up with that word, you're literally ripping that off from HEX

>> No.19215623

McAfee needs some more coke money, go pump his bag retard

>> No.19215989
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>participating in a p&d to hodl

>> No.19216124
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>> No.19216345

imagine not having a stack of ESH before sunday

>> No.19216465
File: 72 KB, 550x364, sidelines-sports-bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19216476

You're way too dumb to have money,
please stop using your mom's credit card

>> No.19216608


Snagged 399 before Visa said no.