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19210078 No.19210078 [Reply] [Original]

This is how you do it.

>> No.19210285

>exclusively to Spotify
Looks like I'm not listening to it anymore.

>> No.19210314

RIP Rogan. It was nice while it lasted.

>> No.19210316

Why is he doing this?

>> No.19210318


>> No.19210338

never knew joe was so antisemetic
he just lost 1 former listener

>> No.19210356

Idris Elba

>> No.19210396

Because they paid him? Are you stupid? lol Idk why he wouldn't just make a merch store or some dumb shit. He's just going to piss off listeners for a few million. Maybe it's worth it, idk how much he makes. I always assumed millions though.

>> No.19210407

100 million, that's fuck you money.

>> No.19210411
File: 1.40 MB, 390x220, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll listen, I've used Spotify since it came to the US, but whats going to happen to the video aspect of the podcast? I mainly like to watch it on youtube..

>> No.19210412

Part of his podcasts is also the video of the guests. He will only lose with this, retard

>> No.19210414

Does spotify even have video?

>> No.19210529

The evolution of this moron saying he wouldnt take ads 10 years ago to then saying he will do ads but only for products he uses, to shilling for anyone with 10000$, now saying he wouldnt go to spotify a year ago until they offered this fake ass hippy a few million

>> No.19210562

wasn't he offering up some supplement to maximize brain gainz? Sam Hyde told me so.

>> No.19210684

>few million
Kek. More like 100+.

>> No.19210697

Are you talking about alpha brain? Hes been shilling it for 10 years. He owns it's company onnit with weirdo polygamist scammer aubrey Marcus

>> No.19210721

he doesnt actually get that many views, his biggest shows are around 10 million. Thats nothing when a retarded child opening toys gets billions.

>> No.19210758

Not him but spotify is a shit platfrom and doesn't integrate with my podcast aggregator. I guess I'll listen from time to time when someone reminds me Joe Rogan exists but that's about it. Who the fuck sits at home waiting for the next podcast episode with abated breath? Particularly a bland series like JRE.

>> No.19210763

I havent listened to dude weed podcast since redban left

>> No.19210777

>Looks like I'm not listening to it anymore.
you will. spotify about to add a bunch of new users. bullish.

>> No.19210782

How many views do you get?

>> No.19210817
File: 9 KB, 239x211, 375483832628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i took a video of my fish tank it got 20 views but 15 of them were me and 2 were my mom and dad

>> No.19210822

You are retarded. Every single straight male parrots Joe Rogan at least once a week.

>> No.19210847

HE won't. His viewership will. 100 million dollars is a lot of dollars, I can't fault him for it.

>> No.19210869

There was a sweet spot on the show when it was blowing up and Joe kept having more and more famous people on while it still had the vibe of a small podcast and Joe himself was not famous like he is now.
Redban would say the dumbest shit to these celebrities and it was awesome.
I listen to every show with him as a guest and skip the majority of the rest.

>> No.19210908

With the economic shutdown. Joe has taken a huge pay cut from the UFC, stand-up comedy and a saturated podcast market. and the last thing he would do is cut down on his lifestyle expenses. He likes being the high roller alpha in his crew

>> No.19210977

I doubt many will read this but whoever catches it may one day post this screen. I personally know Daniel and Martin, as well as Axel and Frederik from their expansion in Berlin. Frankly they are not bad people but let's leave it like that. I assume some of you hold SPOT and that's fine, I understand you want to make some gains. Just be wary of what might inevitably happen. There are some huge setbacks that will come to light. Daniel can get the best lawyers in the world however, someone somewhere will come forth and take it all away, which will trigger a chain reaction.

>> No.19211034

who the fuck are you talking about retard

>> No.19211052

lel nice projecting cuck.

>> No.19211265

"exclusively" haha
looking at socialblade "JRE Clips" is already doing better than "PowerfulJRE" on Youtube

>> No.19211342

the conversations were so much better, joe was so much less of a shill back then and way cooler. now he's just becoming a cringe mainstream boomer.

>> No.19211375

Was it? Rogan is a complete fucking moron.

>> No.19211408

Yea, the podcast used to be amazing. Like sub-300 episodes. Also, I’m glad someone else liked redban on the show. All there numale Rohan fans hated on him so much

>> No.19211492

I'm straight male and only parrot podcasters who say the holocaust is a hoax and Israel has no right to exist

>> No.19211493

about fucking time. so sick of not seeing JRE on spotify.

>> No.19211757

Bro what podcasts do you listen to? Oh cool I’ll check that out. Npc Faggots

>> No.19212187

if you ever listened to him, you're probably a retard.

>> No.19212339

But I need to see his mouth drooping face when he is in utter awe of what his guests are saying

>> No.19212391

Will he still be getting 40k per cash app read???