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19210043 No.19210043 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck I hate my life. I got it thru luck as well.

>> No.19210065


>> No.19210103

You’re not fired until you are. Hang in there.

>> No.19210115

at least you could save shittons of money while in this job

>> No.19210120

what was your job anon, please don t be a larp

>> No.19210129

Nah, you can definitely see the writing on the wall. Plus it's demotivating as hell, causing your performance to slip even more and causing you to stop caring. It's a vicious cycle.

t. idiot who got fired before

>> No.19210148

>I got it thru luck as well
What easy comes, easy goes. Move on

>> No.19210178

That happened to me too. Old boss let me say nigger at work but then he retired and this ice cold bitch replaced him. I'm autistic and not used to change so it didn't take long for me to forget to self-censor in the office.

>> No.19210258

Programmer, previously QA manual tester that had a technical interview with someone who didn't know how to program.

I did. I have 60k more saved since I took the role in November.

My company is doing layoffs this week or next week. Manager stopped talking to me on Teams, but asks me for old documentation and to walk him through it.

>> No.19210395

You got found out. You're a fake programmer. Real programmers like me are sick of cleaning up your shit code. Get back in your box.

>> No.19210510

Congratulations on your hard work and ability to succeed in your role. I hope to have similar career stability one day.

>> No.19210583

God damn OP that sucks is it because of corona or you had a poor performance due to not being an experienced programmer?

>> No.19210707

My mentally ill alcoholic older sister and her son came to live with me in March. Son was molested by her boyfriend and she's pressing charges so I have to help her with paperwork. Also she doesn't drive.

I started working 14 hour days at the office to stay away from her. Company started WFH in early April and I can't get away from the insanity. She constantly gets drunk, clingy, fighting, suicide threats, stuff like that. I was doing ok at work (no warnings) until I had argue with her every hour.

>> No.19211457

>but asks me for old documentation and to walk him through it
im not kidding when im telling you to take as much leave as possible, starting right now. just say it's a 'quick mental health stay-cation'
squeeze it dry

>> No.19211488

jfc anon call the police
or slip those anti-booze pills into her food

>> No.19211494

Why? If I'm being fired, being paid out PTO and accruing it are no different

>> No.19211523

Spending it**

>> No.19211684

because you're being complicit in bending over and HELPING them cuck you out the door
let them go through all that old shit themselves, why should you be HELPING them make it easy to fire you?

you have some savings, is a few vacation days of pay really worth the indignity of being bent over like this?

>> No.19211799

So pride? I'm not try to be combative but I was curious if there were any technical/financial advantages.

>> No.19212266

Steal anything of value that you can get away with.

>> No.19212281

taking your entitled time off isn't being combative you silly cuck; and if you don't start getting combative in other areas of your life you're gunna be babysitting your worthless sister literally forever if you're gunna being playing this walk all over me, no-spine, prideless cuck shit

>> No.19212327

This. At this point just take them for everything you can, and don't feel bad. Chances are the work you did allowed them to make millions.