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File: 5 KB, 319x158, XTZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19209652 No.19209652 [Reply] [Original]

How about that OMG pump? who sold? who still holding?

>> No.19209696

Why do you always start these threads with a pic of Tezos?

>> No.19209736

so anons know its me

did you sell OMG? still holding?

>> No.19209746

Tezos is the true smart money

>> No.19209826

late to OMG. What else you looking at these days?

>> No.19209871

large % of my Crypto portfolio is going into HNS, not sure if you've seen this or not already
other than that i actually tried to stay up all night thinking they'll list OMG but never did, fell asleep and woke up and had to go to work

didnt sell a single OMG, not sure what to do from here, up close to 2x but have a feeling its about to go on a tear

>> No.19209893

ohh also i still think the coins i hold will outperform the whole market


>> No.19209982

ya hns seems some what interesting but not really a big fan. idk

>> No.19209995

can i ask what you dont like about it? i like to listen to opposing POVs

>> No.19210012


I agree with all of those. However im holding all but LInk. I just cant get past the creator or team holding 65%. Regardless of what theyve promised.

Theres another coin im buying right now. Dont really want it get too much attention but I like your threads. sylo

>> No.19210033

I hold XTZ and recently bought ALGO. PoS is so fucking comfy. It's like a entrepreneur UBI rather than commie gibs by a government.

>> No.19210048

99% of this market is hype, lots of hype coming to LINK
and as always im selling the majoirty of the stack when staking on CB goes live
i think we will see the pump of all pumps then

>> No.19210050

Honestly theres nothing I can say. I fomoed in and then it dumped. Owell

>> No.19210064

hope you make it anon

>> No.19210082

limit your exposure, try a smaller position, this will be top 10 in a year or two

>> No.19210095

You are probably right. I feel like its best not to be spread too thin across so many. So in the dip I bought some link. Sold for a nice profit and rolled it all into BTC and ETH. I spent the down turn getting as much BTC and eth as I could. I want about 20 more ETH and maybe another BTC. Which I get by DCA. However im pulling some off that off now that im almost at my goal into others like sylo and ubt.

>> No.19210111

>I spent the down turn getting as much BTC
smart money

>> No.19210112
File: 53 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey op keep up these threads, i liek dem.
>pic related, its me.
>mypoofolio is growing its already 0.3eth
on a serious note, tzx looks like its on an uptrend, what you think?

>> No.19210123


where you buy? One reason I stay away is I tried their wallet and couldnt get it to work. Lost some trying to send it there. If there was a way for me to store it off an exchange Id do it. I had major issues using namebase. being from US and MXC isnt the best place to hold in my opinion

>> No.19210127

i think we will see the bazookas coming soon
have a feeling June will be a month to remember

stack up, stake and relax sirs

>> No.19210142
File: 143 KB, 1280x960, D99E60FD-3699-49E2-BDEE-E1BA5850B9EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 10 in a year or two
try never

>> No.19210152

which wallet? i have Bob wallet and its reallty simple to use and you can bid on names through the wallet itself

not shilling but its one of the best wallets ive come across in Crpto

>> No.19210157

I honestly stake just enough XTZ on coinbase so when I deposit my DCA I can withdraw it immediately haha

>> No.19210162

Tezos looks like a stupid , really not funny kids toy compared to Cardano .
What a disgusting overvalued piece of shit Tezos is.
Pull a gun against my head, i would rather buy Dune than XTZ

>> No.19210179

thank god i wasnt born you anon

>> No.19210181

ya I tried that one. I downloaded it and installed it and it said it wasnt ready to receive hns for awhile . Tried sending a little bit and it never showed up.

>> No.19210198

God bless

>> No.19210210

not sure why but i had no issues whatsoever
are you sure you downloaded the latest version?
investing is a personal decision so its up to you but it will be top 10 a year or two from now

>> No.19210221

based smart money chad, I've got several of my normie friends staking Tezzies on coinbase at this moment

we are gonna make it

>> No.19210243

Important: Transactions are disabled for the first two weeks of mainnet.

thats what it says when I open the wallet and I cant send anything there.

where do you find the latest version?

>> No.19210267

you in a discord?

>> No.19210270


>> No.19210284
File: 202 KB, 1124x1276, 6C0FA31B-3851-4E6C-BB1F-220706C6182F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My portfolio

>> No.19210292

gonna leave the office, if the thread is still going ill be back when im home
chao niggers

>> No.19210311

i like it, solid as fuck

>> No.19210450
File: 42 KB, 445x523, 3mlnM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant you stake on binance? im not fan of conbase. not like fartnance is better but a lil bit maybe is better...

So, sirs, can you redpill me on staking?
Im still bagholding bunch of zil, waiting for them to finish staking or do something noteworthy. Should I drop those bags? I feel like that shit can go ballisthickkk.

>> No.19210703

I stake with LedgerLive

>> No.19210768

>Get a ledger
>Stake from ledger
>While wearing tezzies around your kneck
>Sleep well

>> No.19210799

ZIL doesn't have staking

>> No.19211070

Just buy Tezos. I think it will go to 5 dollars within a few weeks

>> No.19211300
File: 37 KB, 267x446, 1518977525757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like a real chad move. I will go to the sauna next week and wear that fucking ledger on my naked hairy body like a badge of honor.
And if anybody unlucky enough to ask about it, Ohh boi! I will rain down a monsoon of autist information on them while proudly flapping my dick around because Im lucky enough to have a dick that hangs lower than the balls. ;)

Any of you jeets trading? I might start again, I no longer have the fears which means mentally I may be ready.
Here and there I buy something on binance and sell it for an easy gain but there must be a catch.... This is too easy and if its too easy then its not true. Any sites to check price and volume that is better thatn cmc?
Do you guys trade for sat gains regularly?
This thread is pretty comfy dear Sirs.