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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19208452 No.19208452 [Reply] [Original]

3 exchanges in 24hrs. What has your coin done anon?

>> No.19208479
File: 430 KB, 1034x1076, SmartSelect_20200520-060951_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make that 4

>> No.19208516

How much are you down? 40%? 50%? lmao kill yourself

>> No.19208523

Holy shit bullish aas fuck

>> No.19208555

Wait for the legal case fren

Remember Bitrail and railblocks

They fucked it up too

The project is Dead

Cope that buddy

>> No.19208605

>guess who sold the bottom

just accept that it’s going to pump again. we’re in clown world. it took two days for people to stop caring about the white paper and start fomo’ing in again - we’re going places by the 24th.

>> No.19208628

>what has your coin done?
not being pumped and dumped

>> No.19208638

veryy bullish annoucnements and nice partnerships and exchange listings !

>> No.19208652


You guys have to be aware at how transparent and obvious the shilling is at this point right? You all sound deranged

>> No.19208661
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>veryy bullish annoucnements and nice partnerships and exchange listings !

>> No.19208676

you are hired fudder ,,

>> No.19208677

guys, promise pretty promise the ghostchain is gonna be done next month um hmmmm, oops we had to push it back a few more weeks mmmmkkkkk. you have your erc20 token from the airdrop silly!! member! just continue to trade that on speculation of a real coin, like youve been doing all along hehe. ok? be patient, it's coming. I PROMISE! ---Josh, Geo< Luna and Jose

>> No.19208690

it listed on the 4 no name exchanges they bought a few days ago. kys scammers

>> No.19208698
File: 640 KB, 723x844, fd13a4fb9887e4c2cd46e84efda364f5_mario-clipart-mario-ghost-mario-mario-ghost-transparent-free-for-_723-844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean to tell me that this guy worked for the government at one point with high level clearance then saw all the nonsense that the government does , so he quit and ran his own cyberse curity software where he sold his company for 70M then dived into bath salts and hookers shitting in his mouth and living with 10 prostitutes where one of them pointed a gun at him while he was asleep and tried to rob him but was unsuccessful then he told the world about the government and the powers that be of the corruption and then allegedly murdered a guy in Belize , Ran as a Libertarian Candidate in the fucking US then got arrested and then broke out of prison and almost got assassinated a couple of times and has since been on the fucking run , and will become a martyr because everyone will want to use GHOST as his memory will live on as his political opponents try to kill him because he exposed the Epstein shit to the fucking world is going to make his own fucking cryptocurrency with its own blockchain and for its DEXes and who has 1M followers on Twitter which he shilled XVG and PIVX which both returned 1000x+ ROI on Investment isn’t going to push this fucking coin to the fucking sky
Then you are absolutely fucking retarded and deserve to be poor. Personally I’m all In.

>> No.19208730

hey fellow anonn i hate the nigger also and the jeww is our menus. buy the coin of choice here, don't miss out on special gem, nigger. or stay poors

>> No.19208802

It’s been recovering all day - the dips are bought back up as they occur. This took the biggest hit it could have and continues to rebuild its value. Feel free to call me deranged - I’m riding this one out.

>> No.19208803

Is there anything more agonizing that accusing someone as being your own nationality as a pejorative, Raj? You took a break from stalking girls on facebook for THIS?


>> No.19208880


>> No.19209039
File: 59 KB, 658x662, 1fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does switch token actually do? Is there any reason to hold it other than the ghost airdrop?

I'm kinda concerned that it'll pump super high just before the 25th and then drop like a stone right after the airdrop. I'm thinking the safest plan would be to sell just before the 25th, miss the airdrop altogether and then buy into ghost at a later date.


>> No.19209093

me too i am gonna do that. but just let little eshies for the airdop of ghosts for the lulz

>> No.19209246
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>> No.19209368

It’s supposed to get you a cut of transaction fees on their exchanges, I think.

>> No.19209457

kek why would it pump super high now? theyre just giving you erc20 shittokens now until further notice which will be pumped and dumped by josh leaving you holding heavy ass bags forever cause actual ghost wont likely come out

>> No.19209572

>ghost wont likely come out
this is the the level of lies you have to tell yourself when you bought high and sold low.

>> No.19209596

Each time they announce a new exchange the price dumps xD

>> No.19209609

hold the ghost dummy....

>> No.19209617

>literal who exchanges

>> No.19209622


>> No.19209636

nobody knows those exchanges

>> No.19209644

>believing a fugitive smackhead murderer and a blithering egghead incel virgin have your best interests in mind

>> No.19209693

I mean it will obviously peak sometime in the next few days and then drop right after the airdrop because noone gives a fuck about esh. I think ghost can moon too but it's more risky, better to sell on the 24th and take a safe 2-3x than risk losing everything for the chance at doing a 10x imo.

Gonna be hella pissed off if ghost does a 50x and I miss out but that's just the way this crypto game is, the feelings of regret are impossible to avoid no matter what you do.

>> No.19209717

>I mean it will obviously peak sometime in the next few days
Peak was right before the epic dump. It isn't recovering.