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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 599x435, ETH is a mess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19206326 No.19206326 [Reply] [Original]

Another big Ethereum DAPP discontinues its service after TWO DAYS. Confirming again that Ethereum based "smart contracts" are certified garbage.

>> No.19206376

Probably the same bug they found with the defi hacks a month ago, no?

>> No.19206504
File: 2.25 MB, 445x250, new defi comin thru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys here comes my new dapp

>> No.19206518

The MKR hack was exploiting Ethereum's slow/clogged network. This is different

>> No.19206570
File: 84 KB, 797x1279, Defis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why build on garbage ethereum when you can soon build on DEFIS with complete privacy and scalability?

>> No.19206596

Correct, it's oracle related. Absolutely.

>> No.19206615

crypto kitties

>> No.19206633

>building smart contracts without chainlink

into the thrash it goes

>> No.19206870

I meant more like the dforce hack

>> No.19206952
File: 88 KB, 604x414, Screen Shot 2020-05-19 at 12.06.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how all the faggy devs who make a point of shitting on Chainlink end up falling on their face? Coincidence?

>> No.19206975


This is worth a thread of its own

Knee bent

>> No.19207244

Many Ethereum devs hate Chainlink. I think Vitalik is to blame desu

>> No.19207276


>> No.19207289

The world will move on without them. They can either adapt (to chainlink) or die.

Chainlink > Ethereum. Only a matter of years until chainlink's market cap overtakes ethereum.

>> No.19207302

dafuq is a rube goldberg machine?

>> No.19207332

>rube goldberg machine
>A Rube Goldberg machine, named after American cartoonist Rube Goldberg, is a machine intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and overly complicated way. Usually, these machines consist of a series of simple unrelated devices; the action of each triggers the initiation of the next, eventually resulting in achieving a stated goal.

what is wikipedia

>> No.19207350

you don't really understand how ethereum is modular, do you?
the problem with tBTC is that the contract is too fucking complicated
RSK guys already instructed the Keep dudes how they should do it
1/2 chances they say "alright" and do the RSK way

>> No.19207353


>> No.19207362
File: 85 KB, 596x1008, 1575321025267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>oh noes eht is dead

Based retard
Literally btc maxi fudinng link failed to launch smartcontract

>> No.19207391

cool ty bro didnt know that ;>

>> No.19207444


>> No.19207456


>> No.19207677

Anyone should be extremely careful investing in a cryptocurrency that uses oracles other than link, or entering into a smart contract that uses oracles other than link.

You're asking to get burned.

>> No.19208760

>Anyone should be extremely careful investing in a cryptocurrency that uses oracles other than link
Checked. The incredible thing is how much link has proven itself out just by the case studies of those who don't use it. I was totally a link fuder because the eth devs seemed to have a point - but no, they were dead fucking wrong and they are all getting rek'd. It speaks for itself desu

>> No.19208853

>another thinly veiled “bullish for link” cope thread

Go away

>> No.19208884

Yet so far the only oracle that caused losses is chainlink, for synthetix.
Link is extremely insecure, devs have full control over feeds.

>> No.19208960

>what is wikipedia
Wikipedia is a free, open content online encyclopedia created through the collaborative effort of a community of users known as Wikipedians

what is ask.com

>> No.19209052

buy 0xBTC Morrons

>> No.19209096
File: 971 KB, 1106x1012, 1588357277248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik started this, Sergey will end it.

>> No.19209147

Fuck money skelly

>> No.19209180


Chainlink has not caused losses for synthetix and they are still using chainlink

bZx lost $360k due to an oracle failure with Kyber. They have since switched to chainlink

>> No.19209297

They caused losses and paid them using link holders' money.
What happened: chainlink dev put in xau instead of xag.
The only prevention for the future? Internal multisig.
That's how decentralized chainlink is - maybe three devs in SF can do literally anything.
>bZx lost $360k due to an oracle failure with Kyber.
They weren't even using an oracle, they were using temporary prices in place of the oracle.

>> No.19209414

That's not true at all. bZx were using Kyber, a single oracle which was using a single data source, Uniswap for their price data

This caused a $360k loss for bZx when someone shorted Bitcoin on bZx then sold the less liquid line on Uniswap causing the reference price to drop significantly.

Crucially, this was a fundamental flaw of the oracle, not a user error.

THe chainlink example was a user error, not a fundamental flaw of the oracles. And it cost $40k. Bear in mind chainlink is the undustry standard and a vast majority of existing oracles are based on chainlink.

>> No.19209496

Yes, that did happen with Synthetix. The team worked very hard to improve security protocols after this, and it has served to make the network stronger as a result. This is why the team has taken so long with the roll-out, it's better to catch mistakes now, rather than when a trillion dollars relies on your code.

>> No.19209795


Also another thing: This appears to have been due to the failure on one oracle. Understandably at this stage a lot of low value products will be using one single node but the whole purpose of chainlink is that products can and should use multiple oracles.

In conclusion, this is bullish for link.

>> No.19210209

Imagine having an ego this gay

>> No.19210423

I fucking hate linkies so much. Like 99% of you faggots have ever used a smart contract, much less developed one. Yet you think you're qualified to go on twitter and run your fucking mouths about how actual devs should be using your shitcoin for dapss that you fundamentally don't understand or don't care about because literally all you care about is link's price going up and only understand link insofar as the half truths someone on /biz/ spoonfed it to you.

>> No.19210500


>> No.19210560

Lol. Really the results speak for themselves. People who use non chainlink oracles fail and lose money.

The total decentralized finance market has grown from $250m last year to $1b now. 70% of that is powered by chainlink. It is the industry standard. At this point anyone using anything other than chainlink is just being edgy.

>> No.19210589

it literallz dumping, i bought in at 0.0056 eth now its 0.0043 eth, not like im gonna sell im no wanker with shaky hands

>> No.19211182

Holy fuck get absolute rekt. The fucking seeth of this man.

>> No.19211700

Is this you? >>19206952

>> No.19211753

This is why I sold at $4.5. Ghosties are almost as retarded but not as annoying. Linkies really are the worst. It started out great though, but now, it's just sad. I still hope everyone holding link gets rich.

>> No.19212499

OK someone tell me this: WHY is there no other option? Every 2nd scatcoin says they can do smartcontracts and whatnot yet I only see ruskinigger eth dapps day after day. And guess what? All of them sucks! Eth is too slow.

>> No.19212579
File: 42 KB, 540x416, 1yrTLkT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Devs can't even code a dapp correctly lmao they should stick to making bitcoin wallets xDDD

>> No.19213359

But... Chainlink is centralized? Fucking idiot.