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File: 313 KB, 460x696, 1465761603292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1920501 No.1920501 [Reply] [Original]

How can I capitalize on the alt-right?

>> No.1920505


>> No.1920508

Sell them gold and survival gear.

>> No.1920510

Want to start a fake news site?

>> No.1920512

Try and sell them on being your crypto god.

Oh wait you tried that and it didn't work.

>> No.1920515

Let me know what it is so I can add to my list.

>Fake news websites

>> No.1920521

This. Make a bullion coin with Pepe on the front and "Hitler did nothing wrong" with a clover on the back.

>> No.1920531
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Literally just pander. For example, sell some t-shirts, and have a few with Clinton in an orange jumpsuit or one that says "THIS IS AMERICA, WE DON'T DO COMMUNISM!" with a picture of Obama under it, holding fried chicken. The rest of the stuff can be normal, but you need little "subtle" dogwhistles that will let these intellectuals know you're redpilled. The key is to say things that aren't overtly racist, so that the racists don't feel guilty about being seen as racist. Start a twitter, and just talk about states rights, "thugs", the good ole days, etc.

>> No.1920584

Hold down shift

>> No.1920591

Shill LEPEN on /pol/

>> No.1920658

These fags are part of the reason no one has really been able to 'capitalize' on the altright, they have no real understanding of it anymore than the left or the boomers do

This guy probably has the closest thing here

>> No.1921712
File: 85 KB, 291x344, vYF65gU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people on breitbart wouldn't buy every one of those shirts

you have to drop your biases to make money, anon

>> No.1921873
File: 1.76 MB, 2592x1944, 20170325_235506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are already preppers and stackers so you're offering nothing new.
That seems kind of gay given you can easily buy real nazi or fashy coins
few weeks ago I bought pic related for the price of a generic round it's a centennial round of the birth of spanish fashy franco,probably gonna keep it till it becomes an even scarcer rarity and then sell it.

>> No.1921879

Nazis don't believe jews are inferior, they think they're dirty rats that lie, cheat, steal, and plot white genocide.

>> No.1921916

>talk about states rights
states rights = racist
You're not from the Democrat party, are you?

>> No.1921928

start a website and call it breitbart

>> No.1921929


Sell fear-mongering products like Alex Jones selling his water purifiers.

>> No.1922062

Buy gun stocks a year before the election. Sell at 1400 on election day.

>> No.1922070
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>t. greedy kike

>> No.1922072

Sell them framed pictures of cocks ejaculating into Trumps mouth

>> No.1922313

This. You could also go with milocoin

>> No.1922525

Lying and cheating doesn't explain how Jews control everything.

>> No.1922585

Do Jews control everything? Isn't that just in the united states? Here in Scandinavia there are close to none jews and the jews I know are very regular people (except for one he has an uncle who works in the congress)

>> No.1922592
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Short the euro

>> No.1922596
File: 179 KB, 720x1280, 1481482709014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people on breitbart wouldn't buy every one of those shirts
If you think Breitbart is alt-right, I have some shitcoins to sell you...

>> No.1922601

Red caps saying "Make Europe Great Again" or something.

Someone has probably already done it but you get the idea

>> No.1922721

According to /pol/ and white supremacists Jews control the global financial system, the UN, international banks, the IMF, the World Bank, the EU and international news organizations like the BBC.

>> No.1922730

That sounds a bit like a conspiracy

>> No.1922822

Would it be feasible to make a shitcoin available only for white people?

>> No.1922842

You'd have to link it to a 23andme test or something, which is retarded.

>> No.1922879

why would one do that?

>> No.1922917

>implying that jews don't own banks and mainstream media
oh anon


>> No.1923000

this video got me emotional
it's really interesting though I want to learn more about dis

>> No.1923014


>> No.1923094

I think it could get a lot of free publicity from mainstream media and religious following from polfags et consortes.

>> No.1923171

kek is it how the alt right represent the current UK - EU situation?

>> No.1923194

Have you ever been to /pol/?
Because you will find out they can not agree on who is actually white.
>Japanese and Chinese consider themselves as white - westerners deny them this right
>Argentinians, Brazilians and USA consider themselves as whites - Europeans laugh
>Europeans claim to be whites - But "muh flood of migrants and race mixing"
>Finns and Norvegians claim to be white - /pol/ label them as asians because Samis and Russians

And then they still need a proof that race is a social and political construction...

>> No.1923240

You stupid american. Norwegians are white. There even is Sweden between Finland and Norway. norwegians are mostly danish.

USA was never a nationstate.

>> No.1923363

>/pol/ is triggered
I'm not a burger and I'm a cultural anthopologist, do you really want to have this conversation with me?
>There is Sweden between Funland and Norway
Thank you for this information
Sami people live in Sweden, Finland, Norway and in Russia aswell. Their language group is Uralic (Like Hungarian and Estonian)
They have eastern eurasian caracteristics, that's why /pol/ denies them the right to claim themselves "whites"
>USA was never a nationstate
Do you realize it has nothing to do with race? Maybe you should open a book or go back to /pol/

>> No.1923551


>I'm a cultural anthopologist
That may be why you're clueless.
>that's why /pol/ denies them the right to claim themselves "whites"
You said pol denied the whiteness of Norway and Finland, not of Sami people. Pol denies the whiteness of Finland only - and it isn't because of the Sami people itself. There are much more muslims in Scandinavia than sami rn. Your logic abilities are terrible.
>Do you realize it has nothing to do with race?
So different '"races'" [your anthropological term I see] will predominantly have the same culture? Pathetic

>> No.1923553

You forgot about Slavs, Anglos, and Mediterraneans also not being white.

>> No.1923596


Make an insignia and then put it on an armband. It'll help me know who to punch in their retarded head when you faggots gather.

>> No.1923601

So if Slavs, Anglos, Mediterraneans and Scandinavians aren't white then who are white? Who's the real whitey? This is getting interesting!! woah

>> No.1923608

As far as I can tell the only white people according to /pol/ are blond haired blue eyed Germanics and their descendants. Some would probably okay blue eyed Persians as well.

>> No.1923656

>blue eyed Persians
You mean the cat?

>> No.1923664

pff they were all raped by slavs during WW2

>> No.1924897

Move over and let this nigger fuck

>> No.1924905

We got a tough guy here

>> No.1924910

make alt-right videos
monetize your alt-right videos

>> No.1924940

Jews are 1% of the western world yet are 46% of the bilderberg group. Jews are 2% of the USA population yet make up 48% of the top 1%. Jewish people are parasites. Just because a parasite can be a successful organism doesn't make it any less a distasteful scourge.

>> No.1926316

And they use their power to do bad? what are they parasits on? What are they ''destroying''?

>> No.1926333


>> No.1926349

Buy MiloCoin

>> No.1926359

Their influence in the US leads to the financial support of Israel, in the form of 3.1 billion, which I think most people can agree is ridiculous. Most Jewish people seem to champion liberal causes, while rejecting the same causes in their own culture. Most Catholics usually champion liberal causes in the US as well, which is where the WASP meme originates from. Also, Jewish people have been kicked out of almost every country except the US, and a handful of others, which makes many people weary of Jews.

>> No.1926475

Sell pick-up artist books
They take no effort to write and sell like hotcakes to the pathetic and lonely

>> No.1926945

States rights aren't in any way racist, in fact they often can do a lot of good. It is mainly that anti-racism laws and federal government orders have been resisted through the state refusing to recognize them so lots of racist people use "states rights" as a battle flag.

Shame honestly as States saying no to the feds do more good than harm in most cases and keeps the federal governments power in check (or at least tries to)

>> No.1926962

buy and flip hats

>> No.1927354

Cough. Keklel.org. cough...

>> No.1927506

And maybe male vitality pills, too.

>> No.1928249
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>> No.1928478
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>> No.1929216

Most banks and media companies are public and owned by whoever buys their stock.
The simpler explanation is they're smarter. The idea that whites are the best is so ingrained in /pol/ they come up with ways to explain minorities. Blacks are failures clearly because of their genes, but Jews and Asians cheat and lie to get where they are.
3.1 billion is one tenth of a percent of the US government budget. The much more simple and evidenced explanation is that since WW2 the US has been playing the role of human rights defender globally. Israel is surrounded on all sides by nations hostile to it. Military superiority is how they've survive and what maintains the two state solution. Either that or the US lets them get (in likelihood) genocided or oppressed

>nearly every country in history has kicked out jews
They've also been monarchies and theocracies.

>> No.1929220
File: 416 KB, 844x499, Obama's Legacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soo many triggered Democrats still assblasted Hillary didn't win.


This is so sad.

>> No.1929226
File: 100 KB, 1024x972, Obamas Legacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soo many triggered Democrats still assblasted Hillary didn't win.

And yet Niggers still love Obama, despite the fact that Obama pretty much fucked them over in his 8 years.