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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 91 KB, 500x375, FA225DB6-13B0-42B6-BD28-1BC27E267B78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19202346 No.19202346 [Reply] [Original]

How do people fuck up this bad?

>> No.19202400

Bad relationship with their father

>> No.19202548

I am 30 years old.
I spent more than two thirds of my life being funnelled to the middle of a Ponzi scheme.
I taught students how they could get rich by rising up the Ponzi scheme for 2+ years and made regular payments on my Ponzi membership loan fees. New entrants into the Ponzi scheme kept my lifestyle alive.
As a newer, late-coming member of the Ponzi scheme, I was dumped on by the more senior members when they decided to consolidate to avoid collapse.
Over a year later, having invested my entire life into training to become a cog in a Ponzi scheme, I am incapable of providing any function to society which would reward me in proportion to the over-inflated sense of self-worth which was generated for me through my Ponzi initiation.
I pick up dog poop for $6 a walk.
Because the Ponzi scheme collapsed on me, I lost my initial investment and could not pay my due fees.
Vote for Bernie Sanders.

>> No.19202553

how can determent increase a loan by 50%? is that even legal?

can someone spoonfeed me about burgers and loans?

>> No.19202657


>> No.19202672

>gets raped by debt
>doesn't name the ((bankers))

>> No.19202704


>> No.19202711

Imagine making this picture telling the world what a loser you are in an attempt to garner sympathy.

>> No.19202750




>> No.19202775

She's extremely hot for a 50 year old
Looks like she's in her 30s
Must be the unwilling intermittent fasting she's had to go through due to not being able to buy food on $6/walk

>> No.19202809

our entire economy is based on profiting from interest and inflation

>> No.19202812

What a 2012 image

>> No.19202855

say the Annual interest on the loan is 5%
All he (she?) says is he made regular payments.
That could be something like 100 per month, ie 1200 per year, ie negligible.
5% over 10 years is 1.05^10, is 1.63.

So yeah it could easily more than double.

>> No.19202874

Of course not. She was taught to make white males the enemy.

>> No.19202892

but AFAIK you only have to repay the loan above a certain wage, and picking up dog poop is not gonna cut that, so I don't know what they're whining about.

At low tier jobs student loans are literally irrelevant.

>> No.19202954

Oh say can you see

>> No.19202987

OMG we need more art historians!!!11

>> No.19202991

For me, it's crippling mental illness.

>> No.19203012

Are you from the UK? US student loans are basically just proper loans.

>> No.19203055

Just go to a cheap local college if you're poor holy shit.

>> No.19203127

academia is a legit ponzi
when I was doing my engineering undergrad I talked a lot with the phd candidates and all of them said that the only reason they are doing a phd is because they did a masters with zero work experience and couldnt find work, literally no one hires graduates with 0 exp over undergrads so the only thing left for them was to go deeper in academia

>> No.19203217

wow, that sucks

In that case I would definitely think twice about getting an art degree, lmao

>> No.19203241

They are pointing the finger at other people when the problem is clearly them. Someone with those qualifications looking to be a teacher should easily be able to find a job teaching. Or a shitty middle management job.

>> No.19203265

lmao just learn to code haha how is this even real

>> No.19203282

When you pay a loan off you pay the interest first then the principle.

>> No.19203299

>wouldn't let her suck my dick for free

>> No.19203320

By taking loans for something that generates no money. The ironic part is that if dumb cunts like this didn't take out loans for "Art History" degrees they wouldn't be so expensive.

>> No.19203426
File: 127 KB, 350x286, E531DDF3-7492-4E2F-9159-4FE521E6D2D6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is absolutely true. The median student loan debt is $25000. This is the result of government public schools and liberals thinking everyone needs college because college is the golden ticket to everything. Ironically, the free market would not have allowed this to happen because we would not need so many people going to public school or university and this the problem would sort itself out.

>> No.19203442


>> No.19203513

>art history

When a pampered society who has excess money to pay people for useless jobs crumbles how can people be surprised to lose their meme jobs?

>> No.19203567

Low IQ.

>> No.19203913
File: 171 KB, 680x560, 1589062859055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art has history now? Since when? Sounds like a scam.

>> No.19204202

Art history, like many other majors, are there for people that have money and want to learn a subject really well. They're not intended as a way to get a high paying job. Only a few majors, like engineering; engineer, law; lawyer, chemistry; chemist have actual jobs attached to them. Back in the day, school was only for the rich or for plebs that were exceptionally smart.

>> No.19205004

That’s probably how it should be, otherwise it just ruins women by leading them around the cock carousel

>> No.19205327 [DELETED] 

>Back in the day, school was only for the rich or for plebs that were exceptionally smart
Plebs still are retards today even after graduating.

>> No.19205651

>doing masters expecting work
sounds like they’re pushovers who are too introverted and, at the same time, arrogantly competent that they’re too comfortable being in acadamia chasing a jobless dream of changing the world because certificates in higher education are obviously gold standards to getting any job... not. The taxi drivers in my city have masters and Ph.Ds and know more about optics and antennas than I do.
I always told myself I’d only go for an engineering masters if I’m specializing into some bumfuk topic or have a special project in mind. so far there’s nothing you can’t learn from working up in a business as long as you learn how to get people to like you and prove you’re competent outside of committing to getting that A+

>> No.19205700

Ah the occupy cucks. Never before have i been so furious at zoomers as that time. Fucking savage animals who show no fucking respect to the great generation that gave them everything

>> No.19205947

if any history should be learned it’s this

loan debt is proof that opportunities shouldn’t be for everyone, in fact now we have more fucking scum using the loans for shit other than for paying tuition fees such as that kid who pulled out all his semester loans to pay a trip for his gf to thailand.
“muh numbers game for creating more skilled workers”
nigger please this is offset by the big pool of retards creating debt and dragging everyone down
+the lawyers that graduate uni to go after these people

>> No.19206318

>so far there’s nothing you can’t learn from working up in a business as long as you learn how to get people to like you and prove you’re competent outside of committing to getting that A+
social skills get jobs

>> No.19206358

artist, guaranteeing daddy issues.

Case: closed

>> No.19206671
File: 100 KB, 338x507, 83867684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scoops dog shit for 6$
>mfw I realize that is 6 usd more than your average 4chan janny makes
Tranny janny SEETHING