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19201593 No.19201593 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this board relentlessly shill literal who coins constantly?
Every single day, there's some new completely irrelevant abbreviation you fags start literally shaking over.
Novel crypto is a bubble machine.
Realistically, no one has any use for some of these coins, why do they even have value?

>> No.19201625
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>Why does this board relentlessly shill literal who coins constantly?
>Every single day, there's some new completely irrelevant abbreviation you fags start literally shaking over.
>Novel crypto is a bubble machine.
>Realistically, no one has any use for some of these coins, why do they even have value?

>> No.19201639


>> No.19201728

We are still in the early days of cryptocurrency and likewise there is a ton of low quality abuse occurring. People create coins to scam idiots who see that BitBean, Doge coin mooned. People are airdropped these coins initially, then people see the price rise and FOMO. The creators dump their coins and no one else is able to sell because there is so little volume being traded. This will eventually die, just like Napster.

>> No.19201787

Threads like >>19201508 are the epitome of cringe on this board.
Talking about the prices of literal who coins in 1/1000ths is honestly pathetic. Sure, it means your coin could easily moon by 10,000% or something, but then literally who is going to fucking buy them when it's already mooned?

>> No.19201857

Everything about your post is correct except:
>We are still in the early days of cryptocurrency

>> No.19201913

because this board is made up of edgelord faggots who think they will get rich off of pump and dump scams, and buy a lambo. These are people with shitty jobs, no girlfriend and living in their moms basement. Their only hope of attaining societal acceptance for these "men" is by getting lucky with some get rich quick scam.

>> No.19201977

Because its an easy money maker for them and sometimes for you, all these PnD scams can make you alot of profit if you buy and sell at the right time. And they will always make profit for the creators since they just sell something they made once people think it is going to take off.

>> No.19202043

Not only that but there’s also probably a ton of pajeets, chinks and russians who are making a ton of money off these retards. They themselves won’t stop shilling this shit until the well runs dry and right now it’s overflowing.

>> No.19202265

Would you reconsider if I said early like 2000s internet early? I think it is still considered magic and this board is an example of how the majority don't understand fundamentals or its potential yet.