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File: 218 KB, 602x502, kadena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19200358 No.19200358 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19200388
File: 230 KB, 399x399, IMG_1346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink will be worth $1000 eoy

>> No.19200407

checked and 1000whopilled

>> No.19200426

> shitcoin uses chainlink for free advertising episode #64t8-084303

>> No.19200444

This is the IQ level of biz
>literal who’s partner with Link to boost their own credibility/exposure
>linktards see it the other way round and jerk off over the literal who

>> No.19200482
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Is this true anons?

>> No.19200503
File: 117 KB, 998x597, kadena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dub+trip of truth

>> No.19200530

5K = 5 times Suicide Stack = 5 times more likely to commit suicide because a make it stack is 100K

>> No.19200557

checked. if green ID i die of AIDS tonight.

>> No.19200560

I dumped for ARPA. How fucked am i?

>> No.19200580

>admits companies are using Chainlink to boost their credibility and exposure
>nolinkers: this isn't bullish!

>> No.19200581

It will be worth more than $5MM if you hold long enough. Depends on your idea of “making it”. For me it’s minimally $20MM.

>> No.19200585

Yeah I have about 3k and its how I see it. I'll sell at 100 bucks and have a nice leg up in future investments. Just remember, LINK won't be the last great thing and it's not Amazon tier. When you've made a LOT, sell and don't look back.

>> No.19200615

>No linkies call link an ETH shitcoin scam and say it will never spread beyond ETH
>No linkies parrot W H O when literally every emerging network is adopting Chainlink

No linkies are never going to make it

>> No.19200623

who is that?

>> No.19200654

Look LINK is an established popular crypto, that much is obvious. But companies partnering with them are just using that as a leg up rather than link having some sort of ground breaking tech.

>> No.19200660
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>> No.19200675

Hard mode
Swing it into btc for the pump, 2x then swing back to link for the alt pump.

>> No.19200713

>sell and don't look back.
Imagine killing the goose that lays the golden eggs

>> No.19200718

I’m an xrp tard. Your literal who partnerships don’t even hit my radar when ripple are partnering with actual countries and the bank of fucking America

>> No.19200726

The fact that you clearly don't know what chainlink is about and still own some link is beyond me.

>> No.19200743

you expect them to collaborate on groundbreaking tech before partnering?

>> No.19200749 [DELETED] 

Kadena is a project by JP Morgan’s blockchain division- not just found by former JP Morgan employees.

>> No.19200754

Then why are you so salty?

>> No.19200789


Have you seen how XRP has been performing recently? XRP tards are all salt.

>> No.19200839
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>I’m an xrp tard
Tard is a good description

>> No.19200850

>it’s not Amazon tier
Yeah, it’s not.

The fact that XRP fags keep coming into Link threads is seriously pathetic. Tether flipped XRP the other day, soon XRP will drop out of the top 3 for good and Chainlink will flip it. Can’t wait.

>> No.19200903

There's no actual intent to use it though. 99% of crypto projects are total vaporware and a good portion of these intentionally so. They just say they're using link with zero actual plan to ever do so because it gives free exposure.

That's not bullish and if anything hurts link's reputation with things like MOAB and that blockchain RPG game or whatever.

>> No.19200931

He's absolutely right. 5k LINK won't make it, but if you do happen to sell the top in few years and reinvest smart, you could make it.
20k LINK is the bare minimum make it territory. That will net you about $2-4M in few years time.

>> No.19200937

How many times do we have to repeat this.... it’s 10k LINK to make it, 1k to prevent suicide. Anything below 1k is normie tier (literally: there are 75k wallets with less than 500 LINK) and anything above 10k is OG linkmarine tier. Between 1 and 10k will help you a lot but you won’t be able to retire. You could live as a NEET for 30 years, not a lifetime; or, you could reinvest, or get heavily into staking. Basically if you have between 1-10k you won’t make it just from LINK gains, but you can still make it with some extra steps, like staking, buying properties, starting a business, etc.

10k to make it
1k suicide stack (to prevent suicide)
Anything above, below or in between, can be inferred from the above.

>> No.19200957

>projects using Chainlink purely because it gets them exposure and credibility
>"this is bad"

Thanks for that absolute trenchbrain take.

>> No.19201012

It has always been 10k to make it. With a mcap equal to XRP, link will be at $60. This is basically inevitable. With a mcap equal to ETH, link will be at something like $300. This isn’t unthinkable, not at all. That’s why it’s 10k to make it: $100 LINK, times 10k, equals $1mil. Sure, you can’t really retire just from that, without any extra steps, but if you can’t make it from $1mil by reinvesting or whatever then you were never gonna make it anyway. So yeah, probably like 20k to make it without any extra steps like reinvestment or staking, but 10k is enough. Anything above 20k is going to be fuck you silly money.

>> No.19201041

I'll parse the information in a way you can absorb via osmosis and no cognitive work at all: they are not using link, they cheapen link's reputation.

>> No.19201078

>keep coming into link threads
Every fucking thread on here is a link thread.

I don’t care how xrp has been performing lately, it just gives me the chance to accumulate more. I’m getting impatient but far from salty, like ripple is literally the most obvious buy in this market.

BTC has been hijacked by edgy Gen xers
ETH is jammed up by thousands of shit coins.
XRP is literally the only big cap doing anything remotely positive in the real world. That’s where I look, the price is no concern yet as long as they are making things happen behind the scenes.

>Hurrr tether has surpassed it.
Literally means nothing, wow they printed a bunch of tether and grew their own cap. Zimbabwe currency has probably surpassed a ton of other currency’s aswell.

>> No.19201091

>no intent to use it

Lol, Sergey has been saying for literal years that Chainlink is the key to make smart contracts actually useful. To take them beyond tokenisation.
You have all these “literal who” projects announcing they’re going to use Chainlink, to do the things beyond tokenization that Sergey was talking about, because they NEED Chainlink to be able to function at all. The only scenario where these projects don’t “really intend” on using Chainlink, would have to be scam projects, with no intention of even trying. No one is saying all of these startups are going to be successful. But there is no way for them to be successful without Chainlink. You cannot build smart contracts connected to external events without Chainlink; all these literal whos are integrating Chainlink because they are trying to do something new and interesting with smart contracts.

Your assertion that they won’t really use Chainlink is a fundamental misunderstanding of how necessary oracles are to push the smart contract space forward.

>> No.19201118

>Every fucking thread on here is a link thread.
There are far, far more shitcoin threads nowadays.
The only people who complain about “link spam” are people who didn’t buy at 30c and are salty. Fact.

>> No.19201122

Chainlink is a decentralized middleware. Literally anyone is able to use it.
No matter how scammy or obviously fraudulent the next project claiming to use Chainlink is, it can only ever positiviely impact Link's reputation.

>> No.19201127

Fortunately we can see the number of jobs run telling us entirely that they aren't actually using link.

>> No.19201129

If 20k can get you $4M then 5k gets you $1M, wtf you on about?

>> No.19201141

Nah half the threads are bullshit like ESH, bizcoin, or dxdao, or 69coin, etc

>> No.19201149
File: 260 KB, 2207x1896, F08DD3C7-A4B8-49FD-8080-849EA5D0FFF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1k is fud. And a million bucks is chump change compared to what crypto can give you. Way to out yourself as a newfag with that post. Why are there so many newfags in link threads today?

>> No.19201155

And Tether surpassed XRP because XRP mcap went down. Not because tether printed more.
XRP token is not needed for any of their supposed “real world” application. Unlike LINK, which is fundamental to the system.
XRP will fade into obscurity.

Please stop shitting up link threads. Go post on the Ripple subreddit with the other low IQ normies who actually think it’s going to $300 Kek.

>> No.19201165

>hurrr there are too many Link threads!!!
And your solution to that is to actually participate in them.

>> No.19201179

Not really because crypto has a huge reputation problem of being scam projects and pajeetery, which pushes away respectable industry interest and more investors. Someone seeing link partnering with MOAB or ribiero giving his cousin at gravelcoin link will reasonably take it that it's just another scam.

>> No.19201192

>NOOO a startup that’s a work in progress can’t just announce future integration with Chainlink without IMMEDIATELY integrating it on the same day!

>> No.19201212

I’ve been all in since 2017, and was one of the original LP crowdsale buyers. Chances are, you’re newer than me. Reasonable price for link is $300 at most in the short term.

>> No.19201214

>Someone seeing link partnering with MOAB or ribiero giving his cousin at gravelcoin link will reasonably take it that it's just another scam.
Again: ANYONE can partner with Link.
Every single additional partner is good for Link's reputation. Even scammy ones that only do it for the exposure.

>> No.19201219

Fortunately we've had well over a year of such announcements and can see the number of jobs run.

>> No.19201236

Saying scam coins integrating is good optics doesn't actually make it so spencer.

>> No.19201238


Chainlink holder IQ meme is for real.

>> No.19201248

Link is currently restricted to a specific list of price feeds, you dumbass.
Most Link partners whose use case exclusively revolves around that are indeed using Chainlink.

>> No.19201262
File: 211 KB, 640x2505, 3B6A00EF-196D-4C25-AFF5-5FD1AEA6B6D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve been here since 2017 yet I have learned nothing

>> No.19201263

Already btfo

>> No.19201266

Link has been in development for over 3 years and isn’t finished. Yet you expect these projects that are waiting for link to finish staking/reputation/aggregation etc. to be finished working products. Just lol.

>> No.19201288

Diving away to a different argument is a bold and shocking move tardo.

>> No.19201293
File: 1.87 MB, 1800x1300, kadenachainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for letting us join your family

I been trying to redpill you guys on KADENA since December!


>> No.19201296

I think we can see $300 within 3 years, that being said it make sense for Nulinkers to accumulate as much as they can and just hold. Yea it may take them longer than the OGs but that being said predicting price is dumb let just see how violent the rocket is.

We may end up doing better than ETH or worse no one knows.

>> No.19201302

It literally does.

Link was heralded as the most useful innovation to crypto, and every single additional partner confirms this.
Even the scammy ones, since it shows how Link has become unavoidable in crypto.

>> No.19201309

Then what are they announcing because the tweets don't say "Literally Who is interested in one day using a more realized link"

>> No.19201323

I'm directly addressing your "muh job runs show nobody's using Chainlink" retardation.

Take your meds.

>> No.19201325

"Having more blacks fuck my gf just shows how desirable she is, lucky me."

The cuck cope.

>> No.19201353

So what you position is now wittled down to is "they may be scam companies and they aren't using link but this is bullish"

>> No.19201360

Were you not here for the ICO craze of scams and shitcoins that propelled ETH to over $1000?

It makes me sick knowing that my beloved linkies are also held by retards like you.

>> No.19201367

I'm surprised KDA have failed to get the word out about having actually delivered scalable sharded POW. Definite 100x'er if they can get their shit together

>> No.19201375

My gf isn't a "decentralized entity open for anyone to use", fagwad.

Your position:
>job runs show those partners aren't using Chainlink

>most projects that can use Chainlink in its current form, are using it

>> No.19201417

10/10 troll, I’m physically pained by my second hand embarrassment here

>> No.19201430

Yes because the reputation was such that scams could succeed in investment you moron. Eth flew precisely on good faith and excitement, then we're now in this mire of shit where no-one wants to touch crypto. Yet yes literal scam spam will help link.

>> No.19201458

Except they aren't because once again we can see jobs being run and they aren't climbing much.

> in b4 he posts cumulative totals because he's literally retarded

>> No.19201472

>all kinds of crypto projects say they are using/want to use Chainlink
>"ugh why is Chainlink spamming these projects??"

That's like saying you're pushing the Earth down when you do push-ups.

>> No.19201532
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> Implying that Kadena isn't a legit project....

>> No.19201536

Lol. Kadena is like algo/hash/orchid or nervous network. Its need to stablize price. These pajjets shilling this everyday on Twitter. First day on big exchanges , Vc dump this price badly. Try to sell something on hotbit. All these dudes try to sell Kadena OTC because they cant on exchanges at these prices. So let the story repat on more time. Distribution dont even starter. Amen

>> No.19201560

Except the chainlink twitter IS posting it. They can't stop Mandiver and his scam from saying they hope to use link but they can not give them coverage.

>> No.19201562
File: 175 KB, 2006x1211, EQNYqEmWAAEDDfD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except they aren't because once again we can see jobs being run and they aren't climbing much.
Why lie about something so easily verified?

>> No.19201578

>anon, is that sour cream and onion pringles?

>> No.19201596

Beautiful visualization

>> No.19201599

>Except the chainlink twitter IS posting it.
They're confirming what the "partner" announced, yes.

For the longest time, the fud was that Chainlink had zero marketing, now you're going to cry there's too much of it.

>> No.19201620

> all publicity is good publicity

>> No.19201637

Kadena such a hidden gem, if you miss Link, now your chance

>> No.19201641

>all streets is good toilet

>> No.19201656

Lol kadena cap only 5 mil

>> No.19201685

Go back to fucking plebbit homo

>> No.19201713

looks like USCF is a major funder/user of Kadena and they’ve actually made a direct comment on this Chainlink integration. I am very interested in this. Look at this:

USCF has $5 billion in assets under management.

>Dependable and instantaneous market data will also be a requirement for launching many decentralized and traditional finance applications, such as with Kadena’s ongoing collaboration with $3 billion asset manager USCF.
>USCF is known as an early pioneer of ETPs, bringing previously difficult to access asset classes to all investors. The firm broke new ground with the launch of the first oil ETP, the United States Oil Fund, LP (USO), in 2006. Over the next decade, USCF designed and issued fifteen more ETPs and ETFs, across commodity and equity asset classes.
>”We see the potential to leverage blockchain in the investment space and identify new opportunities for innovation in asset management,” said John Love, President and CEO of USCF.
USCF on Chainlink:
>Terminals provide an essential service in asset management with real-time market data. As USCF works with Kadena to identify opportunities to leverage blockchain for investments, we see merit in having credible oracles provide consolidated data feeds on-chain. Kadena’s latest news is another step forward in showing the full value of hybrid blockchain,” said Nicholas Gerber, CEO of Concierge, USCF’s parent company.

>> No.19201769

Yeah but USCF, who seem intent on using Kadena, manages $5billion. Sergey was intent on Chainlink being used to secure very high value smart contracts such as derivatives, bonds and other financial products. I am not well informed on ETPs at all, can someone provide any insight on how smart this all fits together? Can ETPs benefit from Chainlink?

>> No.19201791
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What in the world.

>> No.19201809

this has nothing to do with chainlink

>> No.19201826

What? ETH mooned because of USE, people were buying ETH to buy into ICOs in their hundreds. The same will happen with link: hundreds of projects on the network, all using link tokens to secure their value transfer. It will be like ETH’s run again, except actually delivering value this time.

>> No.19201859


I really know nothing about ETPs or USCF. Hope some smart anon can jump in and spoon feed us

>> No.19201866

VC thrash.idiots. Just check who is promoting it.

>> No.19201921

I only have 100k Link which is nowhere near enough to actually make it.

All these Linklets with 10k stacks singing about 1k eoy are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. It was a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump.Link is only going to $10 max. Right now I might make 1MM before tax on that, but tax will take a big chunk out of that then inflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 1MM into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 70k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to sell any retirement Link. In 10 years that 70k a year will feel like 20k a year. You need a minimum of 2MM, but more likely 3MM to make it. The upper predictions for Link where about $60 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble when mainnet came out and we got our price singularity. All of that isn't going to happen anymore.

The singularity is cancelled. Now we will have a slow growth to $10. And the sad but ironic thing is most people on this board will hold from 20 cents, to $10 and then hold all the way back to sub $1 again because you all believe the 1k eoy memes, and just like the retards who held BTC and didn't sell at 19k, you will do the same with Link at $10. Looking at the current charts depresses the fuck out of me when I know I only have 100k Link, nowhere near enough to make it.

At best I will have 1-2 sweet years, and then return to wagecucking after that. But it will be worse because I will have tasted freedom and know what I am missing out on.

>> No.19201940

Yes and $1M is not make it money. Maybe in some SEA shithole. But not in the US or Europe. It's a big chunk of money but you'll still have to make it from reinvesting or you'll have to work.

>> No.19202031
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>> No.19202064

Just got a bag of Kadena super comfy

>> No.19202155

>shitcoin printer

>> No.19202183

stop shilling KDA i need more you fucktards

>> No.19202273

What really sparked ETH's moon was the EEA.
Little did they know they needed Chainlink to actually make ETH useful to large enterprises.

>> No.19202291

>noo I'm too late and it's someone else's fault!

>> No.19202414

I've had +10k for 3 years now, what's the point of "making it" if that's happening 10 years into the fucking future??

>> No.19202636

Tfw too poorfag to buy making it link stack

>> No.19202685

$100 eoQ2 also

>> No.19202738

Right? If you're still alive in Mumbai ten years from now it'll be a miracle.

>> No.19202797

checked - goodspeed, marines!

>> No.19203074

>tfw i finally make it my dick wont work

>> No.19203285

>I'll sell at 100 bucks
poor guy, giving his cubes so cheap

>> No.19203475
File: 39 KB, 1222x149, Screen Shot 2019-06-23 at 6.10.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought all this link for about 2,000 dollars. anyone who has less than 10k links should really just find something else to buy at this point.

just being honest. i might barely make it in a few years.

been hold this since 2017

>> No.19203493
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>> No.19203573

I feel sorry for all the guys with just 9’999 link
Poor fools will never make it

>> No.19203582

i think at most we will see 12 in 3 years.

probaby just gonna crab arund 5-1 dollars range for a couple years.

i am OG link marine BTW

>> No.19203680

Stay mad, chainlink will gather the might of every shitcoin, then it will cast the top 3 in to the pit of hell.

>> No.19203872

This, been here since etherdelta and link will probably reach $20 in 5 years time