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File: 20 KB, 250x250, A5E7D15A-8000-467F-A43B-948871FC8875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19194479 No.19194479 [Reply] [Original]

Age 31

Money 20k

>> No.19194501

Lost 100k on this shit, that's half my total net worth, it's not just gambling money.

>> No.19194508

you dont loose money until you sell.
you didnt sell right anon?

>> No.19194517

Still holding 5k ESH I bought at $1.78, am I fucked?
My power's not getting turned off, but I might have to sit the family down and explain that our annual vacation to Florida next month is cancelled.
43 btw

>> No.19194527

It should be canceled due to corona anyway m8

>> No.19194541

as long as you didnt sell you will be fine. if you sold blow youe brains out but not before you set your house on fire with your family asleep

>> No.19194550

Kek chill man. Ghosties are humble chads. They'll realize what they missed out on soon enough.

>> No.19194558

iron hands anon. Its already going back up.
There are people that bought that the top that want to get out. this will hit 2.5 ez before so

>> No.19194567

Imagine being a grown man and losing thousands of dollars investing in a scam token promoted by a notorious sexual degenerate

>> No.19194595

I heard that eople from ESH tg are gonna pump 1UP today to save their losses.

>> No.19194621

I broke even. Wish I would've sold at 2 bucks but was too slow

>> No.19194622

Im just so FUCKING pumped

>> No.19194633


>> No.19194638

look at all the green id's. we're gonna be rich frens

>> No.19194646

I sold when it was still around $1.10

>> No.19194659

I'm waiting for it to pump a little to 0.005 and then dump to 0.001 so I can buy

>> No.19194663

that's why the green in your id is fading anon

>> No.19194666

newfags fear the fud

>> No.19194672

>> No.19194707

Green ID thread means $2 by the weekend

>> No.19194709
File: 23 KB, 445x184, gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO i just bought up some of the order book just to prove this smug kid wrong
you missed the bottom

>> No.19194723

could've sold at 1000+ the night it dropped
ended up selling in the morning at a loss ffs

>> No.19195004


>> No.19195162

Just made it back into the green yewwwww

>> No.19195184

$3 keep holding anons
It is being listing on new exchange friday.
It will come back FRIDAY

>> No.19195204

Only loose when you sell. Yeah josh running it may be a sperg, and mcafees a wild card but the bitcoin.com news is confirmed. this shits only going up now!

>> No.19195429

You are a-ok Id hold and see what happens

>> No.19195432

you guys remember what happened to various fork pnd's, right?

>> No.19195514

I dont know what some of you guys are thinking I threw 1200 bucks at this pulled initial and took profit on the way up, I'm seeing stuff like a 61 year old guy about to retire put like 6 figures in ESH, some prepper dude from reddit with a family who cant afford to invest, I really hope you get rewarded for the strong hands and that mcafee pulls through, which I dont doubt he can but some of the people here are so irresponsible and compulsive its actually fucking insane I genuinely hope the people who invested make it but a lot of the people on this board are straight up degenerate gamblers risking their wellbeing and family's security on a super volatile mcafee coin during a pandemic

>> No.19195546



>> No.19195571

They would only lose it on the horses or the lotto or the roulette. Might as well have the liquidity here.

>> No.19195582

risk literally equals reward.
but fuck risking what you cant afford to loose hahaha.

>> No.19195634

yeah I mean honestly with mcafee its still a better bet than a lot of those things but what the fuck is wrong with people? I pussied out and lost 20k profit but still made 20k but I was 100% prepared to lose everything, the WP thing made me totally lose confidence I might buy back more cuz I actually still believe in mcafee and want him to redeem himself

>> No.19195733


>> No.19195769

Age 32
Money 15k

I'm fucked bros I got 3 kids who are starting back to school and the wife lost her job because of corona. THIS WAS SUPOSES TO VR THR ONR

>> No.19195797

You only lost if you sold.
back on the up today after good news, bullish despite yesterday.

>> No.19195811

all of this is actually making me sad
if it wasnt for the WP fuck this absolute would be the next chainlink make it coin im legit buying back because I want ghosties to make it

>> No.19195878

Why are you all selling? I thought the whole point was the free Ghost?

>> No.19195879

you wouldn't know that by how you've been telling people to kill themselves in dozens of threads the past 24 hours. in fact it seems like you're losing it .

>> No.19195923

Thinking that you've lost money already is fucking idiotic unless you sold, if you did, get out of investing or crypto in general, go give your money to somebody that knows what their doing.

>> No.19195952
File: 314 KB, 1600x1242, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is off the scales in here! Holy shit you guys are stupid to invest in a known scammer's next scam. All you summerfags deserve this.

>> No.19195978

jeet fudders just too obvious

>> No.19196242
File: 127 KB, 376x434, 1589794698346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought ATH like a retard and then bought some more at 50% down during the dip. I'm not panicking, I knew it was a gamble so I only sold a little bit of bitcoin and some shitcoins I had that weren't doing anything anyway to get in. Either we go to the moon or we dump to zero, either way I was prepared for it. I just wasn't expecting it to dump so early.