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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 512x512, sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19188398 No.19188398 [Reply] [Original]

XOR - currently hovering around 55 cents, it's got a mere 344k circulating supply, making it a ~190k marketcap right now, tons of potential compared to a lot of the other coins shilled here recently.
It's new enough that it's not even properly listed on uniswap yet, so you have to add the contract address yourself (or just use this link)

etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0x40FD72257597aA14C7231A7B1aaa29Fce868F677

>> No.19188421

I can only be so erect

>> No.19188443

Nobody is buying from you streetshitting menace

>> No.19188486

just trying to let bizbros in on a good opportunity for once, you don't have to be so mean

>> No.19188722


>> No.19189241


Any deets on project? phone based lazy.

>> No.19189257

You know it's a good project when nobody is even pretending to discuss what it's actually for, lmao.

>> No.19189269

> Decentralized Autonomous Economy (DAE)
> Funding projects like EntoGenex Biopesticides (biotech company creating sustainable biopesticides)
> Created Hyperledger Iroha
> Implementing payment system for central bank of Cambodia (targeting 18 million retail users)
> Provides CSDs tech for Slovenia and Russia through D3
> Worked on an implementation of digital, self-sovereign identity with BCA Group in Indonesia
> Chosen by Web3 Foundation to create C++ implementation of Polkadot Runtime Environment

>> No.19189503

Polkadot Polkadot Polkadot

>> No.19189747
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jokes on you niggasan, token addresses increasing as we speak. its the only metric I need

>> No.19189845

Yep this. #ihaveabag #staypooranddiefaggotfuckingfaggotfuckers

>> No.19189856


>> No.19189948

Is this part of web3 or is its own thing entirely that the ceo is working on seperalty? polkadot not a meme.

>> No.19189979

HOLOnaire seal of approval = Moon mission

>> No.19190696

price is starting to creep back up again

>> No.19190741

Gonna moon the fuck out tonight

>> No.19190824

dont be fooled biztards I saw circ supply was in the billions

>> No.19190898
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check etherscan anon

>> No.19190947

So how is this token valuable? There isn't any cap on how many they will mint and it looks like a system set up for the projects that are voted to dump their tokens to invest in their business.
Or is this just a short term play because its the new hyped token?

>> No.19190956

This isn't about holding long term

>> No.19190975

Yeah if I bought this I wouldn't be holding it long term at all. Just don't see the point of the token desu.

>> No.19191152


I don't think there can actually be that much dumpage, unless volume gets extremely high.

I know I should only trade short term (haven't bought this btw,) but this project has some legs to stand on. At least they have on OG running the gig, who seems to have kept up with the times.

>> No.19191185
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>> No.19191217

Some of the tech they've developed is pretty neat and you have a good point about him, I just don't see the point of the token. Of course the past couple weeks there have been worse projects that mooned but this already did a 10x and dumped. I might put a couple hundred in and hold a couple days.

>> No.19191751


Everything sort of dumped today. But that was only the 4chan rush. Wait till these hit twitter.

>> No.19191878
File: 48 KB, 500x281, uifd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"everyone decides on how to create new tokens in the economy. Users receive votes that they use to decide what new products to allocate newly minted XOR to". basically sounds like decentralized kickstarter to me

>> No.19191967

Oh man when this hits Twitter it's going to fucking fly

>> No.19192092

I think you’re right. The moment the first $XIO cashtags started floating on CT, it blasted the fuck off

>> No.19192588

Yup, just a waiting game now. I can be patient for my 10x

>> No.19192644

When do we start the twitter posting about it?

>> No.19192755

I've had my bag since this morning idnt care lol

>> No.19192784

three dubs posts in a row
very bullish

>> No.19192943

Holy fuck it's happening, my dudes

>> No.19193144

pls sir wen moon

>> No.19193206

i bought a decent stack before even seeing this thread, very large potential for a moonshot

>> No.19193290

Ralph Macchio is the fucking CEO ffs. How are you anons not all-in

>> No.19193453

The karate kid?

>> No.19193913

Look at the ceo:

>> No.19194156
File: 368 KB, 640x640, FBC868A8-3390-4F79-A783-356198DE6757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based AF

Vitalik but Japan themed

>> No.19194221

But it’s dumping

>> No.19194227

Look at this sexy alpha. He knows his shit

>> No.19194305

it's been steadily rising for the past 8 hours anon

>> No.19194395


They can mint as many as they want to fund new projects and say it's not a speculative token. I dunno how you'd make any money on this other than retard /biz/ fomo.

Oh wow, I can use tokens to vote for some wine company to get funding. Great.

>> No.19194421

Someone go make a propper leddit moonshots thread

>> No.19194555

Yeah plebbit and twitter

>> No.19194992

> https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/gmj8k7/xor_sora_decentralized_autonomous_economy/

can’t DYOR? here you go faggot

>> No.19195043

No one seems to want to admit the max supply. Big and red flag. Circulating is not reality. They can create as many tokens as they want.

>> No.19195126


>> No.19195132

Look bizbro’s, another faggot bringing up debunked FUD

>> No.19195157


Post a direct link to the uniswap since XOR doesn't show up - https://v1.uniswap.info/token/0x40fd72257597aa14c7231a7b1aaa29fce868f677

Sorry, no reddit account.

>> No.19195213
File: 211 KB, 1080x1668, 20200519_163427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. The max supply is fucking insanely large. You stupid niggers.

>> No.19195276

i have no idea which tokens you are on but pass me some of that dope, sounds powerful

etherscan say 350k supply pajeet


That's the token trading on uniswap

>> No.19195292

wtf do you even think you are doing you fucking double nigger

>> No.19195350

Two chains. Same token..they said they will only move 100 a day but why the fuck have a few billion tokens then?

>> No.19195369

What is the market cap?

>> No.19195393

at the current moment, should be somewhere around 230k

>> No.19195395

Nearly a billion as they control 1.6bn of tokens they can sell whenever the fuck they feel like. Not fudding but I'm not touching this shit. Was interested but not since I saw this other supply.

>> No.19195481


>> No.19195520

went to their TG and it was the most embarrassing shitshow I've seen in a while

the team is focusing on making memes, because 'meme magic is real guyyyyys", instead of developing the project

their mission is vague as fuck, no wonder no exchange wants to list them

MC is already extremely high while there's almost no liquidity what so ever

this is the worst project I've seen this year so far
and fuck off to all the pump and dump groups who are trying to make this a thing

that includes you, bullishkid faggot

>> No.19195561
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You better sell.. lol

>> No.19195592

FUD coming in hot.

People who don't want to buy surely with the best of intentions. It's not like this is fucking biz in 2020 during the chink plague while everyone is unemployed and miserable.


>> No.19195604
File: 589 KB, 1800x1092, 2798B6B2-AF50-4CC6-80CD-6F71F502B8D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more samurai pics

>> No.19195616


honestly this

too many retardditors on here now

>> No.19195847

i chose 1up as a shitcoin...not gonna pump money in a second one. im done with shitcoins

>> No.19196438

Stay poor faggot.

>> No.19196602
File: 30 KB, 598x311, Waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will suck dick for more XOR

>> No.19196613


>> No.19196614
File: 53 KB, 1425x373, Total cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


$235k cap