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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 300x225, NowThatsFunny-InText01-SeptOct2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1918750 No.1918750 [Reply] [Original]

You know where they went? Gold and Silver. They tricked you /biz/. They need bagholders. It ain't called bitch work for nothing. It isn't too late to cut your losses. Be in the right thing at the right time. They believe in nothing but bending you over and making you slave for them.

>> No.1918751

>$50 ethereum current price
Wow OP, what a crash, ETH is totally over.

>> No.1918757
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Screen cap it so that you can cry about it later.

>> No.1918768

I'll go one further.
So that people can get a giggle out of your retardation long into the future.

>> No.1918770
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>larping this hard
get a job NEET

>> No.1918794

god fuck eth it has only made me 20k over the last 2 weeks. i hate being a fucking poorfag

>> No.1918802

>-30% for IRS
>-90% for a loss when BTC dive bombs when pizza party allegations are fully realized

I think that puts you at around -20% gains when it is all said and done.

Never forget to pay your master

>> No.1918813

Bitch what does BTC bombing have to do with his ETH gains???

>> No.1918818

>30% to irs
ah no dumbfuck. 15% dumbfuck. already sold to cash

>> No.1918820
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>must be talking to his mother

>> No.1918822

Say it with me


>> No.1918826

>30% for IRS
You're actually a NEET aren't you? Otherwise you wouldn't be this financially illiterate.

>> No.1918834

Time to pump PIVX.

Biz needs to be educated on PIVX because the majority still think its the pump and dump coin it used to be.

>> No.1918837
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>doesn't understand that he's the golem

How bad does it hurt being shackled in chains?

>> No.1918864

So you admit to being a NEET and expect to be taken seriously when it comes to investment advice? Fuck off back to /r9k/.

>> No.1918877
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30% to the IRS

I can't help it if you luv "muh gains" so much that you would rather spend time with it then learn real skillz.

What are you gonna do when that scroll is removed from your mouth you big stupid lug?

I'll record it so when they put it back in you can see how stupid you looked.

>> No.1918885

I even told you dash would bust it's head wide open at 100.


Did you listen?

Probably not.

Carry on....

>> No.1918887

>NEET talks about how others need to learn skills
>I even managed to see the most obvious ponzi scheme in crypto
Congratulations you might actually have a room temperature IQ.

>> No.1918889


>> No.1918898
File: 310 KB, 800x600, btcpizzaday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to get mad about it. I can;t help if you aren't aware of why ETH came out if the woods in the first place. Be my guest though and keep pressing hodl or better yet diversify your cryptoscam portfolio even more. Be bold and go balls deep into it. That is what you should do to something you luv.

>> No.1918902

You hold zero investments as you don't even know what capital gains tax rate is. So you are either a NEET, which I believe is the most likely, or you're the type to not even invest a dime and be dirt poor when it comes to retirement.

>> No.1918911
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How hard is this for you to understand?

>> No.1918913

>I don't know what capital gains tax rate is and am such a lazy fuck I can't even look it up
NEET confirmed.

>> No.1918917

how fucking retarded are you mate? do you even have 1k to your name at this moment? be honest

>> No.1918927

How heavy are your bags really? Do you have experience holding purses? Maybe you can go to the store and buy a few to get some practice. They even have mirrors there where you can try them on and look at yourself.

>> No.1918929

damn, rekt

>> No.1918931

Get a job or at least go work on getting certified in a trade, its not too late to do something with your life.

>> No.1918932

I'm trying to figure out how many dreidels I can spin at once. Could you screen shot your virtual wealth so that I can stare at it in awe?

>> No.1918948

We can go on and on about this but it won't change the fact that the bagholding has already begun.

Maybe if you would stick to the topic at hand you wouldn't have gotten so teary eyed over it.

Bitcoin on an over 1 year run and it has already started correcting with the yuuge selloffs.

Crash and mETH where coiled up like springs and finally blew their feelings all over cryptospace realizing that if they were gonna liquidate now was the time because they know BTC is about to correct given the size of the liquidations taken place.

BTC hit up the most populous country in the world and has tapped out the soul supply of useless eaters.

When it goes down they all go down with it.

If you can't handle the fact that I can see a bagholding scheme about to play out (again) then please do not read truth.

>> No.1918955

You're a jobless NEET and think that you have any insight into finances, its pretty amusing.

>> No.1918966
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Sometimes frontrunning faggotry must be done.

Speaking of insight how many blue pills do you take per day?

What is it like clouding your vision on purpose?

I have been meaning to write a book about people that slave willfully and pretend that they are not.

Your input would help me out a great deal.

>> No.1918971

Less than you as you leech off of others and consider that a positive thing. For hating jews you sure do act like one, seeing an honest day's labor as beneath you.

>> No.1918987

So you went into the racecard bag of tricks and that is all you found? Keep pretending to understand people. BTW shilling imaginary meme to suckers so that you can profit is not an honest days work. It is deception at best. But hey you probably figure it is customary to initiate with a little pain so that your apprentices can shill as good as you can. If that makes you feel better about what little control you actually have in life then keep on doing what you are doing.

>> No.1918991


What is your email fellow anon? You're the only one on this meme board who actually knows what the fuck they are talking about with shitcoins.

>> No.1918995

>Keep pretending to understand people
So all that talk about being a slave to others and constantly calling people golems has nothing to do with your feeling on jews huh?
>Shilling imaginary meme to suckers is not an honest day's work
That's not my job, ethereum is an investment, I realize that you don't understand the difference as you have neither.

>> No.1919005

Anyways, I need to get some sleep as I have work tomorrow so feel free to claim your NEET victory for being the one to respond last.

>> No.1919059

ok lol

>> No.1919829

>So all that talk about being a slave to others and constantly calling people golems has nothing to do with your feeling on jews huh?

I'm not the one making mETH tokens called "Golem" now am I?


They are literally rubbing it in your face now and you are claiming I am the one that hates certain groups of people.

>That's not my job, ethereum is an investment, I realize that you don't understand the difference as you have neither.

mETH is not an investment it is a collective pump and dump ponzi scam that has an infinite supply of coins that creates tokens within itself that can or cannot have an infinite supply.

Your own private mandelbrot set of fiat meme dreams aimed to disengage people from reality and send them spiraling into an idol worshiping prison.

>> No.1919912
File: 267 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in at 17$ nigger this aint no crash

>> No.1919921

In order to volunteer to bag hold it must appear that the bag is full. That's the trick. When the original holder sees that you were dumb enough to take it they slowly start backing away. Then they run like hell.

You are at the point where the running is about to occur.

Keep hodling "muh gains" though because you are smart.

>> No.1919948


>> No.1919951

>golem token
You realize that you can make a token and name it whatever you choose right?

>> No.1919979
File: 76 KB, 725x483, golem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize that nothing is by accident right?


Look I can't help you fell for the slavery charm of "block"chain but you need to stop acting like you're not.

>> No.1919983

>early March
>ETH is going to moon any day now guys!!

>> No.1919997
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x800, lunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little bit about Golem for those that are ignorant:

" In Modern Hebrew, golem is used to mean "dumb" or "helpless". Similarly, it is often used today as a metaphor for a brainless lunk or entity who serves man under controlled conditions but is hostile to him under others.[citation needed] "Golem" passed into Yiddish as goylem to mean someone who is clumsy or slow."


You're crypto handlers play you like fiddles.

You are goy to them.

Now you can be educated or you can shill for them.

It is up to you puppet.

>> No.1920011

>early March
> $20 ethereum
> $50 ethereum
Try using actual numbers.

>> No.1920013

No matter the numbers you slave to fiat ALL DAY.

Enjoy your servitude meme warrior.

Argue semantics in the name of investment bias and you will be consumed by it.

>> No.1920014

You're schizophrenic aren't you?

>> No.1920020
File: 88 KB, 960x640, lead_960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping that line again Mr. Unlicensed Psychologist?

BTW your judas bullets are weak as hell.

>> No.1920026

You see a conspiracy in everything, you need professional help. Next you'll be talking about how the jews did Augur too.

>> No.1920031

It's also funny how you call using correct values instead of fabricated ones semantics.

>> No.1920049

I'm sorry you don't know what an Augur is you cute adorable meme slave.

"The augur was a priest and official in the classical Roman world. His main role was the practice of augury, interpreting the will of the gods by studying the flight of birds"

Again...not an accident you blue pilled fiction peddler.

Currency and fake wealth have turned most of you blind.

Sad really.

>> No.1920141
File: 23 KB, 550x330, huffpuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you didn't heed my warning....

"DASH to $100 then it goes bust"

All the way back on 3/11.

It isn't too late mETH heads.

Never huff too much ether.

>> No.1920147

>Classic Roman priests were jews