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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 115 KB, 313x283, finalmemetier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19183210 No.19183210 [Reply] [Original]

>you feel the turbulence of the atmosphere as your shuttle descends from low earth orbit
>routine spaceflight always seemed like something for future generations, but then Proton XPR happened
>after crypto and fiat were able to work seamlessly together, scientific advancement came much more rapidly than anyone imagined
>it turns out it was the old financial system that was holding progress back all along
>your shuttle lands at the terminal just outside of NYC; you disembark and head to the hyperloop
>a quick detour to the coffee stand nearby gets you a latte; all you had to do was flash your @name and accept the transaction on your phone
>you check your portfolio - still a multimillionaire because of your Proton XPR stack
>you smile, remembering how everything started in the Summer of 2020

Are you ready to make it? All we have to do is starting holding XPR and wait for the moonshot - no work required.
Feels good.

>> No.19183239
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Literally could not get any more of a ground-floor golden ticket than Proton XPR.
>price hovering at $0.016
>amazing technology and plan for rollout
>only available on small exchanges at the moment, but talks with Binance currently happening
>price likely to jump substantially higher by EOY 2020

This is your easy ticket to 50x-100x. Seriously, throwing $1000 at this could quickly become $100,000 in a year or two.

>> No.19183258


>> No.19183296

not on uniswap not buying

>> No.19183307

do your pump and dump puppet masters pay you in shitcoin scamtokens for making these shill shitposts or are you at least smart enough to get paid in USD?

>> No.19183317
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Maybe uniswap one day soon. A few places to buy it right now:
>Metal Pay
Not an amazing selection, which is why the Binance listing will make the price jump.

Don't miss your chance.

>> No.19183339
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honestly, based

>> No.19183347
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>getting paid to shill
Nah senpai I'm just accumulating a stack of this and hoping other anons do the same. I want to see this price rocket skyward so we can all make it.
This could seriously be the comfiest hold of 2020.

>> No.19183619
File: 458 KB, 945x532, ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not grabbing as much Proton XPR as you can I can't help you. This coin is going to grab about half of the XRP ripplepoors and give them something new to talk about.
>Buy now (0.01)
>Hold to EOY 2020
>Dump at $1.00
>Enjoy your 100x

>> No.19183678

Why is a coin with a completely different usecase going to uproot XRP?
>Hurr similar name so same thing just go with it bro
I can already see some neckbeard scammer typing that into your shill discord

>> No.19183683

>accumulating a stack
is that like shoveling shit into a bigger pile?

>> No.19183834
File: 3.00 MB, 854x480, cripples.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because XRP is dead. Half of the Ripplepoors that own it moved to LINK, the other half are jaded to that area of crypto as a whole and are looking for a new type of coin to throw their hopes into.
Trust the plan, Anon. Let's take this for a ride.

>> No.19183879
File: 90 KB, 1300x957, This ends now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half of the Ripplepoors that own it moved to LINK
Do you have a single source to back that up? No, you don't. Because you're lying through your fucking teeth. Does it ever concern you that lying is that easy for you?

>> No.19183997
File: 86 KB, 789x598, IlbjPQ6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this autistic
I wasn't saying "half" as in a direct number, learn how normal social interactions are done, Anon.
Gauging what is happening on CT you can easily see that LINK is taking the place of Ripple in the heart of normies.
And Proton XPR will take a portion of what's left.

>> No.19184062

>You can easily see that LINK is taking the place of Ripple in the heart of normies.
Both projects have completely different usecases. You are also a fucking moron if you think normies are anywhere near LINK or XRP. Only 1.9 million wallets hold XRP, it's hardly "normie", while there are even fewer LINK wallets. Yet here you keep going, just lying through your fucking teeth to offload your bags. Hope you get hit by a truck, fucking shameless shill.

>> No.19184176

>"were all gonna make it" anecdote
>x100 hopium shill
>amazing technology
>probably couldnt even explain what it does
>line go up
Hello pajeet. Kindly find a train to lie down in front of

>> No.19184189

Bro you realize that most people don't hold a coin because of its function or technological niche, right? Please tell me you realize this. I need to know that you aren't so dumb to think that the majority of people who own cryptocurrency are doing it for the technology.
Almost every single normie owns crypto for the speculative investment. That's it. Anyone who claims otherwise is likely lying or autistic.
You have to realize this. I simply cannot believe you would be that dense.

>> No.19184230
File: 1.04 MB, 440x288, chikaproton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who hurt you? Are you tired of getting left behind all the time?

>> No.19184247

>Almost every single normie owns crypto for the speculative investment.
>In world of almost 8 billion people, only 100 million crypto wallets in existence, many of which are owned by the same people
Do you ever stop fucking lying?

>> No.19184288
File: 53 KB, 650x650, lolatyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really this bad at reading comprehension? Wow this is what happens when school's out for the summer, huh?
>every single normie
>thinks that means I'm referring to all people on the planet
No moron. I was clearly saying that every normie who owns crypto does it for the speculative investment - not every normie in the world. Wow, you really are autistic.

>> No.19184319

>Who hurt you? Are you tired of getting left behind all the time?
>pulls out the next premade XPR meme in his folder
Literally fuck you

>> No.19184408
File: 34 KB, 960x537, 97327029_10157978456009193_742642395719401472_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being this mad about someone having memes
Angry today, aren't we buddy?
>pic related, its you right now

>> No.19184419

So you're misleading people from the start by even bringing up normies, because "normies" aren't even in crypto yet. Meanwhile you have no actual evidence of people moving from XRP or LINK, to your stupid shitcoin. You have never answered my question, why do you lie so fucking much dude?

>> No.19184469

just switch my whole xrp bag lmao

>> No.19184472

>still focused on that one sentence
>consistently feels like he is being lied to when he doesn't understand basic social interactions
>offended at his lack of social understanding, projects it onto others
This is your brain on autism.

>> No.19184483

I just wonder if you made them yourself or got them from a discord. They're pretty shitty so I'll guess it was just you

>> No.19184505
File: 2.90 MB, 2560x1440, Protonchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10,000 hours in MS paint my dude

>> No.19184586
File: 1.43 MB, 1355x1018, Ting ting Ahem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I keep calling him autistic, maybe I won't have to address the fact that I am making wild claims with no evidence, because I am a soulless shill with no concept of morality.

>> No.19184620
File: 157 KB, 1186x666, FullSizeRender-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big is your Ripple bag my man? Be honest, this is a safe space.

>> No.19184779

>Still no explanation for making up bullshit claims
You're just making yourself look like a scammer, keep going.

>> No.19184844

As I stated before Mt. Autist, that was a figure of speech that is very common in normal conversations. I'm sorry you never learned this, but there's still time to fix yourself.

>> No.19184896
File: 331 KB, 1067x532, WE WUZ KANGS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a figure of speech
That you repeat in every fucking shill thread you make? Every fucking thread you talk about how XPR is taking over XRP, yet you have no fucking evidence. Then you shirk back to "It's j-just a figure of speech" when someone calls you out. What a little bitch you are, lmao.

>> No.19184918
File: 13 KB, 741x443, PREMINED SHITTOKENN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19184940
File: 279 KB, 741x458, cuckple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are VERY angry right now, and it's a little worrisome. Is your blood pressure okay? Are you having a medical emergency? You need to calm down, Anon.
Be honest, how much Ripple do you own?

>> No.19184970

Every time you refuse to answer my initial questions, more and more people see you for the scammer that you are. Keep going.

>> No.19184994

I have 100% answered your initial question. Feel free to ask it again, directly, so I can answer it again, directly.
Btw: why haven't you answered how much Ripple you own? Very telling. :^)

>> No.19185019
File: 8 KB, 308x164, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are VERY angry right now, and it's a little worrisome. Is your blood pressure okay? Are you having a medical emergency? You need to calm down, Anon.
>Be honest, how much Ripple do you own?

>> No.19185212
File: 52 KB, 683x677, 1589205557107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chill, its just your flavor of the month scam from discord. If a new project has twenty OC images out of nowhere, it is most likely coming from a tranny discord creating articifial hype. pic related. Remember last month when IDENA was everywhere and you couldnt get away from it? Notice how XPR is everywhere now
>i just like the project
>Were not satsgang. Satsgang is X. Were Y
>i made this OC image months ago newfag
>im already rich, just trying to help /biz/ out
>(no text but an oc image)
>you just hate our coin because you hold X
>the whitepaper seemed genius to me
>look, you just need to put in X dor suicide stack, thats all you need
>all these replies are from anons. no discord at all
its all so tiresome. I just wish one of these insiders just came forward and said its a scam already. But instead all of May is going to have XPR spam and then it will abruptly change to a whole new project in June

>> No.19185422

Interesting feedback, thanks! I'm not from Discord, but I like hearing your thoughts on this.

>> No.19185480

How do I join the discord?

>> No.19185521

It's sad. Back in 2017-2018, there'd be 2-3 blatant scam coins shilled on /biz/ per month. Now it's like there's 7 new PnD shitcoins a week. You really are right when you say it's all so tiresome.