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File: 236 KB, 1440x1953, 20200518_144307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19182711 No.19182711 [Reply] [Original]

Penny stocks General
MARK made me $277 today edition.

>> No.19182852

Are you holding still anon? I got out with a nice comfy profit at the spike

>> No.19182895

KTOV EOD pump incoming

>> No.19182901
File: 387 KB, 750x750, 1465874285795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RTTR anon here
>set a limit sell at 0.69 anticipating a wall of limit sells at 0.70 and for the meme
I literally feel like a god right now

>> No.19182925


>> No.19182933

get the fuck outta here lmfao

>> No.19182947

way to not copy paste all the resources in this thread retard.\

real thread. >>19182330

>> No.19182984

i literally looked for /ptg/ and guess what, i couldnt find it since your dumbass didnt actually name the thread

>> No.19182989

cringing hard at this retard trying to brag about $300

>> No.19183048
File: 198 KB, 800x600, 1589593663266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck em, profit is profit OP

>> No.19183051

I sold at 1.80 but I may buy mark agai

>> No.19183059

What's the target price for KTOV lads?

Also shitty OP is shitty

>> No.19183096

Why didn't you name it? Don't call anymore retarded when you're worse.

>> No.19183119

No one cares about the resources just post them here if you're so concerned

>> No.19183126

Anyone* lmao

>> No.19183234

the levels of autism on this board is surreal.

>> No.19183519
File: 4 KB, 203x248, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been deep in red on SHIP for over a week...
.... from my cold dead hands...

>> No.19183602

>Trusting Greeks with your money
Have you learned anything for, at least, the past decade?

>> No.19183975

Why isn't it called /PSG/?

>> No.19184012

It's for funny meme trump god emperor xDDDDD

>> No.19184290

What should I buy at tomorrow's open fellas

>> No.19184395

who the fuck cares about $277? That's ass pennies to me.


>> No.19184557
File: 27 KB, 216x398, cool_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RMBL pls

>> No.19184822

i was in SHIP threads being the only one skeptical of the greeks. shouldve listened to my gut

>> No.19185045

look at mr jewnigger 277 is very good money for a day of work. gj op! I made 40 bucks yesterday and -400 today. Fuck yeah...

>> No.19185176

Well I made my money back so that's nice

>> No.19185214
File: 174 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont read this thread and think penny stocks are an easy ticket. Penny stocks are a huge fucking scam.

>> No.19185220

I'm 1% breakeven. Just gonna sell it finally

>> No.19185235

this cant be real. what did you buy?

>> No.19185254
File: 69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200518-144134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty good. I just bought 150 shares a week ago for shits and I've made enough for a nice pizza.

>> No.19185272

Maybe if you're a retard who constantly FOMOs into every stock /biz/ memes and then panic sells for a loss when they dip or gets greedy and doesn't sell and take profits. If you're down 94% in a week that's your own fault fren

>> No.19185280
File: 3.78 MB, 480x270, 78c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should learn when to take profits

>> No.19185384


>> No.19185434

holy fuck dude. Well now I don't feel so bad about only make 10$ from this whole penny stock debacle. Thanks for sharing

>> No.19185464


>> No.19185475


>> No.19185530


>> No.19185575
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>only lost $20 on TTNP today

>> No.19185773

Anyone else in on $OCGN? Feeling pretty comfy holding 1500 at .3032.
I finally called the top for the first time in my life. Glad I got out today.
Ode to /pol/ newfren

>> No.19185824

I knew it was a /pol/ meme but I never liked PTG on there it was full of retards

>> No.19185827

SAVA pumped 6 times today starting at 4am.
Cashed out with 410 .00 profit so far.....not selling the last 500 till it hits 2.57

>> No.19185856
File: 315 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200518-170942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YIPI came the fuck alive after its CEO appeared on Alex Jones show. I bought it dirt cheap and am up over 1000 bones in the past week.

>> No.19185964
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Only penny stock I fuck with is KOS.

>> No.19186082
File: 61 KB, 933x639, ELU6Bz-W4AAcOhW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you sell bro

>> No.19186117


>> No.19186310

NOG has been doing good for me

>> No.19186330

Tel Aviv?

>> No.19186539
File: 167 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200518-174033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a retard. You can't expect to make money when you sell the second it drops half a cent lmfao.

>> No.19186839
File: 42 KB, 700x394, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19187069

Can this be held long term?
could you explain why?

>> No.19187110

It's all going away. Profit and loss will be a thing of the past.
First the crash, then the burn.

>> No.19187188


>> No.19187230

Yes, but the trading day is over and you can see for yourself that it didn't pump. It's a safe hodl in my opinion but I hit 30% profit today and decided to move on.

>> No.19187249

MVIS is up almost 10% today.

Me and my 800 stack are sitting quiet and comfy as fuck watching it slowly rise again. Tho I fully expect the circus to be back on my doorstep again once it goes over a dollar.

t. AR anon

>> No.19187286

God , the son ,and the holy ghost.
Please tell me which stock to hold the most!!

>> No.19187287

The people here love to call eachother names like they know what stocks will rise. Mvis could moon again, you never know.

>> No.19187303

I picked up a few shares, again, today too. I'll probably hold for a week and sell regardless of where it is, unless it moons again before then.

>> No.19187329

Go back you nigger

>> No.19187338

>lookup stock pick here on Robinhood
>”People have also bought” are all the other picks posted heree


>> No.19187355

Been holding eman since .45 , should have sold so many times. Now instead of 100% profits I only have 35 %.

Fuck. But I imagine when it goes to 2 dollars in a year what will I care. I'm not in it for quick flips.

>> No.19187401
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Real wolf of wall street with 1200 bucks lol. Shiiieeet

>> No.19187421

It's pretty much every normie internet community. Twatter, stocktwats, reddit, discord etc. /biz/ is unironically late to the party bc evey bagholder from said sites likely comes here in the hopes "big money" from here will pump their bags and they can break even.

>> No.19187497
File: 676 KB, 596x799, 1589672868952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the possible corona vaccine penny stock people were talkin about in the last thread? I forgot the name

>> No.19187547

Smart man. Wait til January after new consoles hit. Then you'll really see some shit.

Hell, I have half a mind to put up a handful of $1-2 options for then.

>> No.19187682

I'm having a hard time understanding why you would want 2 dollar options? Isnt the money made by having the option to buy it at $1 and profit the difference of what it goes up to?

>> No.19187752

Didn't claim to be rich, faggot. Still over 30% gains in a week, where's yours?

>> No.19187767
File: 323 KB, 828x1792, 1A3C0DE0-6CE5-4113-BF0B-80C2CE3CE9CD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain this ktov news, me brainlet

>> No.19187788

Fuck forgot link


>> No.19187809

Means they're issuing shares to employees. Probably nothing of importance.

>> No.19187975

Because there's a bigger ROI the higher your bet.

>> No.19188039


>> No.19188131

Do that every week and then you GW e something to be proud of. Fuck, maybe 30% a year and you’re good. You’ll lose it all on penny stocks.

>> No.19188138


>> No.19188157

If the $2 options are $2 cheaper it would be pretty dumb to buy the $1, no? The further OTM you go the cheaper the contracts are, usually, and the more profit you can make.

>> No.19188211

I take profit super early and get in before /biz/ does. Been doing this for about 7 months now and have yet to lose anything more than $50. Im not worried about it. Thanks for the advice though.

>> No.19188307

>Control F
>0 results


>> No.19188343

not available on burger exchanges unfortunately

>> No.19188346

If I wasn't a robinhood faggot I would have hopped in last thursday and bailed today. Anyone buying now is just asking to get dumped on.

>> No.19188422
File: 991 KB, 146x260, 1589679161235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you know, all the kiddies want it, but Robin hood doesn't list it. Kiddies don't use real trading platforms. Kiddies miss out on all the fun

>> No.19188442

SHRMF unless you're using a meme platform.

>> No.19188461

I'll switch eventually. Not in a huge hurry. TDA, Schwab or ToS and why?

>> No.19188470

>Lmao he thinks it's a pnd

Take some time to do some DD. Some kind anon was posting slides that showed the business model and revenue. 3.50 EOW screenshot this

>> No.19188502

This pump is not organic. It may very well be a good long hold but it's crashing before next Wednesday. Cap it.

>> No.19188507

shrm is pretty cool, they're opening a clinic pretty soon in Orange County

>> No.19188547

Define crashing. The RSI is high and there will be a pull back but I'm thinking maybe ten-twenty percent before continuing to trend upwards. There is a constant stream of good news that has come and is coming. The business is turning a profit and gaining access to markets nobody is in. Can't make money sitting out.

>> No.19188552

what do we think of ycbd? i want to invest in psilocybin but dont think we have it

>> No.19188582

Yeah I was thinking about 20% pullback. Probably a decent long but as I've already stated in here, I take profits way too early and would have sold today.

>> No.19188652

Long yes. Even as a short everyday you can make money. The volume is there. Everyone is in by 11ish.There is always a lunch sell off. Then a steady climb to finish the day. Only one red day since I've been holding, in at 73. I buy more everyday and sell half of it at the end of the day. Easiest money.

>> No.19188755

Stop buying options.

>> No.19188766

It's on Chicago exchange. I have been planning to make the switch(tm) to TD since the platform is so much better, but I am lazy Millenial with over $5,000 over my personal savings on an app that is linked only to my Gmail lmao.

>> No.19188875

What do you fags think of AUMN. The price target for lowered but it is still above the current price.

>> No.19189065

That reads like an AI article.

>> No.19189105

Why do you people invest in penny stocks?
Its like a lottery where you hope for FDA approval or a buyout. Usually it goes bust.

Why not buy real stocks? Stocks worth something. MSFT, AMZN, NVDA.
Stuff actually having a succesful company behind it?

>> No.19189210

Cause either 1 we don't have the money to invest in that shit. Or 2 we are addicted to the dopamine rush like a dirty degenerate gambler when we see that big moon of 20 cents.

>> No.19189216

Because it's easy money if you don't get greedy. Penny stocks were way more risky in the 90s than they are now with any Joe being able to make instant trades by just reaching in his pocket. Hate on it all you want but I'm up over $4k while keeping a consistent $1k to invest over the past 7 months. If you hate money why even open the thread?

>> No.19189890
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>Buy NOG stocks last year for $1.92
>Think that the oil and gas market will bounce back because there's no way the Saudi predatory pricing on gas will last
>Stocks decline steadily since purchase
>COVID-19 destroys stock market causing NOG stocks to drop less than $1

The market will always bounce back right guys?

>> No.19190142
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>> No.19190153


>> No.19190198

based, I also day traded SAVA today

>> No.19190200

Unironically OCGN. Won't moon until next week but might as well get in early.

>> No.19190216
File: 108 KB, 620x696, Screenshot_20200518-205305_Fidelity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be a good few months and I dont even have to do anything

>> No.19190231
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>> No.19190272
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Nice quality pic bro

>> No.19190331
File: 239 KB, 828x659, 8CF0803C-4E78-463E-89CF-67FF0C9307D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TNXP get in faggots. Delivering a presentation tomorrow at 10 EST about Covid vaccine

>> No.19190346
File: 191 KB, 828x1396, 0A886D38-70F1-4FD2-A362-FC6CD0CC89C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In at .76 but this should hit 1 tomorrow

>> No.19190361


>> No.19190389

Would breed.
>inb4 coomer

>> No.19190420
File: 377 KB, 828x1440, 2D0E91F5-C182-4CC5-8EDF-AD130A046735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye, she’s a semen demon

>> No.19190438

20 cents? More like 20 percent

>> No.19190533

I have $1K in profits that just freed up. What should I buy?

TNXP - rumor of vaccine
JCP - Amazon buyout talks
SRNE - rumor of vaccine

Others I have seen shilled here

I bought HUSKF at $1.50 and sold at $3 before it dropped to $2.77. Between that and NNVC going to $11 from $4 I have some money to spend

>> No.19190580
File: 202 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200518-214236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OCGN. It will start being shilled hard next week. Get in while it's cheap. Pic related, I'm not larping.

>> No.19190590

Any story?

>> No.19190594

but they were is the $150 range two years ago, are they making a comeback?

>> No.19190634

>First thing that came up. Refinitiv/Verus dropped coverage for OCUGEN INC

Even still, I'll throw in $500 if you give me some background. Why will it pump, when will it dump, etc.?

>> No.19190666

They had a drug that failed, which is what sent the stock tumbling. They've got another one to replace it in stage 3 of clinical trials. Should be submitted to the FDA in a couple weeks.

>> No.19190681

Any speculation as to what it'll jump to?

>> No.19190697

Don't hold through FDA approval if you're weak hands. I plan on selling myself in a week or two or if the publicity gets too much. See my last comment for my really shitty dd.

>> No.19190700
File: 46 KB, 600x400, microvision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from the other thread, but what do you guys think about this with MVIS?
There's also a shareholder meeting tomorrow at 12:00 EST

>> No.19190721

Playing it by day. If the volume gets ridiculous I'm bailing but I can easily see a 2x by the 27th.

>> No.19190744

Worse than shitcoins

>> No.19190774

TNXP for quickest profit. Conference tomorrow

>> No.19190863


Their Q1 numbers make it look like they're running out of cash?

>> No.19190870

I went back in for $100 after grabbing about $1200 off it the first time. Don't have high hopes honestly but I figure it's worth a play again.

>> No.19190881

Just picked up 1000. Hope you're right, anon

>> No.19190889

They might be. I didn't do a shit ton of research just noticed increased chatter and their upcoming submission. I'm just riding the inevitable pump and am offering you a ticket too.

>> No.19190917

we're honestly going to moon into another fucking dimension

>> No.19190930

Fair enough, Anon.

>> No.19190931

We're gonna make it bro. Just set an exit and stick to it because when it goes it may moon and crash faster than MVIS did.

>> No.19190940

Looks volatile as hell. This conference supposed to be the vaccine announcement?

>> No.19190961

I'll probably set it for 20% and be done with it

>> No.19191030

Yeah same, we'll see if I chicken out in the morning before open.

>> No.19191071
File: 183 KB, 828x442, 435723AA-82B7-4AB7-8470-0DA74722A002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19191090

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm back in

>> No.19191106

/ptg/ is the worst part of /pol/ lmao it's where all the confused boomers congregate

>> No.19191130

if that "I'M NEVER SELLING MY MVIS" guy actually makes it big i'll laugh

>> No.19191167
File: 68 KB, 1080x1859, 1584571729034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop crying you pussy

>> No.19191192

I missed this one but I hope you moon.
I bought the top today and I felt like a retard. Maybe I can turn this bitch out twice with all the excitement it's getting here.
What are you up ytd? Because I'm up 280%. Fucking retard. I'm also 22 which makes me an idiot millennial.

>> No.19191195

I already sold, sorry. might buy back in. praying for 14k divorce anon though

>> No.19191230

Ignore the last comment I'm drunk and didn't understand. I agree but that's why this general is named so.

>> No.19191256

anyone else in TEUM?

>> No.19191279
File: 133 KB, 889x625, MVIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you anon i believe in you.
Also I'm not sure if wording is going around and we might see a pump before the conference call tomorrow. I captured pic related but now the account is gone? If you guys got burned the first time around be careful alright?

>> No.19191290

Looks kind of dumb. Are you banking on earnings or what?

>> No.19191292

every single time it pumped after hours, that signified a big pump at opening followed by a dump.
every single time it crabbed after hours, that signified a dump at opening
heed my words

>> No.19191462

what is the significance of this? didn't everyone already know there was MVIS parts on the meme glasses?

>> No.19191490

let's just say 14k divorce, drive the family off a cliff anon is taking a very big sigh of relief after seeing that video ;)

>> No.19191504

I am still holing 400 shares because I'd rather lose it all on the gamble at this point

>> No.19191567

It was pretty much confirmed but there were no high quality pics. That said, it was posted this morning and I can't see it having much of an impact after the opening spike today. I'm still holding but only with a very small amount of my gains from the first round.

>> No.19191619
File: 1.19 MB, 1242x4536, 1588632968205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't everyone already know there was MVIS parts on the meme glasses?
I think that was mainly a rumor with the images that were going around last time but no exact confirmation. The people who buy these usually don't take them apart to find another company's name, but at least we know for certain that MVIS parts are included.

>> No.19191648

Crossing our fingers for you, buddy

>> No.19191868
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>> No.19191888

I am starting to wonder if people should start using tripcodes on just /ptg/? It'd be easier to identify the shills who good advice and quickly eliminate shills who push garbage.

>> No.19191965

god mvis looks so fucking good after that video

>> No.19192040

Starting to get deja vu from this. MVIS was the stock that birthed /ptg/ too I think so it's funny going back to this again.
MVIS 2: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.19192051

Aight reddit what’s the play tomorrow what’s good what’s poppin lets go get this money y’all!?

>> No.19192068


>> No.19192217
File: 79 KB, 680x521, 1571721270722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to limit sell during that huge wallbreak and I couldn't get it in time at .75, literally dipped every single time I entered my order
ended up way lower then I could have but I still made several hundred off it

anon I know people ask about options shit constantly but I have been curious on this
when you "go short" on an option I'm guessing that is a option sell
So this is when you "create" the contract right? if someone were to buy your contract and then exercise it do you have to pay to fulfill that obligation?
And by performing a "covered" call is this strategy useful because you can anticipate the stocks will go up, so you buy your cover stocks at that cheap level as leverage if someone were to exercise the option?

still trying to understand how people make money by "selling" a option, I know its preferred by some traders

>> No.19192413

ToS is just the program, you make a TDA account and transact using the ToS platform
Schwab is solid but I dont think they are on ToS

Id be wary of JCP anon, I've seen a shit ton of FUD both ways on it
Last I heard the trading on it was halted because NYSE is delisting it and JCP did not fight the delisting
Amazon COULD still BO though, a coin toss for sure since it may become actual Penney stocks

>> No.19192492

have the shareholders voted on a reverse split?
I haven't seen any news yet.
never speak of this again

>> No.19192537

It jumped to $10 in premarket pumping then trading was so chaotic dumping they halted trading, it went down to $6, AH it went to 7, will fall quickly as bag holders make their dump.

>> No.19192580

Anyone heard about MYL

>> No.19192637

Eman moon when? It has to rise sometime right?

>> No.19192695

How long are we supposed to hold OCGN?

>> No.19192915

Ktov baby

>> No.19192960


>> No.19193075

>not the uavs fiasco
Fuckin pathetic

>> No.19193113
File: 539 KB, 1080x1053, F9F9CBAD-1957-4596-9DFE-17C350FDB392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


breadcrumbs, soon

>> No.19193138
File: 121 KB, 828x827, 3587F368-80CD-4360-8683-229788E8A26C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh sheeple get over this shit

>> No.19193233

You wont be saying that when I fuck your wife because of my KTOV earings. Check em, oh and fuck jannies

>> No.19193242

going short just means you're betting the stock will fall in price and profit if it does

selling options is selling the premium on the contract, aka theta decay. The higher the volatility in the option the more expensive the premium making this attractive for the seller.

A covered call just means you already own 100 shares of w/e stock you're selling the call on. When you sell calls uncovered your risk in infinite because you're agreeing to buy the stock at a later price, which could be much higher than it currently is.