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19182376 No.19182376 [Reply] [Original]

Just realized I have mainly high cap low cap stuff and need something more in the middle. Something around the 30-150 mil MC preferably, included portfolio to show what I’m working with. I’m thinking about Kyber, and also considering stuff like ENJ/BAT/MATIC. Any opinions? Thanks anons

>> No.19182410
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namaste sir, after praying to the deity he has revealed to me that you need to buy PNk or ESH to make it. Greetings from Mumbai

>> No.19182411

LOKI, based off Monero, PoS/PoW hybrid, active development, got my 1k stack, working on 10k

>> No.19182418

Handshake (HNS) is at 32m cap. easiest 10x youll ever get in crypto

>> No.19182981

I still have some ESH, sold my initial investment and am just riding the rest now. Sold PNK for a profit too but do wanna buy back in eventually

What’s it do?

>> No.19183002

Your portfolio is solid. Go for a real moonshot. I won't even shill mine. Just advice.

>> No.19183070


>> No.19183091

Did you even see my pic? Lol I have 15k of those already

>> No.19183203

Look into QNT


>> No.19183241


>> No.19183264

I've had ADA for a while now, still on a profitable price, going for 0,054 atm.

>most decentralized
>everything proved
>most githubs
>solid team

It's a nice project for a good long imo!

>> No.19184004

kyber best choice, biz is sleeping on this,
bat also good choice for a little higher cap, biz is shitting on this. both will moon

>> No.19184041


>> No.19184071


>> No.19184118

Fucking REN bro, too many people buying retarded scams

>> No.19184302


>> No.19184329

get some neo tron and eos while you're at it.

>> No.19184383

Just get more unibright

>> No.19184644

> says portfolio is solid
> literally holding a couple p&d coins

Imagine being a dumbass like your self.

REN has an actual use case, and if you weren't so busy gambling biz p&d niggerswap tokens, you would've made an easy x10 on Binance. Fucking fool.


>> No.19184691

double down on UBT easy win

>> No.19185004

I just hold eth btc and ubt. Good luck with Chinese coins though.

>> No.19185022

I’ve heard about this before but honestly know nothing about it, I know this is petty as fuck but the logo is absolutely trash and looks like it’s from the early 90’s and what has kept me from looking into it more

>> No.19185023

And the kyc and manipulation of bisexual finance lol. You'll get there fren.

>> No.19185068
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Same here. Enjoy missing another moonshot, dumbass

>> No.19185154
File: 221 KB, 1344x1059, srlitjhsno631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MCO is easily one of the assets I'm the most bullish on. The purpose is to stake in order to get better benefits from the crypto debit card. Now, even if that isn't something you need, the asset itself has performed great. When everythink tanked, it still crawled back up to a pretty rock solid 5.50 as of right now. I'd argue 4 dollar is diamond support, with 5 being the new support, as the card is being released in Euro and shipping finally. It isn't subject to tanking by itself, because even if the asset tanks, people are still getting a use from holding the token. If anything, encourages them to buy more, and the cashback is all bought from the market. Overall, I don't think you'll find much better than this in the 50-100 ranking.

>> No.19185160

long term mid cap I like Augur (REP) short term mid cap Golem (GNT). Golem is going to move to ERC-20 and is having an AMA on Wed may see a quick pop. Augur v2 is rolling out at some point and it's not a bad project for a mid cap.

>> No.19185202

And to clarify the point I made on people not selling if the price tanks, it's more about the fact that price isn't subject to being influenced by large moves, because it's harder to manipulate a supply people want to hold for more than just to sell.

Came out a bit pajeetish that first time.

>> No.19185430


500 you will make it

>> No.19185454


>> No.19186150

REP, V2 launches in june.

>> No.19186711


>> No.19187178

Based. I have my Ruby card and I’m over halfway to the Jade card. COVID bonus cashback for groceries has been great. It’s 1 MCO at least every week.

>> No.19187693

Yep I'm paying my rent on it since my office only whacks me a 4 dollar fee. So it's a no brainer in that department.

>> No.19187736

Its the public version of Polkadot (which is not interesting enterprise software), interoperability made by Gavin wood who cofounded Ethereum and invented Solidity. These guys have the longterm crypto mindset and knowledge.

>> No.19187889

This and BAT is a deadly combo. Got a whole lot of BAT earning interest on crypto.com and im getting free spotify and netflix also.

>> No.19188010

Well, so far it seems like they will be the first solution to actually build a bridge of interoperability between blockchains, then build a privacy layer on top of it. If that peaks your interest do more research, otherwise just move on to something else.

>> No.19188025

darwania ring is blowing up right now get on for some quick bucks

>> No.19188079

AVA is going to shoot up this week

>> No.19188085

ZANO. Roger Ver owns some.