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19170190 No.19170190 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK does gold have an $8T market cap but bitcoin still only has a $170B market cap?? I'm thinking we must hit $1T market cap by 2022, there's no way the price discovery takes this long.

>> No.19170225

gold has been around literally forever and bitcoin has been around for 8 years bitcoins growth is fucking unbelievable, unprecedented, and is the most interesting economic phenomenon in the history of man.

>> No.19170264

thats why the correction and crash is going to destroy everyone

>> No.19170349

Wait until bond yields go negative my nigger.

This recession/depression will see crypto explode into the stratosphere.

>> No.19170387

Agree and central banks hold 20% of the worlds gold: $2T. Multiple people from the fed have already said they think they’ve been too slow to adopt crypto and it’s only been around for a decade. They want to create a Central Bank Digital Currency stablecoin that people will be able to transact with like USD, they’ll have to hoard bitcoin as a hedge for this CBDC just like they hoard gold for USD. They’ll resist bitcoin for as long as they can but it won’t be their choice when the rest of the world is accepting it as a store of value, they’ll crack when other governments are buying it and realize they want to own as much as possible. This is why everyone should own some bitcoin.

>> No.19170410

because bitcoin is a pump and dump scheme with no intrinsic value. Gold is the best money in the world. Bitcoin is run by rich people and is the most manipulated market on earth. Yeah, the tech is cool, but the market is a scam

>> No.19170411

Because Bitcoin is fake internet money used to gain more money via ETH shitcoins.

Buy LOKI and wait. Literally all you have to do.

>> No.19170426

both are boomers rocks

if you're looking for something undervalued in comparison to what they've achieved, look into this and thank me later

from tokenomics alone this has a huge upside potential within the next few months


>> No.19170434

delusional cope. No banks will hoard bitcoin u brainlet. They will create their own crypto. You really think banks will buy yhe bags of neet right wing autist? I understand bitcoin better than most people, and its fundamentally flawed in every way

>> No.19170477

This anon knows it.

>> No.19170493

Yes, after we hit 100k per btc.

>> No.19170508

Look son, a sub 70 IQ nigger.

>> No.19170635

It’s too late, the ball is already rolling. It’s only a matter of time now, you may have been able to make a case as late as 2013 but bitcoin has reached a tipping point in global capital and has too strong of a first mover advantage.

Like >>19170225 said the momentum has been insane. Your thinking about it way wrong, “buying bags off right wing NEET autists” is not the current paradigm. The current price doesn’t even matter. The value of bitcoin in the future is going to be how much you own. It’s the worlds first truly scarce and appreciating asset. Gold is a deflationary asset as it scales against inflation but it doesn’t really appreciate. You don’t know how much gold has been mined, is still left to be mined in the earth, or could be mined from asteroids in as little as 20 years. We know exactly how much bitcoin there is. It’s partyhats from runescape, a hedge against the entire economy, an asset that appreciates over time. There will be the bitcoin haves and the have nots, no central bank will want to be left not owning any.

>> No.19170890

Bitcoin is fucking worthless. Retard

>> No.19170978

Gold paper value: 8T
Gold inherent value: 8T

Bitcoin paper value: 170B
Bitcoin inherent value: 0

>> No.19171117

Says who? The inherent value of bitcoin is the scarcity and adoption (a collective of people simultaneously valuing something at the same time, which is a heavily underappreciated aspect as that's all you actually need), much the same as the inherent value of gold. Assets get there value based on how much the market is willing to pay for it. Bitcoin has more inherent value potential than gold, gold has an inflationary and potentially unpredictable supply where as bitcoin has a limited and documented supply. It's the same reason why collectibles retain there value and appreciate over time despite having no perceived "intrinsic value" (as in, what can you do with it?). The inherent value is the fact that people collectively choose to value it, the only intrinsic value of gold would be it's industrial/jewelry uses which would be valued at .01% of the current valuation. Bitcoins intrinsic value is the fact that you can quickly transport a large monetary amount in a relatively short period of time and for a low cost.

>> No.19171154
File: 35 KB, 680x418, D4849A0F-7F34-404D-8432-A92E6C41E76C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>able to send value around the world for a fraction of the cost of wire = worthless

>> No.19171873

one thing was around when Alexander was invading Asia
the other was called a scam on CNN

>> No.19171917

PayPal already does that

>> No.19172258

>I'm thinking we must hit $1T market cap by 2022

6T by 2022 , screencap this.

>> No.19172271

paypal has 5% fee per tx btc fees are fixed , also paypal does not allow you to send a lot of money.

The cost for sending millions of dollars is about 4% in fees in banking this days , while 20 cents on btc.

>> No.19172803

send money to someone paypal doesnt like or doesnt fit their agenda and (((they))) suspend your and his account and yoink all the money
truly great

>> No.19173046

While scarcity and adoption certainly are factors necessary for a good to function as money, you misunderstand how a commodity becomes money.
Fiat money is money because you are required by law to use it. Gold is money because it is a real physical thing with properties very near optimally suited to be money. Just because you create some token that is scarce, divisible, fungible etc doesn't mean it becomes money.
You mentioned adoption, and this is the real weakness of all crypto, the market is very thin and very few people actually do own or trade it. The public interest trends have been pretty much negative or crabbing since the 20k peak years ago. The probability of massively increased adoption seem slim, and without this adoption bitcoin etc cannot maintain current price levels, as the current levels are predicated on huge increases in adoption, usage etc.

>> No.19173455

I disagree about the adoption part. People think that adoption means that people need to be buying and selling goods with bitcoin but this isn't the case, simply owning bitcoin is enough. Gold hasn't been legal tender for a long time, it's scarce and in demand as a store of value. Bitcoin is the same.

>the market is very thin and very few people actually do own or trade it
The market has grown exponentially. A $170B marketcap, while still having a lot of room to grow, is absolutely huge and does not fit your description at all. It's current market cap and trading volume would make it a top 50 stock in the S&P 500.

>The public interest trends have been pretty much negative or crabbing since the 20k peak years ago. The probability of massively increased adoption seem slim, and without this adoption bitcoin etc cannot maintain current price levels, as the current levels are predicated on huge increases in adoption, usage etc.

This is a very weak perception of time and scale. The 20k peak wasn't "years ago", it was 2 and a half years ago. The interest has remained strong and such a short time scale is absolutely nothing. This is the same as saying that the internet isn't going to become widely adopted because the interest hasn't grown enough from 1989 to 1992. Also the prices aren't predicated on increases in usage, it's a reflection of the demand for bitcoin. More people are going to want it which is what drives the price, you don't actually need usage. Similar to gold which gets bought and stored for 30 years without ever actually being "used" but it still increases in value because people want to invest in an appreciating asset as a hedge.

>> No.19173568

t. seething nocoiner

face dude, you've been priced out and you are too poor to afford a reasonable stack at this point. Its ok, you can still have a fulfilling life working in the citadel grounds but living out in the death camps.