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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1915379 No.1915379 [Reply] [Original]

>Another day wasted on 4chan instead of doing something productive

>> No.1915410

>eat healthy (balanced well rounded meals, vitamins etc, adaquete water)
>get sun
>get 30-45 min RIGOROUS excersize daily
>cut caffiene, alcohol, weed, and any other drugs
>read a paperback book at least an hour a day
>standing meditation for at least 30 min a day

>> No.1915413

What vitamins should I buy? I always feel tired

>> No.1915418

No op, I do all of that, except the last one. Why standing meditation?

>> No.1915419

>eat boring food
>get sunburnt
>overwork your body and pay 6 million a week to planet fitness
>quit taking medication
>read cult self-help book
>hurt your body and be a weirdo for 30 minutes

>> No.1915424


>> No.1915461


idk bro just try it


enjoy your misery

>> No.1915466


a multivit, vit d, and b12

>> No.1915479

>eat 3 steaks a day
>spend all day in my air conditioned high-rise
>Relax all day
>drink, smoke
>have sex
>play vidya

durpederu e d

>> No.1915483



>> No.1915490
File: 116 KB, 379x568, 1485279979428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you had a productive day
>big client showers praise on you to CEO and VP
>CEO stops by to congratulate you
>bonus heading your way
>everything fell your way
>payday tomorrow
>all while using online Kyrgystani natural gas sand painting

Feels good man

>> No.1915497


yea i fugured. too drunk already? anyway yea i lived similarly, its fun and all, but it will catch up with you both physically and mentally. start living a well rounded healthy lifestyle before its too late

>> No.1915503

>falling for the protestant meme

>> No.1915522

>being a boozebag

I sincerely hope that this is not a course of action that you fellows are currently pursuing

>> No.1915543

>wake up mid day
>log into broker (ig.com)
>check news, indicators etc
>make 15000 SEK (1600$) in a few hours trading index and currency/oil
>watch twitch and shitpost on /pol/ meanwhile
>go to gym
>come home play cs

just another day

you can sit on 4chan all day and do productive things, just multi task (pref atleast 2 monitors)

>> No.1915568

>being a healthcuck

>> No.1915571


Broccoli, bananas, carrots, and apples.

>> No.1915597

I just ate a papa johns pizza and it was so gross. It tasted like a luke warm wet to tomato flavored sponge and it had the appearance of rotting flesh.

>> No.1915896

Tfw I want to be this

>> No.1916386

Another day wasted posting "Another day wasted on 4chan instead of doing something productive" instead of doing something productive.
>crying feels.png