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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19153222 No.19153222 [Reply] [Original]

Tl;Dr getting a big inheritance soon and I want /biz/'s wisdom

Long version: Grandfather was in banking, left me an accessible account that releases a portion of my inheritance monthly (about 40k) with his wish (which I've respected) being that it not be accessed outside of an emergency until the full amount is transferred. It'll be finished transferring in about 3 more years and I can access about 9 million.

But most of it is already there. Are there investments worth going into immediately that I'd majorly miss out on in the next few years if I wait?

Also I'm getting married soon. Stupid question, I fucking know, but should we have a prenuptial agreement? Bear in mind, we will be having kids and staying together long term. Also she's always been the wealthier one of us, disregarding this inheritance issue, and stayed with me even when she didn't know about the money. I think she'd be understanding if I asked, but should I even bother?

Seriously asking for any insight into my future here. 4chan is shockingly intelligent most of the time.

>> No.19153239

Short BTC

>> No.19153289

I've unironically thought about putting a million in BTC with the halvening thing, but it seems really unpredictable.

>> No.19153404

>40k a month
>herp derp what do I invest in?
A rope to hang yourself for LARPing.

Save yourself the headache and stress and just ignore investing.

>> No.19153662


Here are my thoughts on this: 9m is a lot for a person or one family, but it isn't really an estate or a huge amount that secures you and your family for generations. I want to grow it, not sit on it.

>> No.19153717

Put a bunch in slow, sure things then play around with 100k~ and see what happens.

>> No.19153775

9 Million is more than enough to be invested and grow for generations. You can just invest it in marketwide ETFs like VOO or SPY, estimate 8% appreciation per year, and live off 4% so that your money continues to average up 4% a year. 4% of 9 mil is $360,000k a year that you can live on and still grow richer every day.
Don't take advice from fucking biz. Learn about investing and talk to a financial planner. You can live rich the rest of your life and die even richer

>> No.19153819

Ghost will go from 2 dollars to 100 in no time. Great way to turn one million into 50 million. Screenshot for the future.

>> No.19153839

buy properties retard, live of the earnings, let someone else manage it. Do nothing for the rest of your life or travel the world

>> No.19153855

>>Buy real estate during one of the biggest housing bubbles ever.
Anon I...

>> No.19153864

yeah, sorry i'm european in a country where housing litterally only goes up. Disregard my advice

>> No.19153896


oh nvm you did already.

>> No.19153914

Go for the prenup. Whether she’s got more money or not when you find out she’s blowing chad and Tyrone on the side she will clean you out purely from spite if nothing else. Be sure it’s ironclad otherwise it’ll be thrown out in favor of “muh fee fees” like a thousand before it.

>> No.19153985

Well on your way. I'd get a prenup but idk its your relationship I can't advise.

Otherwise just pick a good crypto and straight slap a million into it, pull out some of it once you've passed maybe 30 mil net worth.

Keep the rest in physical assets and some in cash for the volatile period ahead. After that just go the safe route and get an upper middle net worth financial planner.

After that assuming you have like four kids, 5 mil each and 10 + interest for yourself is plenty.

>> No.19154004

>Long version: Grandfather was in banking, l

>> No.19154039

also >most of the time
rarely but yeah it still happens
no clue on what you should do, but a mix of safe, moderate, and risky would be good. idk the ratios but probably 60% safe 30% medium 10% risky

>> No.19154136

If this is not a larp, please please please just save it. Index funds, bonds, CDs, and maybe real estate if you really want to put it somewhere. But 40k a month is more than enough to live on just alone. You might as well still work and really stack up those gains, but with an additional income like that you could retire in half the time with money left over for your kids if you’re not dumb

All you have to do is not lose it all playing the stock market on the advice of a congolese church hymm forum

>> No.19154145

BUY ESH. you will not regret it, trust me, hold till 25th

>> No.19154260

This. With that much money on the line a pre-nup is non-negotiable. Threaten to leave if she does not submit.

Pissing away millions generated over the course of decades on internet memecoins may be perhaps the most autistic low impulse control moves you can possible make. You're not Jordan Belfort, be rational & use the money to create a solid stream of passive income as >>19153775 & >>19153839 suggest.

Also, in the event shit were to hit the fan with your marriage or in clown world as a whole, have $100k-250k in precious metals tucked away somewhere hidden, bury it if you have too... Consider it your one time emergency ticket to an entirely new life. And, if you don't have to use it, great! You have a secret stash you can pass on to your favorite grandson.

>> No.19154396
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yes. get a prenup. definitely.

also, if you can find a decent high interest savings acct, once you have a few mil in there you will earn enough interest to pay your living expenses.

after you get the full 9mil into the high yield savings, you can use a fraction of the interest it yields to invest without risking your 9 million and without cutting into your savings - since youd have living expenses from the other portion of the interest.

>> No.19154433

>yes. get a prenup. definitely.
are prenups legit? heard cases where they were thrown out

>> No.19154621

i would have to assume that they are, but possibly there could be extreme cases where they can be overturned. itdepends on the contract.

however, its the best protection (imo) for you.

>> No.19154644

Generally they are legit, but their effectiveness varies case by case.
>How cucked are the family courts in your state?
>How good is the legalese of your prenup? Does it just cover your financial ass from before the marriage began, and not new money brought in since?
>How messy was the divorce itself? Better win the optics battle (back to point one).

I'm sure there's a lot more to consider, but I'm no legal guy.

>> No.19154676

Buy burzum albums for the good of Evropa