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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19141039 No.19141039 [Reply] [Original]

>We'll only buy our garbage
Good luck with that, dumbshits

>> No.19141058

The real question is: Why are chinks so rude

>> No.19141113

People will go to prison for saying "chink"
Actually thinking its safe to insult the Chinese when they are on the verge of taking over the planet. Checkmate!

>> No.19141183

Kill yourself, subhuman sympathizer.

>> No.19141206



>> No.19141222

The Great Leap Forward

>> No.19141246
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>> No.19141286

They make everything though what the fuck do they need from us meanwhile we don’t make shit anymore

>> No.19141449

Our tech

>> No.19141528

China is so fucking polluted soon their population will be deformed beyond recognition and the ground will be barren. China relies on a lot of imported food. Plus whatever this guy said >>19141449

>> No.19141572


>> No.19141575

ITT: laughably insecure amerimutts

>> No.19141612

>They make everything
They don't design and engineer their own manufacturing machinery and equipment. They are nothing more than assembly line workers.

>> No.19141613

lol china

>> No.19141672

Where can I buy a computer with 0 Chinese parts?

>> No.19141676

commercial aircraft. industrial machinery. scientific instrumentation. a lot of shit, really. they're only good at making cheap consumer grade shit that barely works.

>> No.19141713

This. China has already collapsed. t.an actual chink

>> No.19141741

Mecury Systems

>> No.19141742

They import their high end factory equipment. They important anything which needs high precision or quality control. They also don't design hardly anything of worth. What China excels at is cheap manufacturing. They're the lowest bidding contractor of the world.

>> No.19141747

But they love s o y & chicken feet. Where else can they get it in large enough quantity?

>> No.19141757

This fucking tilts me. I sell a product on fb that isn’t made in China but everybody asks “where is it made?” “Buy American” “made in China garbage” first of all they’re posting from a fucking device that was made in China. The absolute state of Americans so fucking stupid.

>> No.19141763

they just steal it

>> No.19141821

plastic. a lot of plastic. from the US and Europe. yeah it is weird

>> No.19141835

Sorry honey, the made in china gravy train is over for you dropshippers. We can't keep subsidizing chinese growth anymore.

>> No.19141875

This makes sense, the U.S., Germany and Japan dominate the chemical industry.

>> No.19142104

Food, chinks won't eat anything produce there, the world won't eat eating produce there everybody knows including them their sub human food production is literall cancer that's why the invade other countries and horde their supplies

>> No.19142201

100% of those 41% are delusional

>> No.19142214


>> No.19142221

It’s because US goods are out of their price range.

>> No.19142234

This is a meme. Go look up US manufacturing output. We’re still in the game, just not number one.

>> No.19142246
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back to /pol/

>> No.19142313

>quality control
Pick one. They import their machinery from Germany. US is a shithole that produces shit.

>> No.19142443


>> No.19142465

All americans can think about is nigger dicks and china.

What the fuck is wrong with them?

>> No.19142598
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Check the quality on this real quick for me.

>> No.19142701


>> No.19142718

>thinks I’m drop shipping
Im part of an actual company actually lil man.

>> No.19142764

Our houses, ports and beaches

>> No.19142873
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You are nr 4 anon.

>> No.19143392

White babies for organ harvesting

>> No.19143534

The Chinese would still be pushing straw around in donkey carts if it weren't for traitors in the west. They have no originality to them, the communist systems and socialist systems do not reward free thinkers and hard work. This is why they have to steal everything.

>> No.19143947

The Chinese will be a major player in the 21st century but in 30 years it's predicted India will have a larger economy. And if you don't believe in the developing world NA and EU combined has twice the economy of China. Either way its going to be a globe shared by multiple powers unless some unforeseen technology emerges that pushes someone far ahead.

>> No.19145267

Yes... But those 35% of Chinese are loyal to their shit country while 41% of Americans really couldn't give a fuck as long as they save 10c.
The idea that Americans will pay more for their cheap consumer trash they will throw out in 3 months is absolutely fucking hilarious.
Look at the American meat industry if you want any proof... They will literally buy chicken that lived its entire life on hormones and forced feeding swimming in bird shit just so they can save 50c over the organic free range chicken sitting on the shelf right next to it.
These are the types of mouth breathing retards that claim they will stop buying Chinese trash.

>> No.19145371
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corona trade war just speeds things up.
everyone will use robots.
humans all lose their jobs.
the end.

>> No.19146416

>i work at an actual company
that's even worse

>> No.19146467
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Reminder that this is after 50 years of dedicated attempts to both dismantle the American manufacturing base AND build up BOTH the German and Chinese manufacturing bases. Both China and Germany are allowed to compete in the American system, they do not own any of that system.

>> No.19146568

stupid retard. hormones can't be used in the production of chicken. Nobody uses them.

>> No.19146607

Dude the rest of the world buys their goods. It isnt just you guys. The other thing is saying they wo>>19141449
nt buy chinese goods is one thing. Doing it is another. Anyone can virtue signal online. Look at walmarts. Theyre 90% chinese crap. And theyre packed to the brim with people.

>> No.19146628

Google chinese integrated circuit production line. For years theyve been dependant on texas instrument and other american IC companies. This shits scary and no i dont like china. Once they get this its over. Theyre 5g infrastructure that everyone is buying wouldnt be possible without the new Kirin chips. 5 years ago denying qualcomm wouldve seemed impossible.

>> No.19147018

Take of the patriot glasses retards, america is at the brink of falling down the abyss and you guys are celebrating it.

>> No.19147826

97% of Americans also dont read the package to see where anything is made

>> No.19148789


>> No.19148842

Chinks scamming chinks scamming chinks stealing from chinks that are imprisoned by chinks. Told what to say and think by chinks.
Ching ching ching ching re rikey having rittle chinky pee pee. We rike whiney angry wives and walking past the dead in the streets.
Coof coof fuk yu americansss