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19139361 No.19139361 [Reply] [Original]

Any advices to avoid being financially ruined? I still want to invest a lot every month.

>> No.19139383

it's almost like she doesn't like niggers. or just sizing him up. can't tell.

>> No.19139427

she looks zoned out


>> No.19139450

I don't want that

>> No.19139464

Have you considered a late stage abortion?

>> No.19139468

Don’t have an abortion man this will be the greatest thing that’s ever happened to you. I’m 18 and I have a seven month old son and I was terrified of the thought but with working my ass off I’ve been able to provide an amazing life for my son so far

>> No.19139472

Try aborting it

>> No.19139478

Good for you, man. Spend a lot of time the lad, keep the woman happy, and don't let either of them start wanting more things. Foster contentment and creativity with both boy and woman.

>> No.19139484

invest in your son faggot

>> No.19139485

no abort

>> No.19139491

You'll just have to sell him then

>> No.19139502

>invest in your son faggot
For sure I will invest in terms of education. What else?

>> No.19139514

Cook at home as much as possible, become very good at planning and organizing snacks/meals for outings. Buy all of his clothes and toys for the first 6-7 years secondhand (they're just going to shit and throw up all of it and they have no clue what used vs new is). You can find this stuff cheap or free through church groups or social facebook groups. Budget annual gift/allowances at the beginning of the year and once it's gone it's gone. This will prevent you from doing stupid things for birthdays or holidays if you exceed the amount.

>> No.19139519

what is your job and salary OP

>> No.19139525

This retard. He’s a second retirement plan. Also please tell me you’re married or at least male.

>> No.19139526

two words. dave ramsey.

>> No.19139531

good shit

>> No.19139548

i'm a son.

>> No.19139551

R&D project manager, 130k CHF / year
>Also please tell me you’re married or at least male.
male, married

>> No.19139552

long abortion stocks

>> No.19139580

>male, married

>> No.19139628

Oh, your Swiss, you'll be fine. Have a great life OP

>> No.19139638

bbc slut

>> No.19139667

if true you made it

fuck off

>> No.19139697

>*hits pipe*

think about it logically
having a son the 2nd most cucked thing you could do. You're raising, teaching, clothing, feeding, another man, just so he could go out there and fuck women. This doesn't pay you any women fucking dividends, in fact in distracts you from fucking women.

>> No.19139734

She looks normal like she's not the typical american smiling in your face while trying to hide their hatred.

>> No.19139774

>if true you made it
I will "make it" when I won't need to wagecuck...

>> No.19139788

>You're raising, teaching, clothing, feeding, another man

>> No.19139815

how old are you?

is it big to make 130K in switzerland?

>> No.19139872

>how old are you?
>is it big to make 130K in switzerland?
not really, cost of living is extreme (I don't live in Zurich / Geneva but still)

>> No.19139875

She has seen the same videos we all have and is apply the learned wisdom "around blacks never relax"

>> No.19139878

Cry me a river you overentitled mountaindwelling piece of shit. At least your pristine shithole is landlocked motherfucker.

>> No.19139886

why don't you save a lot and retire in a poorer country like france germany spain

>> No.19139921

maybe, yes, I am also considering south of Italy

>> No.19140082

This nigga gets it. I spent thousands buying shit for my kid and it's all just sitting in the garage or I already gave it away to others.
Learn to work with your hands, get some basic tools, be a very typical man, boys need to be shown what that is now more than ever.
Foster artistic and musical talent as often as you can.
Don't forget to do sports with him, play catch, teach him to ride a bike, do all the things I hope your dad did with you and do all the things you wish he did.
Good luck anon, I really wish you all the best.

>> No.19140131

my dad died when i was 3

>> No.19140170

thanks a lot man, I agree this is good, I will do my best

>> No.19140275
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>> No.19140300

american hands typed this

>> No.19140321

Honestly they don't even cost that much, maybe when they end up going to school that'll change but whatever dent I should have noticed has been filled because I don't go out as much anymore.

>> No.19140343


based and gretapilled

>> No.19140346

She looks like she hates niggers

>> No.19140358
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>> No.19140359

>Honestly they don't even cost that much
they do in Switzerland

>> No.19140515

Sorry to hear that fren.
Try not to repeat that, I guess.