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19137945 No.19137945 [Reply] [Original]

Without a STEM degree?

>> No.19137961

Get a job as a janitor. Murder a trader. Take over his life

>> No.19137982

That's pretty gay

>> No.19138280

Attend ivy league, join some finance club, crush OCI.

>> No.19138789

The only option you really have is to go to a grad school and get a M.S. in quant finance, statistics, or math. Even non-STEM finance/econ degrees from Ivy's don't cut it these days if you want to do trading at a top shop.

>> No.19138841

What the hell is OCI?

t. Ivy Leaguer

>> No.19138859

AI will repace all of those high salary nerds. The virus will accelerate trading desk layoffs

>> No.19138885
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>> No.19138913

lmao. My firm has made more money Q1 2020 than throughout all of 2019 combined. We're actually hiring aggressively right now because we're limited by our lack of human brains rather than lack of money. The virus has been the best thing to happen to trading firms since the financial collapse in '08.

>> No.19138953

Overseas Citizens of India. They are the main competition.

>> No.19138990

W-Why do I want to do this? Can I make money from scamming Pajeets?


Hire me

>> No.19138994

So what do I do? I trade on my own, know TA, understand risk/reward, know my basic algos and data structures, know how to write programs, etc.

I’m not quantitatively inclined but I can definitely do discretionary. Is discretionary a meme?

>> No.19139094

What do you do? LDAR, and invest in index funds. Discretionary trading is a hilarious meme, and a lie by instagram-traders who try to sell their scam TA trading programs (if you look closely, their income comes from real estate, not trading). Everything we do is based on complex models that retail traders have no chance of competing with. When you make a trade, there is a smarter person or algorithm (written by teams of the smartest people on earth) on the other side of that trade betting you're wrong. Look up adverse selection.


Not at all true. No one wants to hire nerd Indians who have no social skills. Trading desks are highly social, everyone has to like everyone else and work well together for the desk to make money. That doesn't work when some guy is fresh off the boat from Hyderabad and can barely speak English.

>> No.19139115

Also trading is the future. Your kind is headin*fir extinction, just like drones making fighter pilots obsolete

>> No.19139187

I don’t get it. How the fuck are there managers that don’t know how to use a computer? Do they even do the work?

>> No.19139232

Managers don't trade, traders do. I'm not sure what you're talking about. Everyone who makes a lot of money in quant finance does so because of some sort of value they provide. Maybe they're uniquely brilliant at assembling the best teams of traders and smooth talking Saudi oil barons to give them money for the fund, so they don't need to stare at a screen all day

Seems like you had a stroke typing that, but I'll enjoy making $300k+/yr (closer to 600k this year because of the 'rona) and retiring at 35 to pursue my hobbies full time while you enjoy grinding out a 9-5 until social security kicks in

>> No.19139263

Yeah that’s what I’m asking. What should I do? I’m graduating with an arts degree, I can go back and do financial math undergrad or take an MFin. If I did another undergrad it would take 4 years, MFin of course is a year or two.

>> No.19139275

Sounds like the plot to Gattaca

>> No.19139365

What do you want to do? Do you want to be a trader? Then get a Mfin from a T7 MBA program.

>> No.19139415

show them your shitcoin trades

>> No.19139439

I would prefer to do research at a desk or something similar. I don’t want to be on the sell side at all

>> No.19139454

tell that to a six figure trader only moving round lots on spy
got it youre back office
>ill enjoy
you enjoy larping on this board

>> No.19139493

You got me, I'm actually a wealth advisor for Northwestern Mutual

PhDs in something hard science are best and usually required for research

>> No.19139572

That’s super fucking gay. At least I go to the best school in a finance city (Toronto). Guess I’ll finish this up and take a second degree in financial math and econ and go from there. If firms hire PhD’s I’m sure they’ll hire me at the age I’ll finish. MA is only a year too. Would be done before 30.
Got fucked in life so I’m only now picking up the pieces
End goal is macro. You think we’re entering a new golden phase for global macro?

>> No.19139687

MFin isn't a bad idea. I'm sure you can get a good enough job with one of those, but not at a research arm of any of the high performing hedge funds.

>You think we’re entering a new golden phase for global macro?
No idea, don't know jack about global macro

>> No.19140235

>northwestern mutual


>> No.19140975

Okay, thanks anon.
I want deep macro knowledge and I think that involves being able to see alternatives to current macroecnomic models. So I'll need a lot of probability, analysis, and econ to be able to build up my own ideas. This is gonna take a fucking while but it'll be worth it...
Anyone you know get hired later in life? like non-22 year olds? Is there age discrimination? Or does it matter more that you haven't worked anywhere else?
My resume is completely empty

>> No.19140992

is that the G&S jew?

>> No.19141095

paul tudor jones actually called out his jewishness in an interview lmao check this:

>> No.19141101

you sound like a such a faggot

>> No.19141129

can you take a shot at my questions? happy to hear all viewpoints. I don't wanna be a NEET FUCK

>> No.19141944

Regardless of what anyone has said, the correct answer is have a verified track record. That's it. Most good funds and shops will hire you if you have a good track record and you fit their culture.