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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 75 KB, 499x456, newbased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19137802 No.19137802 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19137809

how do i even purchase this shit
no memes

is it an erc20?

>> No.19137829

I began with 2400 and swing traded like an idiot. Now i only have 400. Will i kill myself?

>> No.19137840

Grats, $3 inbound

>> No.19137842


>> No.19137866

If you was fudding and didn’t buy...


>> No.19137871

You need to purchase ESH token from IDEX, mercatox or uniswap. Then you hold it in metamask until may 25th and you get airdropped 1:1 GHOST:ESH ratio.

>> No.19137873

Buy ETH on exchange
Get metamask wallet on chrome
Send ETH to metamask wallet
Go to uniswap
Enter contract address for ESH to swap with ETH

>> No.19137890

I have esh but I know everyone is going to dump this coin after the 25th.

>> No.19137911
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>> No.19137931


>> No.19137956

Just bought 500. Took me like 2 fucking hours
Now whats the quickest and easiest way to sell this dogshit from my metamask wallet when the time comes

>> No.19137989

Uniswap baby

>> No.19138003
File: 16 KB, 447x438, 46C6CFEA-EC9A-4CF5-B5FA-BD4ACB5EAF69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ what a scam
It’s literally a presale using a useless erc20 for a product does even exists
If there are people that made money on this, you are fucking crazy

>> No.19138031

I knew this had meme magic and tried to buy but I didnt put enough effort into fixing my account (verification isssue) and I feel so stupid. But still buying because Ghost is such a meme I know it will moon.

>> No.19138048

If? Everyone but you poorfag

>> No.19138072

Guess what: I made a x4 and have no intentions of selling.

>> No.19138082

I usually throw an ETH in stuff like this, then take the 2x-10x within a week and repeat.

>> No.19138084

Stop asking to be spoon fed you should’ve been on it before Whitepaper was dropped.

>> No.19138086
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I'm up $11k so far. Unrealized pretax of course, will probably take initial before airdrop. I only wish I had bought more.

>> No.19138090

Yep, that ones going in my COPE collection

>> No.19138155
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>> No.19138172

Imagine how he's going to feel when Ghost is over $40

>> No.19138192


>> No.19138198

It's beautiful

>> No.19138223

I took my initial investment out and am still up over 45k, i got basically a free masternode lol
had a lot of bad calls but this one coin made all my bad trades evaporade

>> No.19138249


>> No.19138251
File: 55 KB, 600x597, 1588163745788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I withdraw my esh on idex, then send it to my ETH address in metamask? ive added the token and the address is the same as my ETH token

>> No.19138266
File: 40 KB, 710x632, locke happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 1000 ESH enough to make it?

>> No.19138285

That was me fudding lel I still have my stack

>> No.19138323
File: 204 KB, 512x463, 1587533988783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin hell m8 gratz

>> No.19138364

please answer will gib a couple of esh if u add ur adress:)

>> No.19138383

Yes, send to your ETH address in MetaMask. That's what I did on Idex.

>> No.19138390


>> No.19138399
File: 75 KB, 882x676, 4534543534545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek i got it too

>> No.19138434

Any idea why my ESH is showing up in etherscan on metamask but not in my wallet?

>> No.19138448

You need to manually add the ESH contract

>> No.19138508

don't buy now, ESH =/= Ghost.

Buy ghost when its on exchange. Keep in mind that BTC will crash anyway in the near future and fucks alts.

your'e welcome

>> No.19138509

Ok I see the contract address, what do

>> No.19138517

$2.07, we've made it

>> No.19138532

Nvm I got it.
Holy shit this is earning profit quick wtf

>> No.19138536

Am I high or did someone say this hit $25? Probably just shitposting

>> No.19138543
File: 71 KB, 1442x602, metamask brainlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESH contract 0xd6a55c63865affd67e2fb9f284f87b7a9e5ff3bd

>> No.19138572

add token>custom>paste contract

>> No.19138591

$5 by the 25th might be too conservative.

>> No.19138595

don't buy now! wait til it's 8 dollars on an exchange


>> No.19138682

Above and Beyond.

>> No.19138728

We're going straight to $40

>> No.19138763

Are you forgetting ghost is a 1:1 drop?

>> No.19138777


>> No.19138781

got my 1k suicide stack for cheap im so happy i made the train

>> No.19138788
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$3 waiting room

>> No.19138816

Me in the middle

>> No.19139199

Ohohahaha is this real?

>> No.19139379

Yes its real

>> No.19139398

That was me fudding bro. I still have my stack

>> No.19139413
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>> No.19139660

How the heck did u buy in

>> No.19139776


>> No.19139823
File: 1.77 MB, 1119x1009, ghostfap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19139987

Is trustwallet going to get the airdrop?

>> No.19140050

This beautiful bastard is already making me money, I can't wait to see what happens on the 25th
If this is legit I'm gonna write him in for President

>> No.19140083

I'm trying to buy ESH but it won't show up in my balance on mcafeedex. Everytime I refresh my wallet, it just shows my ETH amount.

>> No.19140109

Do u see etherscan option?

>> No.19140147

Be careful. For some reason mcafeedex was valuing my eth deposit at $150 per. I lost a lot even though I was buying under a dollar at the time. Mcafeedex is so bad bros he should just pull it until the new dex comes out

>> No.19140146

what do you mean by that? It just says order sent to be processed. I've been waiting a long ass time. It doesn't give me an address to check. For the ETH deposit it did.

>> No.19140180

For me there was an etherscan where I could see pending transactions. I had to copy the address for ESH from there and go to my wallet where it says add token and I had to past the address there and add it so it popped up in my wallet

>> No.19140193
File: 6 KB, 490x170, wtfisthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also how is this true? 0.67 eth is 134 us

>> No.19140279

After I sign in metamask, nothing really happens.

>> No.19140322

Can I get the ghost air drop if I hold esh in a trust wallet?

>> No.19140334


>> No.19140437
File: 19 KB, 358x160, dontmakediffeence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bear with me a little more, but I still don't get an etherscan link after buying ESH (best ask as well). This just pops up.

>> No.19140463

don't use mcfeedex, it's shit.
Swap your ETH for ESH on uniswap and send it to MEW or one of the other wallets listed for the ghost drop in the whitepaper

>> No.19140855


>> No.19140880

$2 seems so long ago now....

>> No.19140953

1000 esh bro here too
we are gonna make it bro.

>> No.19141029
File: 199 KB, 350x442, 1588806822307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're on our way up boys

>> No.19141037

1000 club represent. We might not make it to Lamboland, but we'll be right next door.

>> No.19141063
File: 133 KB, 495x373, 2320-Shiny-Wailmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

637 ESH here

>> No.19141111

Only 207 :(

>> No.19141162

No lambo. But you'll be better than the peasants you used to associate with.

>> No.19141176

>tfw can only afford 10 ESH

Am i gonna make it bros?

>> No.19141192

>up $3,000 in a week
Cope more

>> No.19141205

gotta start somewhere fren

>> No.19141217

Thanks anon

>> No.19141232

lmao it went up more than 20 cents while I was trying to figure that out.

>> No.19141238

How does the cat do this?

>> No.19141270

I can't see ESH in Uniswap. Why?

>> No.19141283

same issue here

i think u need a link or something to make it show up

>> No.19141287

Me neither.
Ended up buying it on idex

>> No.19141296

how much do I need to make it? 500 esh enough?

>> No.19141302
File: 35 KB, 920x457, Screenshot_20200517-024327_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 3k in a week? Lmao at ghostlets

>> No.19141305

8kesh will i make it ?

>> No.19141306


I use mcafeedex and went fine, but Uniswap seems easier.

>> No.19141317

>no intention of selling
then you haven’t made a 4x retard
Its all a shitcoin version of ethcrash

>> No.19141355

$3.00 IN HOURS
>$3.00 IN HOURS
$3.00 IN HOURS
>$3.00 IN HOURS
$3.00 IN HOURS
>$3.00 IN HOURS
$3.00 IN HOURS
>$3.00 IN HOURS

>> No.19141398

You have to go directly to the URL for its Contract string. Its listing on CoinGecko (Switch / ESH) links to its etherscan with the correct Contract string: https://etherscan.io/token/0xd6a55c63865affd67e2fb9f284f87b7a9e5ff3bd

>> No.19141412 [DELETED] 


>> No.19141446


I don't understand, sorry to be dumb.

>> No.19141465

Go away faggot

>> No.19141482

This is the Uniswap URL for ESH: https://uniswap.info/token/0xd6a55c63865affd67e2fb9f284f87b7a9e5ff3bd

Note the string of characters after /token/, starting with "0xd6..." This is ESH's Contract string. This is the destination you send ETH using Uniswap to get ESH.

>> No.19141495

check the etherscan on any address anyone says is THE address before you commit. There's pajeets who can't trade reading these threads and they're trying to scam noobs

>> No.19141500

oh shit. that's the wrong token...deleting

>> No.19141607


Thank you master, you truly are a kind soul.

>> No.19141611
File: 61 KB, 387x480, 1531798836986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't believe 4 years of shitposting in my youth is paying off
who else zoomer and, perchance, making it?

>> No.19141642

I'm worried ghostbros. I wont be able to sell my esh on the 25th because I wont be home. My hands are getting weak. How bad will the mega dump be after the airdrop?

>> No.19141651

Also, if you are in Uniswap, take a look at XIO. Is doing pretty good.

>> No.19141674

do you think xio is going to continue to climb or dump soon

>> No.19141730


>> No.19141745


I have no idea, bro. It seems like it's going up but you can never know. I threw it 0,5 ETH

>> No.19141756

It'll dump but I don't think it'll be that bad. I'm planning to hold my ESH long term.
The team looks very competent and I'm a big fan of them using the sudden influx of funds to buy up other coin projects and their teams.

>> No.19141760
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>> No.19141765

Is MEW eligible for 1:1 airdrop?

>> No.19141777

what's ghost price going to be at launch?

>> No.19141794

What reason is there to hold ESH after it's used to unlock Ghost? Isn't it otherwise a completely useless coin?

>> No.19141804

I hope all of you are smart enough to see this is a blatant pnd

>> No.19141809


>> No.19141816
File: 986 KB, 300x225, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the sudden influx of funds to buy up other coin projects and their teams
Exactly. This is McAfee's baby and definitely not his first rodeo.

Pic related is all ESH holders right now including me....... kick out the jams motherfucker

>> No.19141818

>t. Sold thinking there was going to be a white paper dip and is DESPERATE to get back on the train
Swinging rarely works fag

>> No.19141827


>> No.19141843

Ghost is a very dumb coin

>> No.19141867

The Switch team is going to continue to exist / develop ESH after the airdrop. They've also said they intend to use ESH for additional airdrops in the future. So we'll see

>> No.19141876

I didn’t put much in here, it’s not a bad return.

>> No.19141880

I haven't read up on all of it, but ESH gets you a cut of all the fees from the Switch dex. This combined with the new services they can offer from their new coins will bring in even more cash from fees.
They also own a crypto gambling service now which will have fees that will probably add to the amount given to ESH holders.

>> No.19141890

>They also own a crypto gambling service
I'm getting FUN vibes

>> No.19141905

I already have ETH, is it worth to exchange some to get some ESH shit?

>> No.19141917

Guys i have 6k esh on idex im scared should i start moving it off i can only do 5k a day?

>> No.19141920
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>> No.19141933

i bought 40 dollars worth and now i have over 2000. fuck you incels. fuck you. go buy link or something 1B+ marketcap you faggots.

i'll ride this to 10$ or zero.already took my intial investment so its free money.

thanks whoever shilled this, seriously.

>> No.19141949

ESH is a decent project. I like what they’ve done, even if it lacks polish.

>> No.19141961

is it too late

>> No.19141964

kek I remember that shitcoin

>> No.19142014

i dont know. seriously. if i would you, i would put 200$ to buy 100ESH for now. i rather lose that than miss potential next 10-100x. some say it wil ldump some say it will pump to 100$. just ride it, its a pure gamble!

you will all make it fren. just be awake to sell early. get the airdrop and sell the news. atleast i will do that. dont know what happens but i will sell after the airdrop.

>> No.19142030

how does $10,000,000 sound?

>> No.19142063
File: 280 KB, 424x411, NUTTED BUT SHE STILL SUCKIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mum saw my gains and now she wants $350 worth of ESH.
She believes in reptilians and loves alex jones.
Ghost lovers, everybody.

>> No.19142086
File: 714 KB, 888x894, A2E1DE41-DF9D-4620-852A-26F0D09CDD65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$2.19 per ESH may feel late, until you remember that this is a McAfee backed privacy coin with a solid, white paper’d concept and all of the funding in the world

At just half of Monero’s market cap GHOST will be worth $33. GHOST is a space elevator headed straight to the moon — we haven’t even made it past the first floor.

>> No.19142102

Because you are too stupid to be trying to crypto.

>> No.19142124

This but you lowballed it heavily. There's a reason this is getting this much hype

>> No.19142134
File: 146 KB, 254x191, 1440790767091.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really the stealthiest coin there is, or is it just a meme?

>> No.19142138

is it worth selling on the 24 and rebuying soon after since there likely will be a dip?
although considering many thought there'd be a dump after the wp and there wasn't...

>> No.19142171

>Is MEW eligible for 1:1 airdrop?


>> No.19142193
File: 12 KB, 260x347, contra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. There's a deadline, so FOMO will peak close to it.
2. It's an instant moon because it essentially steals all of ESH's value when people insta-sell after ghost dispersal - raising eyebrows
3. It has a famous anti-government anti-tax crackhead at the helm. He's also running for president. This is going to be donald trump levels of laughs and mooning.

I'm begging you boys to get in while you still can.
pic is me, aryan ghost chad.

>> No.19142203

Less than 500k away from 30 mil mcap.

>> No.19142220

>trying to buy eth with debit card or credit card
>both aren't being accepted by the system

fuck is there a way to send money to a digital giftcard

>> No.19142235


The memes will be too good to miss out on

>> No.19142236

metamask being gay

>> No.19142243
File: 31 KB, 500x473, sadpatrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pray for this man
if australian use coinspot

>> No.19142244

we are gonna make it bro.

>> No.19142245

>bought in at 38 cents
>made fucking nothing because I'm a retarded swinger
hold me

>> No.19142247

Did you not even skim through the whitepaper? Yes, MEW is eligible.

>> No.19142248

>They also own a crypto gambling service
I wonder if this could be lucrative for existing casinos / Vegas / brick-and-mortar gambling establishments. They're all shuttered from COVID-19 and are probably desperate to take advantage of the remote work "new normal" somehow

>> No.19142263
File: 183 KB, 942x926, 1567453822309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aryan ghost chad, do you think a non-ghostie aryan chad will date me if I make it in ghost

>> No.19142265

aryan bick digged Gho$t chad reporting in

i'm looking forward to shitpost with you

>> No.19142283

I have no plans of selling my ESH after the airdrop

>> No.19142303

desu I let biz 4chan spoon feed me,

Ty big biz bros

>> No.19142320

am burger.

>> No.19142339

thats so sad, see you from orbit bro

>> No.19142369

20k masternode big dick chad reporting in. No plans to sell esh after drop. CHOO CHOO

>> No.19142380

see you later space man

>> No.19142382

How do I buy this shit coin

>> No.19142383

it’s a bitch. always good to have some ETH on hand for the next big thing

might as well get all set up with coinbase, use a debit card and wait it out

>> No.19142389

lmao this is literally the biggest scam I have seen in a while but I'm still here for the ride. Picked up 1000 ESH

>> No.19142390

I have my esh on my ledger that's connected to metamask, will I get the airdrop?

>> No.19142399


>> No.19142402

It’s 2020 and McAfee still pumps coins
Unfucking real
Never change Crypto

>> No.19142435

nicely done pimp. you have a server ready? i have 2 spare linodes running redundant backups that are gonna get repurposed next month

>> No.19142507

Tbh ghostbros we can’t sell our ESH

>> No.19142533

what did he mean by this

>> No.19142551

you can sell your esh. it's just pajeet fud because they were priced out.

>> No.19142566


>> No.19142576

ok, so how the fuck do you get airdropped GHOST? what's the system, they set up a website where you put in your wallet and they'll send the equivalent amount of GHOST?

>> No.19142581

You turn your ESH into ETH the exact same way you turned your ETH into ESH, you fucking mongrel. If you're so spooked then turn all your ESH into ETH, send it to coinbase, cash out entirely and kys

>> No.19142594

I'm not a bot unless you're talking about the original person you replied to. Unless I am a very sophisticated bot designed by mcafee. Oh shit.

>> No.19142596

what even is the difference between ghost and monero?

Asking for real

>> No.19142597

Easiest money i've ever made. Thank you John and /biz. *sniff*

>> No.19142610


>> No.19142616


>> No.19142615

Probably. Or it will be automatic. We don't know yet

>> No.19142622

You niggers, I mean after the air drop.

>> No.19142629
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should I take my initial investment out and wait for airdrop? Or keep my ESH until I get my Ghosties

>> No.19142634
File: 61 KB, 372x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One has a market cap of 1.5 billion and the other has the market cap a hair from 30m. You do the math anon.

>> No.19142636

Monero is proof of work.
Ghost will be proof of stake.

>> No.19142646

No ghostiescope and seethe

>> No.19142651

I would help you but I don't like being called the n word. I'm not an n word ghostie.

>> No.19142654

what's the difference?

total noob

>> No.19142682
File: 325 KB, 843x1280, ghostdrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is holding the ESH in metamask wallet ok for ghostdrop?

>> No.19142689

I’m talking about trying to avoid crashing ESH. I guess it doesn’t matter though, that whake will probably dump.

>> No.19142697

yes as long as it's a wallet you hold the private keys to (not an exchange wallet) according to the whitepapers. So a metamask, mew, or ledger wallet would work.

>> No.19142698

Yes, why haven’t you read the Whitepaper anon

>> No.19142720
File: 834 KB, 1160x970, qt patooty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros do ukrainian mail order brides take crypto

>> No.19142799

can someone PLEASE answer with a yes or no?

>> No.19142816
File: 60 KB, 564x846, aryan sissy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you repeat the question

>> No.19142839

Just copped ~2000ESH, I FOMO'd in, shoulda bought sooner but cuck it at this point bros

>> No.19142844

You can use it for tranny escorts and fleshlights anon no worries.

>> No.19142876

what site is that?

>> No.19142893

nvm its right fucking there

>> No.19142896

I only have 100 esh. Should I be attentive right? this is not like btc or eth. it feelks this can be dumped at anytime tho

>> No.19142900

just reached 2.4$ on mercatox, relax

>> No.19142901

It's from a scam site where you have to pay $10 to open an email written by a literal pajeet posing as a hot ukrainian

>> No.19142925

Not worried, just wish I bought sooner. Average buy-in was $2.15

>> No.19143019
File: 482 KB, 1912x679, uhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you owe US government shitloads of money and flee to cuba and are forced to suckle on cuban dick so you make a pump and dump scheme.

It's called ghost because he's going to dip like one with all your fucking money.

>> No.19143157

Stay poor you fucking faggot.

>> No.19143196

From the folks that brought you Nulink

>> No.19143215

y'all hear summ?

>> No.19143237
File: 149 KB, 396x385, 1474156117343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

309 ESH, bought in at $1.82.
Let's see what happens. I predict we'll be in the $8 neighborhood by the 24th.

>> No.19143248
File: 69 KB, 770x960, 95917867_10156809722486402_4055621855359270912_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


**EKHM** ayctually...

the project will be more like ETH,

notice that circulating supply of GHOST will be 13,573,415, total supply 55 million, ATH is 2-something US dollars at the moment.

Total supply of BTC is 21 million.
Total supply of ETH is 110 million.

All time High of Bitcoin: $20,089.00 USD
All time High of Ethereum: $1,432.88 USD

Do the estimates where this can go.

It's still early, I would love ETH if I bought in even at 10 USD though

>> No.19143270

Why not keeping it for 2 years?

>> No.19143272

254 at 1.77, at this point I'm feeling pretty good about this. It didn't even dump on the whitepaper which was pretty barebones but honestly I think this is going to go nuts

>> No.19143304

>I'm up 4k
wew lad

>> No.19143353

aryan ghost chad I had a question too bitch, answer it

>> No.19143388

This guy John Mcaffee looks really retarded. The coin looks interesting but this redneck doesn’t give me a solid impression about what can happen. I. The other hand the Eth guy has a giant Brian and a sharp disciplined Mind.

>> No.19143448


look, big money is behind it.

think McAfee connections,

think that McAfee pushed XVG from nothing to 2,5 billion MarketCap in 2017

think McAfee presidential campaign

think that he is true libertarian and true patriot and knows whats popping with banking jewish system

think that guy is kinda old and wants to leave LEGACY behind him, because he sold his name for antivirus software

>> No.19143449

What are some good selling points of esh?
I was just wondering if swing trading before the airdrop would be viable

>> No.19143451

Based. Wish I bought more

>> No.19143474

Do we know at what time the airdrop opens?

>> No.19143505

Nope. Unless the whitepaper said something

>> No.19143507

You have access to the same public info that people who bought a month ago had. Either sack up and buy some or cry more when it's $4 tomorrow

>> No.19143609
File: 212 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200516-220416_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 900 at $0.81. Feeling pretty comfy

>> No.19143683

Where does blockfolio get it's price from? It's much higher than what I'm seeing with CoinGecko.

>> No.19143720

Imagine taking all these steps just get a premined shittoken that will never do anything of value at all.

>> No.19143802

Boo you gay nigga

>> No.19143833

Doubling or tripling in price is valuable

>> No.19143835

I have it set to mercatox because I'm a burger but you can choose global average, idex (that's probably where coingecko pulls from), mercatox, and mcafeedex, and DOBI exchange.

>> No.19143851

Nvm mcafeedex isnt listed on there.

>> No.19143873

Oh ok, I've never used blockfolio before and was wondering why it was so different. Still pretty new to all this shit.

>> No.19143883

There are more details coming on the 24th.

>> No.19144002

Holy shit FOMO is brutal now.

>> No.19144046
File: 199 KB, 666x1000, external-content.duckduckgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy it here on uniswap retards


>> No.19144125

gotdamn i'll have 30k USD if this even hits $4 lmao

>> No.19144266



>> No.19144292

Too late to get in now. Sorry I talked shit about you retards

>> No.19144318
File: 31 KB, 500x375, 471922267034fb14b16896142c017472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19144334


Ghost - $40
ESH - $2.60

>> No.19144354
File: 55 KB, 543x565, cover1~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you nigs gonna play the airdrop? Cash out to save yourself from the ESH dump and buy back your ghosties or hold through the dump so you get your ghosties?

>> No.19144360
File: 49 KB, 499x750, OOH LA LA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me basedboys, I'm new to this airdrop concept.
Do I do the same thing I did to add the custom ESH to wallet when ghost drops? Where do I find the contract thing?

>> No.19144382

Do you think there will be a dump BEFORE the airdrop?

I assumed it would pump in those final hours and then a mad dash to sell as soon as it drops

>> No.19144432

I'm just going to hold. For some crazy reason I have faith in the ESH team and I came in early enough to not worry too much about the dump.

>> No.19144437

Im guessing it would dump before the drop because there's gonna be nobody looking to buy ESH after ghost drops

>> No.19144459
File: 68 KB, 420x636, le golden man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS if you get the knowledge of when the snapshot is taken you could theoretically sell AFTER THE SNAPSHOT and BEFORE THE AIRDROP.

>> No.19144495

I don't remember what it was but they did say the time of the snapshot. Someone posted a screenshot of it in one of the threads yesterday.

>> No.19144511


>> No.19144520

>I’m thinking.

Yeah try not to do too much of that fuckstick. Just hold it’s the only way you’re going to make money.

>> No.19144538

Price predictions for ESH on the 25th after airdrop?

>> No.19144565
File: 111 KB, 715x1000, pepelove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick drop to $2 and then to the moon.
Check em.

>> No.19144580

And I mean that with the best of intentions. You’re an idiot and will lose money if you try to swing.

>> No.19144594

Everyone keeps saying ESH will plummet after drop but ESH will still be paired with GHC after so I'm guessing it's more likely that the early whales will dump and it will correct to something like $1 to $1.5?

>> No.19144596

>and then to the moon.
Literally why?

>> No.19144623

Its supposedly gaining traction. The team is doing gods work and they are going to be listed on a big exchange soon (TBA). And it should be paired with GHC so if it does well we should see another moon mission

>> No.19144667

that’s exactly what you need to do to get your ghosties on the 25th. Add this custom token contract in metamask to see your esh: 0xD6a55C63865AffD67E2FB9f284F87b7a9E5FF3bD

Feel free to send esh here if you feel so inclined


>> No.19144677

don't worry about the why just worry about how you're gonna spend 5 million dollars
czech em

>> No.19144680

ESH - $32.70
Ghost - $91.36

>> No.19144692


>> No.19144704
File: 54 KB, 564x752, idontbelieveu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey pinky, you know the only reason monero has anyone following it is the WannaCry virus, right?

Who do you think made that, and why do you think they're on the run.

Now when he launches his new coin, as one of the oldguard who can program is assembly and wrote the fucking book on identifying and creating virus - how will he promote GHOSTGANG? That's right. Get on this rocket or get bootyblasted by the exhaust.

>> No.19144899


I don't care, I'm gonna hold ESH, if it will dump hard I'm gonna buy more

>> No.19144990

another aryan ghost chad here, mcafee will land us on mars

>> No.19145185

Can anybody talk me through sending my ETH from MM to an exchange to swap to ETH for ESH, I have my MM setup with ESH contract.

This is babys first crypto.

>> No.19145211

start here: https://uniswap.info/token/0xd6a55c63865affd67e2fb9f284f87b7a9e5ff3bd
click the exchange link on the right and connect your metamask. watch for slip. good luck

>> No.19145222
File: 39 KB, 279x331, 1589050841149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESH was not designed specifically for Ghost's airdrop, it was designed to address Monero's dex issue. The project predates any McAfee involvement and if we're to believe the Switch team will continue as normal after the Ghost drop

>> No.19145239

Cheers anon, I'm looking around Uniswap at the moment, so it seems pretty trust worthy? I bought my first ETH and now I'm slightly worried about sending it off into the nether. Can I trust MM or would you suggest getting a hardware wallet asap? There is so many little bits to learn about crypto, its very interesting.

>> No.19145287

ESH hasnt done shit all day desu

>> No.19145328

$45 GHOST by OCT 2020

>> No.19145357

I bought my stack on uniswap and you can trust MM. No need for a hardware wallet yet. Don't spend your ETH all at once.

>> No.19145370

but lets be real that's only intrinsic value this pump wasn't from ESH great tech

>> No.19145384

used MM for years and if kept secure it's better than hardware

>> No.19145387

>reached ATH
>hasn't done shit

>> No.19145427


>> No.19145429

get fucked, most of you probably bought at $1.60 anyway

>> No.19145445

Gods work anons, I looked around seems like MM is the most recommended for what I'm trying to do.

>> No.19145464

>2.20 sir

>> No.19145472

It's gonna dump hard after airdrop.

>> No.19145518

$45 GHOST by July anon.

>> No.19145605

So when connecting a MM wallet to Uniswap, I try to connect it, it stays in initializing mode forever, whats happening?

>> No.19145625

dumped toward the top for more LOKI. thanks for playing and enjoy your eventual exit scam.

>> No.19145755

It's going to pump until the 25the dummy head

>> No.19145758
File: 60 KB, 1067x663, connect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it should be instant after you hit connect

>> No.19145771

accidentally made an extra wallet and got confused, back on track anons, I almost have ESH 1.5 hours in

>> No.19145781

Why don't you just open uniswap in metamask?

>> No.19145786

see >>19145771
for explanation kek, babys first crypto.

>> No.19145823

God dammit I missed this shit entirely. Congrats bros who made it

>> No.19145854


Wtf you talking about the coin isn't even released yet get the fuck in with a small bag before it hits 1 billion cap

The greatest enemy of success is inaction

>> No.19145878

For real. You may have missed the platinum rush, but you can get in on the gold rush, or at least silver.

>> No.19145880
File: 8 KB, 463x203, Test run complete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Test success, thank you bros, I have a single eth I'm about to move off the exchange, should I watch the ESH markets and buy continuously up to the 25th? I have capital I can dump into ETH right now, I'd be comfy moving 1k into ETH not sure if I should buy all my ESH now or watch the exchange, what would you do anons?

>> No.19145898
File: 15 KB, 260x194, hereitcomes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 ESH

>> No.19145906

so after playing the xio pump im up to 2k esh feeling comfy guys this thing is just on a steady 45 degree angle up. good night frens love ya

>> No.19145914
File: 12 KB, 259x194, fresco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See there's a deadline involved, this will increase the FOMO among prospective buyers. It will go parabolic before launch.
Pic is you trying to time the market.

>> No.19145928

Holy fuck.

>> No.19145931

Eh maybe I’ll yolo a couple K ESH, I have a big LINK bag so long term I’m not worried about making money. Just slept on this shit and it has skyrocketed the past week or so
Never doubt biz, if there’s a thread with 300 replies anons are making money

>> No.19145937

How the hell did you miss out on acquiring a coin that isn't even released yet? ESH has been trading for almost two years. It isn't going away when Ghost airdrops.

>> No.19145952

Congrats Anon. Don't rush, but don't dawdle.

>> No.19145975

anyone else think this is gonna have a legendary run up next week?

>> No.19145986

Huh? You’re getting as much Ghost as you have ESH correct? Which means I’m getting way less Ghost than anons who bout under $1

>> No.19146018
File: 53 KB, 1125x631, neck1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah so buy some now before they get even higher wtf brainlet

>> No.19146021

Yes, you get as much Ghost as you have ESH. If you bought above $1, then you'll get less of a return, same as someone who buys at $10 gets less return than you. If you're doubting it then don't buy any.

>> No.19146028

What was the top price in $ ESH hit today?

>> No.19146031

Thankyou anon, solid advice.

>> No.19146104

when's the best hour to buy eth bros

>> No.19146349

I’m asking why you think this is any different than buying link at $2.50 instead of .20c. It isn’t at all. What the fuck does the coin not being released have to do with anything. It’s still $2.50 a pop

>> No.19146470

This is probably a PND but I think there might be a chance that McAfee is trying to change his image to be more like Elon Musk>>19143448
I think McAfee might be trying to change his image to be seen as a Elon Musk type instead of being a cautionary tale. Or this is 100% a pnd and he owns both esh and ghost.

>> No.19146484

What if you go to sell switch on the 25th and no one buys?

>> No.19146544

Then you lower the price till someone buys it. Someone will buy it at a certain price. ESH isn't literally worthless after the airdrop.

>> No.19146606

Is it best to market order my sell or not?

>> No.19146639

If you have absolutely no intention of holding it and the price is dropping quickly then probably. It is much riskier tho.

>> No.19146667

If you get 1.1 from the airdrop then how if a person buys 100 esh at $10 is he getting less then someone who bought 100 at $1? They both have 100 esh so they both are getting 100 ghost.

>> No.19146741

He isn't getting less Ghost. He might have paid more for ESH but he's getting the same amount.

>> No.19146788

dubs says $45 by the 25th

>> No.19146811



>> No.19146834
File: 9 KB, 217x232, OMFG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19146836

And so it shall. God hath spoken.

>> No.19146854
File: 1.41 MB, 498x372, EcstaticFlickeringBluefintuna-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19146899


can u post original comic of this

>> No.19146903
File: 1 KB, 125x70, 1585027479697s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek wills it

>> No.19147005

Okay you got me, I can't resist the fomo any more. 100 eshies

>> No.19147019

Same. Watch it dump.

>> No.19147192

Basic understanding of math and John mcafee say it wont stop pumping AND Dumping anytime soon. Now if only uniswap would fucking work

>> No.19147217

and there it is

>> No.19147411

feels man, uni swap has nearly killed me tonight.

>> No.19148029

>Now whats the quickest and easiest way to sell this dogshit from my metamask wallet when the time comes
lol, good luck being able to sell it lmao.