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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19137234 No.19137234 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19137255

same I sold everything

>> No.19137268

in the collapse your cash will be worthless paper

>> No.19137355

Why give fuck about debt in a collapse...

>> No.19137378

Nice bait or dumb af

>> No.19137410


Let me guess, 100% of your net worth is in crypto and you are in debt (like most people, awaiting financial ruin when crypto goes down with the stock markets 2nd leg down).

>> No.19138105

>he's still sitting on cash
>doesn't realize the crash already happened and he missed his chance to buy the dip

>> No.19138131
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>> No.19138137

Anyone know a good safe to buy to hold my cash and hardware wallet? I need something waterproof and fireproof.

>> No.19138153

i suggest you check out historical charts on market crashes and following recessions
since the most probably scenario is a slow and long decline why not just 50/50 cash/crypto every paycheck, it's a win/win and stress-free strategy

>> No.19138191

for crypto use dogtags

>> No.19138204

80% of my net worth is in Crypto, 20% is in USD, and i have zero debt. Suck my cock faggot.

>> No.19138225

>it happened before so it has to happen again, r-right?
the fed has never taken such a drastic action like they are now, they literally printed us out of the crash. market's going up from here faggot

>> No.19138322
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+ 25K on coinbase pro

>> No.19138471

This. Everyone is thinking markets will collapse, and the opposite will happen. Everything will reopen. Oil is going back up. Multiple vaccines are nearly complete. The DOW will go to 40,000 if trump is re-elected and a vaccine is announced.

>> No.19138568


>> No.19138693

You're a retard, retard.

>> No.19138725

Either high quality bait or incredibly naive

>> No.19138787


only bitcoin will moon to 20k at christmas

>> No.19138800
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>stacking cash during the largest BRRR in human history

>> No.19138825

You delusional cryptocucks are seething right now because the virus was a nothing burger. Believe trump when he says we will be back and stronger than ever before. Operation warp speed baby

>> No.19139905


The fact you used percentages instead of actual number figures proves your poor.

>> No.19139931

yes. the collpase is coming. Brace for impact

>> No.19140566
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Lets fight:

>> No.19140588
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Tell your mom to brace for IMPACT!!!!!!

And your dad!

>> No.19140606
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Thats what I fucking thought PUNK ASS BITCH!!!!

>> No.19140626

You missed the “collapse”, faggot

>> No.19140697

Collapse was in March........ Now its crab for a while.

>> No.19140741

I've got $70k waiting to a buy major dips in stock market and crypto.

>> No.19140896
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Should have got a lil of this.

>> No.19140938
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Or some:

>> No.19141157
File: 493 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20200516-203226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made more than that with CTSO that I bought in March.

>> No.19141717

What will you pocket from $5500 after taxes?

I have never sold.......

>> No.19141828

I've got 100% in crypto and no debt, with negative rates and UBI coming soon any other spread is retarded

>> No.19141833
File: 587 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20200429-210658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth it. The stock is probably gonna crash later this year.

I'm not selling my AMZN though.

>> No.19141838

40% of net worth in crypto, 50% in gold/silver/platinum, 10% in Swiss Francs and extra $500 in oil future options.

You are poor and you will stay poor, you are not gonna make it.

>> No.19141965

What's the investment strategy with bull and bear together?

>> No.19142208

The bobo comes for the stocks and bonds, mumu goes to commodities and crypto (assets with stock to flow models and low inflation).

If you want some liquid cash just keep a small stack in a currency with a low inflation. CHF, JPY or ILS.

>> No.19142336

The bottom was weeks ago....

>> No.19142397

Based cash holder.
When the 2nd wave hits we'll be kings

>> No.19142513

I only have 6k, but it's increasing the longer the crash wont come. With the last crash I had zero, because I was just putting everything in my mortage.

>> No.19143437

There will be riots in major cities by the end of this year.

>> No.19143465
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>second wave

Lmao retard

>> No.19143503

woah check out all the cope in this thread

>> No.19143747

How’d you get the CHF?

>> No.19143844
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>> No.19145135

Maybe because there might be some economic damage of having half the economy closed for 2 months.

>> No.19145251

What collapse? The Fed just bailed out literally the entire capital market? No airline is going to Chapter 7, no cruise lines, no hotels, no major businesses. Welcome to the new corporate world where no matter what bad decisions companies make they'll never face the consequences.

Oh and all your cash gets more worthless by the day as the methods the Fed uses to keep corporations alive kills your cash.

>> No.19145587

Nah, there will still be bankruptcies. Companies are on razor-thin margins and loans are going to be hard to get.

But the well-established industries like airlines, banks, and autos will be bailed out by fiscal/monetary policies because we basically need to create inflation to alleviate the burden of debt/GDP.