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19133683 No.19133683 [Reply] [Original]

How does someone with next to no coding background go about learning to code and contributing to chainlink?

>> No.19133701

lowest iq on planet earth has been found on 4chan-david attenborough

>> No.19133755

Look, I don't have a lot. I work retail, my net worth is 4000 dollars and it's all chainlink, the 1050 chainlink tokens I hold. It's not a lot but I put 100% of my disposable income every month into chainlink and I'm growing it over time. I want to help contribute to the project.

>> No.19133803

Too many cooks spoil the soup anon

Use your spare brainpower go come up with a business that will take advantage of the new industrial logistics system.

>> No.19133822

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.19133827
File: 638 KB, 828x824, 9AB6EC9D-BBCD-438E-A371-83FA86A9FF5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shoot sergay an email it shouldn’t be too hard you’re basically already on par with the rest of the team

>> No.19133847

fuck off with this spam

>> No.19133848

Improve yourself, work on whatever skillset you want to acquire. You need to undestand programming logic, honestly you’re a long way from contributing. I’m not trying to dishearten you, there are other ways to contribute.
For example, you’re an econ major or a petro eng major, use these next few years to work on a business model that can use chainlink, or contribute to the ecosystem bu providing a service.

The tier at which you want to contribute to link as a programmer is pretty high.
If you think you can get anywhere significant in the next year or two, that’s like saying I want to help fight pandemics this year. Well if you think you can become a doctor in time to fight covid you’re delusional, but if you want to put in the freedom-limiting work to become a doctor, you might be ready by the next pandemic. Even nurse training wouldn’t have you ready asap.
You’re age is a huge factor. You’re life choices have constricted your possibilities in life while also making it easier to decide what skills to hone.
You sound young, not delusional, but you haven’t realized yet that you just need to pick a damn thing and do it for a long time without any clear results lol.

>> No.19133853

Absolutely this. You have the advantage of being in the know on this tech. Use it when your competitors know nothing.

>> No.19133865


>> No.19133925

Great idea, billion dollar corporations haven't developed any real world uses for Chainlink yet, but I'm sure OP will really knock it out of the park!

Also, there is a lot more to understand than "programming logic." Logic is the easiest aspect to understand regarding coding. He needs to learn syntax, languages, algorithms, abstraction, etc. Programming logic is not much more complex than simple arithmetic.

>> No.19134018

These are the kinds of responses from people who have never accomplished anything.

No one here has the resources to develop a business to utilize Chainlink, and if you think you do, you don't understand what Chainlink is going to be used for.

Well, unless of course we are sharing this thread with people that have powerful lobbying power and access to the intellectual and economic capital necessary to, say, restructure the economic model of maintaining the federal highway infrastructure (or the county road system for that matter).

Or maybe you can just make another scam betting project that allows you to bet on the outcome of a random number.

>> No.19134068

Nobody said it was ever going to be easy. My point was you know about this now before others. Try to make something of use with it.
But it's ok, I know you're still accumulating.

>> No.19134153
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>you don't understand what Chainlink is going to be used for

I could say the same to you. Linkies are a higher order internet protocol to feed real-world data into the thing without third party validation. You think there's nothing a dude with some acumen could do to take advantage of this? You think it's *only* corporate chain shit?

I bet you also believe no one makes money without getting a PhD at a 'top school' and sucking off mr. Goldberg on Wednesdays. Bitter faggot.

>> No.19134234

No, I don't believe that. But yes, it is a fact that no Joe Schmo working out of his basement is making a business that uses chainlink any time soon. There's nothing that you can do with chainlink in a small scale that can't be accomplished right now much more cheaply using existing software and people. If there were, people would be doing it. There is a reason that only BS use cases like DeFi and betting dapps are the only things using Chainlink right now.

The only thing that makes me bitter are people like you who refuse to think for themselves and rely on parroting the cliff notes of information of which they've hardly read the summary. You're essentially a "meme regurgitation apparatus." Congrats.

>> No.19134276

unironically I like to shit on people here for the keks, but ... this is just sad