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File: 724 KB, 828x1792, C651CD3D-746D-4D4C-9E77-861D286ABD26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19133657 No.19133657 [Reply] [Original]

>it would take BTC 73 days to mine the same number of transactions.

Corecucks seething.

>> No.19133676

that's it, i'm selling my BTCs for BSV

>> No.19133684
File: 423 KB, 607x972, twsftn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about mining. Go dig a hole and fill it up with dirt and argue about how much work you performed. It is still worthless labor.

>> No.19133698

>370 MB every 10 minutes
>2.2 GB every hour
>1.5 TB every month
How doesn't anyone see the problem here?

>> No.19133706

holy fuck, where did you find that shitcoin to shill... how about putting a little bit of effort for a reasonable pnd?

>> No.19133709

Has there even been close to that much traffic?

>> No.19133712
File: 586 KB, 1792x828, 42071BB2-8386-4834-96EE-FA4D24AE7D15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record this is a log chart and NOT a linear. If linear the difference is staggering.

>> No.19133730

Going to need a weather rundown sirs

>> No.19133733

it's the price dude, nobody cares about FPS

>> No.19133741

Not on any other crypto - no


>transaction processors are worthless

Uh okay.

>> No.19133757

just buy a new HDD every month just to stay on the network dude, $40/month is a small price to pay for being able to verify shitcoin transactions

>> No.19133759

enjoy your giga-reorgs

>> No.19133766

charge your phone

>> No.19133786

Any btc coin holder is seething. They’re all trash

>> No.19133793

I am, thanks fren. Close call. I’m just so excited about BSV that I forget to charge.

>> No.19133837

Imagine thinking your non mining node does anything except be a parasite on the network and waste your time and money

>> No.19133860
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>> No.19133880
File: 255 KB, 1824x713, 7jfv30wkesr11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being literally this retarded about Bitcoin in current year

Just use fiat, bro.

>> No.19133890

So child porn and weather data is 1/73rd the size on BSV?

>> No.19133897

Not any other crypto? Not Stellar which has consistently done the largest transaction volume for months https://coinstats.network/
See that red tick next to your shitcoin? That means the transactions that are being counted are mostly spam, worthless transactions filling worthless blocks on a worthless network.

>> No.19133905

Cash is dead
BitCoin is King

>> No.19133968

There’s nothing going on in stellar lmfao.

>> No.19134036

>bsv is flagged for spamming its network
>spamming bitcoin

Shitcoiners are so beyond fucked it's not even funny.

>> No.19134080

you don't really understand how sync works, do you?
how long do you think ethereum takes to sync?

>> No.19134088

There are occasional test runs where they punch in artificial transactions to stress test the network.

You can see live tx here:


You can also get over your irrational hate of BSV at $200, $2,000, or $20,000..
I don’t care

>> No.19134141
File: 248 KB, 1792x828, 16CBE999-BD7F-451D-A18D-CF11534DDC61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corecucks, Nanites and Stellarinos are literally shaking.

>> No.19134143

>artificial transactions
wtf are you talking about? All transactions on BSV are fucking real. Also don't know where you're getting the impression I hate BSV.

>> No.19134152

the pictures inside BSV are not exactly child porn
it's those russian underage non-nude models

>> No.19134174

but nano doesn't have fees

>> No.19134185

Friendly fire. Have a bandaid

>> No.19134194
File: 146 KB, 1259x768, 1535832446320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not worthless, but they are free. Why would anyone pay for free content is beyond me, but I am sure you will get some boomers interested or something

>> No.19134199

Which is exactly why it's unsustainable. DAGs are all centralized too, so fuck that shit.

>> No.19134204

They’re seething, because they had their brief spot in the limelight thanks to the reddit retards, but they will never be relevant again.

>> No.19134210

You can also get over your irrational hate of BTC at 0.2BTC, 0.02BTC or 0.00BTC...
I don’t care

Remember, your main bagholders are coming from when bcash was 0.2

>> No.19134238
File: 342 KB, 3412x1456, btcvsnanodec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope harder, nano is more decentralized than BTC, and way more decentralized than BSV

>> No.19134284

That's because BSV is running retard apps on it 24/7. SVWeather and Twetch as examples. Enjoy your chain bloat, you fucking morons, as any base layer shouldn't be used for running large-scale components. In the internet of today, applications utilize TCP as a base layer to conduct communication, they don't build the fucking app to run at the TCP level. See you in 5 years when BSV is dead due to chain bloat and BTC will still be under 500 GB

>> No.19134297

Imagine thinking that more decentralization is always a good thing.

>> No.19134304

>official reps

>> No.19134309

BSV is not running anything
there is data being dumped on the nodes, but the nodes themselves are not executing the code, it's all external APIs

>> No.19134311

>Retard apps
You spelled “actual use cases” incorrectly.

>> No.19134321

I cannot even imagine this level of cope.
Fork of a fork, endorsed by a crook and a liar. I almost wonder if BSV is a karma fly catcher for those who follow with this type of persona.

>> No.19134348

Obviously the karma is good. BSV is way up ytd.

>> No.19134354
File: 73 KB, 640x800, nanoissuperior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the official reps are backed by the community. There is nothing preventing someone else from hosting their own node and splitting this consensus among unofficial nodes.

>> No.19134405

how much data can you store in a single nano transaction?

>> No.19134437

Official reps are literally the developers. There is no mechanism that strips them of power. They win the game every single time.

>> No.19134439

You don't store data in Nano transactions. It is purely value transfer. This is how it achieves network consensus without mining or needing to incentivize nodes. This not only prevents emergent centralization, but allows for microtransactions and scaling.

>> No.19134443

>There is data being on the nodes

Yeah that's my point. Enjoy it while it lasts, because it won't

>> No.19134490
File: 135 KB, 640x852, lying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liar. Eat shit, don't let it pass through your mouth outwards.
The devs only own less than 5% of the supply. Most of that has been sold off. The official reps only have node status due to the community delegating 0.1% of the max supply their way. This can be taken away at any time. The developers have no control over this process.

>> No.19134514

>Most of that has been sold off.
Yeah at the high. Imagine going all in a premined scam like Nano. I bet you love all the premined scams in this space. Enjoy losing, faggot.

>> No.19134556
File: 135 KB, 718x783, nanopilot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately for me, I do not get upset when others do well. As far as I am concerned, the all white team deserves every penny they made. Seethe more you greedy parasite.

>> No.19134588
File: 69 KB, 680x680, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. the post

>> No.19134602
File: 39 KB, 932x381, biggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano also had one of the fairest distribution models of all crypto. No ICO. No pre-mine. So just make up more bullshit and spew it, pretty sure most everyone knows not to touch your trash and to hard ignore BSV threads. I come here on a matter of principle, because I know that my cryptocurrency will inevitably absorb the marketcap of yours. Get mad about it.

>> No.19134638

>No pre-mine
>literally 100% premine that used fucking faucets to distribute

Guess who was primary on the other end of those faucets, you fucking cuck moron.

>> No.19134653

nano is the ultimate beta reddit coin. 99% of bagholders bought the top @ 30 USD.
>muh fast transactions will change the world
lmao, nobody gives a shit, you guys are worse than BSV

>> No.19134670

A captcha faucet open to the public. Hmm... kind of reminds me of BTC!

>> No.19134680

>kind of reminds me of BTC!
That's because you're low IQ.

>> No.19134690

You can't really compare BSV to Nano then. I admit that Nano is fast and can be used for micropayments, but that's all it can do. BSV on the other hand can be used for micropayments and a lot of other things. Being able to store data permanently at a very low cost as well as create smart contracts opens up a lot of possibilities. If you've been paying attention to BSV at all you'll see that more and more projects are coming online, and thanks to the unbounded blocks, there is very little friction or fear of clogging up the mempool with transactions. You can basically substitute BSV for any other crypto and it will function faster, more efficiently, and more cost effective.

The amount of BSV fud will go down as the greatest psyop that's ever occurred, and a lot of people, including you, are falling right into it.

>> No.19134726

No because that's their goal once they have 10 nodes the glowies can seize it all.

>> No.19134760

vishnus picking fights with other coins is hilarious to watch, since all your 'material' is on bitcoin "core" you all look like a bunch of baboons trying to shit-talk other projects lmao

>> No.19134786

Fair enough, but I doubt BSV or any current generation blockchain tech is going to be able to scale while remaining economical and decentralized. In terms of value transfer, this may actually be possible, and Nano leads the race. My money will go to whichever system can solve this problem for decentralized computing, but I cannot logically think of a solution, as exponential type growth of the ledger is not a bug, but a feature of blockchain type tech.

>> No.19134796

>there is very little friction or fear of clogging up the mempool
you're going to obliterate your mempool sync time to a point where you won't have a single confirmation done because your block can't fucking sync in 10 minutes LOL
Calvin has to do whatever his swindle is before your inevitable catastrophic failure

>> No.19134807
File: 397 KB, 800x480, colinlevishnu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please buy NANO sirs, it is very good coin I promise you dear. Works now, lightning quick transfers, as fast as Arjuna's Brahmashirsha Astra, used to strike down Kaurava army during the Virata war. NANO is free like the sacred cow, wondering field to field, eating and pooping leaving no waste. This is the magic of the divine animal, what comes out is food for the grass which in turn is food for the cow. Thus the cycle of life is complete with no waste, not even land to be mined or tilled. NANO sirs, I tell you sincerely is much like this, and due to the perfect sacred geometric design of the block lettuce can expand like the flower of life, with unlimited capability. There is no inflation, no rewards, no incentive. It just exists, like ascended Bodhisattva, here for benefit of all. For this I think it is the best long term investment. True revolutionary technologies. Thank you kindly sirs. India superpower 2020.

>> No.19134847

Also i just noticed vishnus are lying 1.3m transactions wouild take 3 days to do in btc not 73.

>> No.19134854
File: 78 KB, 414x566, 1554231815265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as there are fees, the network cannot fully support a microtransactional economy. You are not thinking small enough if even a fraction of a penny must be spent. We are going to monetize mouseclicks son. The only way to do this, is with a free and instant cryptocurrency. And crypto isn't crypto unless it is decentralized. So that leaves only NANO.

>> No.19134876

>my laptop is a node


>> No.19134927

bsv isn't meant to be run on your 5 year old laptop using your consumer grade internet connection. bsv will be powered by google sized datacenters all around the world

>> No.19134966
File: 1.07 MB, 3000x1997, GettyImages-1020194172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's really dumb about these segshitters is that they don't realize Segwit is ran literally the same way. They think their laptops matter at all.

>> No.19135166

BitCoin has the fairest. You just bought or mined it..

>> No.19135193

Well explained, thanks. Articulate fren

>> No.19135210

Why do you doubt BSV can scale?

It’s like doubting that there is a sky above you. Just look at it and move on.

>> No.19135221

Same for Nano. You either bought it on the market (no ICO), or you mined it manually through captchas. Because it was distributed this way, it prevents centralization by way of hardware investment (mining pools).

>> No.19135276

yea lots of illegal child pornography got added to the BSV blockchain and its still there so anyone running a node is literally hosting cheese pizza.

>> No.19135283

Oh it can scale... at the expense of decentralization. There isn't much benefit to using BSV over standard AWS or cloud hosting. You claim immutability, but what happens when the 10 nodes powerful enough to host BSV start hosting CP? The nodes will have to submit to law enforcement and delete the supposed "immutable" content. This is no different than hosting the same content on Amazon or Cloudflare.

If you can present a case where BSV would be immune from having to moderate the content they host, I would be open to hearing about it. But this is not going to be possible with 10 master nodes that are more or less cemented into the protocol. To avoid censorship, the nodes need to be distributed and to be easily exchanged, so that if one node is given an order from law enforcement, they can cease activity and allow a node somewhere else on the planet to take over.

The BSV model is not censorship resistant in the least.

>> No.19135310

>deleting illicit content means you have to delete everything else

small brain

>> No.19135366

Good point. Let’s through away the next technological revolution because cheese pizza.

>> No.19135394

Yes sure because governments are known at not abusing powers

>> No.19135395
File: 513 KB, 990x1500, 1582593465809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say anything like that at all, but if you wish to conflate words and meanings to fit your wants and desires, I will simply redirect you back to this quote on liars: >>19134490

I try not to waste my time with kikes like you

>> No.19135449

They all have to work together to impose content removal. Might be easy for CP, but getting the US to force miners to erase anti China propaganda or vise versa, good fucking luck.

>doesn't understand the difference between immutability and deletion of illicit content

Okay, retard. Even if the CP is deleted, the evidence it was there still exist. It's immutable.

>> No.19135494

No different than Amazon Web Services, LMAO

>> No.19135530

im totally fine with that. BSV is total garbage. ETH is infinitely better.

>> No.19135553

>No different than Amazon Web Services

You don't even have a surface understanding of how a blockchain works. jfc

>> No.19135586

Well you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Good luck with 10 tps max lmfao.

>> No.19135631

Big corporations cant really be held liable for this kind of data, there must be plenty of cheese pizza encrypted on aws, azure, etc.
Law enforcenment would be happy with access logs of people reading it back.

>> No.19135632

>Child Pornography
>both mentioned in the same thread nmerous times
>in every thread about BSV
this can't be a coincidence

>> No.19135651
File: 49 KB, 640x548, lmfao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking lol. You start to feel bad for them after a while..

>> No.19135664

if you don't verify your own node you are just trusting a third party
also, your 'industrial grade' nodes will ALSO not validate in time any block
you don't really understand how bitcoin works lol

>> No.19135665

You know someone is defeated when he says something like this without providing any content or examples to strengthen his point.

Mine is fairly obvious. Shall I repeat it for you again? I understand it is difficult to comprehend some things. Just say the word and I will make it easy for those in the back to understand. BSV is a glorified centralized distributed network. It is more similar to Amazon Web Services than it is to BTC or ETH. It is subject to the same censorship that centralized parties are subject to.

What is the benefit of using BSV to AWS? I can think of none. At least with ETH, I can host whatever fucking content I god damn want. Which is the one of the only serious use cases of distributed technology in the first place.

>> No.19135682

>What is the benefit of using BSV to AWS
You can buy things with it, and it will be financially woven into the fabric of everything in the future.

>> No.19135688

>Law enforcenment would be happy with access logs of people reading it back.
Which is even easier on a public ledger. CPfags are fucking retarded.

If miners cheat the system implodes. That has nothing to do with your stupid fucking laptop. Bitcoin is secured by economics.

>What is the benefit of using BSV to AWS? I can think of none
Because you're a moron who doesn't understand liability.

>> No.19135944

1.3/3000txmaxblock/6blockhour=72hours.... yes anon you are right.

BTC can handle those tx in mere 3 days, fucking vishnus saying corecucks like us are seething, we showed them.

>> No.19136900

you didn't understand what I said, did you?
you don't understand how the sync works and why it works
so sad

>> No.19137035

Who the fuck needs 369 MB of weather information, that's what I want to know.

>> No.19137075

>it would take more than a hundred years for bchsv proof of work to catch up to bitcoin.

sv cuck seething

>> No.19137111

I was explaining why you don't need to run a node and also why doing so does nothing to secure the network. I stopped reading your shitpost after you austically reeeing about "muh nodes muh nodes muh fugga"

If you don't understand that basic structure of Bitcoin then addressing the rest of your post is pointless. Especially since you don't understand that you can validate a block no matter the size in a second.

>> No.19137275

>It is subject to the same censorship that centralized parties are subject to.

Yeah, that's never going to happen

>> No.19137304
File: 140 KB, 1184x872, 1589660586912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing you dumbfucks can say can change the fact that people are making real money on BSV, today, which can't be said for any other cryptocurrency

We already won you hopeless jackasses, you've been barking up the wrong tree this entire time

Micropayments are the true and only use case for bitcoin

>> No.19137528

BSV never hit 400$

Are you this fucking stupid. Can you even Photoshop bro?

>1 BSV = $400.75

>> No.19137628

Yeah, or air pollution data, crypto price data, social media data, etc etc for that matter.

>> No.19137685


ebin trolle

>> No.19137732
File: 112 KB, 900x900, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me try to explain to your gorilla nigger brain
your block go big
big block go too big
too big means no sync
big server have lots of space, but can't sync
sync time too big because block too big
transaction not validate anymore, too big block fuck up sync on big node

>> No.19137966 [DELETED] 

nah man you are just stupid and truly don't understand bitcoin. worst type of brainlet: he actually thinks he is smart. bet you think spv works as intended on bchsv too.

>> No.19137976

You're actually a moron.

>> No.19137985

nah man you are just stupid and truly don't understand bitcoin. worst type of brainlet: he actually thinks he is smart. bet you think spv works as intended on bchsv too.

>> No.19138033

you don't know how to read a log chart do you?
staggering my ass

>> No.19138063

Dumb, niggerfaggot.

>> No.19138083

that you are no doubt

>> No.19138129

Dumb. Nigger. Faggot.

>> No.19138143

did you learn to read a log chart yet?

>> No.19138793
File: 52 KB, 985x753, ELV4y00XsAAiKT2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linear growth on a log chart means it's exponential growth on a linear chart and looks like this

>> No.19138834
File: 52 KB, 700x350, Bitcoinforks_performance_bitgur_may.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV is by far the best performing coin out of any of the major ones.

>> No.19138962

Those big blocks drain your phone battery trying to calculate the transactions.

>> No.19138979
File: 104 KB, 780x561, illicit_material_blockchain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a staple in the blockstream shill talking point stack.

>> No.19139145

wow you didn't understand it yet

>> No.19139166

nope, you're down from 0.2 BTC, which you will never get near ever again
you are struggling to maintain 0.02

>> No.19140030
File: 18 KB, 540x427, 1551107459605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this stupid. Actually I can't imagine it.