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19132851 No.19132851 [Reply] [Original]

General thoughts on physical Silver anons?

>> No.19132879

Its beautiful and useful.
I can bash a burglars skull in with a 100oz brick

>> No.19132878

since 1980 neets like the hunt brothers have dreamed of it mooning.
its remained an elusive dream.
perhaps will happen in the next 50 years.....or not

>> No.19132923

Well it certainly isn't going to 0.

>> No.19132928

This. Even better, leave bricks of it around for them to stub their toes on. It’s also very shiny, so maybe paint them black

>> No.19132934

there's less above ground silver than there is above ground gold. it will moon one day.

>> No.19132939

legend has it that one day a blowjob will cost one mercury dime

>> No.19132954

Got a good portion of mercs just in case.

>> No.19132967

Someone said there was a guy in the U.K. who painted all his silver like bricks and stacked them in his house. They discovered it by accident after he died.

>> No.19132972

Its shiny

>> No.19132997

It's the dumbest commodity, completely useless.

>> No.19133005

sell for gold when ratio pops

>> No.19133082

Lol. I can just picture the burgler cussing inthe hallway as he stubs his toe

>> No.19133100


>> No.19133108


>> No.19133118

then why isnt it cheaper?
>im just sick of the lack of volatility

>> No.19133122

I do the same with fleshlights

>> No.19133150

Not a bad hedge against your portfolio
Don't expect any moon missions though
Seems to be a very good value right now

>> No.19133151
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>> No.19133181
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The perfect way to cash out of your crypto.

Sites like APMEX and SDBullion take crypto for payment, and generally the premium is lower. Fun fact for all of you looking for a way out of paying capital gains.

>> No.19133199

indeed, those digits confirm

>> No.19133226

Silver and gold are great places to put spare cash.I think of bullion like a physical savings account.

>> No.19133249

how is it useless? Silver is in every major form of electronics. Everything from solar panels to electric vehicles needs silver.

>> No.19133252

How many LINK do you own adolf ironhands?

>> No.19133292

Read posts like this and try to convince me that silver isn't a snake oil scam

>> No.19133414

a humble stack of almost 500 but im trying to get to 1000 so i can buy my way out of slavery in the future

>> No.19133442

lot's of blowjobs for you
zero blowjobs for you

>> No.19133457

This is basically the gist of it
Silver is at a good price right now
Long term is will appreciate

>> No.19133486

You won't be laughing when your wife and daughter are slobbing on my knob.

>> No.19133896

No its not you raging faggot

>> No.19133914

Gold for poorfags and retards

>> No.19133951

Better buy some shitcoin made by pajeets right?

>> No.19134006
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I kilo of silver feels so good to hold in your hand. Someday I want to hold a kilo of gold that belongs to me.

>> No.19134418

its not true

>> No.19134715

nigger commodity. buy palladium

>> No.19135308

Just bought another kilo today
Faggots were saying the same shit months ago when gold was at $1450

>> No.19135624

noice bruh

>> No.19135764

one of four horsemen
10k/oz by end of next POTUS term, possibly by end of 2021
over the next decade or two, the ratio between Au and Ag will close significantly and Silver will eventually outpace Gold, maybe some time around 2040.

100oz for suicide stack
1000oz for make it stack

>> No.19135788
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can't stop obsessing over silver, researching coins, making spreadsheets, imagining my stack, imagining secretly cleaning my stack and denying it

>> No.19135821

TFW 6.5 pounds of silver.
I'm a stacklet but I still have 99% more PM than most of the country.

You want a metal you can play shitcoin gambler with? try platinum. It used to be a parity with gold price wise, collapesd to about $650/toz in march. It has no where to go but up, however so little is used for bullion you run into big buy-sell spreads, so you need a big spike in spot before you can really cash out.

>> No.19135873

If you're just buying to hold the metal, not collect expensive rarity, then you don't care about researching coins and instead care about stacking any way you can.

I hope all of you are planning to get smaller increments of bullion, because you're not going to be that interested in handing out oz bars for flimsy fiat until after the new bimetal standard arrives (it might be quad... but that's another story).

>> No.19135911

>quad metalic standard
So gold, silver, copper... and what? Tungsten?

>> No.19136040

Platinum,gold,silver, and maybe some other platinum group metal.

>> No.19136068

not copper or tungsten.
scroll up.
you'll see it.

>> No.19136079

I won't stop stacking until I have 1000 oz
I'm not selling it either, I don't care if it's $1000 an oz, I won't sell

>> No.19136095


>> No.19136147

You are stupid if you didnt buy a shitload of silver a few weeks ago. Price will never be 15 dollars again, at least not in the next 100 years.

>> No.19136165
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has there ever been a more brutal metal mogging?

>> No.19136189

Mints and mines are starting back up post-covid to dump on retail boomers. At least that's what I'm hoping

>> No.19136766

My concern with palladium as a monetary metal is that it really is so useful in industry. Its just such a good catalyst for so many reactions, making it monetary would skyrocket the cost of commodity chemicals.

>> No.19136806

It's silver in colour and heavy.

>> No.19136856

Moons during recessions, you just have to know when to get out. Long term holders are retarded, sell when it peaks like 2011, buy back in after for next 10 year cycle. Precious metals is like clockwork, only fools haven't figured it out yet.

>> No.19137477

I am only selling 50% since this time it feels different, I may just hold my constitutional who knows.

>> No.19137721

Cheap, cheap, cheap!

>> No.19137739

look it up. it's true. silver price is suppressed big time

>> No.19137749

Oh nigger,you can't afford palladium

>> No.19138037

>Well it certainly isn't going to 0.
SP500 neither

>> No.19138126

its important to see the transition you want to watch the process

>> No.19138195

silver, the original shitcoin

>> No.19138219

Lol. Keep coping. Your fake internet money is more worthless than you are

>> No.19138262

I keep a monster box for the meme and a few kilo bars to show nephews when they visit but it's too bulky to really store wealth. I'm not baller enough to store tubes of gold eagles though.

>> No.19138267

>there's less above ground silver than there is above ground gold. it will moon one day.
it's not a valid reason why it should moon

>> No.19138276

>most thermally and electrically conductive natural element
>very important industrial usage
>almost as ductile as gold
>not as rare as gold, but industrial usage uses it up at a faster rate
>keeps (((vampires))) away

Nah, I'm thinkin' Argentum is based.

>> No.19138277


Yea, you could be right here. I'm going to play it as the news comes out, but i still see a bubble forming from the rush of normies entering just to get in on the action = weak hands, mass selloffs. But it's base price i don't think is going to be anywhere near 15 anymore.

>> No.19138284

Hey now that's what you eating for honest days backbreaking work in the fields.

>> No.19138428 [DELETED] 

How do I get started on this? Peasant Schwab equities holder here

>> No.19138455

You only reach that number if you discount "landfill" silver which is perfectly salvageable and WILL be salvaged should the price increase dramatically

>> No.19139204

How the fuck could that possibly avoid capitaal gains. You know those sites report all their transactions to the IRS right.

>> No.19139310

>and generally the premium is lower
It's never lower than good ol' cash on a paper check or e-check.

>> No.19139727

it's 75% joke 25% hope

>> No.19139762

Only transactions of $10,000+. Also Coins such as maples and eagles of any quantity are not reported

>> No.19139820

Looks shiny, but I prefer paper silver for ease of trading.

>> No.19139969

which is why they'll pump the market forever with fraudulent paper keeping the price low with artificial supply so manufacturers can keep making widgets cheaply. please explain to me how this will ever change.

>> No.19140001

based on what? fevered dreams don't count

>> No.19140015
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but my uncle told me last summer that paper silver is "exclusively for homos"

is he wrong?

>> No.19140088
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