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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 303 KB, 965x751, lmaowtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19129706 No.19129706 [Reply] [Original]

Picrelated is just the very first paragraphs. The whole thing sounds like it was written by a pajeet or a 10-year-old and was never checked by an adult. How do you expect a company of illiterate faggots to deliver a good product and not rob you of your money? I sold.

>> No.19129729


Thats British English you faggot
Reads correct to me

>> No.19129732

I'm pretty sure comma before where is optional and "privacy technology" is a single phrase. Never selling.

>> No.19129748

sir behind name is powerful technology!


>> No.19129753


>> No.19129758

Actual pajeet larping as a pajeet.
Whats the time in Mumbai Rakeesh?

>> No.19129802

Stupid American gonna be stupid.
It's called English for a reason, you fukwit.
Go and sit on your Aluminium dildo.

>> No.19129819


>> No.19129824
File: 12 KB, 428x241, 1382451463377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you were correct, there are 3 other mistakes in the first 5 lines.

British vs American English has spelling differences, not grammar differences, you absolute nigger.

He's right and you're coping.

>> No.19129830

Literally means little. I get where you're coming from but it hardly matters. What matters is getting the product out, tweaking it, and most importantly pamping it.

>> No.19129849

the commas you've inserted are completely superfluous, but yes, the grammar is otherwise incorrect. maybe you should check yourself before you wreck yourself, and while you're at it, check 'em

>> No.19129856

Not selling my ghosties to trannies or to fudding jeets. Slag off

>> No.19129861

>we need it to pamp sirs please my family
HAHAHAHA the abdsolute state of pajeets, they are so desperate they need a scam coin to PnD in the hopes of timing it instead of invested in real projects with a team that delivers like chainlink

>> No.19129904

You are right, the whole thing was embarrassing, horrible grammar and sometimes completely nonsensical sentences.

And what the hell is "acurwing"? Spelling so uniquely atrocious that if you google it you get linked to this whitepaper.

>> No.19129913
File: 129 KB, 1399x1703, 71ShYwQzl5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a retard. Put yourself in the position of someone thinking of buying GHOST. They read the whitepaper which is an elementary school-tier word salad.They will not buy. Sell or prepare your wojak memes degenerate gambler.

>> No.19129919

They released 2 revisions to fix obvious mistakes

>> No.19129921

>a team that delivers like chainlink
The decentralized oracle provider that doesn't have decentralized oracles. 10/10 delivery on promises

>> No.19129937

But I'm sure the code will be bug free,

>> No.19129946

I personally am out, I made some nice gains on this ESH train but im calling Ghosties to be a sub $1, its probably going to be some shitty half a cent coin on release, and all you fuckwhits are gonna get your ESH DUMPED on by the 'team'.

pic related these are x2 IDENTICAL exchanges bar the branding, this is one final 'hoora!' for Mcafee , this nigger going broke, and you are all gonna pay the price for him not to go broke.