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19120214 No.19120214 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.19120223


>> No.19120238
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>> No.19120256

all you have to say is "I do not recall" and you win every case

>> No.19120263

And this

>> No.19120297

What is your name?

>i do not recall

>> No.19120329

Well then you must be innocent, please tip the bailiff on the way out

>> No.19120468
File: 158 KB, 598x653, the truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like CL trying to distance themselves from google. its really over

>> No.19120509

This is bullish for BAT

>> No.19120561

They did not a tually say that, did they?

>> No.19120600

Google has more lobbiests than anyone and political connections with the globalist dems. This is literally nothing.

>> No.19120655

Google Twitter and Facebook all need to be investigated for banning and shutting down free speech at every turn. They consistently violate the freedom of speech in favor of liberal fascist bullshit narratives.

>> No.19120717

wah wah wah a privately owned website banned you for threatening to kill Hillary Clinton.
fucking moron that's not how free speech works
you're allowed to say whatever you want, but you cant use someone else's private platform to say. it's like if you spraypainted "kill the libs" on the windows of a daycare
enjoy voat or gab or wherever you end up

>> No.19120986

You're probably just baiting but I'm going to lay some fax down anyway

Way back in the day the courts decided that you were not responsible for the content users happen to post on your site. However, if you actively curate the content and not just remove illegal shit, you become responsible, as you have decided the voice of the platform is the voice of your company.

Tl;dr by deleting shit that isn't illegal, you become liable for everything posted.

>> No.19121122

>liberal fascist
Fuck off boomer, you have no idea what any of those words even mean.

>> No.19121130

that doesn't address my point. youre not entitled to a voice on a privately owned platform. "wah wah wah they wouldn't let me tweet" is about the same as "wah wah wah the daycare didn't let me paint inane political messages on its front door." you're not entitled to it. its baffling that you think you'd be entitled to it.
why on earth would a website be obligated to host your dumb fucking opinions? if you made a website, would be obligated to host SJW opinions?

>> No.19121142


>> No.19121149

>privately owned
So you agree cake shops should have the right to not sell cakes to faggots then? And I can refuse entry to niggers at my bar?

>> No.19121201

yeah i really dont know why the fuck these are laws. like cake shops should not have to sell to gays. if i dont want blacks at my bar, i should be able to refuse it. why the fuck is the government forcing me to sell my privately purchased/made products to others. i should not be forced to sell a cake. i should not be forced to provide entry to a private establishment.

however, i do understand why such laws exist. they do more good than they do harm, but just the ideological premise of them disgusts me.

>> No.19121295

>Just build a completely parallel breakaway civilisation from the ground up then
>That's not censorship at all, because plutocracy means there's a Divine Right of CEOs to control their subjects however they like
No, I agree - Might does make Right after all. And this is why decentralised & uncensorable hosting is the future. It's going to be impossible to silence anyone, ever again. Unless you resort to violence, but then that's obviously what you faggots want.

>> No.19121323

Because one rule for you, another for them goy. Their side won the war.

>> No.19121393
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No one cares.

>> No.19121432

Where were you when google was taken apart by Truman’s laws.

>> No.19121511

Not an argument. Have sex transcel.

>> No.19121568

No one cares because...as you said

>And this is why decentralised & uncensorable hosting is the future. It's going to be impossible to silence anyone, ever again. Unless you resort to violence, but then that's obviously what you faggots want.

And you right hence there is no reason to care.

>> No.19121570
File: 5 KB, 250x174, q5OL30E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19121583

How hard is the government going to continue deflecting the whole "Center Of The Global Pandemic" thing?
Chase Obama?
Chase Google?
Yell at birds?