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1911317 No.1911317 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here investing in powerball tickets?

I do 200$/week and I hope soon I can break off this wagecuck coil and become the millionaire I deserve to be.

>> No.1911330

>this is how poor people actually think

>> No.1911361

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SbHKzpzlgkc this is you

>> No.1911364


You literally have a higher chance of being rich by buying 10k worth of LEPEN and holding

>> No.1911366

you have a better chance of dying tomorrow than winning the powerball in the next 100 years

>> No.1911414

100% correct, this is how wagecucks think

>> No.1911419
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Please leave my shitty containment board....

>> No.1912443

You don't win if you don't play

As I say, if you want to win the lottery you have to make the money to buy a ticket

>> No.1912445

Hey, at least the students and veterans thank you for your purchase.

>> No.1912454

I knew I was always destined for great things. This must be it! I was destined to be the winner of the highest lottery jackpot in existence. I knew right then and there that this jackpot was meant for me. Who else deserved such a victory? I had been through so much rejection, suffering, and injustice in my life, and this was to be my salvation. With my whole body filled with feverish hope, I spent $700 dollars on lottery tickets for this drawing. As I spent this money, I imagined all the amazing sex I would have with a beautiful model girlfriend I would have once I become a man of wealth.

>> No.1912491

Hi Elliot Rodger

>> No.1912499

Usually I buy 1 Eurojackpot on friday (2.5 Euros - the jackpot now is 60 million Euros) and buy two tickets on my country's lottery on Saturday (under 1 Euro/ticket, the jackpot is now is over 1 million Euros).

To be honest I give myself this chance because I started to use the Law of Attraction in the last few months and it works for me in my day to day life. I see that <5 euro/week as it is, only a game and I enjoy playing it and visualizing what I will do with the money. If you play the lottery and feel bad when you don't win, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.1912505

> negative ev
> investing
You have some warped definition of what is an investment anon.

>> No.1912584

This. It's just gambling.

>> No.1912594

kek reminds me of the time I heard a black guy telling another black family who had crowded around him (well 2/3s of one, guess who was missing) that his hooverboard was his best investment of 201X.

>> No.1912980
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Got my hundred dollars in tickets today. Let's see if I win

>> No.1912989

And you don't lose money if you don't "play."

Outside of some card games gambling is a fools game and you should realize you're buying some mental masturbation and not "investing."

>> No.1913011

Wouldn't it be smarter to save $200 a week and then buy a shit ton at the end of the year?

>> No.1913027

I buy a ticket for 2€ once in a while.

>> No.1913039

taking a picture with your phone at almost 40MPH. its like you want to wreck and kill others

>> No.1913046

I don't invest in lottery tickets, I buy the smallest amount of them that gives me the dream.

$20/month on quick pick 2/10 rounds of Mega Millions, and I only buy that like 3 times a year...

250k net worth, should be around 300k by EOY. Won't even need lottery.

>> No.1913049

>one hand holding the tickets
>other hand holding the phone/camera
>car is going 30 MPH
Did you die seconds after making this post?

>> No.1913069

He's probably also smoking and listening to music at extreme volume

>> No.1913083

Dear Lord,

Please let me win this lottery so I can prove that money won't change me.

Your faithful servant

>> No.1913085

>some fat 10 year old wins it over you

>> No.1913092

why don't you just take your 5 euros to a roulette wheel. If you keep winning, you'll become a millionaire and its way more likely than you winning the lottery.

or better yet, just invest that money instead? would you have fun seeing yourself develop a nestegg and tangible returns?

>> No.1913099


The incredibly low chance you do win you couldve invested and been well off. Much quicker and more likely. Lottery is a meme dont be dumb

>> No.1913102

and horrible gambling at that. if you're going to gamble, why not do it in a way where you could actually conceivably win?

>> No.1913109

200 a week would result in pretty nice gains in the stock market.

>> No.1913114


If you're going to blow that much cash you're better off playing the small state jackpots, then compounding your winnings

>> No.1913203
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>one hand one wheel going 40
>1 post by this ID

>> No.1914157

Hell even i buy a ticked once or twice a month when its up but $800 a month??? Wewlad. I will invest my 10k a year thanks

>> No.1914174
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Fucking 10/10 post anon good job

>> No.1914184

I feel good when I think about how I'm not as stupid as people who regularly buy lottery tickets, and I save money. win-win!

>> No.1914330


>> No.1914530

>>one hand holding the tickets
>>other hand holding the phone/camera
>>car is going 30 MPH
>Did you die seconds after making this post?

$100 in lottery tickets, taking a picture well driving, diagnosis: owns many flat brimmed fitted hats. It's retarded boys.

>> No.1914536

It's a better investment than some of the shit that's advertised here.

>> No.1914556

That's me, I agree OP should stop that. At the very least throw it at meme coins.
But I also hate when people who never play say shit like 'if I won the lottery'.

>> No.1914915

Honestly, I do play but the sad fact is that I'd probably be disappointed if I won any of the lesser prizes

> oh hey, 150k, not bad!
> dumped into investments, never to be seen or thought about again

>> No.1915000

This is how rural and suburban retards think.

>> No.1915010

you increase teh chance for the singular draw, but if you spend the same amount of money on tickets over multiple draws, the more draws gives you a higher expected value for the same money spent

>> No.1915056

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.1915159

are you Eurasian by chance?

>> No.1915621

>almost 40MPH
the fuck, it's barely above 30
the government says it's safe to hit kids at 25mph, calm the fuck down bro

>> No.1915922

curious why you're asking

>> No.1915992

Show your work because that doesn't sound right.

>> No.1916046

found a good article awhile back but lost it, but the odds are slightly better because you have the chance to win multiple times