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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19104459 No.19104459 [Reply] [Original]

Name - Curio
Max Supply - Only 2 Million
MC - 250k approx
What's coming, In few days:-
1. Spotlight in Fusion Sphere Magazine
2. RTS TV award
3. Mckinsey's Venture Award
4. New Exchanges & 1st First Ferrari Sale
5. Special AI protocol with EOS
6. Curio Substrate Protocols with Polkadot
7. VR based game portal
8. Defi Loans
9. Aragaon Dao
Available on Probit (quicksignup, No KYC Needed) and hitbtc .
Haters gonna hate, but bombs are about to be dropped. Low supply will show it's magic.

>> No.19104473

>9. Aragaon Dao
So it stole some shit? What's the original coin?
I'm just going to keep laddering into NYZO and LOKI desu. Fuck this Curio shit

>> No.19104478

FUCK ARAGON and FUCK your low cap shitcoin

>> No.19104481

probably i will wait for the dip , it looks like it went up a lot ? i glanced thru the website and etherscan , there is potential for sure

>> No.19104491


>> No.19104495




>> No.19104498

>9. Aragaon Dao


i am so sorry you bought this

whoever put 200,000 LITERAL dollars into this best know how to sell on the way up or BTFO forever with heavy ass CAR TOKEN BAGS

>> No.19104519


Original Coin = $CUR ...... available on Probit and Hitbtc.......coming on more exchanges soon
Most Important......Its First Classic Car Sale coming soon......which will explode coin to 50x - 100x

>> No.19104531
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>> No.19104537


>> No.19104547
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>Aragaon Dao

>> No.19104554
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let's look at the.


>> No.19104558

you fucking retards are LITERALLY funding a Porsche for these faggots

>> No.19104564

10 ETH says "Valieri" and "Fernandareeno" are fucking married

>> No.19104571

These fudders dont even read properly , they dont know CUR is not car token , there are two tokens, utility token (CUR) and security token (Car token) , they dont need to buy cAr tokens ... grow up idiots and read something

>> No.19104576
File: 94 KB, 1242x1149, photo_2020-05-15_12-21-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just 2 add, curio isn't just about cars that's a very small portion of whole business. Ultimate goal is to bring DLT to masses.
Their viability could also be proven by various accolades.
Won the award for best Blockchain Startup of Crypto Valley!
Curio made it into the top 3 of the Block Battle TV Show, Korea. This helps them to share prize pool of $10 Million by SBI Investments.
Curio presented at the two EM-Tech events, WEF Davos 2019.
Presented at digital economy trade show, China.
Prsented at Swiss Asset Tokenization Event.
Curioinvest was single swiss finalist at global UBS competition.
CurioInvest was the top pick for TechCrunch’s Disrupt Berlin 2019.
Mentioned in Hackernoon
Among European most active blockchain project
This list is long, they recently got selected top 10 in Venture , and also got nominated for RTS awards etc etc
Supply is very low and running out fast. this can 10x overnight with this scarcity when bombs start dropping.

>> No.19104581

even gayer desu

>> No.19104610

Dude don't get triggered on this shitcoin's shills.It is and always be a shitcoin.The token does not have a single utility beside swapping it for CURV tokens which if you stake you get some car tokens (no one knows how much) when they do the sales.
This is just another one of those businesses where the token is not needed and they just attached the blockchain buzzword so they can raise their ieo money.

>> No.19104626

shut the fuck up rakesh.

this isn't even a good spec buy for indian gains. i wouldn't accept this as an airdrop

>> No.19104640

if that is the case , explain this

1. why only 300k sold in IEO , why not 500k or 1M
2. Why they are going for exchanges, if the IEO is over and token is not needed, why they need to pay to exchanges.
3. Aragon DAO uses CUR to get CURV token, do they have to do that ?
4. CUR wl be listed on changelly
5. you think a company with such niche business model want to do ths kind of thing to make 300K $ ? when they are tyring to get into millions of $ luxury cars business . Think from ur mind , not from ur @#$@#

>> No.19104646

>Block Battle TV Show,
Ultimate cringe

>European most active blockchain project
You do realize that half of the people on this board have bags of PNK right?

>> No.19104653

lol PNK , 460M ciruclating supply , 6m market cap , these guy dont understnd meaning of GEM

>> No.19104655
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tfw the coin I have to shill is literally called CURRY

>> No.19104659

call it XYZ , but point to the right website lol

>> No.19104668
File: 234 KB, 601x1461, wazirx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do only anonymous , uneducated larper fud curio, on the other hand
Why is it that everyone who is educated and achieved something in life praises curio. Why CEO's call it the next big thing?
Why bittrex listing head, publicly said on linkedin to list it?
Why Huobi gave them letter of Intent?

>> No.19104717

Becaz only Educated people know the TRUE VALUE OF $CUR.......They always research and then take a decision

>> No.19104730

>picture of a pajeet
>praising curio

Makes sense.

>> No.19104763

hhaha they hate currio more or Indians more , either ways they are wrong

>> No.19105210

I don't know, I get the point and I can also see how maybe even institutional investors might be interested in this. But still, it just feels so wrong. Maybe it's because I personally think it so silly to invest in cars. Not sure if you have to be rich to even understand this.

Just a little story: I had a friend who once had to deliver a new Ferrari into some fags garage. The only problem was, the garage had such a steep slope that you couldn't drive it in or out. So they had to use some trickery now. My friend was super confused, why this dude wanted to park a car in a space where he couldn't even drive it out. Everybody in my friend circle thought that this dude was a complete retard. It just feels so wrong.

>> No.19105373 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately u haven't understood Curio at all. The business is Asset tokenisation, Defi Loans, VR gaming and bringing DLT to masses.
Car is just a small part or a start , to gather the right team, bring right people and contacts, have the tech for it, and they have legal approval for this already.
They were toppers of ycombinator accelerator program and oxford incubation.

Just example Lition has a dapp for energy , education , banking etc . Is lition an energy project ? No.

>> No.19105379

Unfortunately u haven't understood Curio at all. The business is Asset tokenisation, Defi Loans, VR gaming and bringing DLT to masses.
Car is just a small part or a start , to gather the right team, bring right people and contacts, have the tech for it, and they have legal approval for this already.
They were toppers of ycombinator accelerator program and oxford incubation.

Just example Lition has a dapp for energy , education , banking etc . Is lition just a pure energy project ? No.

>> No.19105413

Sorry to say, but collectible cars are already being sold for millions of dollars, just google it $70 Million and even more. They don't drive it. It's not the car, it's about the story behind the car, the emotions attached. Mason frank research data also shows among all collectibles, cars give the highest returns.
but then again car is just a small part of curio.
And not to forget curio MC is only 250k and they will be tokenizing cars worth $200 Million.
And again as I said cars is just a start

>> No.19105477

And why would you need a shitty token for that?

>> No.19105498

Coz it means common man can invest in luxury asset class

>> No.19105503

Give the 50,000 IDR back to whoever hired you to come on here with this utter nonsense that NOBODY will ever buy, let alone hold, and go back.

>> No.19105507

I get your personal opinion, same I feel about watches ...ppl spend thousands of $ to get a collectibles watch , i see no point at all , but for ppl who r into it , they have lots of reasons to buy watch , not just investment

>> No.19105551

I get that, it's just that I think it's super moronic. Same with art, especially ugly looking art.

So like I said I know it's a thing and I know that there are enough morons out there who will overpay a lot to put a car in their garage. I guess it's just nothing I would personally be interested to invest in and I kind of doubt that other normies will be interested in that.

But just in case. How does this even work? How does a person proof that he actually bought the car (or whatever overprices piece of shit) and is not actually using it. What happens if that person dies? How do I know that this specific person will be able to sell for a good price. There is no way you sell these things just on ebay or whatever, you need some special kind of connections for it. It just seems so strange to me this whole idea.

>> No.19105567

make sure to dress up and smile vladimir. it's photo day!

>> No.19105647

All formal process .legal , bond/certificate ...terms and conditions ,kyc..everything will be done when u buy car token , but u don't have to buy car toekens ..u can invest in utility token cur and take profits

>> No.19105689


Is the cunt on the bottom left an intern or what

>> No.19105747

>i wouldn't accept this as an airdrop

>> No.19105842

Where does this shitcoin come in?

If I want to buy a luxury car I go to Sotheby's or another high end auction house/dealer. Why would anyone need a fucking token. Explain to me why this shitcoin is needed and how it gains value.

>> No.19105871

Lol ebay .
These are UHNWI :- Ultra high net worth individuals

there is a proper legal process for ownership, u don't need to worry about it all.

They have partnered with Bity and trustfractal to manage that.

and once again u actually don't have to buy the car, Curio is at $250k MC , buy now and sell by month end at 10x the price. If u don't even like the collectible business why bother , but that shouldn't stop u from making 10x

>> No.19105880


>> No.19105900
File: 247 KB, 1200x1600, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes as u said it requires special contacts with rich people. Curio already has it bcoz they own another company Mercuria Helvetica and already have a fleet of some costly cars.

>> No.19106026
File: 546 KB, 1065x1851, 20200515_112634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fucking website. This page is the only thing on it btw.

The company information is fucking retarded as well.

"Mercuria Helvetica is a pioneering company in the "digitization of alternative investments" sector. The company combines the traditional form of capital investment with the future of digitization.

Mercuria Helvetica enables anyone to become the owner of exclusive vehicles in a simple and transparent way and to acquire a piece of automotive history.

Mercuria Helvetica is using alternative technologies to bring alternative investments into the 21st century in an easy and accessible way."

Again why would anyone need this shitcoin.

>> No.19106041

sir can't u see the image above .

>> No.19106059

Bloomberg explains it to you:


>> No.19106060

>Mercuria Helvetica
my bad. it's mechatronic but mercuria helvetica is also linked to them.

>> No.19106078

u small brain
this is report from delloitte on how big this is going to be

>> No.19106281

$CUR ......One of the Best Gem right now as it is still at Buy Range.....ready to explode anytime soon....as Ferrari Sale Launch is nearby

>> No.19106465

He has won

Topper of Ycombinator and Oxford incubation program
Won the award for best Blockchain Startup of Crypto Valley!
Curio made it into the top 3 of the Block Battle TV Show, Korea. This helps them to share prize pool of $10 Million by SBI Investments.
Curio presented at the two EM-Tech events, WEF Davos 2019.
Presented at digital economy trade show, China.
Prsented at Swiss Asset Tokenization Event.
Curioinvest was single swiss finalist at global UBS competition.
CurioInvest was the top pick for TechCrunch’s Disrupt Berlin 2019.
Mentioned in Hackernoon
Among European most active blockchain project
This list is long, they recently got selected top 10 in Venture , and also got nominated for RTS awards etc etc

>> No.19106906

$CUR - Getting more & more exposure.....guys fill your bags it's already up 50%+.......it's even not started.......later you all will cry.

>> No.19107512

Before my entire industry went to shit, I can confirm this company has had boothspace at McCormick Place during one of the tech shows. Judging by the size of the booth, I can tell you that they probably spent upwards of 1/4 million dollars for that space.

>> No.19107580


>> No.19107598

Next DeFi moon mission is FXC

>> No.19108068

Yup they have been travelling all over world. even did a huge presentation in China and recently sponsored a prestigious ICE Racing event . The founders own some of the most expensive collectibles.
250 K MC ia a joke for this project and such low supply , when this will start it's going to be a crazy ride

>> No.19108958



>> No.19109386

All things considered together this project is solid... Realworld usecase, real product, legal paperworks in place curio-STO, ongoing developments, productive team, supportive community ... Cur utility token (only 2m total supply) links to voting tokenization next car and DAO business model. High reward, avoid fomo, pick some cur tokens from Probit Ex, Hitbtc or MecuriEX!!

>> No.19109535

>very expensive soon sirs.. many moons.. up 50%.. feed village many years..

>> No.19109634

Project started a year ago. If it was solid, why is it still ranked in the ~2000 spot on CMC?

>> No.19109746
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>> No.19110794

This company really caught my eye when I saw it. Usually the rental business is very hard, profit margins are tight, so when I saw there was a car rental company that could actually afford space at that show I was immediately intrigued. I specifically remember checking to see if they had stock options.

>> No.19111291

cmc ranking is based on circulating supply they havent uploaded supply of hydro yet , also this is under the radar , out of 5000 projects it is not easy for ppl to find out good ones, and research all , that's where the social forums like this help